南 裕介 伊藤 順一 草野 有紀 及川 輝樹 大場 司
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.2, pp.39-57, 2023-06-30 (Released:2023-07-27)

Akita-Yakeyama Volcano is an active stratovolcano located on Northeast Honshu island, Japan. Recent eruptive activity has occurred on the flank of the volcano in May 1997 and in the summit crater (Karanuma vent) in August 1997. These events indicate that Akita-Yakeyama Volcano has a high potential for future eruptions. In order to better understand the hazards posed by Akita-Yakeyama Volcano, this study focused on the modern explosive activity of Akita-Yakeyama during the last 6000 years. The authors conducted field observations and excavation surveys at outcrops, whole-rock chemical analysis, volcanic glass chemical analysis, and radiocarbon dating for intercalated paleosol layers. As a result, at least nine layers of pyroclastic fall deposits derived from Akita-Yakeyama during the last 6000 years were recognized, ranging from Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) levels of 1 to 2. In chronological order, the major pyroclastic fall deposits consist of AKY8 (45th to 47th century BC), AKY7 (10th to 29th century BC), AKY6 (2nd to 8th century BC), AKY5 (1st century BC to 2nd century AD), AKY4 (5th to 9th century AD), AKY3 (1678 AD), AKY2 (1892 AD), AKY1 (1951 AD) and 1997 eruption ejecta. The decreasing proportion of juvenile materials in eruptive deposits over the last 6000 years is consistent with a reduced magma contribution. It indicates that the development of the hydrothermal system is likely to play an important role in future eruption scenarios for Akita-Yakeyama Volcano.
高橋 良 鈴木 隆広 大森 一人
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.4, pp.453-469, 2022-12-31 (Released:2023-01-30)

In active geothermal areas, subsurface high-temperature thermal waters occasionally cause phreatic (hydrothermal) eruptions without any direct input of mass and energy from magma. So, understanding subsurface hydrothermal systems is critical to improving mitigation strategies for such hazards. The Noboribetsu geothermal area in Kuttara volcano, southwestern Hokkaido, has had repeated phreatic eruptions through the Holocene. In this study, to reveal the hydrothermal system beneath this geothermal area, we investigate (1) the chemical and isotopic compositions of thermal waters and fumarolic gases and (2) the characteristics of hydrothermally altered rocks in phreatic ejecta and around thermal water discharge areas. The chemical and isotopic features of the thermal waters indicate that the hydrothermal activity in this area is attributable to a deep thermal water with a Cl concentration of approximately 12,000 mg/L and a temperature>220 °C. The hydrothermally altered pyroclastic rocks in the phreatic ejecta often include vesicles filled with smectite, chlorite, and Ca-zeolite, implying that a low-permeability clay cap consisting of these minerals exists in the subsurface and impedes the ascent of the deep thermal water. The deep thermal water ascends partly to the shallow subsurface, causing separation of the vapor phase containing CO2 and H2S due to boiling, and the liquid phase discharges as neutral NaCl-type waters. In addition, absorption of the separated vapor phase by groundwater, with oxidation of H2S, leads to the formation of steam-heated acid-sulfate waters, which cause acid leaching and alunite precipitation in the shallow subsurface. The Hiyoriyama fumaroles are derived from the vapor separated from the deep thermal water at 140 °C. Phreatic (hydrothermal) eruptions in the Noboribetsu geothermal area are assumed to have occurred due to rapid formation of a vapor phase caused by a sudden pressure drop of the deep thermal water. Because such eruptions are likely to occur in this area in the future, we should perform efficient monitoring using the constructed model of the hydrothermal system.
小山 真人
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.50, no.Special, pp.S289-S317, 2005-12-20 (Released:2017-03-20)

A critical review was made on public communication/education of knowledge and information about volcanoes and their risk in Japan. Volcanic process can socially be divided into four periods: dormant, pre-emergency, emergency, and restoration/rehabilitation periods. For better mitigation of disasters during all these periods, knowledge and information about volcanoes should enough be shared among volcanologists, officials, and residents around volcanoes. Psychologists well studied the methodology of decision-making and public communication under various risks and many of the results can be applied to volcanic risk. Many volcanologists, however, do not well know the achievements by psychologists. Several Japanese volcanological terms, which have been traditionally used in the public information/education, are ambiguous and have potential for misunderstanding. Journalists often distort the information from volcanologists. The internet may provide a better place for direct risk-communication between volcanologists and residents around volcanoes. Volcanologists should systematically survey the residents and know what method of public communication is the best for sharing risk infomation. The author summarizes the present status of the Japanese system for risk evaluation and announcement during volcanic crises and reviews the problems, which were exposed during the recent volcanic crises in Japan. The author also reviews the status of risk education using hazard maps and/or other methods, which include outreach programs for citizens and schoolchildren.
小林 哲夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.335-350, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

In the Kikai caldera, a major caldera-forming eruption, the Akahoya eruption (Ah eruption), occurred at 7.3 cal ka BP. It started with a plinian eruption (K-KyP), accompanied by a small intra-plinian Funakura pyroclastic flow (K-Fn). In the second eruptive stage, large Koya pyroclastic flow eruption (K-Ky) occurred, which covered the southern part of Kyushu with widespread co-ignimbrite ash (K-Ah (c)). These series of pyroclastic materials are collectively called Kikai-Akahoya tephra (K-Ah (T)). It has been thought that the Akahoya tsunami (Ah tsunami), occurred in connection with the Ah eruption. However, in outcrops below 50 m elevation in the proximal area of the caldera (~60 km), the K-Ah (T) was either replaced by Ah tsunami deposits of various sedimentary facies or completely eroded away by the same tsunami. The largest tsunami was therefore estimated to be due to the collapse of the caldera rim, which occurred some time after the end of the Ah eruption. On the other hand, in the Yokoo midden at Oita city, approximately 300 km from the caldera, it was considered that the K-Ah (c) was deposited immediately above the sandy tsunami deposit. However, the parent material of these distal Ah tsunami deposit is presumed to be K-Ah (r), which was transported and deposited from hinterland to the estuary, and was then incorporated and redeposited by the subsequent striking Ah tsunami. That is, the particles in the tsunami can be interpreted as separating and settling into two different layers, i.e. the basal sand layer and the upper K-Ah (r) set as the same tsunami deposit, due to differences in density. This interpretation is also supported by the chemical analyses of volcanic glass. Thus, the erosion and deposition either proximal or distal area of the caldera indicate that the largest Ah tsunami occurred some time after the Ah eruption. The caldera rim shows a double depression structure which was formed during the Ah eruption, and there are many channel structures on the caldera rim that suggest intense seawater movement. It is therefore highly probable that the sudden collapse of caldera wall after the Ah eruption is the cause of the tsunami, together with the run-up height near the caldera. However, it is not possible to estimate the time until the collapse that caused the Ah tsunami.
馬場 章 藤井 敏嗣 吉本 充宏 千葉 達 渋谷 秀敏
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.351-377, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

Mt. Hoei (Hoei-zan) is a protuberance on the southeastern flank of the Fuji volcano, Japan. The lateral cone was formed during the Hoei eruption in AD 1707. However, the geological map of the Fuji volcano assigns the material of the protuberance to an older unit in the Hoshiyama Stage (100 to 17 ka); this is because the Akaiwa deposits around the summit have been altered in the same manner as rocks in the Hoshiyama Stage. This assignment has led to a model, unique in the context of modern volcanology, in which Mt. Hoei is an uplifted bulge caused by the intrusion of degassed magma that occurred at the time of the eruption; it thus led us to reinvestigate the geology of Mt. Hoei for the first time since Tsuya (1955). In addition to a geological survey, we obtained paleomagnetic directions from the Akaiwa and fallout deposits in the Goten-niwa erosional valley at the base of Mt. Hoei and compared the former with directions from the spatter cone that formed in the first Hoei crater during the final stage of the Hoei eruption. All the directions agreed well with each other and the archeomagnetic directions reported as corresponding to AD 1707, clearly indicating that the Akaiwa is not a part of the Hoshiyama Stage. We also performed petrographic and whole-rock chemical analyses of the deposits and found a gradual upward compositional change from dacite to basalt corresponding to the distal tephrostratigraphic units Ho-I to Ho-IV. This result shows that the Akaiwa deposits corresponded to the rocks of unit Ho-III, and both paleomagnetic and petrologic investigations strongly suggest that the former formed contemporaneously with the eruption. Therefore, the protuberance is not a bulge caused by the magmatic intrusion but a pyroclastic cone from the Hoei eruption.
寺井 邦久
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.319-333, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

This paper presents a revised stratigraphy of the volcanic rocks, pyroclastic materials, and marine deposits transitional from the Pre-Unzen to Unzen volcanoes during the period of 1.9-0.3 Ma in the southern part of Shimabara Peninsula, Kyushu. The geological units, in ascending order, include the Kazusa Formation, Mejima Formation, Minami-Kushiyama Formation, Hojodake basalt, Saishoji Formation, Otani Formation, Kita-Arima Formation, Suwanoike basalt, Ideguchi Formation, Tonosaka andesite, Takaiwasan andesite, and Older Unzen volcanic fan deposits. Among these units, Saishoji and Kita-Arima Formations are shallow marine sediments deposited during a quiet period of volcanic activity, and the Otani Formation, an exotic marker tephra, is intercalated between them. In this study, these formations are newly defined as the Uppermost Kuchinotsu Group (1.0-0.6 Ma), and the Upper Kuchinotsu Group (1.9-1.0 Ma) and Older Unzen volcano (0.6-0.3 Ma), were defined as two active volcanic periods separated by the quiet period (Uppermost Kuchinotsu Group). The continuity of activity ages and similarities in rock chemistry imply that the Suwanoike basalt, Tonosaka andesite, Takaiwasan andesite, and Older Unzen volcanic fan deposits were associated with the Older Unzen volcano. This means that Older Unzen volcano become active after the quiet period of 1.0-0.6 Ma. The Ideguchi Formation, also an exotic marker tephra, and the Otani Formation were excluded from the volcanic activity in this area. The eruption sources of these exotic tephras could have been derived from other regions in Kyushu, but the source was not identified in this study.
柴田 翔平 長谷川 健
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.2, pp.149-169, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-07-28)

We studied the 40 ka Kp I eruption deposits of Kutcharo volcano to unravel its eruption sequence and generation mechanisms. Previous studies have suggested that Kp I is the youngest caldera-forming eruption in this volcano and is characterized by large-scale phreatomagmatic activity. We divided Kp I eruption deposits into 7 units (Units 1~7, in ascending order). Units 1~6 consist of alternating thin pumice and thick fine ash layers. Units 1, 3, and 5 are pumice falls (totaling 1.6 km3), while Units 2, 4, and 6 are ash falls (totaling 52.2 km3) with abundant accretionary lapilli. Stratigraphically higher ash fall units are larger in volume, finer in grain size, and more widely distributed (e.g., Units 2, 4, and 6 are 0.2 km3, 13 km3, 39 km3 respectively). Unit 7 is a climactic ignimbrite (76 km3) that subdivides into lower (Unit 7-L), and upper (Unit 7-U) parts based on the pumice size and the existence of a lithic concentration zone (LCZ).Considering its wide dispersion, high fragmentation, and existence of abundant accretionary lapilli, Unit 6 can be considered to have been deposited by a “phreatoplinian style” eruption. Even though the ejected magma volume increased during the eruption of Unit 1 to 6, interaction between ascending magma and ground water caused maximum explosivity during the eruption that deposited Unit 6. Highly fragmentated magmas might have promoted vaporization and mixing with surface (lake) water to form the buoyant eruption column of Unit 6 eruption phase. Unit 7 is the most voluminous and the richest in lithic fragments at the LCZ, suggesting caldera collapse that generated a climactic pyroclastic flow.In addition to glass shards of bubble wall and pumiceous types, Kp I eruption deposits also commonly contain flake-, and blocky-shaped glass shards produced by phreatomagmatic (quenching) fragmentation. For both types of glass shards to have been generated, part of the ascending magma would have interacted with ground water before and/or during the magmatic fragmentation (vesiculation) that generally occurs below a depth of approximately 1,000 m in felsic H2O-saturated magma systems. In conclusion, a large and deep (~1,000 m) aquifer in the former caldera basin was sustainably supplied with ground water through the conduit system. Generation of the phreatoplinian eruption seems to have been controlled by a plumbing where conduits penetrated the huge aquifer of a pre-existing caldera structure that preserved/hosted a large amount of external water.
津久井 雅志
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.56, no.2-3, pp.65-87, 2011-06-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

The 1783 activity of Asama volcano was reviewed from May to the end of the year based on 166 old documents, including those recorded at a distance. 1. Prior to the 1783 Asama eruption, the level of magma head ascended at Kama-yama crater-pit. Moderately explosive eruptions commenced on May 9, and repeatedly blew off the plugged magma. 2. Depending on the wind direction, ash fell N, NNE, and NE of the crater including Sado Island, Tohoku and Kanto districts. From August 3 to 5, climactic plinian eruption dispersed pyroclastic materials. Distributions of 8 tephra- fall units were presented. 3. The timing of rumbling and quakes at distant places farther than 100km from the crater well correspond with explosive events witnessed by neighbors of the volcano. 4. Duration of a single eruptive event rarely exceed 6 hours. It was true even during the culminating plinian stage from Aug. 3 to 5, 1783. The eruption was so violent in this stage that huge blocks larger than 10m were thrown from Kama-yama crater. 5. Documents concerning with Kambara pyroclastic flow and subsequent debris avalanche occurred on August 5, suggested that an explosion on the northern flank triggered collapse of northern sector. The event occurred at about 08:00 to 08:30am, which is 90 to 120 minutes earlier than estimations appear in previous work. 6. Small and less frequent eruptions continued until January 15, 1784.
及川 輝樹 筒井 正明 大學 康宏 伊藤 順一
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.57, no.4, pp.199-218, 2012-12-28 (Released:2017-03-20)

Shinmoedake (Kyushu, Japan), which is one of the Kirishima Volcanoes, experienced several small eruptions in 2010, finally culminating in a sub-plinian eruption on January 26-27, 2011. After this sub-plinian phase, the eruption style shifts to the phase of vulcanian eruption or ash emission. This volcanic activity is still occurring. We here summarize the eruption history of Shinmoedake during the Edo period on the basis of historical records. The eruptions of Shinmoedake during the Edo period occurred in AD 1716-1717 (Kyoho eruption) and AD 1822 (the 4th year of Bunsei eruption). The Kyoho eruption, which was a large-scale (total amount of tephra: 2×1011 kg) eruption, is divided into the following seven stages. Stage 1 (Apr. 10, 1716 to May 7, 1716): small eruptions occurred over two months; Stage 2 (Sep. 26, 1716): falling ash first observed at the foot of Shinmoedake; Stage 3 (Nov. 9 to 10, 1716): the first large eruption was observed, with pumice falling over a wide area; Stage 4 (Dec. 4 to 6, 1716): small eruptions; Stage 5 (Feb. 9 to 20, 1717): the second pumice fall eruption, with an intermittent ash fall eruption thereafter; Stage 6 (Mar. 3, Mar. 8, Mar 13, Apr. 8, 1717): ash fall eruptions; Stage 7 (Sep. 9, 1717): the last ash fall eruption. These eruptions, which continued intermittently over 17 months, were characterized by multiple repetitions of a large eruption. Based on the results of a comparison between the Kyoho eruption and the 2011 eruption, the eruptions from March 30, 2010 to January 26, 2011, were similar to Stages 1 to 3 of the Kyoho eruption; the eruptions after January 26, 2011, were similar to Stages 5 to 6 of the Kyoho eruption. In addition, the relatively large eruption events of Stages 3 and 5 of the Kyoho eruption and the January 26-27, 2011, eruption began without any noticeable precursors. The eruption in the 4th year of Bunsei (AD 1822) was a small eruption that lasted less than a day. The recent eruption sequences, which were also similar to the Edo period eruptions, are divided into a small-scale eruption (the 1959 eruption) and a large-scale eruption (the 2011 eruption). The eruption duration time of the small-scale (total amount of tephra: < 1010 kg) eruption was less than a day. The eruption duration time of the large-scale (total amount of tephra: > 1010 kg) eruption could be a few months or years. Both eruption sequences began with a small eruption. A large-scale eruption can occur a few months after the start of the eruption sequence. This is an important turning point in the eruption sequence of Shinmoedake.
高橋 正樹
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.40, no.1, pp.33-42, 1995-03-10 (Released:2017-03-20)

There is no positive correlation between the long-term eruption rate of large-scale felsic volcanism and its discharge volume of a single eruptive episode. This means that the storage of voluminous felsic magma at high-level in the crust is caused not by high magma production rate but by continuous accumulation of magma during a long repose time, if the long-term eruption rate reflects the averaged magma production rate. If the cruslal defomation is weak, the magma chamber could be stable in the crust; it is favorable for efficient accumulation of voluminous magma. In fact, the large-volume felsic volcanism occurs exclusively in the region of low crustal strain rate. The low crustal strain rate is considered to be essential for the formation of large-scale felsic volcanism. The large-volume felsic volcanic activity is present in the compressional tectonic stress field as well as in the extensional one; the difference in arrangement of principal stress axes is not related to the occurrence of voluminous felsic volcanism.
上野 龍之
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.61, no.3, pp.533-544, 2016-09-30 (Released:2016-11-08)

The Tsumaya pyroclastic flow deposit is one of the main units of the Aira pyroclastic eruption, which produced the Aira caldera in Southern Kyushu, Japan, 30,000 years ago. The Tsumaya deposit overlies the main plinian unit, the Osumi pumice fall deposit, and is covered by the large-volume pyroclastic flow unit, the Ito pyroclastic flow deposit. The Tsumaya deposit consists of massive facies associated with smaller volume of stratified facies. The total eruption mass is 2.8×1013 kg (estimated by the crystal method), of which approximately 48 % was elutriated to a co-ignimbrite ash fall. The upper part of the Osumi pumice fall deposit is intercalated with the stratified facies of the Tsumaya pyroclastic flow deposit, indicating that the Tsumaya eruption began during the final phase of the Osumi eruption. The Tarumizu pyroclastic flow and the Osumi pumice fall were produced from the same vent in the southern part of the caldera. The Tsumaya pyroclastic flow deposit has been considered to be the same stratigraphic unit as the Tarumizu deposit;however, the two deposits have contrasting origins and different contents of lithic fragments, indicating they were erupted from different vents. Lateral variations in the altitudes of the depositional surface of the Tsumaya deposit indicate that the Tsumaya pyroclastic flow was erupted from the northeastern part of the Aira caldera.
中田 節也
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.61, no.1, pp.199-209, 2016-03-31

Deterministic eruption scenarios may mislead taking countermeasures for coming hazards. Preparing the event tree covering all phenomena which may happen in future eruptions even with low probability for the volcano is important not only for forecasting eruptions but also for disaster prevention. Eruption event trees can be prepared in various concepts, for example, eruption type, scale, hazard type, impact direction or area and so on. The probability tree is the event tree equipped with probabilities for the branches. Probability trees by USGS and European scientists include the cumulative trees, trees based on scientists' elicitation and Bayesian trees. Introduction of the eruption event trees into the Japanese volcanologist community began around 2009. Then, event trees were prepared for Izu-Oshima, Miyakejima, Sakurajima, Usu, and Izu-Tobu volcanoes. Reasons for branching and time scales of events were also discussed and shown on the event trees together with probabilities. The event tree for Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, as an example of lava dome-forming eruptions was drawn in 2011, based on the geological study. On-going lava dome/flow eruption at this volcano just followed the most probable scenario. For Sakurajima volcano, a conceptual event tree was drawn for understanding the anomalies controlling the eruption scale.
萬年 一剛
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.48, no.6, pp.425-443, 2003-12-25

Hakone volcano is situated at the northern tip of the Izu-Mariana volcanic arc in eastern Japan, and area that is both tectonically and volcanically active. Fumarolic activity is observed a.t post-caldera cone volcanoes within the caldera, and the northern extension of the Kita-Izu fault, the source of a M7.3 earthquake in 1930 (Kita-Izu earthquake), traverses the southern part of the caldera. Although there is no historical record of eruptive activity, many intense earthquake swarms have been reported since 1786 within the caldera. In this study, literature on earthquake swarms in 1917, 1920, 1933-35, 1943, 1944, 1953, 1959-60 are re-examined to reveal detailed development of the activity, seismic intensity and the epicentral region of these events. Two epicentral regions are recognized; the central cones region (1), and the southern part of the caldera (2). Earthquake swarms in (1) are often accompanied by rumblings and the main shock is not distinct; successive earthquakes are felt almost continuously during the peak of activity. On the other hand, earthquake swarms in (2) are rarely accompanied by rumblings and have obvious sequence of foreshocks, a mainshock and aftershocks. The largest earthquakes in the swarms in (2) are larger than those in (1). The two epicentral regions are both on the northern extension of the Kita-Izu fault system. Differences in the style of earthquake swarm activity in regions (1) and (2) may be due to differences of the geology and the source depth. Correspondence between fumarolic activity in the solfataras at central cone volcanoes and seismic activity was not observed except for the 1933-35 swarm. Most of the earthquake swarms at Hakone volcano are therefore probably tectonic earthquakes on the Kita-Izu fault system rather than being related to hydrothermal or magmatic activity within the caldera. Earthquake swarms at Hakone appear to have been rare before 1917, and except for 1786, no historical records exist even though one of the most important highways in Japanese history passed across the volcano. An interpretation that attributes the earthquake swarms since 1917 to foreshocks and aftershocks of the 1930 Kita-Izu earthquake would broadly explain the frequency of earthquake swarms at Hakone volcano since the early twentieth century.
宮縁 育夫
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.55, no.5, pp.219-225, 2010

Komezuka Volcano, located in the northwestern part of the post-caldera central cones of Aso Volcano, SW Japan, is a basaltic monogenetic volcano comprising a scoria cone (370-380m in basal diameter; 80m in height) and lava flows (10.5km<sup>2</sup>; 5×10<sup>7</sup>m<sup>3</sup>). We obtained <sup>14</sup>C ages of 3,070±40 years BP from a buried soil below silty ash underlying Komezuka lava, which corresponds to 3,370-3,210cal years BP, and 2,760±40 years BP (2,950-2,770cal years BP) from a soil above silty ash overlying Komezuka lava. The age of soil below the lava suggests that the eruption age of Komezuka Volcano is about 3,300cal years BP. The eruption age is consistent with the age of Ojodake Volcano (3,600cal years BP) whose lava underlies Komezuka lava. In the northwestern part of the post-caldera central cones, Late Holocene monogenetic volcanic activity commenced with sub-plinian eruptions and lava extrusion from Kishimadake Volcano at approximately 4,000cal years BP, followed by sub-plinian eruptions and lava extrusion from Ojodake Volcano at 3,600cal years BP, and ceased with strombolian eruptions and lava extrusion from Komezuka Volcano at 3,300cal years BP.
安井 真也 富樫 茂子 下村 泰裕 坂本 晋介 宮地 直道 遠藤 邦彦
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.2, pp.43-59, 1998-04-30

A large amount of pyroclastic materials (ca. 1.7 km^3) was erupted during the 1707 eruption of Fuji Volcano. Variety of lithic fragments has been recognized in the pyroclastic fall deposits, namely, accessory and accidental lava fragments, gabbros, and granitoids. A great variety of petrologic features is observed in gabbroic fragments consisting of olivine gabbro norite, gabbro norite, troctolite and anorthosite. The gabbros are divided into O, P and F groups on the basis of modal ratios of olivine, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide. O group mainly consists of plagioclase and olivine with minor amounts of pyroxenes and Fe-Ti oxide. O group is considered to have been adcumulated in the lower part of magma chamber because of their high depletion in incompatible elements, their well-sorted grain size and sedimentary structure. P group is composed of plagioclase, pyroxenes and minor amounts of olivine and Fe-Ti oxide. F group is similar to P group, but is enriched in Fe-Ti oxide. P and F groups are orthocumulates and may be solidified in the upper part and margin of magma chamber or dike because of their porphyritic texture. Such a variety of gabbros may correspond to the difference in location of the single gabbroic body beneath Fuji Volcano. The estimated source magma of the gabbros is similar to the basalt of Fuji Volcano in chemical and mineralogical compositions indicating that they are cognate origin. Chemical compositions of olivine and pyroxenes become magnesian and those of plagioclase become calcic with the decreasing of bulk-rock FeO^*/MgO ratio. It suggests that they are the products of continuous fractional crystallization. The magma of the 1707 eruption could have come up from under the gabbroic body, which was the solidified basaltic magma chamber, and have caught and brought the rocks from the gabbroic body up to the surface as cognate xenoliths during the eruption.