長谷川 昌美 坂元 秀樹 〓 小虹 位下 幸子 白川 貴士 大谷 香 高見 雅司 高見 毅司 石井 裕子 佐藤 和雄
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03009165)
vol.47, no.5, pp.479-485, 1995-05-01

Estra-1,3,5 (10)-triene-3,17-diol (17β)-, 3-[bis(2-chloroethyl) carbamate] (Estramustine : 以下EMと略)は estrogen (E)に nitrogen mustardを結合させた抗腫瘍剤である. その効果は微小管阻害作用によるものとされ, Eの抗androgen作用と相乗させることで前立腺癌の経口抗癌剤として現在使用されている. 我々はこの抗癌剤の構造骨格である Eに着目し, この製剤がE受容体(ER)をもつ腫瘍に対するミサイル療法剤となる可能性を検討した. ヒト子宮体癌細胞株Ishikawaならびに当科で分離樹立した E非依存性の亜株 EIIL (Estrogen Independent Ishikawa Line)に対し in vitroにおけるEMの効果を検討した.その結果, (1) EMは濃度依存性にIshikawaおよびEIILの増殖を抑制したが,そのID50はIshikawaでは12μM, EIILでは65μMであった. (2) EMの培養系への添加は腫瘍細胞の剥離とDNAの断裂を起こしたが, この断裂は90 base pairの整数倍であった. (3) EM添加後にc-erbB-2, fasならびに nidogenの発現を β-actinの発現に比較して検討した. Ishikawaの c-erbB-2の発現は対照群で0.98±0.12 (X^^-±SD, n=3), EM群で1.02±0.23, EIILではそれぞれが0.99±0.34, 0.95±0.43. fasはIshikawaの対照群で0.89±0.20, EM群では 0, EIILでは対照群1.13±0.54, EM 群で1.35±0.78とIshikawaにおいてのみ有意 (p<0.01)のfas発現抑制がみられた. nidogenの発現は Ishikawaの対照群で0.88±0.22, EM群では0.21±0.10でEM群で発現の低下(p<0.05)が観察された. 一方EIILでは対照群1.30±0.43, EM群1.11±0.87と両者には有意の変化がみられなかった. 以上の結果より EMには体癌株の増殖抑制効果があることが確認された. この抑制は ERの有無により効果が変わるとともに, fas, nidogen発現の抑制を伴うことが明らかとなった.
平池 修
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03009165)
vol.64, no.10, pp.2167-2179, 2012-10-01

Estrogens are used for the reduction of postmenopausal symptoms and for the preservation of bone mineral density, but recent epidemiological studies suggest that combined estrogen and progestogen hormone replacement therapy (HRT) possesses several detrimental effects. Some large cohort studies indicate that the frequency of breast cancer and ovarian cancer may increase by HRT. However, contrary to the carcinogenic properties of HRT, it appears to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer. The use of HRT should be optimized according to the background and characteristics of its user, and tissue specific activities of estrogen. Most of the known actions of estrogen are mediated by estrogen receptor α(ERα) and ERβ, both of which bind 17β-Estradiol (E_2) and modulate transcription of E_2-responsive genes, and functional analysis of ER is crucial for the appropriate use of HRT. ERβ plays a multifaceted role in proliferation and differentiation of various cell types, and ERβ generally opposes the proliferative functions of ERα. Therefore, we believe that it is extremely important to investigate the physiological functions of ER and its co factors including BRCA1, a breast and ovarian caner suppressor known to suppress E_2-dependent transcriptional activation function of ERα. Recently, silent information regulator genes (Sirtuins) have been identified as targets of resveratrol. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) , originally found as an NAD^+-dependent histone deacetylase, is a principal modulator of pathways downstream of calorie restriction, and the activation of SIRT1 ameliorates glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. BRCA1 has been shown to serve as a positive regulator of SIRT1 expression by binding to the promoter region of SIRT1. 1) To better understand the physiological roles of ERα and ERβ, the colon, the uterus, and the bladder of ERβ^<-/->7 mice were examined with respect to markers of proliferation and differentiation. Our results indicate that ERβ^<-/-> cells of the colonic, uterine, and bladder epithelia show increased proliferation and decreased differentiation, due to the loss of ERβ. 2) We have demonstrated that ERβ and DBC1 interact in living cells. We also have shown the direct interaction between amino-terminus of DBC1 and activation function-1/2 domain of ERβ by in vitro pull down assays. Although DBC1 shows no influence on the E_2-dependent transcriptional activation function of ERα, the expression of DBC1 negatively regulates the E_2-dependent transcriptional activation function of ERβ. SIRT1 also negatively regulates the E_2-dependent transcriptional activation function of ERβ similar to DBC1. 3) Tissue specific ER function was investigated by concomitant use of conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) and raloxifene (RAL) for patients with decreased bone mineral density. The subjects exhibited increased bone mineral density by the treatment of CEE plus RAL, and no detrimental side effects were observed by the treatment of CEE plus RAL. 4) Resveratrol is a naturally derived polyphenol known to possess phytoestrogenic properties. Resveratrol is known for its beneficial effects on energy homeostasis, and it also has multiple properties, including anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor activities. Here we found that SIRT1 was localized in granulosa cells of the human ovary. The rat granulosa cells were treated with increasing doses of resveratrol, and resveratrol increased protein levels of SIRT1, LH receptor, StAR, and P450 aromatase. In addition, progesterone secretion was induced by the treatment of resveratrol. These results thus provide important implications to understand the mechanism of luteal defect. 5) The expression of SIRT1 was confirmed in uterine endometrium. We found that the expression of cell-adhesion molecule E-cadherin is dependent on SIRT1, thus we suggest the possibility that SIRT1 may function as a transcriptional factor in human endometrium. The pathophysiological function of SIRT1 in reproductive organs might open a new insight in gynecology, and these results further reinforce the principal role of estrogen in regulating tissue homeostasis and the importance of functional analysis of ER.
水野 正彦
vol.40, no.10, pp."N-2", 1988