松田 時彦 有山 智雄
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.2, pp.281-316, 1985-11-08

森本 良平 村井 勇 松田 時彦 中村 一明 恒石 幸正 吉田 鎮男
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.44, no.1, pp.423-445, 1966-07-25

Geology of the main seismic area in and around the town of Matsushiro, the northern part of Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, is investigated by field and literature surveys for the better understanding of the earthquake-swarm which is now taking place. The Matsushiro earthquake-swarm started at the beginning of August, 1965. Since then, the local seismicity has become more active with occasional rise and fall.
松田 時彦 山崎 晴雄 中田 高 今泉 俊文
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.55, no.3, pp.795-855, 1981-03-07

The Rikuu earthquake (M = 7. 2) occurred in the Mahiru Mountains in Tohoku district on 31 August 1896. Associated with the earthquake, reverse faults appeared on the surface along the western and the eastern feet of the Mahiru Mountains (Table 1 and Fig. 1), which are known as Senya and Kawafune earthquake faults (YAMASAKI, 1896), respectively. This was the largest on-land surface faulting of reverse fault type among events in historical time in Japan. These surface faults were re-studied.
松田 時彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.40, no.2, pp.357-369, 1962-11-15

In this paper the crustal structure of the South Fossa Magna region, where a Tertiary geosyncline is developed, is inferred geologically under some assumptions. The method here adopted consists of two steps; 1) preparation of the stratigraphic profiles in every stage of geological devolopment of the region, and 2) modification of the stratigraphic profiles by the subsequent deformation of the crust. 1) Preparation of the stratigraphic profiles. The early Miocene Misaka and the middle to late Miocene Fujikawa series are the main conponents of the nearsurface crust of the region. They vary in thickness in different geological provinces in the region. Their geologic and tectonic maps are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The pre-Misaka sediments are supposed geologically to have been deposited on the oceanic crust of transitional crust between the main Japanese Islands and the Pacific. These data and assumptions as well as those listed in A) of Table 2 are used for the stratigraphic profiles of the region (Fig. 3). 2) Modification of the stratigraphic profiles. After the deposition of the Misaka series, the following events took place: i) crustal warping with deposition of the Fujikawa series in the downwarping parts and with erosion of the Misaka series in the upwarping parts, ii) intrusions of quartz diorite stocks of the uplifted parts, and iii) formation of the crystalline schist along the southern limb of the Tanzawa upwarping part. (Boulders of the quartz diorite and of the crystalline schists appear in the upper part of the Fujikawa series of the subsiding belts). Until the end of the deposition of the Fujikawa series, the crustal surface was de- formed in a wavy contour as shown in curve s-s of Fig. 4. From the observations of the Tanzawa schist belt, we can assume that the wavy deformation of the crust mentioned above is due to shear fold with the shear plane inclined northward with angle about 70°. Then we get curve b-b in Fig. 4 as the bottom of the crust. Besides, it is assumed that the quartz diorite magma originated due to melting of the crust and the Mohodiscontinuity represents a boundary between two different materials (the basaltic and ultramafic), and that the volume change of the crust through the magmatic process which brought the quartz diorite stocks and through other tectonic process is negligible. Thus, we get Fig. 5 (b) as the crustal structure of the South Fossa Magna at the end of the Fujikawa time. Fig. 5(b) is here proposed as the present status of the region. If the method and data used in this paper are adequate, it is suggested that present Moho-discontinuity lies between the -15 to -20 km level with increasing depth northward. The Moho-discontinuity shows a fairly strong relief (10 km or more), whose troughs and swells correspond to the subsided belts and uplifted belts originated in Miocene. It is also suggested from Figs. 3 and 5 that the quartz diorite magma was generated from the lower crust in 15 to 20 km depth in the orogenetic epoch. The heat sufficient to melt the crust at such a shallow level might have been supplied from the mantle below.
松田 時彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.44, no.3, pp.1179-1212, 1967-01-30

1. 地形的にその存在が推定されていた跡津川断層は,少なくとも庄川-神通川の分水嶺から北東へ常願寺川上流までたしかに存在する.長さ60km以上,部分的にゆるくを彎曲するがほぼ直線状で,その平均走向N60°E,断層面の傾斜はほぼ垂直,断層面上の断層条線はほぼ水平である. 2. この断層線に沿って,古生代の飛騨変成岩類から第四紀の河床堆積物までの地層および隆起小起伏面や段丘面などの地形面が変位している.この断層の変位の向きは多少の垂直成分を伴った右ずれである.この断層が示す変位の水平成分は断層の主部で約3km,垂直成分は,概して北側の相対的隆起でその量は1km以下である.すなわち,この断層は右横ずれ活断層である. 3. 第四紀の地層・地形面は古い時代のものほど大きく変位しているが,それ以前に生じた岩石では,時代が古くなっても変位量はそれ以上増加しない.したがって,現在この断層が示す変位量3kmは第三紀後期以後に生じはじめたと考えられる.数万年前に生成した河岸段丘が20m以上変位しているから,最近の数万年間における平均の変位速度は1~数m/1000年位と考えられる. 4. 段丘の変位や谷の喰違い現象は,この断層が最近地質時代に数十m以下を単位とする小刻みのほゞ同方向の変位を繰返してきたことを示している。また,この断層沿いにみられる断層崖などの断層地形は大地震時に生じる地形によく似ている.これらのことから,この断層の約3000mの変位量は地震時の変位の集積と考えられる.安政5年(1857)の飛騨地震はこの断層の最近の活動の1つと思われる. 5. 断層線上での谷の屈曲・転移のむきは概して右であるが,その量はその断層線から谷頭までの距離の大きな谷ほど大きい.このことは,この断層が活発な右ずれ変位を繰返していること,谷の喰違い地形は変位のむき・量を大略反映していること,谷の古さは断層線よりも上流の部分の長さにほゞ対応していること,を示唆している.このような谷の累進的転位現象の有無・程度は,未知の断層の活動性を知る1つの目安になると思われる.
松田 時彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.45, no.2, pp.537-550, 1967-08-25

松代地震の進展につれて松代町東部に地震断層の性格をもつた横ずれ地割れ群があらわれたので,その地割れ付近および周辺山地の地質を調べた. 1.調査地域内には,変位量数km以上の既存の大断層は存在しない.とくに今回あらわれた横ずれ地割れ群に沿つては,変位量数m程度の既存の小断層も見出せなかつた. 2.今回の地震であらわれた個々の地割れに沿つても,また,地割れ地帯に沿つても,最近地質時代に同様の変位が生じた形跡(地形的証拠)は見出されない. 3.鮮新世中期以降変位したことのない地質断層(滝本東断層)が地割れ帯に近接して存在するが,それに沿つては今回の地震で地割れは1つもあらわれなかった. 4.既存の断層に沿つて,断層性の変位が生じたたしかな例が1つだけみつかつたが,その断層は主な地割れ地帯からはなれているし,断層面のむきも変位のむきも特異である.松代地震における上記1.と2.の事実は,濃尾・北伊豆などの大地震に伴なつた地震断層の場合と全く異なつている.その意味で松代地震では従来いわれたような「古傷(大地質断層)の再活動」という表現は妥当でない.このような特異性と,松代地震が群発型であることを組合せると,大きな活断層が発達しない所(地質区)では群発地震の方が非群発型大地震よりもおこり易いらしいといえる.上記3の事実は,たとえ大断層があつても最近地質時代(この場合鮮新世中期以後)に変位を増加させた形跡のない断層は,今回のような地震の発生やそれに伴う変位に関与しないらしいという例になる.上記4の地震断層は,松代地震による直接の地震断層ではなくて,その周辺に生じた地盤の調整的変位の結果または地塊縁辺部での強い地震動の結果,地塊境界で生じた二次的変位(いわば間接的地震断層)であると思われる.
松原 誠 小原 一成
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.331-344, 2009

Many researchers have studied the three-dimensinal seismic velocity structure beneath the Kanto region, central Japan using seismic tomography, because the structure is very complicated due to subducting of the Pacific and the Philippine Sea plates beneath the Eurasian plate. The Tokyo metropolitan area is located in the Kanto region. Initially, the subducting Pacific and Philippine Sea plates are imaged with high-velocity zones. With many data, the oceanic crust at the uppermost part of the subducting Philippine Sea plate was imaged clearly. After construction of the NIED Hi-net, the oceanic ocrust of the Pacific plate subducting to depths over 100km was also imaged. A large low-velocity region at depths of 30-50km beneath the central Kanto region in the east-west direction was found by many researchers. The reason for the low-velocity is considered to be the existence of a serpentinied mantle wedge, curling Eurasian crust, and thick oceanic crust of the Philippine Sea plate. A low-velocity zone at depths of 40-70km beneath the eastern Kanto region with north-south direction was also found. The reason for this low-velocity is considered to be the existence of serpentinied mantle wedge and curling Philippine Sea plate. A high-density seismograph network, called MeSO-net, is under construction in this metropolitan region. The results with these data are expected to reveal a more detailed structure beneath the metropolitan area. We review former studies on the velocity structures beneath the Kanto region and note some characteristic structures beneath the Kanto region with results along arrays of MeSO-net.
Kanai Kiyoshi Tanaka Teiji
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.39, no.1, pp.97-114, 1961-03-30

Kanai Kiyoshi
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.45, no.2, pp.339-343, 1967-08-25

震度階と記録最大加速度の関係式を最初に求めた石本博士は,その実験式は卓越周期0.3 secの場所での観測結果を使つたものであることを,特に注意する必要があるとしている.本研究はアメリカ合衆国で観測された強震動の最大加速度とMM震度階との関係を,新しい立場からしらべたもので,最大加速度(amax単位gal),卓越周期(TG単位sec), MM震度階(IMM)との間には,次の関係があることがわかつた.
Kanai Kiyoshi
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.39, no.3, pp.359-366, 1961-12-15

Kanai Kiyoshi
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.36, no.3, pp.295-310, 1958-10-31

Kanai Kiyoshi Yoshizawa Shizuyo
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.36, no.3, pp.275-293, 1958-10-31

KANAI Kiyoshi
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.43, no.1, pp.195-203, 1965-07-15

雑賀 敦 平松 良浩 大井田 徹 山岡 耕春
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.76, no.1, pp.75-86, 2001-07-25

Spatial and temporal variations in seismic anisotropy in the crust are investigated using earthquakes in the crust and at the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea plate in the Tokai region, central Japan. We use waveform data from December 1986 to August 1999 recorded by the micro-earthquake observation network of the Research Center for Seismology and Volcanology, Nagoya University. The method of Silver and Chan (1991) is applied to evaluate splitting parameters, a leading shear-wave polarized direction and a delay between two polarized waves. A total of 362 high-quality waveform data within the incident angle of 35° are analyzed in this study. The leading shear-wave polarized directions are approximately E-W, in spite of differences of focal depths. This direction is consistent with the direction of regional horizontal maximum compressive stress in the Tokai region reported before. The time delay increases in proportion to the focal depth. These results indicate that the regional compressive stress controls anisotropy not only in the upper crust but also in the lower crust. Assuming the uniform distribution of anisotropy, the degree of anisotropy is estimated to be 0.5% in the lower crust. An increase in time delays between two-polarized waves is found before and after the Aichi-ken Tobu earthquake (M = 5.7) in 1997 at the station STN. This variation is statistically significant with the confidence level of 99.999% and is not an apparent change due to a variation in hypocenter distribution. No temporal variation of splitting parameters is found at the station INU. These results can be explained by a change of the volumetric and areal strain in the most-upper part of the crust due to the postseismic slip of the Aichi-ken Tobu earthquake.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.1, pp.143-157, 1986-08-04

Hatori Tokutaro
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.3, pp.399-412, 1970-08-31

A tsunami was generated off Shikotan Island, in eastern Hokkaido, at 21 h 28m (GMT) on August 11, 1969. According to JMA, the epicenter of the main shock was at 42°42'N, 147°37'E, with a depth of 30km and the earthquake magnitude 7.8. Tsunami height observed at the coast of eastern Hakkaido was the largest among tsunamis generated recently in the vicinity of the South Kuril Islands. At Hanasaki, the maximum height of 1.5 m was recorded. Waveheights in northeastern and southwestern Japan are in the ranges of 40~60 cm and 20~30 cm, respectively. The initial motion of the tsunami was in an upward direction at most stations, but at Hanasaki, the initial disturbance began with a conspicuous downward motion, suggesting the subsidence of the sea bottom in a part of the tsunami source. The source area estimated by means of an inverse refraction diagram lies on the continental slope, extending about 170km parallel to the Kuril Arc. Judging from the attenuation of the initial wave height with distance, the total wave energy seems to be equal to that of the 1958 Iturup tsunami. The predominant period of tsunami incident to the shelf is inferred to be about 30min by comparing the spectrum of tsunami with that of the records at the ordinary time near Miyagi-Enoshima.|1969年8月12日6時28分(JST),北海道色丹島沖の地震に伴ない津波が発生した.気象庁の地震月報によると,震央は42°42'N,147°37'E,深さ30km,地震のマグニチュードはM=7.8である.この津波は,本震が起った約30分以後から各地の検潮所で観測された.津波の第1波は,本州とオホーツク海に面した北海道沿岸では押し波で始まつた.しかし,波源に近い花咲では明瞭な引き波が記録され,波源域の1部分が沈降したことを暗示している.各地の津波の到達時間をもとにして作図した逆伝播図によると,津波の波源域は色丹島沖合の水深2000~4000mの陸棚斜面上にあつて,等深線に沿つて伸び,その大きさは約170kmと推定される.この程度の規模を持つ浅い地震に対して,この推定値は統計的に標準の大きさである.なお,推定源域は余震域とほぼ合致した位置にある.