田中 綾乃
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.59, no.1, pp.23-39, 2008-09

This article considers the relationship between faith and knowledge in Kantian philosophy in the 18 century. Philosophy in the early stages was regarded as anchilia filia (maidservant) to theology. But in the modern age, a wedge was driven between philosophy and theology, and the former established itself as an independent field. As a result, the faith-knowledge problem became a new issue comprehended within the realm of philosophy.Kant argued, in his introduction to the 2nd version of Critique of Pure Reason (1787), that "Ich musste also das Wissen aufheben, um zum Glauben Platz zu bekommen" (I have therefore found it necessary to deny knowledge, in order to make room for faith). In order to explore the significance of this statement, I will first focus on the relationship between faith and knowledge in The Impossibility of an Ontological Proof of the Existence of God in Critique of Pure Reason, where Kant exposes the fallacies in all the theoretical proofs of God's existence, and shows that God's existence cannot be demonstrated. Then, I will analyse the concept of Kant's Vernunftglauben (reason-faith), and clarify the issues of christianity and knowledge in Kantianism. Finally, I will distill Kant's concept of religion and Christianity from Religion, written in 1793.本稿では、18世紀のドイツの哲学者カントにおける信仰と知の関係を考察する。かつて哲学は「神学の侍女」と呼ばれていたように、哲学は神学の手段として機能していた。だが、近代に入り、神学と哲学の間に楔が打ちこまれ、信仰と知の問題は哲学内部の問題として新たに呈示されることになる。カントのこの言葉は一体どのようなことを意味するのであろうか。本稿では、このことを明らかにするために、まず、1) カントの「神の存在論的証明」の批判を概観することで、『純粋理性批判』において示された信仰と知の関係を確認する。次に、2) カントの「理性信仰」の内実を明らかにし、カントにおける信仰と知の問題を考察する。最後に、3) カント自身は、宗教およびキリスト教をどのように捉えていたのか、そのことを『単なる理性の限界内の宗教』(1793年)から導く。
大久保 喬樹(1946-)
vol.46, no.1, pp.65-88, 0000

From around the 1930's, Japanese literature showed a tendency to return to tradition, paralleling the growing nationalism throughout Japanese society. This tendency can often be seen in the concept of nature, although it was expressed in many different ways, depending on the individual author. In Yasunari Kawabata's Snow Country, the unification of man and nature is expressed by overlapping the heroine, Komako, with the nature of the snow country. The description of nature goes beyond modern realism and is charactereized by symbolism, with aesthetics similar to that found in Shinkokinshu. When Junichiro Tanizaki moved to the Kansai region, he recognized the influence that climate and nature have on culture and began a return to tradition. Following such works as Tadekumushi and Ashikari, dynastic kachofugetsu concept of nature is developed in his major work, Sasameyuki, which has The Tale of Genji as its basis. In Kafu Nagai's Bokutokidan, the aesthetics of the Edo ninjobon are followed, and a completely stylized nature is described. Lastly Riichi Yokomitsu's Ryoshu goes beyond modern, man-made Western civilization and pursues traditional Japanese civilization as represented by early Shintoism, which aims at a harmony between man and nature. Thus, in this period, a number of authors experimented with Japanese tradition, reviving the aesthetics of nature in the history of Japanese culture.
油井 大三郎(1945-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.1, pp.189-202, 0000

本稿は、近年活発になっている1960年代の社会運動当事者の証言や歴史研究を、日米で比較するとともに、証言と歴史研究の関係にも注目して考察したものである。米国では、1980年代の政治的保守化を背景に、1960年代のさまざまな社会運動の成果を否定的に解釈する動きが表面化した。それは公民権運動やベトナム反戦運動が1960年代末から「急進化」し、1970年代に入って警察などとの衝突が激しくなり、政治運動としては「挫折」した過程を重視するものであった。また、ヒッピーなどの「対抗文化」等の影響で離婚率の高まりや同性愛婚の表面化など、伝統的な家族形態の弱まりに対する危機感の表明でもあった。それに対して、1960年代の社会運動経験者からは、法的な人種平等の実現やベトナム戦争の終結、さらには1970年代に入ってからのフェミニズムや環境保護運動の高揚を重視して、「長い1960年代」の視点から運動の成果を肯定的に評価する研究が登場した。 他方、日本では、1960年代の社会運動を指導した人々が定年期を迎え、比較的自由に自らの経験を証言する著作が多数刊行されているが、実証的な歴史研究としてはまだ始まったばかりの段階にある。本稿では、1960年代の社会運動の日米比較を行う上での基本的な論点の整理を試みた。特に、学生運動を主導した米国の「ニューレフト」と日本の「新左翼」の比較とか、1960年代社会運動の時期区分、初期の「非暴力直接行動主義」から「武装自衛」などへの戦術的変化の意味、運動「急進化」の国際的契機、学生運動の衰退原因など多面的な論点について日米比較を行った。とくに、プラグマティズムの影響が強い米国では、運動の急進化後でも「エスニック・スタディーズ」やフェミニズム講座の開設など改良的な要求を実現させるなど、「文化革命」としては成果を残した面があったのに対して、マルクス主義や実存主義の影響が強かった日本の場合は、改良を軽視し、「革命」を志向した結果、大学改革などでは目立った成果がなかったこと、その上、党派間の「内ゲバ」などによって運動自体が衰退していったことを指摘し、両国間の国民文化の差にも注目して分析した。
雨田 英一
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.66, no.1, pp.187-208, 2015-09

The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture revised the Course of Study in 2015. Morality was introduced as a special subject in this New Course of Study. Teachers will have to use the government authorized textbook and assess students' learning.Classes will begin in junior high schools in April 2019 and in April 2018 at elementary schools.The main object of the revision is aimed at moral education that enables students improve their ability to use their knowledge in daily life. It is emphasized that for this purpose, current teaching methods in which teachers mostly make students interpret texts, have to be replaced by new methods in which students find a problem in daily life, analyze the situation multilaterally and search for a way to solue the problem.The aim of this paper is to analyze the introduction of Morality in primary and junior secondary school education, and to try to throw light on the meaning and problems of moral education at schools in Japan today.The focus is on:1. ‌The process, the point and the theme of the introduction of Special subject Morality2. ‌The basic character and problem of the moral education in the prewar period―The Hare and the Tortoise in a textbook published by Shuushin3. The basic character and problem of moral education in the postwar period―The Magician and Seijitsu, the most popular teaching materials4. ‌The basic characteristics and problems with Seijitsu, which is related to the foundation of the Japanese life-style.2015年に、文部科学省は学習指導要領を改正した。これによって、「特別の教科 道徳」が新たに設置された。教師は検定教科書を使用し、生徒の学習状況を評価すことになる。小学校では2018年4月から、中学校では翌年4月から2019年度から実施される。改訂の眼目は、子どもの日常生活で力となる道徳授業を目指すということであった。そのために、これまでの読み物中心の授業から、子ども自身が日常生活のなかで問題を発見し、多面的多角的に捉え、解決する道を探求する道徳授業に変える必要性を強調している。本稿の目的は、小・中学校の教育への「特別の教科 道徳」の導入を分析し、日本の学校教育における道徳教育の基本的な性格と問題点課題を明らかにすることである。焦点は以下のところに置いた。1. 「特別の教科 道徳」の導入の経緯と意義と課題2. 戦前期の道徳教育の基本的性格と問題点 修身教科書に載った「ウサギとカメ」3. 戦後の道徳教育の問題点 最もポピュラーな教材である「手品師」の「誠実」4. 日本人の生き方の根本に関連した「誠実」の問題点と課題
黒川 修司(1949-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.63, no.1, pp.161-185, 0000

Two weeks after the fall of Saigon, an American cargo ship on the high seas was captured by the Khmer Rouge. The Ford Administration wanted to cover the defeat in the Vietnam War, and took military action against Cambodian forces using helicopters and marines transported from Okinawa.Because of the lack of a good communication system and bad intelligence, the U.S.A. decided to bomb the Cambodian mainland and land on Tan Island, where the American sailors were believed to be. Not knowing that the sailors had been released, the American marines recaptured the ship. They were however attacked by superior Cambodian force when they landed on the small island, and fifteen marines were killed during the ensuing fourteen hour fight. Contrary to tradition, three marines who had been captured by the Cambodians and were later executed were left as missing.This paper used the records of the National Security Council, which were top secret at the time, to discover why the Ford Administration chose the military option from the start and what made the military operation difficult. Memories of the 1968 Pueblo Incident made this unnecessary military option attractive to top American decision-makers, and Secretary of State Kissiger influenced President Ford to take military action.サイゴン陥落から2週間の後、米国の貨物船がクメール・ルージュにより捕獲され、フォード政権は最初から軍事的手段を選択肢に入れていた。機密解除された国家安全保障会議の議事録からは、ベトナム戦争の苦い敗北から国民の自信を回復するためと、北朝鮮に捕獲され乗組員の釈放に苦労したプエブロ号事件という過去の経験から、カンボジアとの外交交渉などよりも軍事力の行使が選択された。しかしながら、利用できる軍事力に限りがあったこと、地理的距離と指揮命令系統の無理などから、現地の情報が入手できないままに、沖縄の海兵隊が輸送され、乗組員が捕えられていると思われた小島への上陸作戦で15名の死者を出した。この不必要だったが断固とした軍事行動は米国民から支持を得たのであった。
光延 真哉
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.67, no.1, pp.91-123, 2016-09
竹下 美穂
vol.49, no.2, pp.199-220, 0000

This paper is based on two field research projects done during December, 1997, and September, 1998, in Naha and Nago, focused on women who led associations formed against the construction of a new helicopter base in Henoko, Nago City and a referendum on the issue. It is worth mentioning that the civil movement against the creation of the new base had a significant impact on the referendum, which was held on the 21st of December 1997. Especially, many grassroots associations led by women played an important part. One of the main purposes of this paper is to look at this civil movement from the perspective of gender. Furthermore, it is meaningful to look into the movements of women in Okinawa, since these women's movements have engaged in the distinctive activities and have had a distinctive spirit because of the fact that such women live with military bases all around them. The study of Okinawan women will show a different side of the women's movement since the situation of women in Okinawa is different from that of women in the rest of Japan. The approach to issues involving women has moved gradually from the "equal rights for women" movement to "gender analysis" ever since de-jure, or legal, equality between women and men was secured by local, national, and international women's movements. The issue moved from "equality" to "integration", "empowerment" and "gender analysis in the mainstream". The movements connected with the Nago referendum, however, looked somehow different from this general trend of women's issues. Women's associations in Nago were based on the coalition of "individual" women. Those who had never been involved in civil movements started to associate and created a network all over Okinawa. They identified themselves as "mothers" or "housewives" to evoke the sympathy and compassion of the rest of the community. That approach created both risks and opportunities for future civil movements as well as for women's associations in Okinawa. One of the risks is that the use of the notion of "mother"as the basic characteristic of women could create a spirit inside the woman which separated them from other non-mother women and from men. The opportunities arise the new perspectives that women brought to the US military base issue in Okinawa. The human rights perspective given by the associations of women is that the military bases constitute a structural violence against humanity which constantly threatens the people in Okinawa. That deepens and widens the struggle against the military bases, which has traditionally been fought against illegal land use. These women's movements also opens new connections with other issues related to the military bases, such as environmental problems, economic development, eco-tourism, and violence against women. Women who have not joined in the coalition of the traditional network can easily advocate "alternatives" to presentday society. This is not a sudden movement of Okinawan women. Rather, this is part of a continuous appeal of women, it has simply just begun to be seen and heard in society. Women have been doing active work for many decades, but the results have become more and more visible in the recent years of "change". The situation is still changing, and so this study should be continued.
花野 泰子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.66, no.1, pp.119-140, 2015-09

There has been little research on the people engaged in mass media program production in Japan in spite of frequent calls for it. This paper reports on an interview-based survey of TV program production professionals. The results show that TV stations are androcentric, with only about 20% of the employees being women. In contrast, the percentage of women employees engaged in TV program production in subcontracting companies is close to 50%. Women reported that they got a sense of satisfaction from making TV programs and were trying to establish their careers in spite of difficult employment conditions and a difficult working environment. In today's Japan, where Successful Women is being promoted, it appears that women's place in the most influential medium of TV production is not very secure and urgent changes are needed.日本のマス・コミュニケーション研究における送り手研究は未だ少なく,番組制作という専門職に従事する人々の実態調査は,その必要性を叫ばれていながら未だ詳細な調査研究は行われてこなかった。本論で明らかになったのは、女性比率2割前後で推移しているテレビ局の男性中心主義が、比率的には女性が半数に迫る下請けの番組制作会社を支配しているという実態である。女性番組制作者たちの生の声には、番組制作の「やりがい」を支えに、厳しい雇用条件と労働環境を乗り越えながらキャリア形成しようとする姿が表れていた。「女性活躍」を掲げる現在の日本において、最も影響力の強いメディアであるテレビのコンテンツそのものを作る人々の多様性が、あまりに確保されていないことが明らかとなり、早急な変革が必要であることも確認された。
馬場 朗
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.66, no.2, pp.1-19, 2016-03

In Ovid's Metamorphoses, the story of Pygmalion, a mythological man from Cyprus since antiquity, was not necessarily aimed at celebrating the power and genius of art. It is much more likely that a religious reverence for Venus was responsible for the animation of Pygmalion's statue by the goddess so that she could become his wife and have their daughter Paphos than artistic excellence. However, in the fifth act, Sculpture, of the the 18th century opera-ballet Le Triomphe des Arts by Houdart de La Motte (1700), the story becomes explicitly concerned with the récompense for the art of Pygmalion, and the animation of the statue honours the genius in art.Rousseau's famous mélodrame, Pygmalion, first staged in 1770, seems to share such a perspective. However, Rousseau's Pygmalion cannot necessarily simply be reduced to this. Our study emphasises two points. First, a contemporary review in the correspondance littéraire of its performance in Paris, although not yet sufficiently analyzed, suggests to us that an important role is played by the vraisemblance of Pygmalion's passions, which is probably inseparable from that found in Rousseau's autobiographic attempts such as his Confessions, etc. Second, also embodied in this mélodrame is Rousseau's radical critique of French contempory opera, especially of the poétique du mervelleux confirmed in de La Motte's Opéra-Ballet as well as in the Acte de Ballet Pygmalion by Jean-Philipe Rameau (1748). More fundamental however is the possibility that his Pygmalion marked one of the most significant breaks with contemporary aesthetics still based on the poétique classique, which shall be a principal subject in the next part of our study.古代世界から語り継がれてきた、キュプロスの伝説上人物ピュグマリオンを巡る物語は、そもそもオウィディウス『変身物語』がそうであるように、芸術的天才の力を讃えるものでは必ずしもなかった。むしろピュグマリオンの彫像が生命化しその妻となって娘パフォスを生むのは、彼の芸術上の卓越さでは殆ど無くむしろウェヌスへの宗教的敬意に依っている。しかし18世紀に入り、ウダール・ド・ラ・モットのオペラ・バレェ『諸芸術の勝利』(一七〇〇年)第五幕「彫刻」が示す様に、この物語はピュグマリオンの「技」への「見返り」に明確に関るものとなる。彫像生命化は、彼の芸術上の天才に与えられる栄誉を象徴化するのである。一七七〇年に初演された、ルソーによる高名なメロドラム『ピュグマリオン』もまた上記の近代的な芸術上の天才礼賛を共有する様に見えるが、実は必ずしもそうではない。この観点から、本論は以下の二つの論点を強調することになる。第一に、未だ研究者の十分な分析を受けていない、そのパリ初演の際の『文芸書簡』の同時代の一つの劇評を介して、我々はルソーの自伝小説(『告白』等)の試みとおそらく不可分な形でのピュグマリオンの「情念」の「真実らしさ」の枢要な含意に着目する。第二に、このメロドラムには、ド・ラ・モットのオペラ・バレェだけでなくジャン・フィリップ・ラモーの「アクト・ド・バレェ」『ピュグマリオン』 (一七四八年)においても確認できる「驚異の詩学」、これに特に向けられる同時代フランス・オペラへの彼の批判が具現化されている。しかしより根本的なのは、ルソーの『ピュグマリオン』が、未だ「古典主義詩学」に基づく同時代美学に対して決定的な断絶の一つをしるしづけた可能性である。これについては次回の論考で本格的に取り組むことになろう。
宇野 公一郎(1950-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.63, no.2, pp.87-139, 0000

In this article I have translated and annotated the "Way of Enthronement (Inzira Y'Uubwimika)" from the esoteric royal ritual code (ubwiru) of Rwanda. Once enthroned, the Rwandan king was no longer a human being. This transformation was accomplished through two ritual processes. In the first process a prince became a king by receiving the regalia, taking oaths, and obtaining the public approval. In the second process the new king acquired the supreme power through his participation in the rituals to regenerate the kingdom. Throughout the "Way of Enthronement" was emphasized the military power of the new king to gain triumphs over the enemy kingdoms. This reflected the fact that Rwanda was incessantly at war during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. It was also mainly from the military concerns that the interregnum was made shortest.本稿はルワンダの王朝秘典ubwieuから「即位の道」(Inzira Y'Uubwimika)に訳・注をつけた。ルワンダでは王は人間ではなく、即位式が人間を王に変えた。即位式は二つの儀礼過程から成る。一つは、先王からのレガリアの引継、宣誓、公衆への顔見せと承認によって一人の王子が王になる過程である。もう一つは、王国を甦らせる諸儀礼の主役を演じることを通じて新王が至高性を獲得していく過程である。「即位の道」で、終始一貫して強調されるのは王の軍事機能、敵国に勝つ能力である。これは18–19世紀のルワンダが恒常的な臨戦態勢をとっていたことと符合する。空位期を「乗り越えるべき難局」と見なし、手早く新王を即位させてしまうのも、軍事的配慮が大きく作用していたと思われる。この軍事の卓越にルワンダの即位式の一つの大きな特徴を見ることができるだろう。
宇野 公一郎(1950-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.64, no.2, pp.121-175, 0000

This paper is the first part of the study in two parts on the regeneration ritual of the Kingdom of Rwanda performed once in four generations by a cattle king. In the introduction, I have discussed the structure of the ritual, its framework in time and space, and the process of editing its text. Then from the esoteric royal ritual code (ubwiru), I have translated and annotated the "Way of the Lese Majesty (Inzira y 'ikirogoto)" lines 181–199, in which the burial ritual of the cattle kings is summarized, and the "Way of the Watering (Inzira y 'ishoora)" lines 1–686, in which the renewal of the regalia is prescribed.Seen diachronically, the "Way of the Watering" ritual was part of the process uniting the funeral rite, which closed the older cycle of kings (Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi, Mutara, for example) by burying the smoke-dried corpse of the former cattle king (Cyirima) who had guarded the cattle of the kingdom for the past four generations, with the enthronement rites, which inaugurated, on the one hand, the king Kigeri who opened the new cycle of kings (Kigeri, Mibambwe, Yuhi, Mutara) and, on the other, the smoke-dried corpse of the newly deceased cattle king (Mutara) who was to protect the cattle of Rwanda for the next four generations.This process analyzed spatially reveals a ritual geography of the realm as follows: East: West:: North: South:: Past: Present:: Ancestors: Living:: Sacred: Profane.本稿はルワンダ王国において四世代に一度行われる王権の再生儀礼の研究の前半である。序論では、この儀礼の構成、時間的・空間的枠組み、およびテキストの編集過程を論じた。次に、王朝秘典ubwiruの「不敬の道(Inzira y 'ikirogoto)」181–199行の牛王の埋葬法の部分と「水飼いの道」1–686行のレガリアの更新の部分に訳と注を付けた。通時的にとらえると、水飼い儀礼は、一つの周期(例えばKigeri-Mibambwe-Yuhi-Mutara)を後見してきた先代の牛王Cyirimaのミイラを埋葬して古い周期を終わらせる葬送儀礼と、次の周期(Kigeri-Mibambwe-Yuhi-Cyirima)を後見する新しい牛王Mutaraのミイラを作り、その周期の先頭にKigeri王を据える即位儀礼とを組み合わせるプロセスの一環としてとらえることができる。このプロセスを空間的にとらえると、ルワンダ王国には、東 : 西 :: 北 : 南 :: 過去 : 現在 :: 死者 : 生者 :: 聖 : 俗という象徴論が存在したことが明らかになる。
山中 信夫
vol.26, no.2, pp.81-119, 0000

Maurice and The Life to Come, Forster's so-called posthumous works, published respectively in 1971 and in 1972, seem to necessitate a revaluation of his whole work, especially his novels, even if it is only that those new publications clarify most obscurities in his novels. This general sentiment is frankly expressed by Colin Wilson in his review of Maurice: "The answer now sticks out a mile." In this short essay the writer intends to reread The Longest Journey in the light of Maurice and grasp its hidden structure. Forster's attitude towards Maurice is the first key. Here he plays a double role, that is, the irresolute father ultimately unable to recognize his illegitimate son for decency's sake and the doting mother never giving up hope for the day of redemption. This implies an ego divided between conventions and freedom, that barely manages to hold out in a muddle at the risk of self-disintegration. Although in maurice he struggles hard in order to integrate "a happy ending", which is a victory of freedom over conventions, in effect a glorification of homosexual love, Forster is not successful; the part of "a happy ending" is really a fantasy chapter forcibly ingrafted into a realistic whole. The explanation for his failure is found in the same mental structure behind Maurice as mentioned above, for similar utter disruptions between those two polarities can be inferred from some evidences in Maurice. It is, therefore, not without reason to assume as a working hypothesis such a mental structure of Forster's behind his novels as well as his concealed theme of homosexual love in disguise. This hypothesis seems quite tenable especially in the case of The Longest Journey, for the novel belongs, as Forster mentions, to a similar climate to that of Maurice. Forster's introduction to The Longest Journey in The World's Classics is well worth notice in this respect. It happenes to coincide in its date with his Terminal note added to Maurice, and, besides, its careful reading shows that the real theme of the novel issupposed to be a glorification of homosexual love in the disguise of illegitimacy. It is inferred mainly from the analysis of the episode on the Rings quoted there. The book itself confirms this supposition. Rickie striving to face Stephen's illegitimacy is a displacement in fiction of homosexual love. The relation between Rickie and Stephen is a very delicate one, but it is explained chiefly by the analysis of the word 'a voice', used twice each time Rickie is at a critical moment. Actually, 'a voice' stands for Stephen's, but Forster deliberately uses an indefinite article instead of a grammatical 'the'. This suggests that 'a voice' should be a voice of universal truth heard simultaneously within Rickie. In spite of Rickie's failure to face this reality of homosexuality, Forster cannot but add an ambiguous redemptive chapter of Stephen, which is a mild counterpart of the happy ending of Maurice.
大久保 喬樹
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.34, no.1, pp.73-88, 1983-09-25

"Un Bras" est une nouvelle dont le sujet est tres proche de celui des "Belles endormies": le desir et la tentative d'un vieil homme solitaire de posseder la virginite des jeunes filles a l'etat le plus pur. Neanmoins il y a une difference fondamentale entre ces deux oeuvres. Le deroulement des "Belles endormies" - le heros passe des nuits avec des filles nues, endormies dans une chambre close - est tout a fait inhabituel mais possible dans ce monde reel. Au contraire, celui d'"Un Bras"- le heros passe une nuit avec un bras emprunte a une jeune fille - est impossible dans notre monde reel. D'ailleurs, ce qui est caracteristique dans la structure du monde romanesque des "Belles endormies", c'est l'opposition ou le contraste entre "l'interieur" et "l'exterieur": la chambre close ou se deroule le contact anormal du heros avec les filles est entouree par un monde exterieur normal. Ce contraste ou opposition, dont le heros est toujours conscient, correspond a l'opposition entre la conscience de l'homme et la realite exterieure. D'un autre cote, dans "Un Bras" il manque ce contraste ou cette opposition entre l'interieur et l'exterieur, car toute cette oeuvre est dominee par l'irreel. Le reel n'y intervient jamais. Dans ce sens, il n'y a qu'un seul niveau dans cette oeuvre-le niveau de l'irreel. Cela represente l'assimilation complete de la realite dans le monde interieur de la conscience humaine. Ainsi, "Les Belles endormies" et "Un Bras" sont deux types de nouvelles qui representent divers aspects des processus ou des effets de la transformation de la realite exterieure par la conscience humaine.
楠原 慶子
vol.48, no.1, pp.53-64, 0000

健康な運動習慣のない若年女性31名を対象に,身体組成,筋量,筋厚と骨密度との関係を考察した結果,以下のことが明かとなった.1.身長は全身骨量および腰椎(L2-L4),大腿骨測定部位3箇所(大腿骨頸部,Ward's三角,大転子部)の骨量と相関関係が認められた.また体重は全身骨量と高い相関関係であった.2.体重から体脂肪量を除いた除脂肪体重(FFM)は一部(左大転子部)を除いて,すべての測定部位の骨量,骨密度との間に相関関係が認められた.一方,脂肪に関する指標と(体脂肪量,体脂肪率(%FAT))骨量,骨密度は,%FATとWard's三角部の骨密度に負の相関関係が認められたほかは,有意な関係はなかった.3.除脂肪体重と臍部(腹直筋)筋厚には,高い相関関係が観察された.4.臍部(腹直筋)筋厚は各測定部位の骨密度と有意な相関関係であったのに対して,臍部皮下脂肪厚はいずれの骨密度とも相関はなかった.5.握力と左右大腿骨頸部骨密度には正の相関関係が認められたのに対して,背筋力はいずれの骨密度測定部位とも相関関係は認められなかった.6.運動習慣のない若年女性における骨状態の評価には,除脂肪体重および,臍部筋厚が指標として有効であることが明かとなった.It has been shown in recent studies that bone mineral density (BMD) correlated with fat free mass (FFM) or fat mass (FM) in women. It seems that BMD is influenced by muscle volume, however little is known about the relationship between BMD and muscle thickness distribution. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine correlations between BMD and muscle thickness of the limbs and the trunk. Thirty-one young female subjects (mean age; 18.9+1.1 yrs, height; 159.5+3.5cm, weight; 51.6+4.0kg) were used as subjects. BMD in the lumber spine (L2-L4) and femoral necks of both limbs were measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (Norland Inc.). Body composition was estimated by standard underwater weighing techniques and corrected for residual volume. Percent body fat of the subjects determined from this method ranged from 18.8-32.8%. Muscle thickness taken from the mid-belly of the forearm muscles, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, quadriceps, tibialis anterior, abdominal and subscapular were determined by B-mode ultrasonograghy. Correlate level was set at p<0.05. As shown in previous studies, the present study also demonstrated correlations between body weight and lumber spine (r=0.38, p<0.05) as well as the right and left femoral necks (=0.38, 0.45, respectively). FFM showed significant correlations with muscle thickness of abdominal muscle (r=0.66, p<0.001), quadriceps (r=0.41), and tibialis anterior (r=0.48), but not with the forearm muscle (r=0.30), biceps brachii (r=0.17), triceps brachii (r=0.19), and subscapular (r=0.02). Significant correlations were found between lumber spine and muscle thickness of the abdominal (r=0.45), and between femoral necks (both right and left) and muscle thickness of the quadriceps (r=0.38, 0.42), and abdominal muscle (r=0.60, 0.52). FM did not correlate with BMD in this study. These results would suggest that BMD is influenced by muscle thickness and muscle thickness distribution is an important factor for the relationship between BMD and FFM in young women.
黒沢 文貴(1953-)
vol.58, no.1, pp.85-114, 0000

In the Meiji period, Japan looked to Western powers for a model of modernization, and many reports on things Western were published. Some were reports by government-funded survey missions, and others were travel accounts by private individuals who had gone overseas. Regardless of the type of writing, each work reflected the image of "a model, modern nation" as seen by its author. In this essay, I will discuss several representative writings that helped shape Japanese perceptions of Belgium in the Meiji-Taisyo period.
大塚 貞子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.64, no.2, pp.311-333, 2014-03

In English phonetics classes, teachers usually try to judge and correct students' vowel pronunciation impressionistically, even though, today, teachers can utilize acoustic spectrograms to help improve students' pronunciation. The purpose of the present study is to research the feasibility of acoustic instruction and practice (twice a semester) of vowel pronunciation using the formant information in spectrograms in CALL. Students tried to improve their vowel pronunciation by comparing their first formant (F1) and second formant (F2) values with target values (the average frequencies of native-speakers) and practiced repeatedly by changing their tongue position depending on the relationship between the vowel articulatory position and their formant frequencies.Student formants realizations of the sentences read at the beginning and the end of the semester are compared and analyzed by plotting F1 and F2 values of the target vowels (/ɪ/, /æ/, /ʊ/). The results indicate that all vowel F1 values improved, F2 values of the low front unrounded vowel /æ/ did not improve, but F2 values of the high front unrounded vowel /ɪ/ and high back rounded vowel /ʊ/ showed improvement. This finding suggests that the effect of this approach to acoustic instruction is limited and, therefore, that a greater quantity of acoustic instruction and practice is needed.英語音声学のクラスでは教師は耳で聞いて学生の音声を判断し矯正するが、今日ではCALL教室でスペクトログラムの情報をもとに学生の音声を矯正することが可能である。本研究の目的は、学生の母音訓練にスペクトログラムから得たフォルマント数値を利用して効果的な母音学習方法を調べることである。学生は各自の母音のフォルマント1(F1)とフォルマント2(F2)の周波数値を測定し、目標値として設定した米語母語話者のF1とF2の範囲に数値が収まるように、口腔内の舌の調音位置を変化させて練習した。練習の際に調査対象の3つの音素(/ɪ/, /æ/, /ʊ/)そのものとそれを含む単語で測定した時はそれぞれの母音の目標値を達成できたが、効果測定として訓練前と訓練後に読ませた文中の音素の周波数値で比較した結果、3つの音素のF1は目標を達成できた。しかしF2の場合は、/ɪ/と/ʊ/では改善されたが、/æ/では練習の成果が見られなかった。今後音響の性質を利用した訓練の学習量を増やして、方法の改善を試みる。
北條 文緒
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.52, no.1, pp.169-170, 2001-09-21
雨田 英一
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.1, pp.227-248, 2011-09

In this paper, I tried to investigate Nyosekan Hasegawa's motives for publishing "NIHON KYOUIKU NO DENTOU (Traditional Education of Japan)", and attempt to make clear the fundamental features and limits of Nyosekan Hasegawa's thought on the traditional education system of Japan.Nyosekan (1875-1969) claimed that all Japanese people were expected to inherit, continue and develop the Japanese traditional education that had been handed down from generation to generation since ancient times. He thought that Japanese-style living had made Japanese people into the Japanese nation and that it was the national education system of Japan which carried it out, but that the Western education system had weakened traditional Japanese education. The tradition had faded and died.Japan faced great hardship, Hasegawa awoke Japanese people up to the need for a change of life style. He worked to understand the traditional Japanese education. The focus of this paper is on:1. The opinions on tradition and national education in Japan of the magazine "NIPPON KYOUIKU" published in 1941.2. Hasegawa's thought on Japanese-style living, that had lasted since ancient times.3. An apprenticeship system that included both vocational education and character building as part of a traditional Japanese education.小論で私は,長谷川如是閑がなぜ1943年に『日本教育の伝統』を出版したのか,その動機を探り,彼の日本教育と伝統の思想について,その基本的な性格と限界を明らかにしようと努めた.長谷川如是閑(1875-1969)は すべての日本人は,古代から伝えられてきた日本教育の伝統を引き継ぎ,発展することを期待されているのだと主張した.彼は,日本国民は日本人の生活様式を具現した生活によって育成されてきたのであり,それが日本の国民教育であったとしていた.しかし,西洋の教育制度の影響によってその伝統が弱体化してきた.その伝統は弱まり,もはや生命力を持たない.日本は危機に瀕している,長谷川は,日本人に伝統的な生活様式を再生する必要性に目覚めさせ,その伝統を理解できるよう努めるべく,『日本教育の伝統』を出版したのだった.小論で焦点を当てたのは,1. 1941年に出版された『日本教育』誌上での伝統と国民教育についての論議。2. 古来から伝統として伝わった日本の生活様式についての長谷川の思想。3. 伝統的教育とされる,職業教育と人格教育を併せもった徒弟制度。

1 0 0 0 IR 稚児の性

橋立 亜矢子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.49-78, 2010-03

There is a deep relationship between Japanese people and pages. This deep relationship can be observed in medieval picture scrolls and at various festivals in Japan that still exist.Pages always wear made-up and splendid costumes. They are apotheosized by people and regarded as media to Divine beings or their embodiment.The background to their sacredness comes from their age, at which there is no social distinction by gender, and their existence in medieval monasteries.In discussing the sacredness of children and the position of pages in medieval monasteries, this thesis attempts to find the background to people's feelings toward pages. The thesis also discusses "the gender of pages" which differs from that of adults and of ordinary children.日本人と稚児のかかわりは深く、中世の絵巻をはじめとして、現在もなお日本各地にみられる祭礼行事などからもその関係性の深さが窺える。その姿は、どれも化粧を施され、華やかな衣装をまとわされた姿であり、神仏の憑坐や、神仏の化身そのものとして神格化され、人々により神聖視されている。こうした稚児を聖なるもの見なす背景には、社会的な性差を付与されていない年齢であるがゆえの聖性と中世僧院における稚児の存在というものが関係すると考えられる。本論では、子どもの聖性や中世僧院の稚児の役割などを取り上げながら、人々が稚児に対して抱く意識の思想的背景を明らかにするとともに、大人やふつうの子どもとは異なる特別な存在としての「稚児の性」というものを論及した。