清水 寛之 湯浅 万紀子
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.12, pp.19-30, 2012-12

The purpose of the present study is to clarify the characteristics of long-term memories of visitors' experiences in science museums. A total of 812 adults (293 staffs of science museums, 421 undergraduate and graduate students, and 98 elderly adults), who had experiences of visits to science museums, participated in this study. The participants were asked to rate the actual long-term memories of the museums in a questionnaire including the Memory Characteristics Questionnaire (MCQ) consisting of the original 38 items and an item relating to the direct influence of the experience on the participants. The data of 692 participants (198 museum staffs, 413 students, and 81 elderly adults), out of the total, were performed with a factor analysis. It was found that the MCQ items were composed by five factors: (1) clarity, (2) meaningful interpretation, (3) sensory experiences, (4) temporal information and (5) feeling. The differential rating patterns for each factor in the three participant groups based on this factor structure of the MCQ were mainly discussed in terms of personal implication or reinterpretation of specific experiences of long-term memories. Based on these results, several practical implications were suggested from the viewpoint of museum evaluation.
畠山 華子 立川 雅司
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.11, pp.18-27, 2012-06

Purpose of the paper is to elucidate various factors which lead to settlement of arguments among scientists in the context of regulatory science (safety assessment) using a case of a transgenic crop showing drought tolerance. The transgenic crop was regarded as a new type of GMO and posing scientific uncertainty. Novel assessment techniques (Omics) were proposed to use to assess the safety of the crop. While seemed promising at first, after discussing various aspects of the method, the GM Food Safety committee finally decided not to adopt the technique at that time. Minutes of the meeting of the Committee and interviews to related scientists were analyzed to understand the process to reach the conclusion. It is observed that the discussion among scientists has reached consensus through taking into account various kinds of knowledge, not only purely scientific but also institutional one, such as chronological consistency. Under the context of regulatory science, this latter type of knowledge (institutional knowledge) are accumulated within the committee and applied to the issue which constitutes a crucial factor to bring closure of the discussion. Science communication would need to take a harder look at this fairly neglected area, and foster the public to understand this aspect of science in action.
児玉 耕太 竹本 寛秋
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
no.10, pp.16-32, 2011-12

This article shows that communication in the free zone of the Science Cafe is improved if visitors are able to experience the actual research object, an abstract entity referred to as knowledge. This Science Cafe was designed to promote the use of "slime mold" in a petri dish as a communication tool. By using a survey analysis, we showed that there was a correlation between the visitors' behavior toward the petri dish and satisfaction from the cafe. Further, by using statistical methods including text mining, we analyzed the correlation among visitors' prior knowledge, the changes they experienced, and so on. Through their steps, we could demonstrate the novel method to minutely design and evaluate Science Cafe. Accordingly, it was clear that real experience is very effective in scientific communication, and we suggest an original methodology covering scientific communication.
白田 茜
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.5, pp.41-52, 2009-03

This research revealed that citizen participation on food safety would visualize the problems in food safety policy and would contribute to the determination of the direction of the policy. Biases in the developing technologies, due to decision by a restricted number of people such as experts, could possibly be corrected by the participation of various citizens. Thorough their participation in conferences, citizens deepen their opinion, exert a role as a more constructive partner in food safety, and also express tolerance and understanding of other participants' opinions. This indicates educational aspect of citizen participation.
比屋根 均
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.1, pp.4-13, 2007-03

A society for the study of engineering ethics, which is also called 'The ET Society', is part of the Chubu Branch of the Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan (IPEJ). The development of our ET Society in communication can be divided into two stages. At the first stage, we had internal communication between engineers. At the second stage, we had interactive communication between engineers and the public through 'Technology Cafe'. With this experience, the paper discusses the effectiveness and possibilities of engineers' interactive technology communication.
三上 直之
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.1, pp.84-95, 2007-03

This article discusses the challenges faced by the participatory technology assessment (pTA) in Japan, which is now reaching the practical stage after a decade of introduction, trial and experiment. From November 2006 to February 2007, the prefectural government of Hokkaido held a consensus conference on whether the government should promote or regulate the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in the region (GM Consensus Conference). Within the nation, the Conference was the first pTA event in practical use that has a close linkage to actual policy-making. Through the preliminary case study on GM Consensus Conference, the author found that the method of consensus conference functioned effectively in the real-world settings, especially in eliciting the points of controversy on the introduction of GM crops in Hokkaido. The case also suggested that pTA would be connected loosely to the formal policy decision processes through deliberative councils (shingikai), and that we should consider pTA as a tool for the general public to express their views on technology and seek to finance those parties (NGO/NPOs, universities, mass media, etc.) who are trying to organize pTA events in cooperation with the government or local authorities.
松田 健太郎
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.3, pp.3-15, 2008

A poster exhibition and a workshop about Science Cafe were held in Science Agora 2007. These events provided the Cafe organizers with opportunities to interact with one another and to exchange information about Science Cafe they organize. They also served as opportunities to discuss current situation of Science Cafe. In the workshop, one of the important topics was the meaning of“ interactive communication.” This report showed how Science Cafe in Japan could be improved by examining opinions of the participants of the workshop. Through the two events, it was clear that the Cafe organizers needed the opportunity to meet with one another and to discuss Science Cafe because they hold Science Cafe through a trial and error process. It was suggested that the important elements for“ facilitators” contained“ the number of participants,”“ space for speaking,” and“ equal viewing” to have effective interactive communication in Science Cafe. Science Cafe is a new tool for science communication activity, and it has a potential to become a good place where a new relationship between science and society can be established.
吉澤 剛 山内 保典 東島 仁 中川 智絵
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.9, pp.93-106, 2011-06

Science communication now needs extending its activities to engage more various actors in intermediary organization linking science and society. Through a comparative analysis of 4 intermediaries in the UK, including the British Science Association (BA), Sciencewise-ERC, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), and the Research Information Network (RIN), this article first illustrates the variety of linking in these intermediaries as a motto like "from science to society / from society to science", "dialogue between science and society for policy", "science for society", and "science community as society". It then draws some lessons for the institutionalization and management of the corresponding organizations in Japan. Important might be the demonstration of the relevance of such organizations by collaborating external partners, promoting internal members' private activities and engaging them with formative evaluation.
敷田 麻実
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
no.8, pp.27-38, 2010-12

This article proposes a Half-shift model to simultaneously achieve the mutually reinforcing goals of creative work and social contribution. Science communicators are closely examined as one of the possible conduits to implement this model. Intensifying global competition requires work places and social settings to be more efficient and less flexible, making it difficult for professionals to gain satisfaction from being creative and contributing to society through their paid work. After a closer examination, the author proposes a Half-shift model as a new way to achieve a more balanced work environment. The Half-shift model looks at combining paid work and unpaid work in conterminous areas. The research shows that the keys for promoting this model are changes in work rules and professionals' personal motivation for work. It is hoped that this article provides a conceptual framework for the development of a Half-shift model, and contributes to its implementation.
永岑 光恵 楠見 孝
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.7, pp.119-132, 2010-02

What do people know about the state-of-the-art neuroscience research and developments promoted by it? Recently it is empathized that to be educated consumers, people need to acquire neuroscience literacy (NL). What is the NL? This study investigated its components and constructed its scale. In a preliminary study, we created the NL inventory, and 274 subjects (35 working people and 239 university students) completed the NL questionnaire. An exploratory factorial analysis was conducted, and after that the questionnaire was revised for the next studies. In the first study, 240 university students completed the questionnaire. Exploratory factorial analyses extracted four factors which could be called (1) "denial of naïve knowledge," (2) "perspective on neuroscience," (3) "allowance of neuroscience research," and (4) "allowance of practical applications of neuroscience research." In the second study, we used the NL inventory and examined the effect of the NL education on 210 subjects (113 subjects had the NL education). After the NL education, the scores of (1), (2), and (3) increased, but that of (4) decreased. These results suggest that the NL education promotes neuroscientific knowledge, the allowance of neuroscience research, and attentiveness to allowing practical applications of neuroscience research.
中西 靖男
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
no.2, pp.133-138, 2007-09

An overview of an astronomical observatory system through the internet was showed. People had to go to an astronomical observatory until now. However people can enjoy the image of celestial body using this system. An internet TV-communication software called "Skype" was employed with this system. As it is free, what we need are a computer with internet, a camera and an NTSC-USB converter. On the 24th April in 2007, I connected this system between the observatory at Furano and the computer at Hokkaido University. Almost 100 people joined this event. The answer of a questionnaire to them showed that 68% of the people had no chance to go to an astronomical observatory before. I suppose that this kind of system will increase the chance to see the astronomical observatory in the near future.
川本 思心 中山 実 西條 美紀
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
no.3, pp.40-60, 2008-03

The definition of science and technology literacy is constantly changing reflecting the relation between scienceand society. The more recent one is not only for a person to understand science and its methodology, butalso to be able to make a comprehensive judgment on the influences of science and technology on the societyand to reflect the judgment on one's activities. In this paper, the author will first make a general survey ofthe views on science and technology literacy based on earlier domestic as well as foreign studies. Next, theauthor will make a survey of the questionnaires used as means to judge the "literacy," to know how and whatthey measured. The author then describes a new questionnaire developed as a part of this study designed toevaluate the literacy in connection with the social recognition, and the result of the survey conducted usingthe questionnaire, reporting its finding that it is necessary to propose a separate educational program for eachcluster of people with different tendency.