小野 有五 斉藤 海三郎
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2019, no.51, pp.27-52, 2019-12-25 (Released:2020-01-27)

Geomorphological and geological studies made clear the distribution and development of three major marine terrace surfaces, Iwanai Upland and Kyowa III surfaces (about 30m in eleveation), Kyowa II (about 40~50m ditto) and Kyowa I (about 60m ditto) in the Iwanai Plain, western Hokkaido. The Iwanai Upland surface only, covered by dune sand with Toya ash (115ka) at the top, gives the absolute age of the marine terrace formation, corresponding to MIS5e. A 100m-deep boring at the Iwanai Upland by Hokkaido Electric Power Company (HEPCO) shows two clear transgression-regression sequences: Sequence I, the uppermost 30m, corresponding to MIS5e, and II, between -33 and -65m, most possibly to MIS7. Base gravel beds, located at about -30m and -65m correspond to the river bed gravel deposited on the lower sea-levels, MIS6 and MIS8. This suggests a continuous tilting at the central part of the Iwanai Plain during the Middle Pleistocene. After MIS5e, this tilting changed to the uplift movement which elevated the Iwanai Upland surface. In the marginal area of the plain, the uplift movement continued to elevate the Kyowa II and I surfaces, also: the Kyowa II, covered by a thick dune sand with several paleosoils, is correlated to most probably MIS7, and the Kyowa I is characterized by a thick delta sequence in the Iwanai Plain, and a sand barrier or spit deposit on the site of Tomari Nuclear Power Station which sits at the base of Shakotan Peninsula. Both can be correlated by the top elevation of these sediments, higher than MIS7 terrace level, and also by their spatial distribution: barrier or spit at the bay mouth and the delta at the bay head. The Kyowa I can be correlated to MIS9, and a mean uplift rate seems to be 0.1~0.2mm/y after MIS9 to the present. Since the uppermost trace of F-1 fault attains to the sediments of MIS9 in the site of Tomari Nuclear Power Station, the fault movement occurred at least later than 330ka. Trace of dislocation by F-1 fault disappears gradually in the upper sediments which are covered by the slope deposits including the pumice grains of Spfa1 (42ka), Toya and one from Niseko volcano (around 220ka). As these pumice grains are largely moved by cryoturbation of MIS2, the coldest phase of the last glacial period in Hokkaido, it is evident that those slope deposits were finally settled around MIS2. This fact suggests the movement of F-1 later than 125ka cannot be deniable, which means the F-1 is regarded as the “active fault” according to the New Regulatory Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants.
岡村 行信
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2010, no.33, pp.15-25, 2010

Geologic structure around the source area of the 2007 Chuetsu-oki earthquake and the Sado Basin was examined based on seismic profiles. The earthquake occurred in the fold belt of the Niigata basin, one of the largest Miocene rift basins in Japan. High-resolution multi-channel seismic profiles in and around the source area showed that there are active folds and inactive folds. One of the NE-SW trending active folds has been related to the SE dipping source fault of the 2007 earthquake, which continues from the shelf to the basin. The fold is parallel to the strike of the source fault of the 2007 earthquake, but is located about 5 km northwest of the source area. Other folds above and around the source area of the 2007 Chuetsu-oki earthquake are inactive. The active anticline accompanies 5 m vertical offset on the erosional surface during the last glacial age and the surface sediments covering the Sado Basin. The active anticline does not continue to the north of 37°38′N. The slope of the SE side of the Sado Basin is underlain by nearly horizontal sediments and the slope has been developed by progradation of shelf slope during glacial ages. These observations on seismic profiles indicated that the active fault and anticline related to the 2007 Chuetsu-oki earthquake does not extend to the northeast along the southeastern slope of the Sado Basin except in the southern most part.
高田 圭太 中田 高 野原 壯 原口 強 池田 安隆 伊藤 潔 今泉 俊文 大槻 憲四郎 鷺谷 威 堤 浩之
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2003, no.23, pp.77-91, 2003-06-30 (Released:2012-11-13)

Large inland earthquakes bigger than Mj 7.2 during the historical past on Japanese islands have mostly been generated from active faults (Matsuda,1998). The 2000 Tottoriken-seibu earthquake of Mj 7.3 (Mw 6.6), however, occurred in the area where distinctive active faults were not mapped before the earthquake, and the surface ruptures associated with the earthquake were small and sparse. Active faults are hardly recognized even by detailed interpretation of aerial photographs after the earthquake but sharp lineaments. In Chugoku district in southwest Japan is characterized by less densely-distributed active faults with lower activities than other areas in Japan, and the 1943 Tottori earthquake of M 7 occurred by reactivation of the Shikano fault with rather obscure fault traces.Taking this condition, in mind, we carried out detailed mapping of active faults and lineaments, and compared with their topographical, geological, seismological and tectonic settings, in order to develop a new technique to find potential seismogenic faults.The results obtained are as follows;1) Active faults and lineaments were not evenly distributed, and the dense zone is recognized along the Japan Sea while the sparse zone in the central part of the district. The active faults known before are mainly located in the dense zone (Fig.1).2) The lineaments mapped are mostly less than 10km long, and half of them strike to NE-SW or ENE-WSW and 30 per cent to NW-SE or WNW-ESE (Fig.2). NE-SW lineaments prevail in the western part of the district, and NW-SW lineaments are systematically distributed only in the western-most and eastern-most area of the district probably reflecting their tectonic setting under the present stress condition.3) Lineaments with poor topographical manifest were not commonly recognized by individual geologist, and were generally short, scattered, isolated, random in strike, and independent from geological structures. These lineaments will not be considered as potential seismogenic faults.4) Epicenters of the small earthquakes are characteristically distributed to the north of the backbone range probably coincided with the past volcanic front. On the contrary, the area to the south of the backbone range the seismicity is sparse, except for several swarms. These seismic condition well matches with the distribution of active faults and well-defined lineaments (Fig.3).5) Most of the active faults and lineaments follow the pre-existed geological faults that had moved opposite direction to the active faulting, indicating their inversion movements under the present stress field.6) Surface ruptures reported as earthquake faults associated with the 2000 Tottoriken-seibu earthquake are considered as results of subsidiary shallow-sheeted faulting spontaneously caused by stain release around the seismogenic faulting in depth, because many of them appeared spontaneously, and not always along rather well-defined lineaments. They are small in extent and displacement. Therefore, it is rather difficult for evaluate such minor surface fault ruptures, but such ruptures may not displace the surface in large extent.
石関 隆幸 隈元 崇
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2007, no.27, pp.63-73, 2007-06-30 (Released:2012-11-13)

bility to the BPT model. As a result, we conclude that case (c) is the most realistic model by the AIC procedure.Also, we simulated the value by randomly selecting the event occurrence between the range of the recurrence interval and verified the variable estimated from the mean recurrence interval. As a result, the value 0.24 estimated from the four active faults or the value 0.42 estimated in this study is mostly smaller than the average value that can be practically estimated from data. Also, we show some case that is possible to estimate the variable more accurately by considering the probability density distribution of the event occurrence.
渡辺 満久 中田 高 水本 匡起
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2017, no.46, pp.9-15, 2017-03-31 (Released:2018-03-29)

We found several faulted landforms and an active fault outcrop around the Minobu fault, Yamanashi Pref., central Japan. The Neguma fault may be a reverse fault dislocating a fan surface (not dated) ca. 13 m vertically. Fluvial terrace surfaces at Wada are classified into W1 to W5 surfaces in descending order. It is probable that the W3 surface was formed in the period of MIS 5 to MIS 4. The Wada fault cuts the Neogene and the overlying gravel distributed in almost the same height with the W3 surface. The dip and strike of the fault plane are N5゜E and 50-60゜W, respectively. The striations are plunging to the south at an angle of ca. 20 degree and blow. The relative vertical component is upthrown on the east side. These structures are indicative of left-lateral movement. The maximum accumulated left-lateral slip since MIS 5 to MIS 4 is 100 m at least.
島崎 邦彦
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2008, no.28, pp.41-51, 2008-03-31 (Released:2012-11-13)

A comparison of frequencies of large earthquakes between the observed and expected on the major active faults in Japan may suggest some underestimation of the occurrence rate of large events by the long-term earthquake forecasts. The main cause was thought to be the forecasts often anticipate a single large earthquake on a long fault zone, without assuming smaller earthquakes on segmented zones. However, the principal factor of the likely underestimation is that those events without enough evidence on fault zones cannot be evaluated by a trench excavation survey. Historical records show poor or no seismic surface rupture associated with a large earthquake with magnitude around 7 on some of the major fault zones.Recent improvements on interpreting aerial photographs have brought a detailed pattern of active faults and fault segments. Together with information on underground structures obtained from geological and gravity anomaly maps, the detailed feature of active faults may enable us to decipher behavioral fault segments without solely relying on paleoseismic records.Except for volcanic areas a short active fault on the surface should have a longer subsurface fault length within the earth's crust. The magnitude of earthquakes on such a fault is 6.9 or larger on JMA scale. This inference is based on reports on surface ruptures associated with large shallow crustal earthquakes in Japan. Only the 1945 Mikawa earthquake with magnitude 6.8 appears to be an exception to that no prominent surface rupture appears associated with earthquakes with magnitude 6.8 or smaller.
土井 宣夫 越谷 信 本間 健一郎
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.1998, no.17, pp.31-42, 1998-12-29 (Released:2012-11-13)

The geology at the northern and western margin of the Shizukuishi basin is composed of upper Miocene Yamatsuda Formation, Pliocene Masuzawa Formation, Plio-Pleistocene Tamagawa Welded Tuffs and units from Takakura and Iwate volcanoes, in ascending order. The geological structure of the margin is characterized by the Nishine fault system, which displaces these formations and units. The fault system, a set of west-dipping reverse faults, forms the topographic and geologic boundary between the Ou Backbone Range and the Shizukuishi basin, and it controls the vertical position of underlying units as well as Takakura and Iwate volcanic products. The vertical displacement of the Shibutami Welded Tuff, which is included in the Tamagawa Welded Tuffs and erupted between 0.7and 1.0 Ma, decreases to the north and south from an area where the tuff has been vertically offset some 300-400 m, for an average displacement of about 0.4 mm/yr. Slip occurred on the northern part of the fault system during the Iwate-ken Nairiku-hokubu earthquake of September 3,1998. The tuff is also displaced at least 250 m along the Matsuo fault for an average displacement of about 0.25mm/yr at the north of the Nishine fault system. This reverse fault strikes nearly parallel to the Nishine fault system and can be traced for 5 km.
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2000, no.19, pp.3-12, 2000-03-31 (Released:2013-03-22)

We compiled a totally new 1: 2,000,000 active faults map of Japan based on the digitized GIS data of active faults in the scale of 1: 25,000 by Active Faults Map Working Group (1999).The new map differs from the existing active faults maps of Japan in t wo points. One is the definition of active faults and the other the scale of base maps. We defined active faults as faults that have repeatedly moved during the late Quaternary with intervals of one thousand to ten thousand years forming distinctive fault-related tectonic features on the earth surface. The Research Group for Active Fault Studies (1980,1991) and other previous studies commonly defined active faults as faults that repeatedly moved during Quaternary and are the potential sources for future earthquakes. Therefore, our criterion is stricter for recognition of active faults than those used for the previous mapping. The other difference is accuracy in mapping of active faults; our map is based on the active faults map data in scale of 1: 25,000 while others mostly based on much smaller scale data. Through our mapping, some faults previously recognized as active because of existence of Quaternary faults were not treated as active if these faults are not associated with fault-related tectonic features on the ground. On the other hand, many faults are newly found as active by our detailed photo-interpretation.We assembled active faults about 140 fault groups based on the f ollowing criteria; 1. Faults more than 10km long in dimension,2. Isolated from the neighboring faults at least 5 km apart, and similar type of faulting, strike and sense of faulting. We compared the active faults map with geoloic map to know their characteristic occurrence of faults. We prepared maps for type, activity, and density of faulting to know the regional characteristic of active faulting in Japan. We also examined the possibility of occurrence of new active faults and expansion of faults based on the mode of cumulative slips distribution along their traces.
池田 安隆
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.1996, no.15, pp.93-99, 1996-11-29 (Released:2012-11-13)

Faulting and other surface deformations in recent geologic time are essentially relevant to understanding present-day tectonic processes, which in turn are a key to scientific, not empirical, earthquake prediction. Geologic records are indispensable because instrumentally observed records, such as geodetic measurements and microseismicity, are not sufficient in time to cover a whole cycle of strain buildup and release in a orogenic zone.Rheological structure of the Japan arc b ased on explosion seismology, heat-flow measurements, and laboratory experiments indicates that the western half of central and northern Honshu, including continental slopes on the Japan Sea side, is mechanically very weak; only the upper 15 kilometers of crustal rocks behaves elastic, and ductile lower crust is underlain directly by asthenospheric mantle. This zone of weakness was rifted and stretched during the early Miocene back-arc spreading event, and coincides broadly with the distribution of active faults. Since late Miocene time up to the present, the Japan arc has been subjected to east-west compression due principally to the westward convergence of the Pacific plate at Japan trench at a rate as high as ∼90 millimeters per year.If the megathrust at the Japan trench is locked, the plate convergence is to be ac c ommodated mainly in this zone of weakness. Actually, geodetic observations in the last 100 years have revealed that strain accumulation rates over the mechanically weak zone are on the order as high as 10-7 per year. However, geologically observed strain rates, based on slip rates on active faults and folding rates, are one order of magnitude lower than the geodetic rates. A possible explanation for this discrepancy between short-term (geodetic) and long-term (geologic) observations is that the strain accumulated in the last 100 years at abnormally high rates is likely to be released by slip on the megathrust at Japan trench, which would produce big earthquake(s) with magnitude 8 or greater. Only a fraction of plate convergence may be accommodated within the Japan arc as long-term deformation.Whether or not the above scenario is real, the process of strain buildup and release in the Japan arc-trench system is unique, and should be understood with more geologic, as well as geophysical, observations.
千田 昇 竹村 恵二 松田 時彦 島崎 邦彦 池田 安隆 岡村 眞 水野 清秀 松山 尚典 首藤 次男
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2003, no.23, pp.93-108, 2003-06-30 (Released:2013-03-22)

The writers describe the location and active mode of a fault (Funai fault) lying concealed under the town area of Oita City, by analyzing lots of the drilling survey, the reflection method and the Geo-slicer investigation.The Funai fault is the eastern part of“Beppu bay south coast fault group”, which com p osed of the Horita-Asamigawaa fault, Beppu bay south coast fault and Funai fault, extended from west to east with extension about 20km.The very position in Oita plain is considered from Kasugaura to the south of Maizuru bridge located at the left bank of Oita river.It was c o nfirmed in the drilling survey, and the amount of vertical displacement of the K-Ah volcanic ash layer in a main fault is 16m at the Funai castle traverse line. According to existing bore hole data, the maximum amount of displacement of the Funai fault is 18m to the west of Funai castle. The average rate of vertical displacement after the K-Ah volcanic ash (6,300 years BP) is 2.2-2.5m/1000 year, and the Funai fault is estimated one of the A class active faults in Kyushu.The latest activity of the Funaifault is thought to be time between before 1,540yBP dated at the lower part of the uppermost mud layer which does not show the displacement and after 2,350yBP dated in the peat layer in upper sand and gravel bed which shows displacement.The problem in the future is the clarification of the fault continuation to the further east, and it is necessary to elucidate accurate distribution and the activity history of the concealed faults lying under whole the Oita plain.
谷山 尚
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2015, no.42, pp.35-53, 2015-03-31 (Released:2015-12-23)

A distinct element method analysis was carried out to examine the deformation of unconsolidated overburden subjected to a high dipping oblique normal basement fault displacement. About 4 million spherical particles were used to model the overburden overlying a basement fault which has a dip angle of 60 degrees. Effect of normal fault component and strike slip fault component on the deformation of the overburden was investigated. The deformation was affected by both normal fault and strike slip fault component of the basement fault. Very steep high strain zones developed in the middle and lower part of the overburden and while they were formed on the footwall side of the basement fault in the case of a large normal fault component, they were formed on the hanging wall side of the basement fault in the case of a large strike slip fault component. Near the surface, in the case of a large normal fault component, large deformation mainly due to the horizontal compression was observed on the hanging wall side and it was followed by high strain zones on the foot wall side caused mainly by the horizontal extension. En echelon high strain zones were observed on the hanging wall side of the basement fault in the case where a strike slip fault component was large mainly because of the strike slip fault movement and partly because of the horizontal compression caused by the normal fault movement of the basement fault. When a normal fault component and a strike slip fault component were of the same magnitude, high strain zones almost parallel to the basement fault developed on both sides of the basement fault trace and between them high strain zones striking obliquely to the basement fault trace were formed. The angle at which high strain zones in the overburden strike to the basement fault trace was very small in the case of a large normal fault component and the result showed the possibility of a right step pattern if normal fault displacement with a slight right lateral strike slip fault component was applied to the overburden.
東郷 正美 池田 安隆 今泉 俊文 佐藤 比呂志
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.1996, no.15, pp.9-16, 1996-11-29 (Released:2012-11-13)

The Kamishiro fault, extending for at least 20 km from the north Hokujyo basin to the south of Lake Kizaki, is one of major active faults along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line in central Japan. We investigated detailed features of fault morphology along this fault, by interpretation of large scale aerial photographs. It became clear that faulting characteristics at the both ends of the Kamishiro fault are essentially different. At its northern end, the fault has become inactive progressively southward with time. However, the southernmost portion of the fault is still active in Holocene time, and continues southeastward to the Eastern Boundary fault of Matsumoto basin.At the southernmost portion of the Kamishiro fault, we also found evidence that remarkable thrust-front migration have occurred recently. Young offset features along the main portion of the Kamishiro fault suggest that at least one or two faulting events have occurred in Holocene time, and the latest event occurred probably in historic time.