宮地 直道 富樫 茂子 千葉 達朗
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.49, no.5, pp.237-248, 2004

A large-scale collapse occurred at the eastern slope of Fuji volcano about 2900 years ago, based on calibrated <sup>14</sup>C age of a wood sample collected in the resulting debris avalanche deposit. The collapsed slide deposit, called "Gotemba debris avalanche deposit" (Goda), is distributed on the eastern foot of the volcano covering an area of more than 53 km<sup>2</sup> The source amphitheater is not preserved because it became covered by younger tephra erupted from the summit crater. This avalanche deposit is overlain by the "Gotemba, mudflow deposits" (Gomf) emplaced repeatedly after the avalanche. Some now units of the Goda and Gomf entered pre-existing rivers and were finally emplaced as fluvial deposits. The Goda is composed of debris-avalanche blocks, showing jigsaw cracks, along with smaller blocks ranging from several tens of centimeters up to l m in diameter. The debris-avalanche matrix is a mixture of smaller nieces of blocks and ash-sized materials due to mainly shearing and fragmentation of large blocks. Igneous rocks include fresh and altered gray basaltic lava, weathered tephra including red scoria and white clay. Petrographical and geochemical data indicate that most blocks were derived from the Older Fuji volcano. The volumes of the Goda and Gomf are about l.05km^3 and 0.71km^3 respectively, based on presently available geological and borehole data. Since the blocks of Goda are composed mostly of the products of the Older Fuji volcano and the older stage lavas of Younger Fuji volcano do not extend to the eastern foot of Fuji volcano, a bulge of Older Fuji volcano must have existed in the eastern flank of Fuji volcano preventing the older stage lavas to now to the east. This bulge collapsed in the form of three blocks from the foot of the mountain. The abundance of hydrothermally altered deposits in the Goda and the absence of fresh volcanic products within the Goda suggest its origin as a rupture inside the altered deposits possibly triggered by a large earthquake or phreatic eruption.
宮地 直道 鈴木 茂
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.25, no.3, pp.225-233, 1986-12-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
2 3

Tephrostratigraphical and palynological studies have been done for the Ohnuma-aisawa lake deposits, distributed at the eastern foot of Fuji Volcano. The Ohnuma-aisawa lake deposits lie over the Gotemba mud flow deposits, filling in their hollow places, and consist mainly of a lower half of sand and gravel beds and an upper half of silt and peat beds. Nearly twenty tephra beds, dating after about 2200y.B.P, were found in the upper half. The stratigraphy and characteristics of the tephra are described.The condition of the ground in the area of Ohnuma-aisawa Lake became worse after the fallout of Yu-2 tephra about 2200y.B.P. The Cryptomeria forests were dominant until the 9th century in this area. However, the destruction of the forests by human activities began with the increase of Pinus after that time.
田島 靖久 宮地 直道 井上 公夫
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.45, no.4, pp.287-301, 2006 (Released:2007-07-27)
2 3

日本最大の活火山である富士火山には, 山麓部に複数の扇状地が分布する. 本論では, 富士火山の西側に位置する上井出扇状地について, その形成過程を解明した. 上井出扇状地は堆積物の構成物質や地形より, その形成時期をYFM-K1~K3期の3時期に区分できる. このうち, YFM-K1期 (cal BC 3,400~2,100) は中期溶岩の噴出時期にあたり, cal BC 2,500頃には到達距離の長い岩樋火砕流が発生した. YFM-K2期 (cal BC 1,500~1,000) は, 比較的規模の大きな降下テフラや火砕流が噴出するとともに, 御殿場岩屑なだれと近接した時期に107m3オーダーの規模の大きな猪の窪ラハール-Aが発生した. YFM-K3期 (cal BC 800~AD 300) は, 湯船第2スコリア (Yu-2) をはじめとする山頂火口に由来する降下テフラの噴出時期に対応し, これらに伴うラハールが発生した.マグマ噴出率の変化と, cal BC 3,400以降の上井出扇状地における土砂堆積量の変化傾向は, おおむね一致していることが判明した. 上井出扇状地のYFM-K1期の場合, 大規模な降下テフラの発生が少なく, このため山体近傍に堆積する溶岩の供給量の変化は, 扇状地での堆積量の変化に大きく影響を与えていると考えられる. YFM-K2期については, 107m3オーダーのラハールが短時間に流出する現象が扇状地の形成に関与していた.
宮地 直道 能城 修一 南木 睦彦
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.23, no.4, pp.245-262, 1985-01-31 (Released:2009-08-21)

The eastern and southeastern slopes of Fuji Volcano which are covered with Fuji 1707 Tephra lack subalpine coniferous forests. At three sites on the southeastern slope, geological and paleobotanical studies were made on the fossil forests buried under this tephra. This pyroclastic fall deposit ejected from the Hoei Craters of December 16, 1707 A.D. consists of a lower pumice bed (Ho-Ia) and upper scoria beds (Ho-Ib) in this area. The wood fossils and other plant macrofossils are buried in or beneath the Ho-Ia, which consists of many bombs and coarse pumice fragments, with a maximum thickness of 70cm. The occurrence of wood fossils and other plant macrofossils indicate that leaves, branches and stems were buried in that order in the lower pumice bed very rapidly. Most of the wood fossils were carbonized by the heat of the pumice fragments.The forests which existed until December 16, 1707 A.D. were reconstructed. At site MK-4 (1745-1785m in alt.), there were stands composed of subalpine conifers such as Abies veitchii, Tsuga diversifolia and Picea jezoensis, one stand of Larix and one small stand of deciduous broad-leaved trees, that were distributed in patches. At site MK-2 (1680m in alt.), there was a forest of Abies, Tsuga diversifolia, and Picea jezoensis with a few broadleaved trees. At site MK-5 (1630m in alt.), there was a forest of Abies, Picea jezoensis, and Picea cf. maximowiczii with a few montane-zone elements such as Pterocarya or Pourthiaea.These facts indicate that, prior to the eruption, subalpine coniferous forests and montane ones existed on the southeastern slope of Fuji Volcano, and that the boundary between the subalpine zone and the montane zone was at about 1650m in alt. around the three sites. The elevation of this boundary is lower than that of the present one on the southern slope of Fuji Volcano. Since then, the forests have been replaced by a Larix forest or a Quercus and Betula forest at sites MK-2 and MK-5 where the surfaces have become relatively stable; whereas, a volcanic desert still exists around site MK-4 situated in the course of an avalanche chute.
安井 真也 富樫 茂子 下村 泰裕 坂本 晋介 宮地 直道 遠藤 邦彦
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.2, pp.43-59, 1998-04-30

A large amount of pyroclastic materials (ca. 1.7 km^3) was erupted during the 1707 eruption of Fuji Volcano. Variety of lithic fragments has been recognized in the pyroclastic fall deposits, namely, accessory and accidental lava fragments, gabbros, and granitoids. A great variety of petrologic features is observed in gabbroic fragments consisting of olivine gabbro norite, gabbro norite, troctolite and anorthosite. The gabbros are divided into O, P and F groups on the basis of modal ratios of olivine, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide. O group mainly consists of plagioclase and olivine with minor amounts of pyroxenes and Fe-Ti oxide. O group is considered to have been adcumulated in the lower part of magma chamber because of their high depletion in incompatible elements, their well-sorted grain size and sedimentary structure. P group is composed of plagioclase, pyroxenes and minor amounts of olivine and Fe-Ti oxide. F group is similar to P group, but is enriched in Fe-Ti oxide. P and F groups are orthocumulates and may be solidified in the upper part and margin of magma chamber or dike because of their porphyritic texture. Such a variety of gabbros may correspond to the difference in location of the single gabbroic body beneath Fuji Volcano. The estimated source magma of the gabbros is similar to the basalt of Fuji Volcano in chemical and mineralogical compositions indicating that they are cognate origin. Chemical compositions of olivine and pyroxenes become magnesian and those of plagioclase become calcic with the decreasing of bulk-rock FeO^*/MgO ratio. It suggests that they are the products of continuous fractional crystallization. The magma of the 1707 eruption could have come up from under the gabbroic body, which was the solidified basaltic magma chamber, and have caught and brought the rocks from the gabbroic body up to the surface as cognate xenoliths during the eruption.
西村祐一 宮地直道
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.4, pp.239-242, 1998-08-31
宮地 直道 富樫 茂子 千葉 達朗
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.49, no.5, pp.237-248, 2004-10-29 (Released:2017-03-20)

A large-scale collapse occurred at the eastern slope of Fuji volcano about 2900 years ago, based on calibrated 14C age of a wood sample collected in the resulting debris avalanche deposit. The collapsed slide deposit, called “Gotemba debris avalanche deposit” (Goda), is distributed on the eastern foot of the volcano covering an area of more than 53 km2 The source amphitheater is not preserved because it became covered by younger tephra erupted from the summit crater. This avalanche deposit is overlain by the “Gotemba, mudflow deposits” (Gomf) emplaced repeatedly after the avalanche. Some now units of the Goda and Gomf entered pre-existing rivers and were finally emplaced as fluvial deposits. The Goda is composed of debris-avalanche blocks, showing jigsaw cracks, along with smaller blocks ranging from several tens of centimeters up to l m in diameter. The debris-avalanche matrix is a mixture of smaller nieces of blocks and ash-sized materials due to mainly shearing and fragmentation of large blocks. Igneous rocks include fresh and altered gray basaltic lava, weathered tephra including red scoria and white clay. Petrographical and geochemical data indicate that most blocks were derived from the Older Fuji volcano. The volumes of the Goda and Gomf are about l.05km^3 and 0.71km^3 respectively, based on presently available geological and borehole data. Since the blocks of Goda are composed mostly of the products of the Older Fuji volcano and the older stage lavas of Younger Fuji volcano do not extend to the eastern foot of Fuji volcano, a bulge of Older Fuji volcano must have existed in the eastern flank of Fuji volcano preventing the older stage lavas to now to the east. This bulge collapsed in the form of three blocks from the foot of the mountain. The abundance of hydrothermally altered deposits in the Goda and the absence of fresh volcanic products within the Goda suggest its origin as a rupture inside the altered deposits possibly triggered by a large earthquake or phreatic eruption.
前田 美紀 宮地 直道
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.57, no.1, pp.19-35, 2012-03-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

Formation mechanism of basaltic pyroclastic flows has not been sufficiently clarified yet because basaltic pyroclastic flows do not occur as frequently as felsic ones. We studied the Osawa pyroclastic flow 3 deposit (OsPfl-3), which took place on the western flank of the Fuji volcano between 2.9 and 3.0 ka. OsPfl-3 has two flow units and one cooling unit, which have a combined volume of 6.2 × 106m3. The flow overlies another unit composed of two scoria fallout deposits (YokSfa-2a and 2b) which sandwich a pyroclastic flow deposit (OtPfl). OsPfl-3 mainly consists of welded blocks and dense blocks with composition and petrographical characteristics of basaltic andesite. Some of the dense blocks have cracks on their surfaces and look like “cauliflower-shaped bomb”. They have a flat surface on one side with concentration of vesicles near the surface. The matrix of OsPfl-3 has dense fragments that are thought to have originated from dense lava blocks and poorly vesiculated scoria. The emplacement temperature of the blocks is estimated to be higher than 580℃ from thermoremanent magnetization measurements. These observations indicate that the blocks in the OsPfl-3 originated from welded pyroclasts, lava flow or lava lake at the summit crater. The sequence of the eruptions that formed OsPfl-3 and underlying deposits are summarized as follows: Stage 1: Deposition of fallout tephras (YokSfa-2a and 2b) and an intercalated pyroclastic flow (OtPfl) which are composed of fairly vesiculated scoria; Stage 2: Formation of lava flow or lava lake at the summit crater, and deposition of pyroclastics on the lava; Stage 3: Occurrence of the pyroclastic flow (OsPfl-3) caused by collapse of lava and pyroclastics. OsPfl-3 is prominently distributed on the western flank. This observation implies that the westward flow from the source lava that filled the summit crater could cross the lower part of the crater rim.
西村 裕一 宮地 直道 吉田 真理夫 村田 泰輔 中川 光弘
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.39, no.5, pp.451-460, 2000-10-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
11 10

安井 真也 富樫 茂子 下村 泰裕 坂本 晋介 宮地 直道 遠藤 邦彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.2, pp.43-59, 1998-04-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

A large amount of pyroclastic materials (ca. 1.7 km3) was erupted during the 1707 eruption of Fuji Volcano. Variety of lithic fragments has been recognized in the pyroclastic fall deposits, namely, accessory and accidental lava fragments, gabbros, and granitoids. A great variety of petrologic features is observed in gabbroic fragments consisting of olivine gabbro norite, gabbro norite, troctolite and anorthosite. The gabbros are divided into O, P and F groups on the basis of modal ratios of olivine, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide. O group mainly consists of plagioclase and olivine with minor amounts of pyroxenes and Fe-Ti oxide. O group is considered to have been adcumulated in the lower part of magma chamber because of their high depletion in incompatible elements, their well-sorted grain size and sedimentary structure. P group is composed of plagioclase, pyroxenes and minor amounts of olivine and Fe-Ti oxide. F group is similar to P group, but is enriched in Fe-Ti oxide. P and F groups are orthocumulates and may be solidified in the upper part and margin of magma chamber or dike because of their porphyritic texture. Such a variety of gabbros may correspond to the difference in location of the single gabbroic body beneath Fuji Volcano. The estimated source magma of the gabbros is similar to the basalt of Fuji Volcano in chemical and mineralogical compositions indicating that they are cognate origin. Chemical compositions of olivine and pyroxenes become magnesian and those of plagioclase become calcic with the decreasing of bulk-rock FeO*/MgO ratio. It suggests that they are the products of continuous fractional crystallization. The magma of the 1707 eruption could have come up from under the gabbroic body, which was the solidified basaltic magma chamber, and have caught and brought the rocks from the gabbroic body up to the surface as cognate xenoliths during the eruption.
宮地 直道
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.29, no.1, pp.17-30, 1984-04-01

"Fuji 1707 Tephra" was thrown out from the three craters on the upper southeast flank of Fuji Volcano on December 16 to 31, 1707 (TSUYA, 1955). It is composed of scoria beds named Ho-II to -IV and lowest two pumice beds named Ho-I. Ho-I and -II are probably originated from the second and the third craters and Ho-III and -IV are from the first crater on the basis of distribution of ejecta and characteristics in apparent densities. Ho-I_a, the lower Ho-I, is studied with respect to its mode of eruption, transportation and sedimentation. This bed is composed of white to pale brownish pumice, and is readily recognizable in the field and traceable over 130 km eastward from the source. Ho-I_a is the Plinian pumice-fall deposit and its volume is calculated to be 0.067 km^3 by the method of "Cross section area" (SUZUKI et al., 1973). The axis of maximum pumice diameters (MP), maximum lithic fragment diameters (ML) and median diameters of grains (Md) run along the southern margin of the distribution area. The same feature is recognized in the apparent density distribution for pumice fragments. More than 130 km eastward from the source, such an asymmetric distribution for MP is preserved. These facts suggest that the eruption column of Ho-I_a was affected by the strong westerlies in the upper atmosphere and the local SW winds in the lower one. The present meteorological data support this interpretation. Consequently, it is concluded that the irregular distribution of this Plinian tephra was originated by the differences in wind direction and velocity due to the altitude.
宮地 直道 中川 光弘 吉田 真理夫
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.45, no.2, pp.75-85, 2000-05-10

Recent eruptive episodes since the last 2200 years of Rausudake volcano, east Hokkaido, are revealed by tephrochronology, geological survey of volcanic edifice and petrology of eruptive products. Eruptive ages of these episodes are estimated by ^<14>C age dating, presence of wide spread tephras, Ma-b from Mashu volcano (about 1 ka) and Ta-a from Tarumai volcano (AD 1739), and thickness of soil between tephra. We identify three major eruption episodes occurring in ca. 2200, ca. 1400 and 500-700 y. B. P. In each episode, plinian eruption associated with generation of pyroclastic flows and possibly with effusion of lava flows and domes had occurred from the summit area. Volcanic explosive index (VEI) of each eruption is 2-4. Tephra identified as the deposits of ca. 1400 y. B. P, eruption had spread widely and has been found in Kunashiri Island which locates about 60 km east of Rausudake volcano. In Shiretoko Peninsula, east Hokkaido, Mt. Shiretoko-Iouzan has been recognized to be an active volcano. We should note that Mt. Rausudake is also active volcano that repeated its magmatic eruptions at intervals of ca. 800 years.
遠藤 邦彦 宮地 直道 高橋 正樹 山川 修治 中山 裕則 大野 希一
