平田 英隆 川村 隆一 野中 正見 坪木 和久
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.99, no.4, pp.899-912, 2021 (Released:2021-08-27)

Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-041, (Released:2021-03-24)

Mesoscale patterns in atmospheric convection (between the inner scale of convecting-layer depth and the outer scales of domain constraints) are fascinating and ubiquitous. This review asks whether some aspects of that form (normalized for a given amount of convective activity) play a meaningful role or function in the total flow, especially in its more-predictable larger scales. Do some mesoscale features deserve to be called organization in its stronge sense, acting like multi-cellular organs in an organism? After enumerating hypotheses from null (mesoscale arrangement doesn't matter) to various detailed ideas (rectification of nonlinear processes with spatial agglomeration, size-dependent top-heaviness of heating, vertical momentum flux effects, adjustment roles, and the character of stochastic noise), a tabular framework for categorizing form-function research is offered. Function measures are divided into micro (mere quantification of budget terms averaged over mesoscale patches) vs. macro (roles played through time in larger-scale phenomena). Tools and approaches are arrayed from literal and explicit (case observations) to conceptualized (models, ranging from theory to numerical to statistical depictions), on timelines both historical (contacting case observations in some way) and synthetic (theory, simulation, and composites). Efforts are further distinguished by whether their inferences are associative (derived from conditional sampling of either form or function) or causal (involving controlled experimentation). Literature examples are surveyed, albeit incompletely, and future research strategies are suggested across this tabular landscape or framework. One spotlighted result is an apparent internal optimum in the horizontal geometry continuum between isotropic horizontal two-dimensionality and horizontally one-dimensional squall lines. Form-function questions could help justify, orient, and capitalize scientifically on the field's costly multiscale activities (requiring both coverage and resolution) in both observational and modeling realms. Data assimilation is a motivating application, and also a potentially powerful research tool for achieving greater synthesis. An observant human sensibility remains crucial for discovering and interpreting form-function relationships, at the very least to design more salient algorithms in the age of big data and computing.
BUI Hien X. YU Jia-Yuh
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-039, (Released:2021-04-08)

In this study, we examine the resolution dependence of the convective spectrum in Community Atmospheric Model version 5 (CAM5) simulations, focusing on the transition from shallow to deep convection and the associated cloud-radiative effect (CRE) change. We first apply the bin method (percentile binning) on precipitation intensity to obtain the convective spectrum in the tropics. The same approach is also used in the column-integrated moist static energy (MSE) budget analysis. The binning results show that over the light-rain regime, the convective structure is dominated by shallow convection, functioning to destabilize the atmosphere by importing column-integrated MSE. The heavy-rain regime shows the coexistence of deep and shallow convection, which inclines to stabilize the atmosphere by exporting the column-integrated MSE. Moreover, we also note that the longwave (LW) component of CRE (LWCRE) is more sensitive to the change of model spatial resolution than the shortwave (SW) component of CRE (SWCRE), characterized by a stronger response in the coarser resolution run over the heavy-rain regime. The resolution dependence of convective spectrum and CRE changes presented in this study highlights the importance of scale-aware cumulus parameterization design in climate models, which is not yet implemented in CAM5.
内山 明博 浅野 正二 塩原 匡貴 深堀 正志
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.77, no.2, pp.513-532, 1999-04-25 (Released:2009-09-15)
4 4

気象庁気象研究所では、上層の氷雲の微物理特性と放射特性同時観測のために地上からの観測システムを開発した。観測システムは、雲粒子ゾンデ(HYVIS)、ライダーと各種放射計からなっている。本論文では、観測システムの概要と1989年6月22日,30日に観測された梅雨前線に伴う巻層雲の構造と放射特性について述べた。HYVISによって観測された氷晶の粒径分布は、べき乗関数で近似でき、その指数は全層平均で3.2であった。粒径分布の顕著な温度依存は、見られなかった。全天日射量の透過率は、同時に測定したサンフォトメーターから推定した可視の光学的厚さに関係づけ、理論値と比較した。その比較は、氷晶粒子に対する非等方因子(asymmetry factor)は球形の粒子に対するものより小さいことを示している。放射温度計の測定値から波長10.5μmでの有効射出率を推定した。さらに、フーリエ変換型赤外分光光度計のデータから波数800から1200cm-1の間の有効射出率の波数分布も推定した。観測した巻層雲は可視の光学的厚さが1.0以上で有効射出率は0.4以上あり光学的に厚かった。
太田 盛三
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.61, no.1, pp.142-150, 1983

筆者は以前,1974年暖候期の資料を用い,広島県沿岸部 Ox 濃度と低層大気における気象状態との関係について若干の統計的調査を行い,その結果を発表した(1976)。すなわち,米子と福岡の実測による 950mb の推定ベクトル平均風地上から 850mb までの広島上空の早朝低層大気安定度示数の推定値,広島の日中最高気温などを説明変量として,広島県内の当日最高 Ox 濃度値の推算を試みた(以下,これを単に Ox 濃度とよぶ)。その方法は散布図方式により各種の Ox 濃度空間平均等値線図を求め,これらの組み合わせを利用し,遂次段階的に当日 Ox 濃度の推算精度を上げるという方法である。<br>今回,1976,1977,1978年暖候期における筆者の予報当番日の資料により,広島における当日の日中前半(6時~12時)の降水量,当日9時における広島県内最高濃度値を新しい説明変量として追加し,1975 年暖候期の全資料によって検証を行った。その結果,新しい説明変量の追加が実用的に有効であることが認められた。なお,1976年以前の濃度測定値は政令の改正前であったので,0.8倍して修正したものが用いられている。
INOUE Toshiro RAJENDRAN Kavirajan SATOH Masaki MIURA Hiroaki
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-066, (Released:2021-07-02)

The dual peak semidiurnal variation in surface rainfall rate over the tropics, simulated by a 3.5-km mesh Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) for 26-31 December 2006, is analyzed and compared with data from the 17-year winter precipitation climatology of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) TMI (TRMM Microwave Imager), Precipitation Radar (PR), and the same 6-day data of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation, as well as infrared data from geostationary satellites. We focus on land areas including southern Africa and the Amazon. Over these land areas, the NICAM simulation captures the primary peak in the afternoon and the secondary peak in the early morning, at similar times to those captured by TRMM data. In the PR observation, the primary peak of rainfall is mainly due to convective rain, whereas the secondary peak is due to stratiform rain. In the NICAM simulation, if a simple method is used for classification of convective/stratiform rain, convective rain is dominant all day long and the rainfall rate is generally higher than in the PR observation. However, an analysis of deep convection (DC) areas indicates consistency between the observation and NICAM; the primary peak of rainfall rate occurs at the mature stage of the number of DC areas, while the secondary peak occurs when the mean size of DC areas is almost at its highest point. In the NICAM simulation, however, the relative magnitudes of the two peaks are not represented well, and the contribution of the stratiform rain is underestimated.  The present study indicates that a high-resolution global nonhydrostatic model like NICAM has the potential to overcome the limitations of coarse-resolution general circulation models by reproducing evolution of deep convection, though there is room for improvement.
Murakami Takio Wang Bin Lyons Steven W.
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.70, no.1, pp.191-210, 1992
1 29

光田 寧 林 泰一 竹見 哲也 胡 隠樵 王 介民 陳 敏連
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.73, no.6, pp.1269-1284, 1995-12-25 (Released:2009-09-15)
14 13

S. Twomey T. Cocks
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.60, no.1, pp.583-592, 1982 (Released:2007-10-19)
59 67

辻 宏樹 横山 千恵 高薮 縁
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.98, no.4, pp.859-876, 2020 (Released:2020-08-25)
6 35

2018年7月豪雨と2017年九州北部豪雨の降水の特徴と環境場を比較した。どちらの豪雨も、梅雨末期に、台風の通過後、上層西風ジェットの南側で、上層トラフの前面において発生した。しかし、二つの事例の降水は対照的な特徴を示していた。2018年7月豪雨では、広範囲に長時間持続する、中程度に背の高い降水システムによる雨が観測された。環境場は気候値と比較して相対的に安定かつ非常に湿潤であった。朝鮮半島に存在した深いトラフは、準地衡力学的強制によって、組織化した降水システムの形成に有利な環境場を整えていた。一方、2017年九州北部豪雨では、極端に背の高い降水システムによって狭い範囲で短時間に非常に強い雨が観測された。環境場は気候値と比較して相対的に不安定かつ湿潤であったが、2018年7月豪雨時と比較して乾燥していた。朝鮮半島に存在した浅いトラフは、トラフ自身に伴う寒気によって大気を不安定化させていた。 2018年と2017年の二つの豪雨事例における特徴の対比は、先行研究Hamada and Takayabu(2018, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0632.1)による極端降水事例と極端対流事例の統計における特徴の対比と類似している。二つの豪雨事例における気温と比湿の気候値からの偏差は、先行研究が上位0.1%の極端事例の統計であるにもかかわらず、先行研究の統計解析の結果よりも数倍大きかった。この結果は、2018年7月豪雨が極端降水事例の極端現象であったことを示唆しており、2017年九州北部豪雨は極端対流事例の極端現象に相当する事例であったことを示唆している。
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)

<p> Stratospheric profiles of the mean age of air estimated from cryogenic air samples acquired during a field campaign over Indonesia, the Coordinated Upper-Troposphere-to-Stratosphere Balloon Experiment in Biak (CUBE/Biak), are investigated by employing the boundary impulse evolving response (BIER) method and Lagrangian backward trajectories, with the aid of an atmospheric general circulation model-based chemistry transport model (ACTM). The ACTM provides realistic meteorological fields at one-hour intervals by nudging toward the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis-Interim (ERA-Interim). Since the BIER method is capable of taking unresolved diffusive processes into account, while the Lagrangian method can distinguish the pathways the air parcels took before reaching the sample site, the application of the two methods to the common transport field simulated by the ACTM is useful in assessing the CO<sub>2</sub>- and SF<sub>6</sub>-derived mean ages. The reliability of the simulated transport field has been verified by the reproducibility of the observed CO<sub>2</sub>, SF<sub>6</sub>, and water vapor profiles using the Lagrangian method. The profile of CO<sub>2</sub> age is reproduced reasonably well by the Lagrangian method with a small young bias being consistent with the termination of trajectories in finite length of time, whereas the BIER method overestimates the CO<sub>2</sub> age above 25 km altitude possibly due to high diffusivity in the transport model. In contrast, the SF<sub>6</sub> age is only reproducible in the lower stratosphere, and far exceeds the estimates from the Lagrangian method above 25 km altitude. As air parcels of mesospheric origin are excluded in the Lagrangian age estimation, this discrepancy, together with the fact that the observed SF<sub>6</sub> mole fractions are much lower than the trajectory-derived values in this height region, supports the idea that the stratospheric air samples are mixed with SF<sub>6</sub>-depleted mesospheric air, leading to overestimation of the mean age.</p>
MORODA Yukie TSUBOKI Kazuhisa SATOH Shinsuke NAKAGAWA Katsuhiro USHIO Tomoo SHIMIZU Shingo
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-038, (Released:2021-03-16)

A phased array weather radar (PAWR) can complete one volume scan in 30 seconds, thus enabling us to obtain high spatiotemporal resolution echo intensities and wind fields of storms. Using its rapid scanning capability, we investigated the evolution of a convective storm in detail. To describe evolution of convective storms, we used the following definitions. The precipitation cell is defined as a three-dimensionally contiguous region of 40 dBZ or greater. The precipitation core is defined by a threshold of positive deviation greater than 7 dBZ, which is a difference from the average reflectivity during the mature stage of the cell. An updraft core is defined as an updraft region of 1 m s−1 or stronger at a height of 2 km. An isolated convective storm was observed by two PAWRs on 7 August 2015 in the Kinki District, western Japan. The storm was judged as a single cell, according to the above definition. We identified nine precipitation cores and five updraft cores within 49 minutes in the mature stage of the cell. A long-lasting updraft core and its branches moved southwestward or southeastward. Around these updraft cores, the precipitation cores were generated successively. The updraft core with the longest duration lasted 73.5 minutes; in contrast, the lifetimes of precipitation cores were from 4.5 to 14.5 minutes. The precipitation cell was maintained by the successive generations of updraft cores which lifted humid air associated with a low-level southwesterly inflow. The total amounts of water vapor inflow supplied by all the identified updraft cores were proportional to the volumes of the precipitation cell, with a correlation coefficient of 0.75. Thus, the extremely high spatiotemporal resolution of the PAWR observations provides us with new evidence that an isolated convective storm can be formed by multiple precipitation cores and updraft cores.
YAMADA Yoshinori
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-036, (Released:2021-03-12)

This paper presents an efficient, practical post-processing algorithm for the quality control of dual-pulse repetition frequency (dual-PRF) Doppler velocity data observed in Plan Position Indicator (PPI) mode. Quality control refers to the enhancement of the quality of the Doppler velocities through the re-assignment of an appropriate Nyquist interval number to an erroneous velocity datum and the elimination of unreliable data. The proposed algorithm relies on the local continuity of velocity data, as do most of the preexisting algorithms. Its uniqueness, however, lies both in the preparation of more reliable reference velocity data and its applicability to PPI data at higher elevation angles. The performance of the proposed algorithm is highlighted by its application to observed data from C- and X-band Doppler radars. This algorithm is practical, efficient, and not time consuming. It may be of great help in the derivation of accurate wind information from dual-PRF Doppler velocities.
CUI Ye RUAN Zheng WEI Ming LI Feng GE Runsheng HUANG Yong
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-032, (Released:2021-01-21)

This study applied the C-band vertically pointing radar with frequency-modulation continuous-wave technology to obtain the continuous observation data of four shallow and two deep snow events during the winter of 2015-2016 in the midlatitudes of China. Generating cells (GCs) were found near the echo tops in every event. The ice particle number concentration (N), ice water content (IWC), and median mass diameter (Dm) retrieved from radar Doppler spectra were used to analyze the microphysical properties in the snow clouds. The clouds were divided into upper GC and lower stratiform (St) regions according to their vertical structure. The fall streaks (FSs) associated with GCs were embedded in the St regions. In the GC regions, the N values in shallow events were smaller compared with deep events, while Dm and IWC were larger. In the St regions, N decreased compared with the GC regions, while the Dm and IWC increased, implying the existence of aggregation and deposition growth. The growth of particle size and mass mainly occurred in the St regions. The increases of N were usually observed near −5°C accompanied by bimodal Doppler spectra, which might be caused by ice multiplication. The average ratios of the median N, Dm, and IWC inside GCs to those outside GCs are 2, 1.3, and 2.5 respectively for shallow events, with 1.7, 1.2, and 2.3 respectively for deep events. These values were basically the same as those for the FSs, implying the importance of GCs to the enhanced ice growth subsequently found in FSs. The larger values of N, Dm, and IWC inside GCs could be related to the upward air motions inside GCs. The first Ze–IWC relationship suitable for snow clouds in the midlatitudes of China was also established.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-030, (Released:2021-02-24)

A new method that retrieves attenuation profiles using a Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) equipped on the Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) is proposed. The DPR operates at Ka and Ku-bands and provides profiles of a differential frequency ratio, which is the difference of the measured or attenuated reflectivity in decibel scale between Ka and Ku bands. For accurate measurements of precipitation, hydrometeor classification is essential. Attenuation of radio wave due to precipitation is closely related to microphysical properties and available for hydrometeor classification. The proposed method estimates range variations of relative values of differential attenuation between two frequencies and can be used for identifying hydrometeor types along the radar propagation path. Numerical simulations indicate that the proposed method performs well for rain, melted snow, mixed-phase precipitation, and some cases of the melting layer. The method was also evaluated for GPM DPR measurements. Results indicate that the method works well for identifying rain and snow and also provides useful information for melting layer detection and attenuation, even for the melting layer in which no enhancement of reflectivity is observed.
Syono S. Hamuro M.
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-12, 1962

Michael E. McIntyre
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.60, no.1, pp.37-65, 1982 (Released:2007-10-19)
208 252

成層圏突然昇温に関する Matsuno の朱駆的な数値実験が成功して以来,この荘大な自然現象が力学的な原因に由来するものであることは疑いをはさむ余地のないところである。しかし,その理論的なモデル化や衛星観測に基づく諸研究は,昇温現象の詳細にわたる理解や適切な予測に関してある程度の見通しが得られた段階に到ったばかりである。本論文では,この現象に関する最近の研究の進展ぶりを自由に論じ,あわせて,数値モデル化に際して対流圏の運動を先駆的に与えることによって生ずる偽の共鳴を避ける方法など,将来の研究のあり方についても示唆を与える。
LI Zhenghui LUO Yali DU Yu CHAN Johnny C. L.
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.98, no.1, pp.213-233, 2020

<p>In this study, the climatological characteristics of pre-summer (April to June) rainfall over South China (SC) and the associated synoptic conditions are examined using 1980–2017 hourly rainfall observations and reanalysis data. The amount, frequency, and intensity of rainfall show pronounced regional variations and substantial changes between pre- and post-monsoon-onset periods. Owing to the more favorable thermodynamic conditions after monsoon onset over the South China Sea (SCS), rainfall intensifies generally over SC irrespective of the rainfall-event durations. Increased rainfall amounts in longer-duration (> 6 h) events were found over a designated west-inland region (west of 111°E), which are partially attributed to enhanced dynamic instability. In addition, rainfall events occur more frequently over the west-inland region, as well as coastal regions to the west of 118°E, but less over a designated east-inland region. Inland-region rainfall is closely linked to dynamic lifting driven by subtropical synoptic systems (low pressure and an associated front or shearline). The westward extension of the western North Pacific high and the eastward extension/movement of the front or shearline, interacting with the intra-period intensification of the southwesterly monsoonal flows, play important roles in providing high-<i>θ</i><sub>e</sub> (equivalent potential temperature) air to the west- and east-inland regions, respectively. Warm-sector coastal rainfall is closely related to the deceleration of the southerly boundary layer (BL) air flow over the northern SCS and associated convergence of BL high-<i>θ</i><sub>e</sub> air near the coast. Meanwhile, the southwesterly synoptic-system-related low-level jet in the lower-to-middle troposphere to the south of the inland cold front can contribute to the coastal rainfall occurrence by providing divergence above the BL convergence near the coast. The BL flow often simultaneously strengthens with the lower-troposphere horizontal winds, suggesting a close association between the BL flow and the synoptic systems. The quantitative statistics provided in this study complement previous case studies or qualitative results and, thus, advance our understanding about pre-summer rainfall over SC.</p>
BARREYAT Marylis CHAMBON Philippe MAHFOUF Jean-François FAURE Ghislain IKUTA Yasutaka
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-050, (Released:2021-04-30)

The assimilation of cloudy and rainy microwave observations is under investigation at Météo-France with a method called ‘1D-Bay+3D/4D-Var’. This method consists of two steps: (i) a Bayesian inversion of microwave observations and (ii) the assimilation of the retrieved relative humidity profiles in a 3D/4D-Var framework. In this paper, two estimators for the Bayesian inversion are used: either a weighted average (WA) or the maximum likelihood (ML) of a kernel density function. Sensitivity studies over the first step of the method are conducted for different degrees of freedom: the observation error, the channel selection and the scattering properties of frozen hydrometeors in the observation operator. Observations over a two-month period of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Microwave Imager (GMI) on-board the GPM-Core satellite and forecasts of the convective scale model Application of Research to Operations at Mesoscale (AROME) have been chosen to conduct these studies. Two different meteorological situations are analysed: those predicted cloudy in AROME but clear in the observations and, on the contrary, those predicted clear in AROME but cloudy in the observations.Main conclusions are as follows. First, low observational errors tend to be associated with the profiles with the highest consistency with the observations. Second, the validity of the retrieved profiles varies vertically with the set of channels used. Third, the radiative properties used in the radiative transfer simulations have a strong influence on the retrieved atmospheric profiles. Finally, the ML estimator has the advantage of being independent of the observation error but is less constrained than the WA estimator when few frequencies are considered. While the presented sensitivities have been conducted to incorporate the scheme in a data assimilation system, the results may be generalized for geophysical retrieval purposes.