青木 義次
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.418, pp.41-50, 1990-12-30

The utilization of computer technology in architectural design has enormous potentials to enable the designer to put more time in thinking creative thoughts. The aim of this study is to enhance the potentials by developing language system which supports the designer to express his idea of architectural form. Fundamental requirements for the language system to denote architectural form are outlined through categolyzing the vocabularies collecting from architectural literatures and as results of experiments; a) denoting the form of FARNSWORTH HOUSE by language expression and b) remaking a plan and elevation of FARNSWORTH HOUSE only from the language expression. A basic model which is based on the above requirements is proposed as a language system denoting architectural form. This model is implemented as a part of CAD system and is tested its efficiency in utilization.
加藤 仁美
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.387, pp.87-98, 1988-05-30

The aims of this paper are to explain the relation between the standards established by the civil authorities and the actual circumstances of the prirate roads opened by the owners, and to consider the part that these standards performed in the residential development in the first term of Miji era. Conclusions as follows; 1) The standard in the Teinairoji rule in 1874, three kens wide except the sewers on both sides, was the lowest level that the civil authorities established with the view of horses and carts passing. 2) But practically it was difficult that the owners opened the private road in above three kens. 3) The intention with which the civil authorities investigated the Teinairoji, laid no tax on it in public interests and approved it the Minyudoro, was to keep the Teinairoji of low level under goverment control as well as possible. 4) However the owners were not pleased with the benefits from tax exemption, and were unhappy with the restriction of using their own land and the reduction of their own tytle to land property. 5) Under the circumstances, the private road standard that lowered the level to correspond to the actual conditions, lowered the road's level in the city in those days.
菊地 成孔
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
vol.123, no.1581, 2008-10-20