紀谷 文樹 市川 憲良
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.359, pp.24-30, 1986-01-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Many research works were carried out for the estimation of the number of fixtures. However, the method on t:he layout of the sanitary fixtures have not been clear theoretically. The results of the investigations for 6 buildings have shown that the frequency of usage of the sanitary fixtures were changed by the types of the layout. The results are shown as follows ; 1. There are many cases that the water closet and urinals are installed in the depth direction from the entrance. And the fixtures being near the entrance are generally used more than the others. 2. There are few difference of the frequency of usage for the fixtures being same distance from the entrance. 3. The case of the wash basin are installed in the same plane with the water closet and urinals, the wash basin being near those fixtures are used more than the others. 4. The case of the wash basin are installed in the rectangular or counter position of the water closet and urinals, there are a few difference of the frequency of usage, and the fixtures being near the exit are used some more than the others. Finally the authors discussed that those results infulenced for not only the layout of the fixtures but also planning of piping and maintenance.
伊藤 重剛
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.425, pp.113-122, 1991

1.はじめに前報では古典古代の神域の配置計画について分析し,とくにヘレニズム期およびローマ期の神域が,グリッドを用いて平面が計画されていることを述べた。最初グリッドで基本計画が決定されると,次の段階で様々な微調整が行われ,さらに詳細部が決定されていくと仮定し,現在遺跡に見られる建築遺構について,最終的な寸法がどのような手順を経て決定されたかを実証した。本稿では,このグリッドあるいはそのグリッドの1単位であるモジュールを使用して,神域のみならず単体の建築も設計されたことを示し,また最終寸法が決定されるまでの過程を実証する。2.オリンピアのレオニダイオンレオニダイオンはオリンピック競技の参加選手や役員の宿泊施設として,紀元前4世紀の中頃に建設された。建物各部の寸法を,古代尺の1ftを0.3m前後と考えてこれに換算し,この換算値による各部の比の値ができるだけ簡潔で,できるだけ端数のない寸法となるような1ftの値を探す。分析の結果,中庭列柱の真々距離29.67mを100ftと仮定したイオニア尺に相当する0.2967mが,1ftの値としてもっとも合理的な値と判明した。これをもとにして,設計の手順を次のように推定した。最初にまず,設計の基本モジュールを35ftと決めグリッドを設定した。このグリッドは各部屋の基本寸法とされ,それぞれ6個ずつが正方形をなす形で配置された。そしてこの部屋群の内側と外側それぞれに,奥行き20ftのペリスタイルの列柱廊を廻した。この時点で内側列柱の長さは真々で100ft,外側列柱の長さは同じく250ft,並んだ部屋群は内側140ft外側210ftの大きさとなった。ところが,西側に配列された部屋の前にそれぞれ奥行き20ftの前室が付加され,最終的に東西方向の外側列柱の長さは270ftと変更された。ドリス式の内側列柱は真々100ftの長さで,柱数は各辺12本である。標準柱間は微調整ののち9_<1/16>ft,隅の柱間は9_<3/16>ftと決定された。現在の柱直径と柱間の関係から判断して,本来は集柱式であったと考えられ,その関係を当てはめて柱の直径は最終的に2_<15/16>ftとされた。イオニア式の外側列柱については,基本計画で真々長さ250ftと270ftとされた。また真々柱間は7_<1/2>ftとされていたが,最終的に7_<9/16>ftおよび7_<17/32>ftと微調整された。3.エピダウロスのギムナジオンヘプフナーによると,年代は紀元前3世紀とされている。オリンピアのレオニダイオンと同じ方法で1ftの俑を想定して,設計の手順を推定する。まず最初に,35ftを1モジュールとして,グリッドが設定された。そしてこれによって,東側と西側の外提長さが227_<1/2>ft(6.5モジュール),北側と南側のそれが210ft(6モジュール),東・西部屋幅,南部屋幅が43_<1/8>ft(1.5モジュール),北部屋幅十柱廊幅が42_<1/2>ft(1.25モジュール),中庭列柱廊長さが140ft(4モジュール)と決定された。さらに中庭ペリスタイルの列柱の真々長さが. 100ftの完数の値で決定された。ここまでが,一応第一段階となり,35ftのグリッドを用いて全体の基本的な形が決定された。次に第二段階に入り,部屋の割り付けが決められる。南側の部屋割りは,主室(Y)に建物の東西幅を9等分しその7/9をあて,両側にある3室には1/9をあてている。つまり1:7:1の比で分割している。東側の一連の部屋(Q, R, S, T, U)とそれに対応する部屋(H, I, J, K, L)は基本的に3モジュールの大きさで,それを東側の部屋群では1:8:1に分割し,西側では60ftという完数と43_<3/4>という1.5モジュールに相当する寸法に分割した。北側の部屋群は第一段階の分割をそのまま踏襲した。4.結論以上の考察から,これら二つのペリスタイルの建物が,どちらも1モジュールを35ftとするグリッドプランで,計画されたことが明らかになった。35ftという寸法がどちらにも共通していることから,これはヘレニズム時代の初期から中期にかけての,こうしたレオニダイオンのような宿泊施設やギムナジオンなどの,実用的な建物の部屋の基本単位として,標準的な大きさのひとつだったと考えられる。一旦基本計画が決められると,その後は簡潔な比例を用いたり,完数のftの寸法を用いたりしながら,各部分の寸法を決定し,最後に隅の柱間などの微調整が行われた。
織田 直文 玉置 伸悟
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.426, pp.101-110, 1991-08-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
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This paper analyzes the necessary conditions why the actual plan of the First Lake Biwa Drainage Project was realized. The conclusions are as follows, 1) Kyoto City was in need of promoting the social and economical development since she had never had successful projects. 2) The idea for the development of the multi-purpose canal had been already learned on 1885. 3) Mr. Kunimichi Kitagaki was inaugurated as Governor of Kyoto Prefecture on 1881, and he had an earnest passion for the town and country development.
織田 直文 玉置 伸
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.439, pp.81-89, 1992-09-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
1 1

This paper analyzes the process how the government sanction had been obtained to the plan on the First Lake Biwa Drainage Project. The conclusions are as follows, 1) Distinguished officials in Meiji Government agreed to this plan, because they had pursued the modernization of the town and country to build up the national power. 2) Public Works Bureau in the Ministry of National Affairs under the influence of Chosyu Group, approved this plan in 1885, after driving away the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce under the influence of Satsuma Group. 3) Kyoto Prefecture had arranged the reasonable plan, the financial estimate and resources for this project upon which Meiji Government was able to step into the agreement on the sanction.
小野 恭平
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.393, pp.72-81, 1988-11-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

"Yamasato" is the place where the many villas of Aristocratics in Heian period were built. And it had been recognized as an aesthetical world. Then, in this paper, I tried to make clear it's beauty and foundmental image through the Heian Period Literature. Contents are as follows; 1. Preface 2. Geographical image of Yamasato 3. Foundamental image of Yamasato 3-1 Loneliness of Yamasato 3-2 Image of season and landscape of Yamasato 4. Loneliness and Beauty of Yamasato 5. Conclusion
高井 昭
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.448, pp.139-149, 1993-06-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The purpose of this paper is to present a reconstitution of a building from the 1557 Hinokuma-Kunikakasu-jingu main shrine. The present drawings are based on writings dated 1557, parts of the Kii-Zoku-Fudoki and the three drawings from the medieval period. We have found that the 1557 reconstruction of the main shrine (a width of 7 bay and a depth of 5 day) is one size larger than the present main shrine (a width of 5 bay and a depth of 3 bay). Further, from the Hinokumagu-Nenju-Shinjiki, written in 1399, we can infer, for example, the location of the "naigu", the "gyokuden" and the"midan". We found that the 14th century and 16th century constructions had also many points in common.
山野 善郎
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.409, pp.151-159, 1990-03-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

This paper examines a popular understanding that the Seiden of Daijokyu and the Honden of Sumiyoshijinja had a common root of their styles in ancient time. We can confirm the plan of the Seiden of Daijokyu in Nara period by the report of its excavation. It's separated into two parts by a pair of columns. Some plans of important buildings of the residences and palaces at that time are similar to it. On the other hand, we aren't able to certify the plan and style of the Honden of Sumiyoshijinja by any proof before the Middle Ages. The theory that the style of a Shrine's Honden must be succeeded exactly by regular reconstructions will not apply to this case. Because there aren't evidences enough to trace the reconstraction from Nara period through Edo period. Therefore we conclude that the similarities between these two buildings should be interpreted more the general statement of design and space than the exact statement of history.
岡野 清
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.425, pp.141-154, 1991

The Jyodoshu sect has begun from the end of of 12th century, but the style of its main hall has not been fixed during the Middle Age. Seeing from the buildings which were built at the end of 16th C. to early 17 th C., we can find that they were built according to residencal style, sometimes only decorated in Naijin (central room). In these buildings the Wakinomas (both side of Naijin) were widdened, as the rooms of believeres with Gejin (the front room). Because Naijin and Ihainoma (back side of Wakinoma) are sacred places, they were separated to other rooms with Kekkai (low screen). We will discuss these characterristics and their origin.
中村 恵三
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.365, pp.84-92, 1986

青木 義次 湯浅 義晴
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.449, pp.47-55, 1993
21 16

We can find various types of extensions of private commodities such as plant-boxes, bicycles and other household goods in alley-space which tenement style houses are faced. We sometimes assert that the closed type public space facilitates private use more than the open type. But, the results of five surveys on the private commodities in 53 alley-spaces reject this hypothesis. These suggest that habitants in the open type alley-space use public space privately for making their tight community space and their behavior do not block the passage in public alley-space.
若山 滋 藤原 隆
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.405, pp.141-147, 1989
6 1

We find out the Japanese emotion in mediaeval times with one's architectural space, as the result of analizing and considering the architectural terms in KOKINSYU and SHINKOKINSYU. In KOKINSHU,in the terms represent house, YADO is superior to other terms. And it find out the pessimism is related life from poet that include SUMAU. In SHINKOKINSHU, YADO is ordinary used, and IHO is appeared. These mean that the aesthetic of temporary and WABI residence are developed in emotion of this age. And we find out that emotion of architectural space grew variety from the terms represent part increased.
山本 達也
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.445, pp.133-139, 1993-03-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

This paper researches about development of dervish lodge that relates with popularization of Sufism. Various bektash dervish lodges in Turkiye were analysed in this research. Popularization of Sufism had two steps. First, Sufism joined men came to the stage, constructing tombs, meeting and pilgrimage rooms which had axis and Islamic proportion were built. Second step was patterned training (style of whirling dance). Beside to whirling dance room, library, Turkish bath and madrasa were constructed. In these buildings Islamic proportion and axis couldn't seem except the axis through Mecca.
伊藤 裕久
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.382, pp.120-129, 1987-12-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

This paper, taking Futsuka-machi, Tozan-Nakaokutama Village, Iwai District in the area of Sendai clan as an example, clarifies the historical process of the formation of the town belonging to the countryside in Tohoku area in the Edo period through an analysis of the town form and its historical materials. This town originated in a late medieval small castle town which had been founded under a fort, and this restricted its reconstruction in the early Edo period (about 1639). Features of this reconstruction are as follows ; (1) Machikonoshn who were the habitants of Machiyashiki (townhouse) established their own community, and reconstructed the town by themselves. Particularly they built a streight street which had a L-shaped bend at the south end of the town. This arrangement arised from their consciousness of the regularization of Mchinami (townscape on a street). (2) On the east side of the street lined Machiyashiki, and on the west was the huge farmhouse, originated in Zaike (a type of medieval farmhouses), which didn't belong to the town community. Such difference of dwelling places on each side of the street had been succeeded since the late medieval ages. (3) The area of Machiyashiki is of a small scale as compared with others in this village, and its frontage was divided almost equally. However the habitants had large differentials in landholding. This is one of the characteristics of the townplanning in Tohoku area in the early Edo period.
浅香 勝輔
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.429, pp.115-127, 1991-11-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Yokohama, one of the most famous international port cities in Japan, is excellent in its urban design. It is of course ascribed to the superiority of the city planning, and in addition to this, the planning is noticed to be very attentive to even such public facilities as crematoriums. This fact has been clarified in the present study in relation to the history of the city formation of Yokohama since the Meiji era.
高橋 恒夫
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.363, pp.125-135, 1986-05-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
1 1

The purpose of this paper is to inspect the Kesen-carpenters and their genealogies on the construction of shrines and temples through the investigations on both the Munafuda and the documentary records of the Edo and the Meiji periods. The contents of this paper are as follows. Introduction. 1. Examples on both the Kesen-carpenters and their construction of shrines and temples. 2. Forms of the Kesen-carpenter's works. 3. Genealogies of the Kesen-carpenter's techniques. Conclusion.
松崎 照明
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.419, pp.89-98, 1991-01-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

In this paper 1 intend to clarify all of the styles and the characteristics of "Kakezukuri" in the Ancient and the Middle ages in Japan. And this paper consists of the following chapters. I "Kakezukuri" has the rock which is in the principal hall(naijin), and believed in ; From the early to the middle of Heian period. II "Kakezukuri" is built in the cave and on the big rock ; From the late of Heian to the Middle ages. III The other cases ; From the end of Heian to the Middle ages. I will present the structure, which is under the floor of "Kakezukuri" in the other part of this series.
中村 恵三
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.365, pp.84-92, 1986-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

本杉 省三
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.389, pp.92-107, 1988-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Dieser Aufsatz zeigt als Fortsetzung des letzten Berichtes die grundsatzliche Denkweise der Verfasser liber die Btlhnenplanung fUr reibungslose Opernauffuhrungen. Im letzten Aufsatz wurden zunachst die MaBe der Haupt-blihnenflache im Zusammenhang mit den MaBen der Portalsffnung, die bei der Bilhnenplanung als ein wichtiges Element betrachtet wird, und der Dekorationsflache der Bllhnendekoration behandelt und die grtlndsatzlichen MaBe der Hauptbtihnenflache dargestellt. Damals habe ich die Btlhnendekoration als statische Konstruktion analysiert, aber jetzt habe ich versucht, den inszenierten Raum als kontinuierliche Konstruktion, die sich mit der Entwicklung der Szene Sndert, zu verstehen. In diesem Aufsatz habe ich mit der Berlicksichtigung der tatsachlichen Anwendungen der Bilhnenwagen, Versenkungen und Drehscheiben bei der Konstruktion oder des Wechsels der einzelhen Szenen liber (1) Konstruktion und Blihnenwechsel der Blihnendekoration (2) Art und Weise des Blihnenwechsels eine Analyse durchgeftihrt und dazu Betrachtungen angestellt. Und daraus habe ich zu den folgenden Punkten ftir die Nebenblihnen, die die Hauptblihne unterstlitzt, und dem Blihnenwechselsystem mein Gedanke dargestellt I (1) Blihnenwagen als Blihnenwechselsystem (2) MaBe der Offnung zwischen der Hauptblihne und Seitenbtihne (3) Mb'glichkeiten nach der VergroBerung des Seitenbtihnenwagens (4) Teilung und Antrieb des Blihnenwagens