倉本 香
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.71-86, 2001-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

周知のように、カントは道徳理論において、ア・プリオリに自ら立法した道徳法則に従って自己規定する主体が自律的主体であることを明らかにしたが、カントが一七七六年から一七八七年にかけて断続的に行った教育学講義からは、カントが教育の中心は道徳的陶冶にあり、その最終目的は世界公民的見地から世界福祉に関心を持つ人間、即ち、世界公民の育成にあると考えていたことを読みとることができる.つまり、カントの教育論はカントが道徳理論で明らかにした自律的主体の形成理論として解することができるのである。その際、カントが自らの教育理論を実践するものとして評価した汎愛派のバゼドウとの思想的連関に着目してみたい。カントが教育学の講義でバゼドウの著書を教科書として使用し、さらにカントがバゼドウの汎愛学舎を支援したことは有名なエピソードであるが、当時の学校には根本的な欠陥があると考えていたカントにとって、体罰や無意味なコトバ知識の暗記に頼った従来の教育方法を批判して「人間の友 (Menschenfreunde) 」としての実践的市民の育成という教育理念を掲げたバゼドウの学校は、「自然にも全公民の目的にも適合した教育施設」 (II 447) と思えたようである。しかし、「明らかに徹底的に堕落している」学校教育の改革構想を世に問うたバゼドウが目指したのは、人間の友としての実践的市民、即ち「愛国者 (Patriot) 」の育成であり、カントが目指したのは世界公民の育成であった。すると次のことが問題となってくる。カントが愛国者の育成を目指したバゼドウを評価するのはなぜか、愛国者への教育と世界公民への教育はいかにして両立し得るのか、という問題である。従来ほとんど着目されることがなかったカントとバゼドウの思想的連関について本論文ではこのような観点から考察し、以下のことを明らかにしてみたい。 (1) カントとバゼドウの接点は、道徳的品性樹立のための指導者への服従・従順という「徳の訓練」を重視する点において認められるが、「徳の訓練」は「法則的強制への服従と自由の使用とを結合」 (IX 453) して自律的な実践的主体を形成するためのものとされること、 (2) 世界公民である自律的・実践的主体を同時に愛国者にもなし得るためには反省的判断力の原理が不可欠であるが、しかし (3) ア・プリオリな普遍的法則と反省的判断力との協働は、カントが考えた、自己の行為の道徳性を判定する厳密な基準を「あたかも道徳的であるかのように」合目的的に考えられた別の基準にすり替えてしまうことに等しく、そのために、本来ならば道徳法則に従う自律的な世界公民のための教育が、自己を「あたかも道徳的であるかのように」思いこむだけのたんなる愛国者の育成となってしまう可能性があることを指摘する。 (4) そして最後に、ア・プリオリな道徳法則によってのみ意志が規定されるというカント実践哲学の基本的枠組みを再度見直し、道徳性の超越的な基準とともに普遍的法則を自らに対して与えるということが自由な行為の可能性の制約そのものであり、この制約によってのみ世界公民への教育が可能となることを確認したい。
北詰 裕子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.87-103, 2001-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

This paper attempts to describe Jan Amos Comenius' cognition of “things” with special reference to language and picture in the Universal Language Schemes, schemes that typically present relations between things and words in the 17th century. For that purpose we compare Comenius and John Wilkins, his contemporary, who had influenced each other.Comenius supposed that “things” themselves are concrete presentations of Ideas. In contrast, Wilkins thought that things might be composed of “notions”. This difference divides their forms of Universal Language into concrete “picture” and abstract “character”, respectively.While Comenius tried to represent “things themselves” visually as Universal Language in the form of picture, Wilkins tried to represent “things as constructed from notion” by Real Character as Universal Language.Complying with each belief, Comenius and Wilkins on the contrary tried to tie things with words that had been commonly dissociated each other, and tried to represent them in a set of correct order. In this rational representation of the world, Comenius's pedagogical approach has been located in the modern educational context.
市村 尚久
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.104-116, 2001-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

藤井 千春
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.131-136, 2001-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

岡田 渥美
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.1-18, 2001-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

There has never been such a period as today when almost all issues and aspects of education appear to be enthusiastically discussed, when lots of records and documents have been accumulated and equipped educators and academics with abundant information, and when various kinds of practical efforts have been made and new pedagogic methods have been actively experienced. Nevertheless, education is, indeed, losing its substantiality. For it has decayed and deteriorated into 'formalism' as its philosophy has been regarded as unpractical, and therefore, insignificant and largely negligible. People's skepticism towards philosophy of education has, it seems, led them to heated, yet self-exhaustive, discussions on education. Any argument or effort is bound to be ineffective and of little importance unless it is our own existential volition. Our wasted efforts for educational reforms, as well as the unsatisfactory status-quo surrounding education, originate presumably in the lack of our 'transcendental' vision of education. For education lies in our appraisal of the traditional vision of the sound human world. The chapters dealing with the following issues shall demonstrate my thesis : 1. Preliminary Consideration2. The Age of Bewilderment3. Poverty in Prosperity4. The Crisis of Education5. Education and the Transcendental Viewpoint6. Oblivion and Renaissance of Transcendency
西平 直
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.19-37, 2001-11-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

The so-called Postmodern philosophy is the philosophy of de-construction wherein the ontological basis of the modern human sciences has been destroyed. We have to look for a new perspective of Life Cycle. This paper tries to find a new framework from Eastern philosophy. Eastern philosophy is a philosophy of de-construction, but it is a philosophy of re-construction as well. The category of “Eastern philosophy” in this paper is strictly limited to the wording of Toshihiko lzutsu. In a word, this paper intends to re-construct the way we perceive child development from the perspective of Eastern philosophy as structured by lzutsu.In order to simplify my discussion, I made a chart which illustrates three processes;Process A is the way to construction, or the way of child development, in which he/she establishes the ego, acquires the language, and makes boundaries through the grid of language. (Izutsu called this grid “semantic articulation”).Process B is the way to de-construction, or “Oh-so (往相) in Buddhism. This is the way in which one leaves from the ego, loses boundaries through dissolving the grid of language, and becomes more subtle and fluid.Process C is the way to re-construction, or” Gen-so (還相) in Buddhism. This is the way in which one returns to the world of ordinary consciousness, but in “a double perception”. Through this process individual phenomenal beings are recovered. But those who have once experienced the state of no-boundary are so radically transformed that they never forget a viewpoint of no-boundary. In this sense, the perspective of Eastern philosophers can be called 'a double perception'.Eastern philosophers (the sages who have once experienced “Non-Being” and came back to the ordinary consciousness) open for us a possibility to see children in two different dimensions, i.e., as those determined by our ordinary boundaries, and as those completely free from all boundaries. What kind of image of children do Eastern philosophers suggest to us in their 'double perception'? What do they teach us about the different phases of child development which we cannot recognize within our ordinary 'single perception'? This is the starting point to read anew Eastern philosophers' texts from the viewpoint of child development or Life Cycle.
丸山 恭司
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.38-53, 2001-11-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

Teaching is somehow a difficult activity. Teacher's voice does not always reach learners. They may misunderstand or even not understand their teacher at all.The purpose of this paper is to explicate the logical, structural origin of the difficulty of teaching and to show that the difficulty is not always caused by insufficient abilities of individual teachers. I argue that 'otherness' and 'transcendency' as properties of teaching bring about the difficulty of teaching, but also that, since they are implied in teaching logically, the difficulty is unavoidable.First, I criticize a tendency of applying the general theory of the Other to education because the general theory overlooks the nature of otherness in education. The other in education is better characterized in terms of a stranger rather than of an absolute Other who cannot be comprehended. Because of the qualitative difference between teacher and learner with regard to what is to be taught, the teacher turns out to be the other as a stranger to the learner and vice versa. This qualitative difference is essential to teaching. Without the difference, teaching would turn into telling. Then, by examining the use of the word 'tranzendental' in Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico-philosophicus, I show that the transcendency of the unsayable, or the impossibility of its access through language, is also essential to teaching.Failure in teaching occurs in spite of any effort by teachers because otherness and transcendency are logically implied in teaching. It is an ethical stance of teachers, thus, to be involved in teaching after recognizing the logical inevitability of the difficulty of teaching.
伊藤 敏子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2001, no.84, pp.54-70, 2001-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Inmitten der sogenannten “Epoche der Reformpädagogik” gründete Hermann Lietz die Landerziehungsheim-Bewegung, deren Hauptanliegen in der religios-sittlichen Neugeburt durch die Erziehung bestand. Diese Bewegung bescherte den Zoglingen, im strengen Unterschied zur herkommlichen Unterrichtsschule der “dekadenten” sädtischen Zivilisation, gemeinschaftliche ländliche Erziehungsheime zur Bildung von “harmonischen, selbständigen Charakteren”, deren “innerliche Erbauung” in der Gemeinschaft auf das Reich Gottes ausgericht war.Die Landerziehungsheim-Bewegung weckte am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts auch in Japan ein folgenreiches Interesse und führte zur Gründung eines Dutzends von Reformschulen. Diese Schulen legten großen Wert auf die innerliche Erbauung, oft in einem synkretistischen Geist zwischen Christentum und Buddhismus, wofür die Schule Kuniyoshi Obaras ein gutes Beispiel ist. Der imperialistische Zeitgeist verhinderte zwar eine unvoreingenommene Rezeption der christlichen Erziehungsideale, ihr Einklang mit den Idealen einer buddhistischer Gläubigkeit in der Vorstellung der innerlichen Erbauung hatte jedoch einen nachhaltigen Einfluß auf die Gemütsbildung.Die Religiosiät der Landerziehungsheim-Bewegung grenzte sich sowohl bei Lietz als auch bei Obara von der Orthodoxie ab. In der individualisierenden “innerlichen Erbauung” findet sich immer eine “religiose” Kosmologie, die sich vom bestehenden System abgrenzt. Die kollektivierende “innerliche Erbauung” ist hingegen stets mit einem “religiosen” Volksideal verbunden, das auf einen historischen Heros ausgerichtet ist.