富田 まり子
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.80, no.10, pp.1577-1591, 1987-10-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The intrinsic laryngeal muscles contract in a slightly different fashion with each movement during respiration, deglutition and phonation. The present study evaluates the oxygen metabolism of each intrinsic laryngeal muscle, with two different experimental procedures:(1) Immunohistochemical distribution of myoglobin in the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, and (2) tissue oxygen pressure in the intrinsic laryngeal muscles during electrical stimulation of the laryngeal nerves.1. In the first series of experiments, the ratio of myoglobin-rich fibers accounted for 67.6% of the cricothyroid muscles, 47.4% of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles, 33.9% of the lateral cricoarytenoid muscles, 31.6% of the thyroarytenoid muscles and 31.5% of the interarytenoid muscles.2. No definite pattern was observed in the arrangement of myoglobin-rich fibers in any of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles.3. In the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle, myoglobin-rich fibers were thicker than myoglobin-poor fibers. On the contrary, myoglobin-poor fibers were thicker in the thyroarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid and interarytenoid muscles. However, in the cricothyroid muscles there was no relationship between the amount of myoglobin and the diameter of the muscle fibers.4. In the second series of experiments, during stimulation of the laryngeal nerves in the cricothyroid and thyroarytenoid muscles, intramuscular tissue oxygen pressures decreased with the onset of muscle contraction. The tissue oxygen pressure dropped further at 30Hz than at 10Hz and showed an even greater decrease at 60Hz than at 30Hz.5. Tissue oxygen pressure decreased more in thyroarytenoid than in cricothyroid muscle.6. The results of the present studies indicate that for laryngeal function oxygen supply is more necessary in slow muscles, such as the cricothyroid and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles than in fast muscles, such as the thyroarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid and interarytenoid muscles.
礒部 美也子 川野 通夫 田野 口二三子 本庄 巖 森 一功 倉田 響介
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.87, no.7, pp.933-940, 1994-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

In 289 patients with cleft lip and palate, cleft palate, submucous cleft palate and congenital velopharyngeal insufficiency, various aspects of pharyngeal stops were studied: incidence, place of articulation, factors which influence the occurrence, and elicited consonants (except/k/).Observing those videofluoroscopy of the patients, we selected ones whose back of the tongue (and epiglottis) touched the posterior pharyngeal wall while they pronounced [ka]. The incidence of pharyngeal stops for [ka] was approximately 9%.Pharyngeal stops were divided into three types according to the site of articulation: oropharynx, oro-and laryngopharynx and epiglottis. The oro-and laryngopharynx type, in which the epiglottis as well as the back of the tongue made contact with the posterior pharyngeal wall, was most common. Among the factors which influence the occurrence of pharyngeal stops were the following vowels. When low vowels followed/k/, such as [ka, ko], pharyngeal stops were most frequent. They were somewhat less frequent during the production of [ku], and rare during that of [ki, ke]. It was observed that the site of articulation of [ka, ku, ko] was different from that of [ki, ke] in a single patient. Moreover, the occurence of pharyngeal stops was influenced by the number of syllables: that is, they appeared less frequently in words or sentences than in single syllables. Pharyngeal stops were also observed during the production of/p/and/t/.Pharyngeal stops are considered to be variable abnormal articulations.
八木 繁雄
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.24, no.2, pp.155-164_1, 1930-05-20 (Released:2011-10-14)

Labyrinth inflammation owing to the experimental injuries in the round or the oval window of the rabbit, displays the pathological changes as following: viz.—1) The intenestity of the pathological changes in the labyrinth is observed to be in the following order: I. cochlea, 2. sacculus, 3. utriculus, 4. semicircular canal.2) Inflammation in the scala tympani caused by the injury in the round window shows that the charges of the lower windings are greater than those of upper windings, and in the scala vestibuli the changes of the upper windings are greater than the lower ones.3) Inflammation caused by the injury in the oval window, shows the changes of the reverse order in intensity to the 2) case.
馬塲 完仁 坂田 英治 大都 京子
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.79, no.11, pp.1761-1769, 1986-11-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

We reported fistula symptoms in three patients with congenital syphilis, one with sudden deafness and two with cochleovestibular disorders of unknown origin. Fistula symptoms in all six cases were atypical, so we emphasize that nystagmus is not the only symptom. Whether nystagmus or deviation is present depends upon the intensity of the stimulus and the degree of labyrinthine impairment. We observed pendular eye movements, when the external auditory canals were repeatedly compressed and decompressed with the patients' own fingers. Because of the various patterns on electronystagmography, it was suspected that the histopathology in these six patients was different.
馬場 完仁 坂田 英治 大都 京子
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.79, no.10, pp.1573-1580, 1986-10-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

We have recently observed fistula symptoms in patients with chronic otitis media, congenital syphilis and many other cochleovestibular disorders of unknown origin.The fistula symptoms were not only horizontal nystagmus, but also vertical nystagmus, rotatory nystagmus and sometimes simple deviation.Since almost all patients in whom fistula symptoms were noted experienced vertigo when their external auditory canals were compressed or decompressed with their own fingers, it is important to ask them about this experience. The incidence is often higher with the finger than with the Politzer bag. It is considered necessary to investigate possible adhesions of the membranous labyrinth to the footplate, which may well be part of the etiology of fistula symptoms.
太田 康 仙波 哲雄 伊藤 健 田中 正 福田 正弘
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.86, no.3, pp.355-365, 1993-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
1 2

Twenty-one patients with paranasal sinus disease were studied with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT: two with acute in Hammatory sinus disease, seven with chronic inflammatory sinus disease, four with squamous cell carcinomas, two with papillomas, one with malignant lymphoma, and five with mucoceles. In a few cases, no characteristic MRI abnormalities were detected. The distinction between paranasal tumor and in Hammatory mucosa was almost seen in MRI through clearness of periphery, homogeneity of structure, signal intensity, and enhancement by Gd-DTPA. However, there were some exceptions.CT was useful mainly for bone details, and MRI for soft tissue, so CT and MRI provide different information. The use of both CT and MRI is recommended for the correct diagnosis of paranasal sinus disease. CT should be used initially and MRI should be a secondary examination.
内藤 健晴 岩田 重信 妹尾 淑郎 井畑 克朗 横山 尚樹 馬場 錬 宮田 昌
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.7, pp.835-841, 1997-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

Otolaryngologists or allergologists, have only recently become familiar with the term laryngeal allergy or allergic laryngitis. However, laryngeal allergies have become increasingly noteworthy with increases in allergic diseases, such as nasal allergies, asthma and atopic dermatitis. Pollinosis patients allergic to Japanese cedar often complain of itching or the sensation of a foreign body in the larynx, in addition persistent coughing or soreness of the throat. The existence of laryngeal allergy was proven on the basis of study in rats sensitized with Japanese cedar pollen, in previous studies. In the present paper were view the nature, mechanisms, manifestations, differential diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal allergy, both fundamentally and clinically.
唐澤 勇
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.36, no.7, pp.635-643, 1941

音響傳導問題即チ空氣傳導及骨傳導ニ關シテハ耳科學發達ノ道程ニ於テ巳ニ久シキ以前ヨリ論議セラレ Joh. Müller, Politzer 等ハ純粹骨傳導ノ存在ヲ肯定シ Bezold ハ其ノ存在ヲ否定シタ. 而シテ本問題ニ關シテ最モ華ヤカナル論爭ノ闘ハサレタルハ1907-1908年以來 Wittmaack 並ニ Siebenmann 學派ノ間ニ行ハレタル病理組織學的檢索ニ基ク音響障碍ニ關スル所謂空氣傳導説及骨傳導説デアル.<br>余ハ本論ニ於テ此等兩説ガ何故相對立シ撞着ヲ來スニ至リシカ其ノ所以ヲ述ベ而シテ古來科學ノ進歩發達ノ途上ニ於テ鬪ハサレ而シテ今尚鬪ヒツツアル機械説並ニ生氣説ノ觀點ヨリシテ之ヲ批判シ論ゼントス.<br>斯クテ第1章ニ於テハ機械説並ニ生氣説ノ歴史的觀察ヲ述ベ, Schleiden ノ植物細胞學説建設ヨリ次デ Schwann ノ動物細胞學説ニ至リ, Virchow ノ所謂細胞病理並ニ細胞生理學ノ發展ニ迄至ル道程ヲ略記シ之ニヨリテ現代醫學界ニ於ケル Mechanist (機械説學派) 及 Vitalist (生氣説學派) ノ立場ヲ明カナラシメントス.<br>次デ第2章ニ於テハ Wittmaack 學派ノ所謂一次性「ノイローン」二次性感覺細胞説並ニ Siebenmann 學派ノ一次性感覺細胞二次性「ノイローン」説ニ對シ, 此等兩説對立ヲ來シタル理由ヲ述ベ斯クテ之ニヨリテハ兩説共ニ純骨導ノ存否ヲ證明シ能ハザルコトヲ論ズ. 而シテ Wittmaack ノ"Tonuslehre"(緊張學説) ニヨリテ初メテ純粹骨傳導ノ存在ヲ肯定シ得ルニ至ルコト, 且又機械説並ニ生氣説觀點ヨリスル時ハ Siebenmann 學派ハ機械説學派ニ屬シ Wittmaack 學派ハ生氣説學派ニ屬スルコトヲ主張スル. 蓋シ現代醫學ニ於ケル Vitalist ハ顯微鏡下ニ組織細胞ノ變化ヲ論ジ Bichat, Morgagni ヲ經テ Virchow 以來所謂細胞病理學説ノ根據ニ立脚スルモノナルコトヲ説ク.<br>第3章ニ於テハ音響傳導ニ關スル自説ヲ記述スル. 即チ第1節ニ於テハ音叉音並ニ單絃琴音ニ關スル奇現象トシテ. 音叉ニヨルジエレー氏法陰性, リンネ氏法絶對的陰性及リンネ氏法絶對的陽性ノ出現ヲ論ジ且又單絃琴音ニヨルリンネ氏法ニ於テハ最高音階ハ氣導ヨリモ骨導ニ於テ勝ルコトヲ述ベ, 第2節ニ於テハ前節ニ於ケル奇現象ハ音叉若クハ單絃琴ヨリ出ズル音響ノ特性ニハ非ズシテ蝸牛殼神經其ノモノノ特異性即チ撰擇性若クハ感受性ニ歸スベキモノトスル. 斯クテ第3節ニ於テハ第2節ニ於ケル理論ヲ容認スルタメニ音響感覺ニ關スル Ewald 説並ニ Helmholtz 説ノ根本觀念ニ就テ之ヲ論ズルコトトシタ.<br>結論ニ於テハ音響傳導ニ關スル問題ハ機械説ノミニヨリテハ今日尚未ダ之ヲ解決スルコト不可能ニシテ科學的根據ニ立脚シ生氣説ヲ導入スルコトニヨリテ初メテ説明シ得ラルルモノナルコトヲ論ジタ.
巽 正一
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.59, no.4, pp.433-444, 1966-04-01 (Released:2011-10-14)
松田 和徳 堀 洋二 雫 治彦 武田 憲昭
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.98, no.10, pp.809-814, 2005

In the present study, we evaluated daytime sleepiness in 32 patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) using epworth sleepiness scale (ESS). ESS scores of patients with OSAS were significantly higher than those of patients with simple snoring and healthy subjects. ESS scores of patients with OSAS were significantly correlated with apnea-hypopnea index, the longest apnea time, but not with the lowest oxygenation. It is suggested that ESS score is a predictive index of the severity of OSAS. We then examined whether ESS in combination with body mass index (BMI) can identify patients with OSAS among patients complaining of snoring. When the cut off points were 11 in ESS and 25 in BMI, the combination of ESS and BMI correctly classified 18 of 25 patients with OSAS (sensitivity=72.0%) and 7 of 10 patients without OSAS (specificity=70.0%). We concluded that the combination of ESS and BMI was useful for screening of sleep apnea syndrome.
瀬野 悟史 柴山 将之 有方 雅彦 戸嶋 一郎 小河 孝夫 星 参 藤田 文香 花満 雅一 清水 猛史
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.99, no.11, pp.967-977, 2006-11-01 (Released:2011-10-07)

We evaluated the efficacy of early treatment by ramatroban and antihistamine in patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis by comparing treatment before the start of the pollen season and treatment after the pollen had been dispersed. A pollinosis diary and Japanese allergic rhinitis standard QOL questionnaire (JRQLQ No. 1 and No. 2) were used to evaluate the effectiveness.Huge amounts of Japanese cedar pollen and Japanese cypress pollen were disseminated in Shiga prefecture in 2005. The nasal symptom score, medication score, and symptom medication score showed better outcomes in the early treatment group not only during the Japanese cedar pollen season but also the Japanese cypress pollen compared to the other group. The early treatment group also showed better results in every category of JRQLQ No. 1 and No. 2 compared with the late treatment group. No harmful side effects were observed through the course of this study.We concluded that early treatment by ramatroban in combination with antihistamine in patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis was useful not only for improving symptoms but also retaining the quality of life during such a heavy pollen-producing year.
枡谷 治彦 鷲尾 有司
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.95, no.5, pp.539-550, 2002-05-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The clinical efficacy of ramatroban, a thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist, was investigated in 48 patients who consulted Masutani ENT Clinic in Osaka between January and May, 2001. Medication was administered and groups were stratified by start time.In the peak period for Japanese cedar pollen scattering, the pre-treatment group demonstrated better control of nasal symptoms (sneeze, nasal mucus, and nasal obstruction) than the group that started the medication after Japanese cedar pollen scattering started.Nasal obstruction has also improved by the medication for two weeks in patients who consulted the hospital with nasal obstruction after Japanese cedar and cypress pollen scattering had ended.There were no side effects in any patients during ramatroban treatment.Therefore, ramatroban was considered to be an effective medicine also not only for patients with perennial allergic rhinitis but also for patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. It was thought that the nasal symptom of the pollen scattering period could be controlled by pre-treatment.
犬山 征夫 浅岡 一之 中島 康夫 甲能 直幸 小津 雷助 増野 精二 堀内 正敏
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.72, no.12, pp.1613-1620, 1979-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

We gave OK-432, a preparation made from a low virulent strain of streptococcus hemolyticus, to 68 patients with head and neck cancer by intramuscular injection and 2 patients were treated with local application. Anatomical site of the tumor in 70 cases was as follows; nose and paranasal sinus 22, nasopharynx 17, base of oral cavity and tongue 14, mesopharynx 8, larynx 6 and miscellaneous 3. We administered OK-432 mainly as an adjuvant immunotherapy after radical surgery or radiotherapy. The daily dose of OK-432 was 0.2KE, then the dose was gradually augmented and the maintenance dose was 3-5KE. The longest duration of OK-432 administration was 3 years and 6 months. We evaluated OK-432 from the point of view of the immunological parameters and the recurrence rate. Complement level (CH50) and tuberculin reactivity were measured as possible indices of the humoral and cell-mediated immune status. “The six stage classification after CH50 and tuberculin reaction” as suggested by Nishioka was employed and an analysis carried out.The results obtained were as follows:1. OK-432 had no tumor-reducing effects in advanced or recurrent cases.2. Immunological findings suggested that OK-432 had prophylactic effects against recurrence and metastasis.3. The recurrence rate of OK-432-treated group was almost the same as that in the control group, however, the recurrence rate of OK-432 and FT-207 treated groups was 26%, this rate being considerably lower than that in the control group. We concluded that adjuvant chemo-immunotherapy was more effective than adjuvant immunotherapy alone for prevention of recurrence and metastasis.
山本 悦生 高木 明 広野 喜信 八木 伸也 本庄 巖
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.79, no.3, pp.355-361, 1986-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

A 25-year-old male produced a continuous high-pitched tone (6.1KHz, 37.2dB SPL) which was not audible to the patient. He had a sensorineural deafness over 1KHz with a dip of 45dB at 6KHz. The sound was considered to be due to a spontaneous oto-acoustic emission.
隈部 洋平 田村 芳寛 中井 麻佐子 長谷部 誠司
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.98, no.12, pp.959-964, 2005-12-01 (Released:2011-10-07)

Spontaneous regression of any malignant tumor is a rare event, occurring in about 1 per 60, 000-100, 000 among the total number of cases of malignant tumor. We report a case of the spontaneous regression of the hypopharyngeal carcinoma with multiple pulmonary metastases.The patient was a 75-year-old man who complained of dysphagia. He was found to have squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx with multiple pulmonary metastases. Since his airway was almost occluded by the tumor, tracheostomy was performed urgently. About two weeks later, while preparing for chemotherapy for the tumor, the primary tumor began to reduce without any treatment. Subsequently not only the primary tumor but also metastatic lesion continued to reduce spontaneously, and about four months later, they disappeared completely.It is thought that elucidation of the mechanisms of spontaneous regression of malignant tumors could possibly lead to a more effective therapy for cancer.
山城 拓也 真栄田 裕行 又吉 宣 安慶名 信也 喜瀬 乗基 鈴木 幹男
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.110, no.2, pp.113-117, 2017

<p>Compensatory hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil can develop after extraction of the palatine tonsil, causing dyspnea and a feeling of suffocation. Sometimes, such patients present with physical airway obstruction, and in some cases, surgical treatment is warranted for the enlarged lingual tonsil. Our patient reported herein presented with inspiratory dyspnea caused by compensatory hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil 20 years after she had undergone enucleation of the palatine tonsil passed after palatine tonsil. We performed extraction of the lingual tonsil using an FK-WO retractor and obtained good results. We present the case herein.</p><p>The patient was a 54-year-old woman who presented to our department with the chief complaint of dysphagia, mild dyspnea and dysphonia. The patient had undergone bilateral palatine tonsil enucleation as treatment for sleep apnea syndrome 20 years earlier. The endoscopic findings at the initial diagnosis consisted of a markedly enlarged lingual tonsil with constriction of the pharyngeal cavity at the site. Moreover, a portion of the enlarged tonsil hung down like a pendulum and invaginated into the glottis during inspiration. The patient was diagnosed as having airway stenosis due to compensatory hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil. Because of the difficulty in intubation caused by the enlarged lingual tonsil, we undertook airway maintenance by tracheotomy and induced general anesthesia of the patient. Then, we carried out resection of the enlarged tonsil by Transoral Video-Laryngoscopic Surgery (TOVS) using the FK-WO retractor. We also resected a portion of the epiglottis, because the transformed epiglottis has already become useless. At present, one year since the surgery, there has been no recurrence of the symptoms and the airway continues to be maintained well too.</p><p>There have been no other case reports of inspiratory airway obstruction caused by hanging down into the airway, like a pendulum, of a part of an enlarged lingual tonsil.</p>
松尾 美央子 力丸 文秀 檜垣 雄一郎
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.105, no.4, pp.369-373, 2012 (Released:2012-04-01)

TS-1® is an oral anticancer drug composed of tegafur which is a derivative of 5FU and 5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxypyridine (CDHP) and oxonic acid. We report on a patient with acute toxicosis who orally ingested a large dose of TS-1® 1400 mg in an effort to commit suicide. First of all, we treated him with gastric lavage, laxative and hydration. After that, he underwent hemodialysis. Before hemodialysis the blood concentration of tegafur was 25200 ng/mL, 5-FU was 3000 ng/mL and CDHP was 1870 ng/mL. These blood concentrations were high, compared with cases where 50 mg of TS-1® has been ingested. After the 2nd hemodialysis, all blood concentrations decreased to the normal level, so the patient was saved without severe side effects. To our knowledge, there has been no report of a case involving ingestion of a large dose of TS-1®, and we therefore report our experience of this rare case.
江口 実美
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.59, no.2, pp.65-69, 1966-02-01 (Released:2011-10-14)