山崎 彩夏 武田 庄平 鳥居 映太 鈴木 創三 清水 美香 黒鳥 英俊
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.26, no.1, pp.59-66, 2010-06-20 (Released:2010-07-01)
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Geophagy (soil-eating) is one of the well-known behaviours in many primate species, but the factors influencing this behaviour have been less known. In the captive environment of Tama Zoological Park, 2 female Borneo orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) showed geophagic behaviour that was restricted to a particular site in the naturalistic outdoor enclosure. We compared the properties of the soil at this site with those of soils from 7 other different sites in the enclosure to determine the differences between the soils. To this end, we examined the landform, vegetation type, the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils at these sites. The enclosure was situated on the hillside of secondary woodland comprising Fagaceae sp. with a gently sloping ridge on the east side and valley bottoms on the west side. The site at which the animals exhibited geophagic behaviour was located at the lowest area of the valley bottoms. We found that this area was thinly covered by a herbaceous layer with Gramineae sp., and most of ground surface was bare. The soil eaten by orangutans had a low density and was highly friable, soft, and wet. Chemical analysis revealed that the soil in the enclosure had a high Ca content (70-80%) and that soils at some points in the enclosure, including the soil at the site of geophagic behaviour, had high Fe and Mg contents. The site of geophagic behaviour was located at the bottom of the valley; therefore, soil ingredients may have accumulated easily in this soil. However, we could not find any definitive chemical factors to explain the geophagic behaviour of orangutans. One possible explanation is that since the site was bare with highly friable, soft, and wet soil, the orangutans would have been able to easily eat the soil from that site.
半沢 真帆
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
pp.36.015, (Released:2020-11-30)

Direct observations of the behavior of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in many populations have been recorded over the decades. However, novel behaviors continue to be reported. Here, I report a novel social behavior “rump-rump contact” among males of one group in Yakushima, a behavior that has not been reported in any macaque species. Eight cases of this behavior were observed in 87 observation-days between August and October 2018. They were classified into two types: the RR type, where the rumps of the two individuals symmetrically touched each other, and the RT type, where the rump of one individual was in touch with the lateral torso of the other. At the same time as this behavior, the two individuals clasped the other's body and touched the other's hindquarter by wagging tails. The contexts in which this behavior was observed suggests that it helps in regulating social tension, as might be the case in bonobos where the RR type is known. However, it is likely that this behavior in the two species is not entirely comparable, as no genital contacts with thrust was observed in the Japanese macaques as part of this behavior. In the macaque, it is possible that this behavior was derived from “presenting” because it was seen just before this behavior, and the same action of clasping the other's body was seen at the same time as this behavior. This is a highly novel behavior in that, wagging tails may be a kind of tactile communication, which has never been reported in nonhuman primates. Additionally, it is valuable that this behavior previously known only in bonobos and chimpanzees was also observed in the Japanese macaques, which have very different phylogenetic relationships and social systems. Further studies may reveal the affinitive relationships that goes beyond the strict dominance relationship between males.
山梨 裕美 徳山 奈帆子 赤見 理恵 乾 真子 土手 結月 石井 愛夏 佐々木 伶奈 松浦 有花 高野 華花 奥村 逞人 池田 義知
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
pp.38.019, (Released:2022-11-18)

Live pet trade has become one of the greatest threats to wild primate populations. Many primates were imported to Japan, and the country is considered to be a large pet primates market. Among the primates, slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) were among the most popular species for live pet trade. However, there is not much awareness in Japan about the problems associated with live pet trade, especially among the young generation. In this study, a comic book about slow lorises was created, and its effectiveness as a teaching material for young people was evaluated. The participants, who answered an online survey, included 596 high school students from two high schools in Osaka, Japan. The participants accessed a comic book, short text, or long text, which served as teaching materials, and answered several questions before and after reading the materials such as their experience with pet primates and awareness of the problems. The results revealed that although the participants’ awareness related to infectious diseases, animal welfare, and conservation increased after reading any of the three teaching materials, the comic book did not increase their awareness more than the texts. Approximately 75 % of the participants found each of the materials interesting. Furthermore, approximately between 32.0 and 40.9% of respondents were willing to share information directly with others and between 14.5 and 16.5% of those with SNS (Social Network Service). No differences were found among the three conditions. In addition, while actual experience with primate pets prevented them from promoting awareness about the problem, their level of interest toward animals and experience with primate pets in SNS did not reveal such an effect. These results suggest the importance of providing information, but effective ways to convey information requires further investigation.
平松 千尋
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.26, no.2, pp.85-98, 2010-12-20 (Released:2011-02-01)
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Primates are unique among placental mammals in having trichromatic color vision, while most mammals possess dichromatic color vision. It has been hypothesized that the adaptive significance of trichromacy in primates is to detect reddish ripe fruits against a dappled foliage background. However, a behavioral advantage of trichromacy for fruit foraging has not been demonstrated in wild populations. The present paper reviews color vision status and utility of color vision in various primate species and describes recent advances in examining the significance of trichromacy. New World monkeys, which express high intraspecific color vision diversity due to an allelic polymorphism of the X-linked opsin gene, provide the excellent model to explore the significance of trichromacy for frugivory. The comparison of fruit foraging efficiency between dichromatic and trichromatic individuals in free-ranging black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) inhabiting a Costa Rican dry forest did not reveal any trichromat advantage. This result is explained via the luminance contrast between fruits and background leaves, which cues the detection and selection of edible ripe fruits when fruits are viewed from close distances. In addition, sniffing behavior toward fruits was negatively correlated with luminance and blue-yellow contrasts, suggesting that monkeys use olfactory cues when vision alone is insufficient to select edible fruits. These results suggest that an advantage of trichromacy is not salient under natural conditions where many sensory cues are available. To understand the significance of trichromacy, it is necessary to evaluate how trichromacy benefits fruit detection over long distances. It is also important to observe various social feeding behaviors to examine alternate hypotheses, such as mutual benefit of association.
江木 直子
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.20, no.1, pp.11-29, 2004 (Released:2005-05-27)

Hand grasping is one of the unique characteristics of primates. This study reviews our current understandings on hand shape and grasping from two aspects: changes of hand structure in the fossil record, and the significance of hand grasping in arboreal life.Plesiadapiformes, the sister group of modern primates, exhibits reduction of the relative lengths of matacarpals and distal phalanges within the manus and possesses a widely divergent hallux.The transformation of nails from claws on the all fingers and the appearance of opposability in the hallux occurred after the acquisition of these morphologies. Early in Euprimate evolution, strepsirhines are characterized by wider inter-digit-ray angles and proportionately shorter metacarpals, while haplorhines have nearly parallel metacarpals associated with the development of mesaxony. The latter is more similar to the ancestral condition of Euprimates based on comparisons with other mammals .The unique characteristics of primates were explained in ambiguous terms as arboreal adaptations ("arboreal theory") until the 1960′s.Subsequent hypotheses, "visual predation theory" and "angiosperm theory", have attempted to correlate these characteristics with specific arboreal activities. It was proposed that hand grasping ability evolved in the primate ancestor because it was beneficial for stabilizing the body and for accomplishing predation at terminal branches. This explanation is based on hand grasping behavior that is also employed by some extant non-primate mammals that make use of terminal branches. Comparisons with other arboreal mammals which have grasping hands and with mechanical models have shown that longer proximal and middle phalanges and shorter distal phalanges relative to metacarpals are required for grasping narrow branches. The fact that the phalangeal ratio change occurred prior to other structural changes typically advanced as critical features in primate evolution clarifies the importance of these characteristics in acquisition of hand grasping ability, a feature that evolved in Plesiadpiformes approximately 55 million years ago.
山梨 裕美 徳山 奈帆子 赤見 理恵 乾 真子 土手 結月 石井 愛夏 佐々木 伶奈 松浦 有花 高野 華花 奥村 逞人 池田 義知
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.38, no.2, pp.99-109, 2022-12-09 (Released:2022-12-10)

Live pet trade has become one of the greatest threats to wild primate populations. Many primates were imported to Japan, and the country is considered to be a large pet primates market. Among the primates, slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) were among the most popular species for live pet trade. However, there is not much awareness in Japan about the problems associated with live pet trade, especially among the young generation. In this study, a comic book about slow lorises was created, and its effectiveness as a teaching material for young people was evaluated. The participants, who answered an online survey, included 596 high school students from two high schools in Osaka, Japan. The participants accessed a comic book, short text, or long text, which served as teaching materials, and answered several questions before and after reading the materials such as their experience with pet primates and awareness of the problems. The results revealed that although the participants’ awareness related to infectious diseases, animal welfare, and conservation increased after reading any of the three teaching materials, the comic book did not increase their awareness more than the texts. Approximately 75 % of the participants found each of the materials interesting. Furthermore, approximately between 32.0 and 40.9% of respondents were willing to share information directly with others and between 14.5 and 16.5% of those with SNS (Social Network Service). No differences were found among the three conditions. In addition, while actual experience with primate pets prevented them from promoting awareness about the problem, their level of interest toward animals and experience with primate pets in SNS did not reveal such an effect. These results suggest the importance of providing information, but effective ways to convey information requires further investigation.
竹ノ下 祐二
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.21, no.1, pp.47-64, 2005 (Released:2005-08-30)

Recently, researchers and conservationists have been paying more attention to infectious diseases, as one of the major threats for great ape survival, along with commercial hunting and habitat destruction and fragmentation by mechanized logging. Outbreak of epidemics such as ebola hemorrhagic fever has frequently occurred in recent years, causing catastrophic damage to chimpanzee and gorilla populations. Although less information is available for bonobos and orangutans, evidence from health evaluation suggests that they are also threatened by infectious diseases. A combination of target control, blocking tactics and reservoir control is needed for the prevention of disease transmission, as well as health monitoring. Inter-site, interdisciplinary cooperative efforts by great ape researchers, veterinarians, human medical scientists and anthropologists are essential for the execution of effective prevention measures. Since many infectious diseases of the great apes are anthropozoonotic, it must be remembered that the health of great apes and people in habitat countries are inextricably linked with each other.
杉山 幸丸
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
pp.36.011, (Released:2020-11-26)
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Modern primatology began in 1952-3 through artificial feeding of Japanese macaques at Koshima and Takasakiyama. Artificial feeding allowed short-distance observation, individual recognition and long-term observation. These new methods applied to wild monkeys made possible new findings, such as life-time kinship bonds, social organization, cultural behaviors, etc., which changed anthropology, biology, psychology and also other social sciences.During the 1st stage of the studies led by K Imanishi and J Itani, researchers focused their efforts not on biology but on sociology. Itani declared that Japanese primate studies do not reflect natural science. On the other hand, some other researchers carried out ecological studies of monkeys and proceeded on to socioecology. Itani attributed the dominance relations among individuals to the social order or hierarchy, whereas other researchers did so to competition over resources to increase reproductive success.In 1956 and in 1962, respectively, the Japan Monkey Centre and the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute were established. JMC contributed as the first organization of primatology in Japan, and KUPRI added to a confluence of field and experimental primatology. DNA fingerprinting to analyze the relatedness of individuals accelerated the unification of field and laboratory studies.After 1970, agricultural damage caused by wild monkeys exploded due to deforestation and the presence of unguarded crops. Researchers had to work to prevent such monkey activity in the field. They were also forced to cull this endemic primate species. As a result, the field of primatology had to expand in cognitive science, physiology, brain science and genetics as well as conservation activity.
島田 将喜
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.27, no.2, pp.127-139, 2011 (Released:2012-01-19)

Previous studies have used some verbs or nouns in ordinary language to describe, count, or analyze different types of animal behavior. However, the concept of "play" is problematic for ethological analysis. Although ethological analysis should be based on well-defined concepts, play is an ill-defined concept because the various meanings of the term necessarily make the boundary of the concept ambiguous and because the phenomena of play do not form discrete categories. Considering these difficulties, the ethological study of play should posit the argument that the concept of play is characterized by prototypeness. Consequently, the question "What is play?" is divided into the following three sub-types: (1) The question on our own cognition of play, "What type of phenomena do I (we) call play?"; (2) the question on the objective features of play, "What are the ethological features of the phenomena that we call play?"; and (3) the question on the animal cognition of play, "How do target animals recognize the phenomena that we call play?" By integrating prototype theory and the ethological study of play, we can establish various important and positive research agendas with respect to these three questions.
辻 大和 和田 一雄 渡邊 邦夫
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.28, no.1, pp.21, 2012-06-20 (Released:2012-10-21)
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We studied about the non-woody plant diets of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), including herbaceous plants, ferns, mushrooms, seaweeds, and animal matter, in order to make clear how many numbers of non-woody plant food items were eaten by the macaques all over across Japan. This is useful information for both fundamental and applied studies of this species. Through a web-searching using "Web of Science" and "Google scholar", we collected 266 data sets from 215 articles from 49 study sites. The macaques fed on 460 species of herbaceous plants (from 258 genus/67 family), 30 species of ferns (from 24 genus/15 family: 15), 61 species of fungi (from 42 genus/19 family), 3 species of moss (from 3 genus/3 family), and 11 species of seaweeds (from 11 genus/7 family), respectively. For the herbaceous plants and ferns, we also studied the parts eaten. Macaques mainly fed on leaves and stems of the herbaceous plants. This was different from that of woody plant diets, for which the macaques evenly fed on leaves, fruits, buds, bark, and flowers. On the other hand, the macaques fed on 136 animal species, mainly insects (108 species, from 103 genus/15 order). They fed on only a few numbers of vertebrates (reptiles, amphibias, fish, and birds). The macaques fed on soil in many study sites. If we add information from Tsuji et al. (2011) about woody plant diets studied most intensively, the macaques in total fed on 1,154 species of plants and animals, and 2,406 dietary items of these plants. We also discussed about the usefulness of reviewing previous descriptive data.
早川 卓志
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.34, no.1, pp.65-78, 2018-06-20 (Released:2018-08-22)

Genetic investigation of wild primates are crucial to understand kinship, population diversity, phylogeographic patterns, and heritable factors of phenotypes. Traditional DNA technology using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Sanger sequencing have restricted the genome-wide analysis of primates, particularly due to the low quality and low quantity of noninvasive DNA samples obtained from wild individuals. Following the post-genome era, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have provided a new paradigm in primate studies. NGS has enabled the genome-wide analysis of primate DNA using noninvasive samples, such as feces. Metabarcoding and metagenomics analyses using fecal samples provide information on food items and commensal microorganisms of the host animal. Here, I review a history of DNA sequencing technologies and examples of NGS studies in wild primates. Further, I discuss the effectiveness of NGS application to noninvasive samples.
大西 賢治 山田 一憲 中道 正之
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.26, no.1, pp.35-49, 2010-06-20 (Released:2010-07-01)
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We observed 4 cases of aggressive response of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) toward a Japanese giant flying squirrel (Petaurista leucogenys) at the feeding site of the Katsuyama group.When a Japanese giant flying squirrel glided over to a tree at the feeding site, almost all the adult and subadult monkeys resting around the tree mobbed the flying squirrel with threatening sounds. Immature monkeys aged ≤ 2 years screamed, and the mothers retrieved their infants immediately on spotting the flying squirrel. Several peculiar high-rank adult males and females chased, threatened, and attacked the flying squirrel for 25-114 minutes, but mothers with infants seldom approached the flying squirrel. High-ranking adult males had a greater tendency to perform agonistic displays toward the flying squirrel than low-ranking adult males and females.Our observation and previous reports about interspecific encounters suggest that Japanese macaques recognize the Japanese giant flying squirrel as being in the same category as raptors, which prey on Japanese macaques. This explains why the monkeys respond aggressively, which is typical of antipredator behavior, to the common behavioral features of the flying squirrel and raptor-gliding and descending nearby. However, this aggressive response does not seem to benefit monkeys in terms of avoiding predators because the flying squirrel is not actually a predator. There are 2 other possible benefits. Their sensitivity to behavioral features that resemble those of the raptors may improve their efficiency in terms of antipredator behavior towards actual predators such as raptors. In addition, adult or subadult male monkeys may display their fitness to potential mates by performing agonistic displays in response to the Japanese giant flying squirrel.In order to better understand the relationship between Japanese macaques and other species, it is necessary to establish a system for collecting and sharing data on rarely observed cases.