松浦 崇
vol.62, pp.192-193, 2003-08-20
大日方 真史
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.75, no.4, pp.381-392, 2008-12

岩田 康之
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.75, no.4, pp.368-380, 2008-12

北村 友人
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.75, no.4, pp.393-404[含 英語文要旨], 2008-12

北野 秋男
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.70, no.4, pp.559-568, 2003-12-30
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The purpose of this paper is to consider the establishment and influences of the "Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System(= MCAS test)", which has been used state-wide in Massachusetts public schools since 1998. In Massachusetts, there are still many unresolved arguments about the state examination administration beyond the issue of the MCAS test itself. This article will study the actual conditions of educational assessment administration in Massachusetts, and will verify how the MCAS is not only used as a competency test, but as also an instrument of educational reform. The Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993 promised improved schools that would fully develop the talents and skills of every child in the commonwealth. The MCAS test that has been in use since 1998 was to measure student understanding of the learning under the state standard curriculum framework and was to measure the achievement of students, schools and districts at grades four, eight, and ten in the core subjects of mathematics, science & technology, history and social science, English / language arts and eventually a foreign language. The MCAS test is evaluated as a just tool of new reforms of assessment and evaluation in Massachusetts. After all, the aim of the Massachusetts Education Reform Act is to evaluate not only on students' learning abilities and teachers' teaching skills, but also on a clear ranking of schools and school districts by a high - stakes test. Most important point in the Massachusetts educational reform was how to combine such a highly individualized assessment test with the state curriculum standards that have been under development since 1993. In conclusion, an assessment of individual student, school and district is considered as an important tool of educational reform in Massachusetts. Many politicians and educators are thinking the MCAS test as a panacea for educational reform. However, we should understand that there are many serious problems in the MCAS test. The educational assessment administration in Massachusetts is now a typical example of educational reform in the United States.
中村(笹本) 雅子
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.64, no.3, pp.281-289, 1997-09-30

アメリカにおいて1960年代の「文化剥奪論」論争でたたかわされた、マイノリティ集団の子ども達の学業成績不振を説明する諸理論は、支配的文化とマイノリティ文化の関係のとらえ方に即して、「欠陥モデル」「差異モデル」「二重文化内化モデル」の三つに区別される。マイノリティ集団にとって、支配的文化との差異が不利な条件になっていることの指摘から、「文化剥奪」を解釈するための二つの枠組みを本稿では設定するか、それは「支配的文化を剥奪されている」という枠組みと「自らの集団の文化を剥奪されている」という枠組みである。この二つが実は「支配的文化による剥奪」として統一的に把握されるとの理解から導き出されるのは、支配的文化を構成するものとしての「文化剥奪力」の想定である。多文化教育の実践は様々に類型化されている。その多くが、文化剥奪の二つの枠組みのとちらか、あるいはその両方の側面に対処するものであるか、社会構造や人種主義等の、支配的文化の問題にとりくむものはほとんとない。ローマンか「多元主義としての差異」イテオロギーと表現ずる、差異や多様性そのものを価値として称揚するアプローチも多いが、それは差異に内在する権力関係の認識を欠くものとして批判されねばならない。アイリス・ヤングの「差異の政治」の議論は、同一性の理想とのがかわりで集団間の抑圧を分析するものとして注目に値する。社会関係と抑圧を構成するものとしての集団間の差異の重要性を明らかにするヤングは、抑圧を崩していくために集団の差異に注目し、それに対処する「差異の政治」を主張する。特に重要なのは、同化の理想、あるいは普遍的人間性の理想が; (1)特権化された集団と異なる文化をもつ集団を不利な立場におくこと、(2)特権化された集団の規範が中立的で晋逼的とみなされるのを許すこと、(3)標準から逸脱する集団のメンバーに自己否定をもたらすこと、を通じて抑圧を永続化させるという彼女の分析である。文化の支配は、普遍性や規範性の占有に基づくということがここでは示されている。教育の問題として考えるとき、この普遍性の占有の問題は、カリキュラムの批判的分析の視座を提供すると共に、白人教師と白人生徒が抑圧された集団との関係で自らをどのように位置づけ理解するかという問題を提起する。多様性を付加するだけではなく、カリキュラムの規範性の検討が必要である。「白人性の肌構築」を課題として提起するスリーターとジルーの議論への注目から、さらに教育における文化政治の可能性を探ることが課題として位置づけられる。
志水 宏吉
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.73, no.4, pp.336-349, 2006-12-29

We reported the major findings of our research based on our own academic achievement tests towards elementary school and junior high school pupils in 2002. We then pointed out the fact that the differences of achievement between social groups have been expanded. Nowadays, that issue is seen to be one of the most serious educational problems in contemporary Japan. Although the differences of various educational outcomes such as academic achievements or educational aspirations between social groups are always emphasized, it is surprising that they seldom discuss about the ways in which those differences could be made smaller. I myself have been exploring the issue in these several years. In this paper, I will describe the progress and the future directions of our academic exploration on this particular educational issue. In section 2, I will give some consideration on the basic concepts such as 'gakuryoku' (academic achievement) and 'gakuryoku kakusa' (collective difference of academic achievement) and locate the existence of the schools that are actually reducing the differences in the context of the theory of effective school. That theory or research trend has been developed in the U.S.A. and the U.K. in these three decades. The concept of effective school is related to a kind of school that can reduce the differences of academic achievement between social groups such as social classes or ethnic groups. In section 3, the findings of our collaborative research carried our in 2002 will be shown and the actual contents of effective schools found out in the research will be discussed. In those schools (one elementary school and one junior high school), the averages of achievement of the children are pretty high and the ratios of low-achievers remain fairly small. The overall efforts of the school towards guaranteeing the minimum level of achievement for all the children seems to bear fruit sufficiently. In section 4, I will tough the contents of our on-going research project carried out in Osaka. The aim of the project is to find our various kinds of effective school in Japan and to draw common characteristics of those schools. We provisionally present seven factors that can contribute to make a Japanese school effective: not to make the children rough, to develop the good relationship among the children, school management emphasizing teamwork among members of staff, positive and practice-oriented school culture, collaboration with parents and local community, internal system guaranteeing the minimum level of achievement, existence of leaders and leadership. In section 5, I will consider several issues I order to prospect future development of research on school effectiveness in Japan. The following is the issues I will pick up: development of appropriate achievement tests, development of appropriate indication of family backgrounds, planning of longitudinal research on school effectiveness, necessity for research on the process of school improvement.