関 めぐみ 三上 純 井谷 惠子 井谷 聡子
スポーツとジェンダー研究 (ISSN:13482157)
vol.17, pp.21-31, 2019 (Released:2019-09-06)

This is one of the first studies to explore the experiences and expressions of discrimination, violence and exclusion based on genders, sexualities and the bodies in Physical education (PE) in Japan. Through this research, we hope to gain insight into the gender and sexual politics of Japanese PE. The study was administered in three Japanese universities in 2017. Based on 979 survey responses, we present a preliminary analysis of students reported the experiences of discrimination and exclusion. We conducted the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of 410 (41.9%) survey responses, which answered the open-ended question about negative experience in PE. By using quantitative content analysis software (KH coder), we extracted seven clusters: 1) being scolded for a mistake, 2) being a nuisance to a partner or a team, 3) forced to perform (play) sport or do exercise, 4) swimming, 5) running, 6) class (teaching) methods, and 7) methods of evaluation. The main factors that caused the negative experience are codified to: classmates (category 1), oneself (category 2), teachers (category 3, 6, 7) and exercise characteristics (category 4, 5). When analyzed the result by gender, “normative woman” (cis-gendered, heterosexual) tends to be ashamed that they are not good at sports and their self-respect becomes wounded. On the other hand, “normative man” (cis-gendered, heterosexual) tends to remember the negative experience as those moments when they were blamed by their classmates. The persons of “non-normative” gender/sexuality (transgender and/or non-heterosexual) tend to have more negative experiences based on heterosexism and binary gender system. Our findings suggest that the evaluation criteria set by the curriculum and/or teacher need to be changed. Because the criteria made students’ achievement (or the lack thereof) visible, it leads to the bodily hierarchy. This hierarchy push students who are not athletic into a lower position and marginalize them in the classroom.
三上 純
女性学 (ISSN:1343697X)
vol.29, pp.76-104, 2022-03-31 (Released:2023-04-01)

本稿の目的は、グループ・インタビューとアンケート調査の分析を通じて、運動部活動におけるミソジニスティック/ホモフォビックな会話の実態と、それが性差別意識といかに関連しているのかを明らかにすることである。 グループ・インタビューでは、男性のみの運動部集団において女性を性的客体とみなすミソジスティックな会話と、同性愛をタブー視するホモフォビックな会話があったことが語られた。アンケート調査の分析では、女性を性的客体、男性を性的主体とする意識と、ゲイに対する態度を従属変数とする重回帰分析を行った。その結果、性的マジョリティ男性は非対称な性的関係を肯定する傾向がみられたが、それは運動部活動におけるミソジニスティック/ホモフォビックな会話に媒介されたものであることが明らかになった。しかし、ゲイに対する態度についてはそうした会話に十分な媒介効果がみられなかった。なお、いずれの従属変数についても男女が生まれつき異なる存在であるとする考え方が強く関連していることが明らかとなった。 本稿の分析から、性差別を助長すると考えられる運動部活動におけるミソジニーやホモフォビアに対処するためには、生物学的な男女の差異を自然とみなす状況を問い直すことが必要であると考えられる。
三上 純
スポーツとジェンダー研究 (ISSN:13482157)
vol.18, pp.20-34, 2020

The purpose of this study was to investigate how homophobia is constructed in school physical education. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for 9 students who majored in physical education at A University of Education, and 5 students, three "sexual majority women" (cis-gendered, heterosexual) and two "sexual majority men" (cis-gendered, heterosexual), were selected for the analysis. The contents of interviews were about experiences what they had seen or heard discriminating words and actions in respect to sexuality.The result showed that heterosexism is accepted by getting information through media and school life, and that the consciousness is strengthened through "joke about sexuality" in school life in general. It was assumed that the "joke about sexuality" performed by male athletes inside of school-based extracurricular sports clubs is a tool to feel their "status as 'men'" and to "bond" with other than the targeted person. In addition, it was considered that the coaches actively use "joke about sexuality" with the clear intention of "helping to smooth communication" and "constructing normative masculinity". Furthermore, it was shown that misogyny is also constructed in school-based extracurricular sports clubs by prohibiting romantic love only for female athletes.It was concluded that homophobia and misogyny are artfully created in school-based extracurricular sports clubs, and that homosociality is constructed including coaches in some cases. In this culture, students and athletes are expected that they learn the essentiality of homophobia in sports instruction and become teachers who convey it to the next generation through the mechanism of "occupational socialization into physical education teachers". In the future research, it will be necessary to investigate in more detail how homophobia and misogyny appear in the two relationships between athletes each other, and, athletes and coaches.
三上 純
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.31, no.2, pp.59-75, 2023 (Released:2023-10-26)

本稿の目的は、固定的なジェンダー観の形成に寄与する運動部活動文化に着目し、それが体育教師志望といかに結びついているのかを、統計分析によって明らかにすることである。先行研究の概観から以下の3つの仮説を設定し、その検証を分析課題とする。①体育教師志望に与える様々な運動部活動経験の影響は、運動部顧問志望に媒介されて生じる。②運動部活動を通じた男性体育教師との結びつきが、体育教師志望に影響する。③運動部活動における性に関わる指導者の言動や仲間同士のコミュニケーションが、体育教師志望に影響する。 本稿では、日本の中学校・高校に通っていた大学生・大学院生を対象に、2021年2~3月(以下、1期調査とする)および同年4~7月(以下、2期調査とする)に実施したオンラインのアンケート調査によって得られたデータを使用する。1期調査では、筆者の知人や大学に勤務する教員を通じてEメールまたはLINEで、約1600人に回答リンクを配布し397人から回答を得た。2期調査では、大学に勤務する教員が受け持つ授業を通じて約3000人に回答リンクを配布し、755人から回答を得た。本稿では2つのデータを統合して使用する。 体育教師志望を従属変数とするロジスティック回帰分析と、運動部顧問志望を媒介変数とするKHB法による媒介分析の結果、仮説①および仮説②は支持されたものの、仮説③は支持されなかった。しかし、体育教師志望を強く規定する運動部顧問志望を従属変数として多項ロジスティック回帰分析を行った結果、運動部活動における性に関わる指導者の言動や仲間同士のコミュニケーションは運動部顧問志望の規定要因となることが示された。このことから、固定的なジェンダー観の形成に寄与する運動部活動での指導者や仲間との関係性が、運動部顧問志望を経由して体育教師のジェンダー観に影響すると考えられた。
三上 純
スポーツとジェンダー研究 (ISSN:13482157)
vol.18, pp.20-34, 2020 (Released:2020-09-30)

The purpose of this study was to investigate how homophobia is constructed in school physical education. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for 9 students who majored in physical education at A University of Education, and 5 students, three “sexual majority women” (cis-gendered, heterosexual) and two “sexual majority men” (cis-gendered, heterosexual), were selected for the analysis. The contents of interviews were about experiences what they had seen or heard discriminating words and actions in respect to sexuality. The result showed that heterosexism is accepted by getting information through media and school life, and that the consciousness is strengthened through “joke about sexuality” in school life in general. It was assumed that the “joke about sexuality” performed by male athletes inside of school-based extracurricular sports clubs is a tool to feel their “status as 'men'” and to “bond” with other than the targeted person. In addition, it was considered that the coaches actively use “joke about sexuality” with the clear intention of “helping to smooth communication” and “constructing normative masculinity”. Furthermore, it was shown that misogyny is also constructed in school-based extracurricular sports clubs by prohibiting romantic love only for female athletes. It was concluded that homophobia and misogyny are artfully created in school-based extracurricular sports clubs, and that homosociality is constructed including coaches in some cases. In this culture, students and athletes are expected that they learn the essentiality of homophobia in sports instruction and become teachers who convey it to the next generation through the mechanism of “occupational socialization into physical education teachers”. In the future research, it will be necessary to investigate in more detail how homophobia and misogyny appear in the two relationships between athletes each other, and, athletes and coaches.
三上 純
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.255-271, 2022 (Released:2022-05-03)

The purpose of this study was to identify issues related to the treatment of sex/gender in studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities, conducted by comparing individuals belonging and not belonging to athletic clubs, through a critical review of gender and sexuality perspective. The materials for this review, “studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities”, were collected according to Imashuku et al. (2019). The present study was conducted with reference to previous work that had pointed out existing problems related to gender perspective. In addition, to clarify the perspective of this study, transition of the gender concept was summarized, along with a discussion of sexual diversity. The gender of the respondents in 149 articles was collected. Among them, 12 articles did not report the gender of the respondents (8.1%), 12 articles reported all-female samples (8.1%), 25 articles reported all-male samples (16.8%), 91 articles reported both female and male samples (61.1%), and 9 articles included “neither,” “blank,” or “no-answer” in addition to female and male samples in the analyses (6.0%). An asymmetric nature between the all-male samples and all-female samples was evident. Articles with all female samples stated the reasons for setting the participants, unlike those with all male participants. In articles that included both female and male participants in the analysis, it became clear that there were problems with analytical methods that ignored gender differences or assumed sex differences. In addition, there were problems with interpretation that left gender differences unaddressed or considered them in terms of sex-related traits. The present study also reviewed how sexual diversity can be masked due to research design, exclusion of “no-answer,” and non-consideration of minorities. Finally, using one article as the object to be considered, a concrete example of the significance of introducing a gender perspective was included. Through this review, it is argued that there is a need to re-examine “studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities” from a gender perspective, and also for social construction of gender and sexual diversity in research design, analysis and discussion.
井谷 惠子 井谷 聡子 関 めぐみ 三上 純
スポーツとジェンダー研究 (ISSN:13482157)
vol.17, pp.6-20, 2019 (Released:2019-09-06)

This study examines the gender politics in physical education curriculum that influence students to disengage from physical education and sport. For the analysis, we selected five students among survey respondents who identified as cis-gendered heterosexual women and conducted semi-structured interviews. The grounded theory approach (GTA) was utilized and MAXQDA Analytics Pro2018 was used to assist the analysis. The analysis generated nine primary categories, for example; “visibility”, “physical education curriculum”, and “characteristics of exercise”. It also generated forty-nine sub-categories. The relationships among categories indicate a “negative spiral” in which “poor exercise experience”, “low physical skill and strength”, “negative experience” and “negative emotional reaction” formed a chain relationship. Central to physical education curriculum is the focus on modern sports that has been developed as a tool to educate men. Such physical education is characterized by athleticism, record setting, hierarchy, and winning, as well as physical performance. The space of physical education is saturated with value orientation based on high performance. In such space, participants have had negative experiences in which their poor skills and physical weakness were exposed to their peers. They also expressed discomfort that physical education leaves little space for values outside of physical performance to be recognized.
三上 純
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.41, no.2, pp.35-48, 2021-12-31 (Released:2022-03-31)

The purpose of this paper was to consider the concept of “Physical Literacy” used in the fields of physical education and sports in recent years, focusing on the discussions of Margaret Whitehead, who proposed this concept in 1993, in the context of the trends of discussions in Japan.Whitehead presented the concept of physical literacy motivated by four principle influences: (1) the philosophical writings of existentialists and phenomenologists, (2) the perception that the importance of motor skill development in early childhood was being forgotten, (3) concerns regarding the growing number of people drifting away from physical activity, and (4) concerns that the general direction that physical education in school was taking was very much biased towards high-level performance and elitism. Based on such background elements, physical literacy was proposed as a concept for identifying the intrinsic value of physical activity and asserting the importance of physical activity for all.In contrast, in Japan, the concept of physical literacy has been introduced mainly in the context of athlete development, and although researchers argued that Whitehead's definition of physical literacy as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life” was the most common, physical literacy was regarded as synonymous with “athletic skills” and understood as a concept that applies only to young people.However, Whitehead's concept of physical literacy was presented as a capability that every individual can develop throughout their lifetime, based on the philosophical foundations of monism, existentialism, and phenomenology. Although its definition and contents have been revised several times, the criticism of dualism and the attitude of advocating the value of physical activity for all remained consistent. This attitude was reflected in Whitehead's claims that physical literacy needs to be perceived in the context of Paulo Freire's critical literacy and the capability approach of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum.Whitehead's concept of physical literacy provides an opportunity to question why people who are prevented from participating in physical activity for some reason are in such a situation. Physical literacy is not simply the discussion of athletic skills and competitive sports, but a concept for considering the ideal method of physical education in schools that emphasizes the value of physical activity for all.
三上 純 井谷 惠子 関 めぐみ 井谷 聡子
スポーツとジェンダー研究 (ISSN:13482157)
vol.20, pp.20-35, 2022 (Released:2022-11-20)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of struggles among masculinities for hegemony, based on the narratives of men who had a sense of aversion to physical education and to examine how the hegemonic masculinity constructed as a result of struggle may legitimatize unequal gender relations in PE. In this study, focus group interviews were conducted with ten university students who expressed the dislikes of PE. For the purpose of this paper, we focus on the narratives of five cisgender, heterosexual men. The analysis revealed that the participants had negative experiences in PE because sports, which emphasize competition, are placed at the center of the learning contents. In addition, in such PE classes, educational practices are often based on the assumption that " men are good at sports and physical activities ", and PE teachers tend to be tough on students who are not good at sports. Regarding the relationship among students, participants talked about the ways in which hierarchy among men are based on motor skills demonstrated in PE classes and it directly related to the hierarchy in school life outside of PE classes. Moreover, the richness of heterosexual experiences was also a part of the hegemonic masculinity in PE defined by the high level of motor skills. Additionally, we examined the effects of hegemonic struggle between masculinities on participants’ body, and how they survived the difficult hierarchical positions they were placed. The result shows that participants’ difficult situation was created by the connection between athleticism and masculinity. Therefore, we argued that it is necessary to seek the ways to separate sports from masculinity, and to reconsider if it is appropriate to place competitive sport at the center of PE curriculum.
辻口 貴清 三上 純子 坂本 瑞生 小倉 巧也 小山内 暢 井瀧 千恵子
日本放射線看護学会誌 (ISSN:21876460)
vol.9, no.1, pp.14-19, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-06-30)

三上 純子
大学教育開放センター紀要 (ISSN:03897516)
no.23, pp.11-22, 2003-12-25

杉村 安幾子 早川 文人 三上 純子 平松 潤奈 趙 菁 Sugimura Akiko Hayakawa Fumito Mikami Junko Hiramatsu Junna Zhao Jing
外国語教育フォーラム = Forum of Language Instructors (ISSN:18842356)
vol.12, pp.65-103, 2018-03

This article reports the results of a three-year education project (from 2015 to 2017) conducted by the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science. This project aimed developed an effective education system inside and outside of classes for students preparing to study abroad or continuing learning after coming back from studying abroad. According to the analysis of the investigation into the students’ actual learning requirements, we consider the further possibilities of learning support provided by teachers.
三上 純一
Japan Audiological Society
vol.36, no.6, pp.764-771, 1993

補聴器誘導コイル入力の周波数特性はマイク入力特性と差があり, 特に低音域感度の低い傾向がある。 低音部の増幅を必要とする難聴者の中には磁気ループを使用すると音質の違いに不快を感じる者も多い。 そこで, 感度不足を補正できるよう低周波数帯域の磁波を大きくできる磁気ループ回路を開発し, 誘導コイル入力の周波数特性をマイク入力特性にそろえる実験をした結果, 多くの器種が満足できる範囲内に補正できることを確認した。 応用例として試作した磁気ループ内蔵電話機と小型磁気ループを平均聴力レベル80dBから105dBまでの難聴者 (年齢5歳以上で, 補聴器を十分に活用し会話音域を広範囲に聞き取れている者) に試した結果では, 音質とS/Nの良さが確認された。 回路にトリマーを加えた小型磁気ループでは, 聴きたい音源ごとに磁波特性の微調整が可能で従来では考えられなかった性能も確認できた。
三上 純
北海道東海大学紀要 芸術工学部 (ISSN:02884992)
no.27, pp.9-18, 2007

On this report about a characteristic of the German half-timber based on a result of field survey. Particularly I consider a wall surface design (pattern of structure, sculpture & ornament) and relations with the regionality.