河村 淳一 速水 久治 有吉 騏三郎 細井 映司
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.81, no.935, pp.263-270, 1973-07-01

Packing behavior of the dry ramming mixes by method with stick penetration were in good agreement with calculations of author's previous report. Also, attempts at removal tendency of intermediate component were not so effective for obtaining a closer packing.<br>It was shown that the <i>q</i> value of closest packing (=q<sub>ρm</sub>) might shift to a lower value when the stick penetration times becames larger, and the q<sub>ρm</sub> could be expressed as hyperbolic function of stick penetration times.<br>Another intensified packing experiment of the dry mixes was shown that the q<sub>ρm</sub> was inversely proportioned to the maximum particle-size, and that a closer packing was obtained as the particle were more spherical in shape.<br>In packing experiment of the wet ramming mixes, the behavior by light ramming was similar to that of dry mixes, however, the packing intensity dependence and the maximum particle-size dependence on the q<sub>ρm</sub> was not so much as that of dry mixes, and the shift of the q<sub>ρm</sub> was lower than that of dry mixes.<br>A different tendency about packing behavior by heavy ramming and press moulding of wet mixes was observed, that the q<sub>ρm</sub> might shift to a higher value as the intensity of packing operation got higher, probably as a result of the crushing and defacement of grains.<br>From these results, it might be concluded that the factors of the degree of packing for magnesia ramming mixes was moisture and binder, particle-shape, mechanical properties of magnesia clinker grain, maximum particle-size or extension of distribution, grading of particle-size, and intensity of packing operation.
奥谷 猛 中田 善徳 日野 雅夫
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.99, no.1152, pp.709-711, 1991-08-01
1 1

The chlorination of a mixture of rice hull ashes and carbon containing alkaline and alkaline earth salts was investigated by FT-IR-PAS. It was thought that the relative ratio of totally symmetric SiO_4 stretching vibration (v_1) to antisymmetric SiO_4 degenerate stretching vibration (v_3) in infrared frequencies for SiO_2 whose constituent oxygen atoms occupy the corners of a tetra-hedron shows structural changes of SiO_2 network. The results of v_1/v_3 of SiO_2 before and after chlorination showed that the values of v_1/v_3 increased and the chlorination was accelerated because K^+ increased. The v_1/v_3 of SiO_2 by addition of Na^+, Mg^<2+> and Ca^<2+> was smaller than that of K^+ and these additives did not accelerate the chlorination. KCl, NaCl, MgCl_2 and CaCl_2 which formed during the chlorination melted at 900℃.
八島 勇 附田 龍馬 佐藤 哲仁 栃尾 征広
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.105, no.1227, pp.1018-1021, 1997-11-01
9 14

The purpose of this paper is to present the relationship between mechanical properties and thermoelectric properties of p-type Bi-Te polycrystalline materials. Semiconducting ceramics of p-type bismuth telluride were prepared by a hot press method. Their bending strength was over 40 MPa and decreased with increasing particle size. The Seebeck coefficient and resistivity were dependent upon the particle size, those thermoelectric properties decreased with increasing particle size. The results suggest that the carrier density varies with concentration of oxygen which adsorbed at the surface of the powders. Thermoelectric properties were nonisotropic. Especially, the resistivity was different for the hot press directions. The ratio of the resistivity increased with increasing the particle diameter. The bending strength, Seebeck coefficient and resistivity decreased with increasing a hot press temperature. A sample with a bending strength of more than 50 MPa and a power factor of 40 × 10^<-3> W/cm・K^2 was obtained by controlling the particle size and the hot press temperature.
右京 良雄 神取 利男 和田 重孝
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.101, no.1180, pp.1430-1431, 1993-12-01
9 7

Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>-SiC particle composites constaining up to 30wt% SiC were sintered to a neary full density using gas pressure sintering and HIPing process (post-HIPing). Fine SiC powder with an average particle size of about 0.03μm, and Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> as sintering additive were used. Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>-30wt% SiC sintered composite with a strength of about 700MPa at 1400°C was obtained by post-HIPing.
中村 浩之 陳 運法 木村 邦夫 立山 博 広末 英晴
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.105, no.1227, pp.1037-1041, 1997-11-01
4 5

Preparation of coated particles by an injection method was presented. The raw material of a coating layer is injected into a core particle suspension in which a precipitant is dissolved. By this method, some coated particles including titania hydrate-coated calcium carbonate powders and alumina hydrate-coated SiC whiskers were prepared. It was noticeable that CaCO_3, which is soluble in the raw material of titania hydrate, could be coated with titania hydrate. Furthermore, it was shown that aluminum nitrate and aluminum chloride as well as aluminum sulfate were useful as the raw material salts. Homogeneous nucleation and coalescence of the homogeneous nuclei onto the coating layers were expected to be included in the coating process.
日吉 英司 篠田 豊 赤津 隆 若井 史博
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.112, no.1312, pp.661-664, 2004-12-01

The distribution and the morphology of glass phase in polycrystals are affected by the dihedral angle and the volume fraction of the glass phase. The effects of temperature and chemical composition of intergranular glass on dihedral angle of glass-doped 3-mol%-yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (3Y-TZP) were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The intergranular glass was either SiO_2 (melting point of 1700℃) or Y_2O_3-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 eutectic glass (YAS glass: melting point of 1350℃). The average dihedral angles of SiO2-doped and YAS-doped 3Y-TZP, which were sintered at 1300℃, were found to be 70℃ and 50℃, respectively. The dihedral angle in YAS-doped 3Y-TZP decreased to 25℃ after annealing at 1500℃, whereas that in SiO_2-doped 3Y-TZP remained constant. From the relationship between the dihedral angle and the ratio of grain boundary energy to solid/glass interface energy (γSS/γSL) > it was suggested that XSS/^SL increased at elevated temperatures higher than the melting point of glass.
中村 昌照 平尾 喜代司 Mark Ian Jones 山内 幸彦 神崎 修三
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.111, no.1297, pp.658-663, 2003-09-01

萩原 清彦 森本 貫一 上田 清 平岡 泰太郎
大日本窯業協会雑誌 (ISSN:18842119)
vol.30, no.362, pp.457-488, 1922-10-20

本報告は旭硝子株式会社試驗所に於て硝子研究報告第三報として発表せるものに係り, さきに硝子研究報告第一号として発表せる鏡曇の研究の継続とし, 銀引せる硝子鏡面に生ずる「くもり」の原因に付研究せる結果, 硝子には質として高温度により滲出する物質存在する事を悟り, 此滲出物の出現により硝子に存する斑紋及鏡曇りの一因たる彼の時日の経過に伴ひ生ずる「くもり」の原因をも明にせり, 面して此の滲出作用は硝子表面に限らず気泡の如く硝子実体内に密閉されたる面に於ても尚認め得べく, 此等の滲出物は直に湯気を吸収して溶解し硝子面上に於て其表面張力に従ひ, 種々に集合して斑紋を呈する者とし, 曇及び網目を生ずる場合は施工方法の如何によらず大差なきが如きも尚洗浄法を施せるものは少なき指数を示せり, 此れ等の結果によれば銀引の際生ずる鏡面の曇は(一)銀引の際硝子面を琢磨し表面に焼付きたる粒状の物質又は網目状に集合せる物質を除くか(二)硝子面をヴヰトロスコープにて検鏡し硝子面の曇らざる部分を選択し, 或は表面琢磨の際其状態を検査し全く除去し得たるを待ちて銀引するかによりて確実に大部分を除き得べし, さりながら鏡面製作後時間経過と共に生ずる曇は所謂常温滲出物の作用にて, 此の滲出物の出現を最小限度に止むるには熔融状態を均一にし熔融温度及び凝固温度の関係を明にするを要す, 要するに著者等は本研究により鏡面の曇の原因は滲出物の採用に基するを明にせるも此滲出物の性質及び防止法は尚将来の研究に待たざるべからずとなせり, 又著者等がさきに硝子研究報告第二報に発表せる粒子に関し此の滲出物と混同せる点あり, 即ち(一)粒子は限定せられたる斜入光線に限り検鏡し得るべく, 此の時滲出物も共に現はるゝ事あれども其の分は斜入光線の角度を限定するべきものに非ざるを以て, 此点にて粒子と滲出物とを区別し得る事, (二)滲出物は琢磨により除去さるゝも粒子は琢磨硝子面に於ても認めらるゝ事, (三)滲出物の存在は硝子面を斜にし強烈なる光源に照せば肉眼にても曇として認めらるゝも粒子は此事なき事等の事実を確めたるを以て前報告を訂正せり(倉橋)
丸野 重雄 伴 清治 王 允夫 岩田 久 伊藤 晴夫
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.100, no.1160, pp.362-367, 1992-04-01
20 40

Composites comprising hydroxyapatite (HA) containing glass layer and pure titanium or Ti-6Al-4V alloy, so called HA-G-Ti functionally gradient materials, have been shown to be useful for bioactive artificial joints and dental implants. In the present study, the mechanical and thermal properties of the HA containing glasses were examined. The compressive strength of HA containing glasses less than 70 wt% HA content was sufficiently larger than that of bone. The hardness of about 70 wt% HA containing glass corresponded to that of natural teeth. It has been found from DSC analysis that the glass little reacts with HA at firing temperature (950℃). Thermal expansion coefficients of HA containing glasses with relatively low HA content were suitable values for the coating on Ti and Ti-6Al-4V. The bonding strength of the glass to Ti substrate reached the maximum value of 28 MPa under the condition of 2.3μm in surface roughness (center line average). The HA-G-Ti composites with bioactive surface, etched in a mixture of HF and HNO_3, showed a good apposition to the bone in vivo.
曾 敏 上川 直文 小島 隆 掛川 一幸
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi = Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (ISSN:13486535)
vol.115, no.1348, pp.840-845, 2007-12-01

The titania particles were prepared by aging the mixture of titanium isopropoxide (TIP) and H_2O at 318 K. The anatase titania particles were obtained by the aging procedure at 318 K for more than 16 h. The aging temperature was quite low to obtain anatase-type titania particles. According to the DTA measurement, the amount of amorphous phase included in the titania particles decreased with increases in the aging time. Furthermore, the titania particles obtained by aging the mixture of TIP and H_2O at 318 K for 24 h contained no amorphous phase. The obtained titania particles had a high BET specific surface area of more than 250m^2/g. To characterize the titania surface, the adsorption isotherms of the organic dye molecules in an aqueous solution were measured. The negatively charged Evans blue molecules strongly adsorbed on the titania surface obtained by the low-temperature hydrolysis reaction as compared with the results of the methylene blue molecules. Furthermore, the decomposition kinetics of the dye molecules by the photocatalytic activity also deepened with the charge of the dye molecules. The relation between the UV irradiation time and the molar ratio of the decomposed dye molecules followed the Avrami equation. According to the results of the analysis using the Avrami equation, the Evans blue molecules were decomposed on the titania particle surface. In contrast, the methylene blue molecules were decomposed in the aqueous solution. The difference in kinetics was related to the interaction of the dye molecules and the titania surface. The high surface area of the titania particles obtained the low-temperature hydrolysis reaction of titanium alkoxides enhanced the effect of the surface interaction on kinetics of the photocatalytic activity.
金 鉱敏 官路 史明 小久保 正 中村 孝志
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.105, no.1218, pp.111-116, 1997-02-01
13 132

The essential requirement for an artificial material to bond to living bone is the formation of bonelike apatite layer on its surface in the living body. This apatite layer can be reproduced on its surface even in a simulated body fluid (SBF) with ion concentrations nearly equal to those of human blood plasma. In the present study, Ti metal was treated with various NaOH aqueous solutions, and apatite formation on the resultant metals were examined in SBF. A sodium titanate hydrogel layer was formed on the surface of Ti metal, when it was treated with NaOH solutions with concentrations higher than 0.5 M at 60℃ for periods longer than 24h. Thus treated metals exchanged Na^+ ion in the surface layer for H_3O^+ ion in SBF to produce a hydrated titania on their surfaces and to increase the degree of supersaturation with respect to the apatite of SBF. The hydrated titania induced the apatite nucleation and the increased supersaturation accelerated the apatite nucleation. Thus formed apatite nuclei spontaneously grow by consuming calcium and phosphate ions from SBF. These results indicate that bioactive metal can be obtained by a simple alkali treatment.
中谷 利雄 脇田 崇弘 大田 陸夫 田中 勝久 若杉 隆
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.111, no.1290, pp.137-141, 2003-02-01

Powders in the CeO_2-ZrO_2-MO_x system were prepared by coprecipitation method. Influence of adding a third components MO_x of transition metal oxides and rare earth metal oxides on the specific surface area (SA) and oxygen storage capacity (OSC) were investigated. It was found that transition metal oxides decrease drastically both SA and OSC values at 1000℃. On the other hand, rare earth metal oxides slightly decreased OSC values. The OSC values of the 20CeO_2- (80-y) ZrO_2-yMO_x powders with y=0-20 mol% LaO_1.5, showed a maximum at around 6 mol% LaO_1.5. In the CeO_2-ZrO_2-MO_x system, 20CeO_2・74ZrO_2・6LaO_1.5 (mol%) powders exhibited the most efficient performance with a high thermal stability up to 1000℃.
高山 甚太郎 香村 小録
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.108, no.1254, pp.S5-S6, 2000-02-01

日本における鉄鋼業の発展は, 1901年の官営八幡製鉄所の創業に始まり, 20世紀は鉄の生産とともに経過してきた.この鉄鋼業を支えたのが耐火物であり, 耐火物技術の発展の世紀でもあった.我が国の誇れる耐火物技術の術徴は, 使用環境に合わせた耐火物評価をユーザーである鉄鋼メーカーとともに徹底的に議論して材料を設計したこと, 品質の安定性を極めたことが挙げられる.このような耐火物の発達に大きな貢献をしたのが, 本論文である.論文では, 国内外から39種類の煉瓦を収集し, 物理的性質, 化学分析, 耐火度, 耐スラグ性を調査し, 調査方法と結果を整然とまとめている.特筆すべきことは, スラグと耐火物の反応について評価試験方法を欧米に先駆けて発表した点であり, 当時の耐火物単体での評価から脱皮した優れた着想である.また, 論文中に「熾熱」という言葉が如実に表現しているように, 温度計測技術が発達していない当時では, 耐火物の評価がいかに難しいものであったことが理解できよう.この論文は, 現代の耐火物技術に大きな影響を及ぼし, 鉄鋼業の発展の礎を築いたことはいうまでもない.大日本窯業協会の前身として明治24年10月に窯工会が結成され, 同25年6月に改組, 協会雑誌としては, 同年9月に第1号が発行された.この揺籃期の大日本窯業協会では, 初代品川弥二郎子爵, 二代榎本武揚子爵, 三代金子堅太郎伯爵を会頭に擁し, 現在の会長にあたる乗務員は, 中沢岩太氏が務められました.本論文の著者である高山甚太郎博士は, 協会創立以来評議員として活躍され, 明治31年に常務委員に就任し, 逝去される大正3年10月まで, 3期17年努めた本協会の重鎮として, 協会の発展に尽力されました.高山甚太郎博士は安政4年(1857)に生まれ, 加賀大聖寺藩士族の出身で, 明治11年に東京大学理学部を卒業し, 準教授を経て同12年に農商務省地質課(明治15年に独立して地質調査所)に入所され, 化学分析を担当されました.研究対象が, 陶器, 粘土から耐火煉瓦に移っていき, 研究成果として数多くの論文を発表されております.一方, 共著者の香村小録氏は, 当時地質調査所で高山甚太郎博士の後輩として共に研究され, 後年, 釜石鉱山田中製鉄所の技師長として活躍され, その後の耐火物技術発達に多大な貢献をされました.
水上 智 清水 完 脇谷 尚樹 篠崎 和夫 水谷 惟恭
日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi (ISSN:18821022)
vol.110, no.1281, pp.428-431, 2002-05-01
1 2

Epitaxial (Ni-Zn) Fe_2O_4 thin film was prepared on Si (001) substrates using (MgO-Al_2O_3) /CeO_2/YSZ triple buffer layer. In this work, to increase remanent magnetization (M_r) and decrease coercive field (H_c), for epitaxial (Ni-Zn) Fe_2O_4 thin film, the effect of substrate temperature, oxygen pressure and composition on the magnetic properties was examined. It was clarified that the remanent magnetization and coercive field were strongly influenced by temperature and oxygen pressure. In order to obtain high Mr and low H_c, it was thought that a substrate temperature of 800℃ and oxygen pressure 1.3 Pa were optimal conditions. As regarding the composition, M_r could be obtained to a maximum of 3.96 × 10^<-1> Wb/m^2 changing the quantity of Zn and Fe (M_8=5.31 × 10^-1 Wb/m^2, H_c= 1.35 × 10^1 kA/m).