萩原 幸男 長沢 工 大久保 修平
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.3, pp.529-535, 1987-02-10

宇津 徳治
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.1, pp.23-31, 1988-06-30

日本の地震について,震央付近の震度I0(気象庁震度階級),マグニチュードM(気象庁方式),震源の深さh(km)の標準的関係を表す実験式を1114個の震度データを用いて求め,次式を得た.M=0.23 I0+0.105 I02+1.2log h+1.3この式はMが2~8,hがO~100km.I0がO~6の地震を対象としている.ただしh=Oと発表されている地震の実際の深さは数kmと考えて,h<3kmの場合はh=3kmと置く,Mが5程度より大きい地震についてはm=1.2I0+1.21log h-0.83すなわちI0=O.83 M-log h+0.71を用いてもよい.
宇津 徳治
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.3, pp.401-463, 1983-01-17

A catalog of earthquakes of magnitude 6 or more felt in Japan and smaller earthquakes which caused damage in Japan from 1885 through 1980 is presented. The catalog also contains unfelt earthquakes of M≧6 which occurred in the vicinity of Japan (region A indicated in the map), but the listing of unfelt earthquakes may be incomplete for the years before 1924. The catalog is incomplete for deep earthquakes before 1900. The main sources of materials are Utsu's catalog of 1979 (revised in 1982) for 1885-1925, the new JMA catalog (1982) for 1926-1960, and the JMA Seismological Bulletin for 1961-1980. Gutenberg-Richter's catalog (1954), ISS, or ISC Bulletins are used for focal coordinates of earthquakes occurring outside of the network of JMA stations. For some earthquakes the author has determined the focal coordinates or magnitudes. Statistical analyses of the catalog and studies of seismicity patterns in relation to the occurrence of great earthquakes will be published elsewhere.
宇津 徳治
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.59, no.2, pp.219-233, 1984-10-20

日本の浅発地震(ただし東日本の太平洋岸沖合を除く)に対する震度I(気象庁震度階級),震央距離Δ(km),マグニチュードM(気象庁方式)の標準的関係を表わす実験式を181個の地震(M:5~8)の震度データを用いて求めた.このような標準式を定めるうえで生ずるいくつかの問題について議論したが,若干の問題は解決が困難で適当に処理せざるを得ない.本論文ではI-Δの平均回帰直線I=I100-b(Δ-100)の定数を,次の式でMと結んだものを標準式として提出する.I100=1.5M-6.5 b=0.0767-0.015M+0.0008M2なお,使用目的によっては本文中に掲げられている別の式を用いるほうが適当な場合もあろう.
宇津 徳治
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.1, pp.111-117, 1982-07-16

On the basis of newly collected data, a revision of the catalog of earthquakes in Japan between 1885 and 1925 (UTSU, 1979) has been made.
Utsu Tokuji
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.59, no.1, pp.53-66, 1984-07-10

Four renewal models have been applied to several seismic regions of Japan where large earthquakes occur repeatedly at fairly regular time intervals. The model parameters have been determined by the method of moments and the method of maximum likelihood. The four models represent the distributions of time intervals fairly well, though different models are best suited for different sets of data. The probability of the occurrence of the next large earthquake during a specified interval of time can be calculated easily for each model. Some sample results are presented.
Abe Katsuyuki Kanamori Hiroo
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1011-1021, 1971-01-30

Group velocities of long-period Rayleigh and Love waves are measured, by band-pass filtering and group-delay time methods, to study regional differences in a deep island arc structure. The measurements are made, over a period range 20 to 80 sec, for propagation paths across the Japan Sea. At longer periods, the observed group velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves are lower by as much as 0.1 km/sec than those for normal oceanic paths. It is found that the ARC-1 model, which was previously introduced to explain the low group velocities of long-period surface waves travelling across the Philippine Sea, can also explain these low group velocities. The major feature of this model is a reduction of mantle shear-velocity by 0.3 to 0.4 km/sec, or 8%, over a depth range 30 to 60 km as compared with that for normal oceanic models. This low mantle velocity and the high heat flow which was previously reported for this region suggest common causes such as high temperature and partial melting. The velocity contrast found here can be explained in terms of a 500℃ temperature excess coupled with a 4% partial melting.|長周期表面波の群速度をもちいて,弧状列島の縁海である日本海のマントル構造を調べた.日本北部及び千島列島の5つの地震についてソウルにおける長周期地震計の記録から,バンド・パス・フィルターとグループ・ディレイ・タイム法を利用して周期20秒から80秒までの群速度を求めた.日本海を横切る表面波の群速度は標準的な海のものにくらべ長周期のところでレイレー波ラブ波ともに0.1km/secほど遅い.この遅い群速度は以前にフィリッピン海を横切る表面波の遅い群速度を説明するためにもちいたARC-1モデルで同じように良く説明される.このモデルの重要な特徴は標準的な海のモデルにくらべてマントルの横波の速度が深さ30~60kmにわたって0.3~0.4km/secまたは8%ほど遅くなっていることである.この浅い所における低速度層の存在と日本海での高熱流量とを考えあわせると.日本海の下のマントル内では他の地域にくらべて温度が高く,またそれによって部分溶融が生じていると考えられる.この考えにしたがうと8%の横波の速度差は4%程度の部分溶融をともなった500℃の温度差で説明される.
佃 為成 酒井 要 橋本 信一 羽田 敏夫 小林 勝
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.3, pp.237-272, 1988-12-23

Mogi Kiyoo
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.41, no.3, pp.615-658, 1963-09-30

In the preceding papers40', the patterns of the successive occurrence of elastic shocks accompanying fractures under a simple stress state have been experimentally investigated and they have been classified into three types. The type of shock sequence is decidedly influenced by the mechanical structure of model materials. In this paper, this experimental conclusion has been applied to earthquakes in and near Japan (1926-1961). The main results are summarized as follows. (1) The patterns of earthquake sequences are also classified into the three types which were obtained in the patterns of shock sequences, but the transition from one to another is continuous. (2) About 60 earthquakes preceded by foreshocks (the second type)'have been found. They distribute in groups at certain regions. In such regions where the normal sequence of foreshocks is expected, the seismic- observations may give a clue for prediction of major earthquakes. (3) The regions where a certain type of earthquake sequence frequently appears distribute following a general tendency. The various patterns of earthquake sequences are related to the various degrees of heterogeneity in structure. Thus, the spatial distribution of the regions fractured in various degrees are deduced from the data of the patterns of earthquake sequences. (4) The probability P that an earthquake is followed by aftershocks increases with the magnitude and decreases with the focal depth. Furthermore, the P value varies remarkably in various regions. The spatial distribution of the regions having a high P value of aftershock occurrence is nearly identical to that of the second type and the third type. These regions are also the regions which are fractured to some degree. (5) The spatial distribution of fractured regions deduced from the types of the pattern of earthquake sequences has close relations to various geotectonic structures of the Japanese islands, and to other geophysical data.
萩原 幸男 村田 一郎 田島 広一 長沢 工 井筒屋 貞勝 大久保 修平
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.4, pp.563-586, 1987-03-31

羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.3, pp.525-535, 1983-01-17

A small tsunami was generated by the Urakawa-oki earthquake (M=7.1) near Cape Erimo, southern Hokkaido, on March 21, 1982. At Urakawa, the initial disturbance of the present tsunami began with an upward motion simultaneous with the earthquake occurrence. The first wave period was 16min and the third wave was the highest with a semi-amplitude of 80 cm. According to the author's method based on the attenuation of wave-amplitude with distance, the tsunami magnitude (Imamura-Iida scale) are estimated to be m = 0. This rank is average for an earthquake having a magnitude of M=7.1. The source area of the present tsunami which inferred from an inverse refraction diagram is located along the coast from Urakawa to Shizunai. The length of the tsunami source is 40 km and the width 20 km. The tsunami source area agrees with the aftershock area. From the analysis of the initial tsunami motion on the records, an average uplift of 14 cm may have occurred at the sea-bottom of the source area.
伯野 元彦 大谷 圭一
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.3, pp.581-608, 1983-01-17

The Urakawa-Oki earthquake of M=7.1 occurred on March 21, 1982 and consequently cause some damage to small towns in the south part of Hokkaido. This report describes the earthquake-induced damage to the various types of structures and life lines: Houses and buildings, Roads, Railways. Water supply systems, Electric power and communication systems, Landslides and land failures. The following characteristic features of the damage due to the earthquake are recognized, 1. Wooden houses on soft peat ground suffered damage owing to the destruction of the peat ground itself. On the other hand, reinforced concrete buildings on soft peat ground always have a deep pile foundation and suffered almost no damage. Authors suppose the peat layer to be so soft that it acts like a high cut filter and high frequency components of the incident ground motion which are the main components of high acceleration, is reduced. 2. Most lifeline systems such as water, electric supply systems, and traffic, lost their functions due to the earthquake, and people were subjected to inconveniences. For example, it took 30 days to rehabilitate the railway traffic in this area.
岸上 冬彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.36, no.2, pp.227-233, 1958-07-23

The Shonai earthquake took place on Oct. 22, 1894, about 400 km north from Tokyo in Yamagata Prefecture. Sometimes it is called the Sakata earthquake because the earthquake damage was great at Sakata City. The reports of their earthquake were few in number, several unknown data were shown the writer by Mr. S. Sato of the Sakata Library. Then the new data were looked over for this paper.
寺田 暁彦 中川 光弘 大島 弘光 青山 裕 神山 裕幸
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.79, no.1-2, pp.17-26, 2004

In this paper, the authors describe remarkable thermo-activities especially at the fumaroles B on the southwestern cliff of the summit dome on Tarumae volcano, which unusually occurred soon after the Tokachi-oki erathquake that took place on Sep. 26 2003 (MJMA 8.0). The unusual thermoactivities include (1) increase in gas flux, (2) weak glow witnessed by the high-sensitive camera in the nighttime with positions moving night by night, and (3) ash ejection of about 24m^3. Since the high-sensitive cameras can detect thermal radiation, the observed glow would be evidence for high-temperature of rock surface. It is considered that the Tokachi-oki earthquake would affect the volcano to eject a large amount of high-temperature gas, which resulted in the weak but unusual glow and ash deposits of the order of 10m^3 in volume.
加藤 健二 都司 嘉宣
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.69, no.1-2, pp.39-66, 1994-09-30

都司 嘉宣 日野 貴之
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.68, no.2, pp.91-176, 1993-09-30

Uyeshima Makoto Kinoshita Masataka Iino Hideaki Uyeda Seiya
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.64, no.4, pp.487-515, 1990-03-30

The VAN-method for short-term earthquake prediction based on monitoring telluric potential changes, which has reportedly been successful in Greece, is now under testing in Japan. More than 20 local networks have been established and tested for about one year using existing electrodes and cables of the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT). Generally the records suffer from cultural noise much higher than in Greece, but some stations far from DC-powered rail-roads were found to be reasonably noise-free. Preliminary examination of data indicates that potential precursory signals in the sense of the VAN-method were recognized preceding earthquakes of M≧5 at some stations. This report presents an example, i.e. the possible correspondence between a specific type of telluric potential change appearing in the channel 2 at Teshikaga station, Hokkaido, and seismicity in the region off Kushiro, Hokkaido.
音田 功
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.40, no.3, pp.613-623, 1962-11-30

The Northern Miyagi Earthquake on April 30th, 1962 shook almost the same area as the Northern Rikuzen Earthquake on May 12th, 1900 with almost equal intensity The writer compared both earthquakes with one anothor and reached the following conclusions. Magnitude: The magnitude of the 1900 earthquake was larger than that of the later one by about two thirds, deduced by means of Kawasumi's method from the area of the isoseismals. The magnitudes Mk and M in the later one were deduced as 3.6 and 6.6, respectively (Fig. 2). Epicentre: The epicentre of the present one was determined in the neighbourhood of 38°45'N and 141°08'E, from the analysis of the record of the strong motion seismometer at Ishinomaki Weather Station. Therefore, that of the later one was about 20 km distance north from that of the previous one (Fig. 3). It was also ascertained that earthquakes seldom.occur in the northern part of Sendai Plain, although someone doubted its exsitence in that area. Number of after-shocks felt: Twenty-four after shocks were felt up to May 31st in the case of the former earthquake at Ishinomaki, while thirteen up to May 19th in the present earthquake. It was considered that this difference was caused by the dissimilar magnitute and epicentral distance from one another. Many abnormal after-shock were felt at the Hosokura Mine (Table III), compared with those felt at Ishinimaki (Table II) and Tsukidate (Table IV). Characteristics of the earthquake motion: The gravestones at Sekiun Shrine, Matsuyama Town, were studied. There were some gravestones which were rotated counterclockwise in the past earthquake, while such rotations of the gravestones could not be discerned in the case of the present one. It was inferred that this difference resulted from that of the epicentral distance and the magnitude.