小野 有五
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.55, no.3, pp.71-91, 2016-06-01 (Released:2016-08-03)

小野 有五
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.1, no.2, pp.89-108, 2006 (Released:2010-06-02)
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成瀬 敏郎 小野 有五 平川 一臣 岡下 松生 池谷 元伺
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.1, pp.15-27, 1997

MIS 2における東アジアの風成塵供給源と卓越風を復元する目的で,中国,韓国,日本の計26地域から黄土,土壌,古土壌,泥炭を採取し,これらの堆積層中の微細石英 (〓20μm) の酸素空格子信号強度を測定した.タクラマカンの砂漠レスやツアイダムのワジ堆積物は6.2~8.2, 黄土は5.8~8.3, 韓国の土壌は6.0~7.7であり,黄土や韓国土壌が中国の乾燥地域やチベット高原起源の風成塵の影響を強く受けたことを示している.日本各地の土壌・泥炭の微細石英はMIS 2で4.5~12.7であり,そのうち5.8~12,7の値を示す微細石英が遠隔地から飛来した広域風成塵起源,数値の低いものは大陸棚などから吹き上げられた風成塵と推測された.日本列島のうち北部日本地域は>10で東アジア北部から北西季節風によって,中央-西南日本地域は黄土と同じ5.8~8.7で中国の乾燥地域やチベット高原から偏西風によって,与那国島は9.7で中国南部などからそれぞれ飛来した可能性が指摘された.
小野 有五
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.57, no.1, pp.87-100, 1984-04-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
38 51

氷河・周氷河地形にもとついて最終氷期の日本列島の古気候の復元を行なった.日本列島の山岳氷河の消長を支配しているのは夏の気温と冬の降水(降雪量)である.海水準変化にともなう日本海の古環境の変化により,最終氷期の降雪量は大きく変動した.日本の山岳氷河は,対馬暖流が日本海に流入していた:最終氷期前半の亜氷期(約60,000~40,000年B. P.) に最も拡大した.これに対して後半の亜氷期(約30,000~10,000年B. P.) には,対馬暖流の流入が海面低下によって阻止されたために降雪量が著しく減少し,氷河の拡がりは小さかった.夏の気温低下量は,現在と氷期の雪線高度の違いから推定した.夏の降水:量が大きく減少したことは,中部日本から北海道にかけて顕著な谷の埋積が生じたことによって証拠づけられる.夏の降水量の減少,夏の気温低下は,ともにポーラー・7ロントの南下を示している.最終氷期の2つの亜氷期におけるポーラー・フロントの位置,永久凍土の分布,海氷の南限,風系などを図示した.冬の気温,年平均気温については化石周氷河現象から復元を行なった.日本海側山地と太平洋側山地での降雪量の違いについては,経線方向にとった雪線高度の分布図から,最終氷期を通じて両地域に降雪量の大きな差があったことを論じた.
池田 菜穂 小野 有五
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.2, pp.294-311, 2004-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
5 2

This study examines migration patterns of livestock herds in mobile pastoralism of yak/yak-cattle hybrid in two areas in eastern Nepal Himalaya : the Bharku Village, Langtang National Park, and the Ghunsa Valley, Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. The migration patterns were mapped in detail, identifying every household of herders in the research areas (six households in the Bharku, and eleven households in the Ghunsa Valley), and those patterns were analyzed in terms of natural resource use and influence of mountain tourism. Both field observations and interviews with herders revealed that the summer pastures were concentrated at the highest grazing areas, mostly spreading in the alpine belt, regardless of livestock type (yak and yak hybrid), while the winter pastures ranged widely in altitude even among households keeping a same type of livestock (yak). Measuring milk production indicated that the period of stay in the alpine pastures corresponded to that of high milk production. Migration of herds to the alpine pastures occurred simultaneously in herders' groups under the control of their organizations. On the other hand, the diversity of herd migration patterns in winter suggested dependence of those patterns on households' livelihood strategies. Herders of Tibetan refugees showed a migration pattern, which was different from the local one, staying in the alpine area throughout the year. Also, some herders changed their migration patterns and returned to higher pastures in the fall in the Ghunsa Valley to earn some money by providing accommodations to trekkers, who visit the area mostly in that period of the year to avoid the monsoon rain since the recent opening of the Ghunsa Valley to foreigners. On the other hand, herders in the Bharku changed their summer pastures to avoid a mass of pilgrims, a traditional type of mountain tourism in Himalaya, who visit Gosainkunda, a famous sacred place located above the herders' grazing area, on the occasion of a festival called Janai Purnima. These facts suggest the flexibility of migration patterns in mobile pastoralism of yak/yak-hybrids under the influence of newcomers and mountain tourism. Both natural and social influences caused by these recent changes of migration pattern need to be monitored in view of environmental management of higher Himalaya.
小野 有五 斉藤 海三郎
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2019, no.51, pp.27-52, 2019-12-25 (Released:2020-01-27)

Geomorphological and geological studies made clear the distribution and development of three major marine terrace surfaces, Iwanai Upland and Kyowa III surfaces (about 30m in eleveation), Kyowa II (about 40~50m ditto) and Kyowa I (about 60m ditto) in the Iwanai Plain, western Hokkaido. The Iwanai Upland surface only, covered by dune sand with Toya ash (115ka) at the top, gives the absolute age of the marine terrace formation, corresponding to MIS5e. A 100m-deep boring at the Iwanai Upland by Hokkaido Electric Power Company (HEPCO) shows two clear transgression-regression sequences: Sequence I, the uppermost 30m, corresponding to MIS5e, and II, between -33 and -65m, most possibly to MIS7. Base gravel beds, located at about -30m and -65m correspond to the river bed gravel deposited on the lower sea-levels, MIS6 and MIS8. This suggests a continuous tilting at the central part of the Iwanai Plain during the Middle Pleistocene. After MIS5e, this tilting changed to the uplift movement which elevated the Iwanai Upland surface. In the marginal area of the plain, the uplift movement continued to elevate the Kyowa II and I surfaces, also: the Kyowa II, covered by a thick dune sand with several paleosoils, is correlated to most probably MIS7, and the Kyowa I is characterized by a thick delta sequence in the Iwanai Plain, and a sand barrier or spit deposit on the site of Tomari Nuclear Power Station which sits at the base of Shakotan Peninsula. Both can be correlated by the top elevation of these sediments, higher than MIS7 terrace level, and also by their spatial distribution: barrier or spit at the bay mouth and the delta at the bay head. The Kyowa I can be correlated to MIS9, and a mean uplift rate seems to be 0.1~0.2mm/y after MIS9 to the present. Since the uppermost trace of F-1 fault attains to the sediments of MIS9 in the site of Tomari Nuclear Power Station, the fault movement occurred at least later than 330ka. Trace of dislocation by F-1 fault disappears gradually in the upper sediments which are covered by the slope deposits including the pumice grains of Spfa1 (42ka), Toya and one from Niseko volcano (around 220ka). As these pumice grains are largely moved by cryoturbation of MIS2, the coldest phase of the last glacial period in Hokkaido, it is evident that those slope deposits were finally settled around MIS2. This fact suggests the movement of F-1 later than 125ka cannot be deniable, which means the F-1 is regarded as the “active fault” according to the New Regulatory Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants.
小野 有五
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.2, pp.187-214, 2012-04-25 (Released:2012-05-29)
1 4

Fifty years of studies on glacial landforms in Japan between 1960 and 2010 are reviewed from the personal perspective of a researcher who devoted a major part of his life to these studies. The 1960s was a period in which there was a paradigm shift in the history of glacial landform studies in Japan. This resulted from a series of studies by Tomoya Iozawa using aerial photograph interpretation. He was the first researcher to observe and identify all of the glacial landforms in Japan using aerial photographs, and divided them into two groups: the older and more widespread (Yokoo Stage) and the younger and much less widespread (Karasawa Stage). Following his methodology and staging, extensive research was done in the 1970s, and tephrochronological studies revealed that the older and younger stages correspond to MIS 4 and 2 respectively, although MIS 3 glaciation was recognized later in the Hidaka Range, Hokkaido. A researchers union of glacial and periglacial landforms called Kanrei-chikei Danwakai was established in 1972, Proposed and organized by Isozawa and other young students including the author, it stimulated research. In the 1980s, a reconstruction of the mass balance and flows of past glaciers from glacial landforms was attempted by the author and other researchers. This led to the estimation of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) of former glaciers in Japan. Inventory work and monitoring of perennial snow patches in the Japanese Alps were also begun in the 1980s, and they encouraged studies on the transformation from perennial snow patch to glacier. In addition, the discovery of an ice body at the bottom of Kuranosuke Cirque, Mt. Tateyama, Northern Japanese Alps gave an important hint to estimating the present (topographical) snowline altitude, which could be much lower than the former evaluation determined only from free air temperature. Both the study of perennial snow patches and mapping of the former ELA clarified the importance of precipitation when determining snowline altitude, and the present ELA was estimated at 2970 m just below the peak of Mt. Tateyama (3003 m). Since the 1990s, glacial landform studies became more closely related to global climatic change within the framework of IGBP-PAGES. Glacial fluctuations in Japan in the last glacial period were mainly controlled by monsoon changes and migration of westerlies, which caused a southern migration of the polar frontal zone. Although the glaciers in Japan were small, even in the glacial period, it is now believed that they are an important indicator of climatic changes because they are very sensitive to monsoon and westerly changes.
小野 有五
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.2, pp.187-214, 2012-04-25
1 4 2

Fifty years of studies on glacial landforms in Japan between 1960 and 2010 are reviewed from the personal perspective of a researcher who devoted a major part of his life to these studies. The 1960s was a period in which there was a paradigm shift in the history of glacial landform studies in Japan. This resulted from a series of studies by Tomoya Iozawa using aerial photograph interpretation. He was the first researcher to observe and identify all of the glacial landforms in Japan using aerial photographs, and divided them into two groups: the older and more widespread (Yokoo Stage) and the younger and much less widespread (Karasawa Stage). Following his methodology and staging, extensive research was done in the 1970s, and tephrochronological studies revealed that the older and younger stages correspond to MIS 4 and 2 respectively, although MIS 3 glaciation was recognized later in the Hidaka Range, Hokkaido. A researchers union of glacial and periglacial landforms called <i>Kanrei-chikei Danwakai</i> was established in 1972, Proposed and organized by Isozawa and other young students including the author, it stimulated research. In the 1980s, a reconstruction of the mass balance and flows of past glaciers from glacial landforms was attempted by the author and other researchers. This led to the estimation of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) of former glaciers in Japan. Inventory work and monitoring of perennial snow patches in the Japanese Alps were also begun in the 1980s, and they encouraged studies on the transformation from perennial snow patch to glacier. In addition, the discovery of an ice body at the bottom of Kuranosuke Cirque, Mt. Tateyama, Northern Japanese Alps gave an important hint to estimating the present (topographical) snowline altitude, which could be much lower than the former evaluation determined only from free air temperature. Both the study of perennial snow patches and mapping of the former ELA clarified the importance of precipitation when determining snowline altitude, and the present ELA was estimated at 2970 m just below the peak of Mt. Tateyama (3003 m). Since the 1990s, glacial landform studies became more closely related to global climatic change within the framework of IGBP-PAGES. Glacial fluctuations in Japan in the last glacial period were mainly controlled by monsoon changes and migration of westerlies, which caused a southern migration of the polar frontal zone. Although the glaciers in Japan were small, even in the glacial period, it is now believed that they are an important indicator of climatic changes because they are very sensitive to monsoon and westerly changes.
下田 和孝 中野 繁 北野 聡 井上 幹生 小野 有五
北海道大学大学院環境科学研究科邦文紀要 (ISSN:09116176)
vol.6, pp.17-27, 1993-03-30

小野 有五
no.12, pp.41-56, 2006-10-31
