モーエン ジョン V.
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.1, pp.149-175, 1988

「音楽・魔術・メタポリティックス」では, トーマス・マンの最後の傑作小説『ファウスト博士』を分析, 解明する。『ファウスト博士』は, マン自身の言葉を借りれば「文明の直面する危機状態から悪魔との契約への逃避, そしてファシズムという国家主義的狂乱のうちに崩壊に終わってしまう破壊的かつ空虚な幸福感ごときものへの逃避」を扱っている。この20世紀最大の変動をかくも奇抜に扱う由来は, ファウスト伝説にある。これが西洋キリスト教文化に重要な意味をもつのは, 自分の魂を地上での報いのために悪魔に売り渡してしまうという点においてである。物語中の作曲家はアーノルド・シェーンベルク(無調性を特色とし, 基本的に古典的調音を乱す20世紀現代音楽の創始者)と, フリードリッヒ・ニーチェ(「神はヨーロッパ人の心の中では死んでしまった」と知り, これまた反キリスト的なスーパーマンを創造した)の両方の特徴を併せもつ。アードリアーン・レーヴァーキューンという名で呼ばれる「自然の力」の相手役と引き立て役をつとめるのはブルジョア・ヒューマニストのゼレーヌス・ツァイトブロームであり, 彼は人類の美徳を代表する。周知のごとく, ツァイトブローム側の完全勝利であったが, それは, 死と世界の破滅という最も恐ろしい事態に陥った後のことである。
原 俊彦

本研究の最終段階として,平成7年度-平成9年度の成果を踏まえ、これまでに開発したシミュレーションモデルを用い、(1)技術革新・文化革命説、(2)気候変動・ストレス説、(3)人口圧力・食域拡大説の、農耕革命の発生に関する三つの主要仮説の理論的検討を行い、その成果をまとめた。とりわけ(3)については、昨年度開発した総合モデルを「農耕発生地域」と「その他地域」に二重化することにより、初期土地利用率の差から、両者の時間的なズレを解明することに成功。この仮説の有効性を確認することができた。このモデルの二重化は、また農耕革命の時間的広がりを地理情報にリンクする上で重要な第一歩となるである。が、実際のリンクには、さらにモデルを多重化する必要があること、また、現在使用しているパーソナル・コンピュータの計算速度では困難であるが判明し、今後の研究課題として残された。なお、これらの成果は,『第6回 日本情報考古学会』(98年9月:共立女子大学),『第4回 シンポジウムー人文科学における数量的分析』(99年3月:総合大学院大学葉山キャンパス)『第7回 日本情報考古学会』(99年3月:奈良先端科学技術大学)において発表した。また平行して,昨年度の成果を論文化し『情報考古学』VOL4(2)に掲載するとともに、雑誌『人文科学と情報処理』(勉誠社)を通じ、本研究や、人文科学におけるコンピュータの重要性について執筆、広く一般研究者への啓蒙に努めた。なお本研究により1998年3月に日本情報考古学会より「1997年度 論文賞」を、1999年1月には学校法人 東海大学より「1998年度松前重義賞(学術部門)」を受賞した。
龍村 あや子
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.2, pp.121-134, 1989

This paper reexamines the often noted parallelism in ideal, logical structure and time consciousness between Hegel's philosophy and Beethoven's music. Theodor W. Adorno's Theory provides some key concepts for this study. Born in 1770,Beethoven and Hegel built up the basis of their thoughts during the time of the great revolution in Western Europe, the period characterized by the rising spirit of the bourgeoisie and the belief in social progress. Both Hegel's philosophy and Beethoven's music in his middle period embody the two common spirits of this age : idealism and humanism. Their thoughts show not only the tendency toward a system and totality but also the dialectical way of thinking. Their time consciousness is subjective and progressive, the point which has an essential meaning for construction of their logical thoughts. According to Adorno, the structure of the symphonic sonata form of the middle Beethoven bears the same nature of the 'affirmative dialectic' as in Hegel's philosophy; on one side this structure is an expression of the strong historical subject, which insists on its humanistic ideal without giving up its hope for a better world; but on the other side this logic cannot act for the change of the real society, because the affirmative dialectic remains a mere ideology. Although Adorno himself didn't give an analytical proof of the logical parallelism between Hegel's philosophy and the music of the middle Beethoven, his thematic can be concretized as a matter of the structure of music. Therefore I demonstrate it through the actual analysis of the first movement of the third symphony "Eroica". The result of my analysis is a clarification of Beethoven's sonata form as a 'dialectical process'. Beethoven made this structure possible through : his new idea of treatment of the thematic complexes and his 'elemental-analytic' treatment of materials.
龍村 あや子
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.1, pp.75-85, 1988

This article treats the concept 'understanding a different culture', which is very often discussed today in Japan, in terms of music. The author gives at first the following definition : Culture is 1) the whole of the intersubjective meanings and their forms of expression which has been historically constructed in a society; therefore 2) it is always in some degree changeable. This definition is followed by the next one : 'a different culture' is the counterconcept to 'one's own culture' that constitutes one's identity at present. To recognize whether the perceived object belongs to his own culture or to a different one, depends entirely on the 'experiences' of each individual, which build up the basis of his cognitive domain. 'A different culture' means therefore an element of culture or a culture as a whole, which requires a new development of one's experiences in this sense. To meet with a different culture is a real 'encounter'; from that experience a new cognitive field of the indivudual could be constructed. Because music has no material existence and could only be perceived within each individual existence, its 'meaning' in a real sense cannot be fixed. The meaning of music is to be regarded as a 'metaphore vive' in the sense of Paul Ricoeur : It is always a newly created metaphor as a result of the interaction between the music and the listener. When a music talks to us as a foreign culture, it gives us a 'subject' of a sentence, the 'predicate' of which we should create ourselves. Because music could be objectified as a recording, it is possible that it detaches itself from the culture in which it was born and flies from culture to culture like a bird. Therefore there are two cases of the encounter between music and individuals : 1) to get aquainted with music in the culture where it was born, and to understand it as part of the culture as a whole; or 2) to meet with music as a sound system out of the culture where it was born. In this part of the article (Part I) the second case is discussed. To understand music as a different culture is a process of new recognition, in which our memory and fantasy are combined and revivified.
印東 道子

谷野 賢二 鳴海 日出人 斎藤 二郎 本間 明宏 北原 繁志 黄金崎 清人
北海道東海大学紀要. 理工学系 (ISSN:09162097)
vol.11, pp.35-47, 1999-03-25

In Hokkaido ports on the Sea of Japan and along the Tsugaru Straits, which are along the course of the spawning migration of spear squids, Loligo bleekkeri, their eggs were found on breakwaters and other port structures. Therefore, research has been conducted on the spawning properties of spear squids and survival rates of eggs on breakwaters, as well as on related physical environment properties. On breakwaters and other structures, spear squids lay their egg capsules in cracks in vertical concrete walls of breakwaters and quays, as well as in the cavities of wave-dissipating works and armor blocks. In deep cavities created by wave-dissipating works and armor blocks, more eggs were found on blocks which were deeper in the cavities than the second row from the end of the slope. Since spawning grounds on reefs are not deep enough in many cases, the irradiance may be high at some parts to which egg capsules adhere. In highly illuminated spawning grounds, diatoms adhere to the surface of egg capsules and the survival rate decreases. In the port with little current, silt adheres to the surface of egg capsules and also decreases the survival rate. The cavities of wave-dissipating blocks, on the other hand, are washed by swift waves and the irradiance is low. There are no substance adhered to the surface of egg capsules and the survival rate is high.
三上 純
北海道東海大学紀要 芸術工学部 (ISSN:02884992)
no.27, pp.9-18, 2007

On this report about a characteristic of the German half-timber based on a result of field survey. Particularly I consider a wall surface design (pattern of structure, sculpture & ornament) and relations with the regionality.
佐保 吉一
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.11, pp.39-54, 1998

The prurpose of this paper is to examine the policies taken during the early Danish Absolute Monarchy (1661-1671) against the nobility by using the historical sources, such as the Coronation Charter of 1648,the Patent of the nobility of 1661,The Royal Law (1665), and the Patent of the new nobility (Count and Baron, 1671). In 1660 the hereditary monarchy was established in Denmark after the strong struggle among the nobility and a few months later the absolute monarchy was peacefully introduced. Soon King Frederik III began to carry his policies against the old Danish nobility to reduce their power. First, he dissolved the council of the realm, and then he issued the Patent of June 24,1661 and reduced the rights of the nobility. Moreover The Royal Law of 1665 did not make any straight reference to the nobility, but as a whole it stressed and secured the King's absolute power. In addition the nobility lost their important privilege, the exemption of their tax on their estates. In the reign of Christian V (king : 1670-1699), two important laws were announced on the same day, May 25,1671. The first one is the Patent of the Count and the Baron, which introduced a new class of the nobility. The point is that their elevation was dependent on not their birth status, but the size of the land they owned. This measure brought equal opportunity to become new nobility and urged the social mobility later on. The other one is the decree on Ranks, which clearly sought to build a new loyal class of officials. The upper ranks were mostly consisted of members of royal family and major officers of the state. Also the new Dannebrog Order was created in 1671 to widen the authority of the King. With these three measurements we can see the mutual aim ; to create a different system of hierarchy and put those who are in favor of the absolute King into this new system. And the highest person in this system is of course, the King himself. As seen above, after the introduction of the absolute monarchy, the first two absolute Kings, Frederik III and Christian V tried to oppress the power of the old nobility ; by issuing the Patent of the nobility, introducing the new system of nobility (Count and Baron) , and composing the Royal Law. Therefore the rights of the old nobility were much more restricted than before. And the nobility even had a land tax imposed on their estates, which never was the case before 1660. The nobility lost first of all their political power in the central government and gradually could not maintain their social and economic privileges. But strangely cnough they never took a strong measure of revolt against the absolute monarchy.
吉村 卓也 杉山 幹夫
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.16, pp.165-189, 2004-03-25

Media has been transforming its shape rapidly due to the fast development of information technology. Up until recently, so-called "mass media" had been enjoying the privilege of gathering information and disseminating it to the public. Now, mass media's monopolistic manners have been gradually eroding and concerned groups and individuals, empowered by the introduction of new technology, are gravitating towards the media's sphere. Even though we don't have the established term for this situation of the media, there is no doubt that the practitioners of the media are no longer limited to the "media professionals, " but have widened its boundaries to the non-professional individuals. One of the tools that have made it possible has been the proliferation of the WWW (World Wide Web). Its versatility is a great advantage for those who wish to publish something for the public. People who are not satisfied with being a recipient of information are using this opportunity to become providers of information. This indicates an emergence of regional journalism where residents can discuss and publish their concerns and interests without the aid of conventional media. In this paper, the authors would like to show the actual example of "Civic Media, " where the authors belong, which is practicing civic journalism in Sapporo. Discussion will be focused on how this movement was founded in the region and how its members have acquired community awareness through its activities.
崔 銀姫
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.18, pp.65-80, 2006-03-25

遠藤 隆
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.4, pp.141-161, 1991

永い歴史をもつ中東問題はパレスチナの将来をめぐる紛争が発端であったが国際社会では今日も尚その解決への糸口が模索されている。イギリスの委任統治下にあったパレスチナにおける人口構成は3分の2はアラブ人で3分の1がユダヤ人というものであった。1947年に国連に持ち出されたが, 当時からその主要議題の1つとなってきた。1991年7月, ゴルバチョフソ連大統領とブッシュ米大統領は首脳会談後, 共同声明を発表して同年10月に米ソ共催のもとに中東和平会議を開くことを発表するなど, 中東問題解決への機運が一段と高まった。ゴラン高原やヨルダン川西岸の占領地を手放さないとするイスラエル側とアラブ諸国間にはいくつかの課題が残されている。イスラエルは中東和平会議への東エルサレムのパレスチナ代表問題でも妥協する姿勢をみせていない。ソ連における最近のクーデターによる政変のため中東和平会議の行方が一時危ぶまれたが, その後も, 米ソ間の歩調は崩れず, 両国の和平努力に期待が寄せられている。しかし, イスラエルと米国間の信用保証供与(ユダヤ人入植のための住宅建設資金100億ドルの審議延期をブッシュ大統領は議会に要請した。)の問題もあり楽観できない情勢にあり, 和平会議に微妙な影響を与えることになった。そして, 1991年9月28日アルジェで開かれたパレスチナ民族評議会(PNC)は中東和平会議へのPLO参加で前向きの姿勢を示したが, イスラエル側の反応は依然としてPLOを交渉相手としない態度をくずしておらず難航が予想される。1978年に実現した, エジプト, イスラエル, 米国間での合意(中東和平の枠組み及びエジプトとイスラエル間の平和条約-これに基きイスラエルは82年4月までにシナイ半島をエジプトに返還することになった)とでは事情が異なることは指摘するまでもない。10月30日から3日間マドリードで開催された和平会議では予想どうり占領地返還問題が焦点となったが, 結局, イスラエルの譲歩はみられず, 完全撤退を要求するアラブ側との間に改めて大きな対立を残すことになった。中東地域の和平を模索する動きは今後も続くことは間違いないが, アラブ諸国とイスラエル間に存在する根強い問題の解決がない限り, 大きな進展を期待することはできない。本論はこの問題の歴史的背景を直視し, その政治的解決への可能性について論及するものである。
川島 洋一 西澤 岳夫 木村 徳和 京田 実 横幕 茂世子 小池 かおる 小野寺 一彦 小幡 圭二 高見 友子 鈴木 邦輝 行場 義修
北海道東海大学紀要. 芸術工学部 (ISSN:02884992)
vol.25, pp.53-60, 2006-03-25

This study reports on the historical and planning consideration of the architectural activities in northern area of Hokkaido. Thin paper was examined about building engineering and the design for the facilities of masonry construction and steel construction.
畦地 真太郎 松村 憲一
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.15, pp.231-245, 2002

Social psychological research indicates how people in anonymous community perceive numbers of other group members. First, people who are in anonymous communities tend to keep consistent recognition that the numbers of people who joined the discussion is fewer than the numbers of the statements in the discussion. Second, people think there are many members who have the same attitude with their own rather than people who have the different opinions. We discuss these findings from the view point of social cognition and propose how can we solve the problems caused by the 'outgroup bias'.