江水 是仁 大原 一興
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.600, pp.41-48, 2006
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The purpose of this paper is to make clear the museum visitor's behavior action indoor house exhibition that was Environmentally Symbiotic Housing in the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. The author evaluates the visitor's space experience behavior action. The visitors who were high ratio of space experience behavior action were appeared like mixture "interpretation of interpreter" and "Hands-on Exhibition". And these were tends to support the interpreters interpretation during reading a panel or participating "Hands-on exhibition". So the author has concluded that it is necessary to consider about visitor's behavior action and to guide the exhibition planning.
宗本 晋作
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.618, pp.173-179, 2007
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The purpose of this paper is to provide the method for the construction of the probabilistic model of preference for space. Bayesian networks are expected to construct probabilistic models including an uncertainty of human behavior for prediction and decision-making. We applied Bayesian networks to construct graphical models that represented the correlation between preference for space and spatial elements of which exhibition was composed. The difference of preference for space was easily understood by visual analysis of graph structures. By executing probabilistic reasoning of Bayesian networks on these models, furthermore we deduced the combination of spatial elements that are expected to be preferred in high probability.
今田 治宏 江口 千奈美 中川 武 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.602, pp.97-103, 2006
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This study shows the life style and the spatial usage in the rural villages at the Angkor area from a field survey. It aims to present the vision for the village's future, by considering the influence that occurs to the villagers from tourism and the labors such as the conservation projects at the Angkor monumental area as a basis. Angkor Krau village, which is nearby the Angkor monuments has been chosen as a case study district. As a result, the following matters were clarified. Firstly, the actual life style and the economic condition. Secondly, the housing styles and its characteristics. Thirdly, the actual usage of the space in and around the housings. From this study, it can be said that, it is important to maintain the traditional usage method of the housings by creating an annex as an example, and the community development should be considered by viewing on the relationship among the Angkor monuments.
森 勇樹 井上 隆 前 真之 佐藤 誠 八塚 春子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.79, no.697, pp.261-270, 2014-03-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

This report shows the actual situation of the spread and the use of mixing faucet and shower head in housing and the use of hot water, based on the result of web questionnaire. It was indicated that the single-lever mixing faucet recently became widespread about 90%, and that the ratio of using hot water in kitchen differed considerably between about 80% in winter and 20% in summer. It was also suggested that though they did not need hot water in summer and middle season, about a single-lever mixing faucet, there was high ratio of using the lever at the position where hot water was mixed.
石丸 時大 森 傑 野村 理恵
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.715, pp.1979-1989, 2015 (Released:2015-10-21)
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This study examines the progress achieved by projects aimed at promoting collective relocation for disaster prevention since the Great East Japan Earthquake and their current state of affairs. This investigation seeks to clarify the spatial characteristics of the residential land currently under construction on hilly terrain as part of these collective relocation projects. Spatial planning for the collective relocation project in Kesennuma city, which deals with a relatively small area, has focused on relocation that respects existing community units, i.e., the identical and unified types. In addition, most of the housing development plans focus on construction that will connect and run linearly along the National Highway 45, which is the main arterial road of Kesennuma.
小林 幸司 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.528, pp.147-154, 2000-02-28 (Released:2017-02-03)

There are many organizations of companies from same hometowns at Naha-city, Okinawa prefecture. But these days, their action has been declined because of the reason of being aged and decrease of immigrants. Firstly, I researched the role and the specialty of the company. From the result of this research, I proved the declination of the company's action is not the same as declination of the company itself, and the importance of school-mate-connections. Secondary, I understood the specialties of the company and picked up some characteristic lifestyles, and clarified that their thinking tendency depends on the term from their leaving to today.
称原 良一 南 宏一
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.65, no.537, pp.135-140, 2000-11-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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We've examined steel encased reinforced concrete buildings whose column bases were severely damaged due to 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. We've deduced the tension force due to overturning moment has caused these damages through statistical analysis of the data. We've also proposed the models to estimate the shear coefficient C_B equivalent to the overturning strength of the building Those buildings which suffered severe damage at their column bases had C_B values less than 0.5 and/or had C_B value lower the shear coefficient C_O values which are estimated summing the shear strength of the columns and walls. Those buildings whose tensile strength of the column base overwhelms that of the column itself could also avoid the damage of the column base.
小畑 俊介
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.772, pp.1303-1311, 2020 (Released:2020-06-30)

The project of the Imperial Palace started with designing the draft plan by the Imperial Household Agency. Although the draft plan was approved by the cabinet, the realized version was significantly deferent. Therefore, it is assumed that the over all design concept was changed. The purpose of this paper is to show the design concept of the realized plan by analyzing the statements of Ryoichi Takao, who was leading this project after the cabinet's approval, and Junzo Yoshimura, who worked out the basic design. Moreover, this paper conducts an analysis of comparison of two designs to show the changes been made after the draft plan and design concept reflected the realized plan. As in the Takao’s opinion the appearance of the draft plan was intimidating, he changed the process of project management in order to alter its design. Yoshimura had been selected for the position of chief designer and design period was extended. Takao also proposed in design condition the idea to widen the forecourt in order to hold the general palace visit, and requested the design of the palace appearance to expresses a close relationship with citizens. At the expert hearing before the inauguration of the designer, Yoshimura claimed that the appearance of the new palace should be simple and light with no exaggeration, and express the Japanese tradition in the modern sense. On the other hand, after the inauguration, his statements mainly focused on the conservation of the surrounding historical landscape including Edo castle ruins and the relationship between the garden and building. The analysis of the realized plan shows its design is based on Takao and Yoshimura's ideas, as following. In terms of organization of plan (Fig. 1), the arrangement of seiden―the most formal building was changed, placed on the west side with its facade turn to the East, which allowed the ceremonial section buildings move to the west side, and enlarge the forecourt on the east side enough for the general palace visit. In connection with this, the car route was placed on the east and north side of the site, which allowed to enlarge the south garden designed in the draft plan. On the south part of the palace, the ceremony route for the attendance was arranged through the passage with no large room placed on it, which enabled them to gain a view to the garden. In terms of the appearance (Fig. 4, 5), Japanese style design of the palace emphasizing the horizontality was enabled through the development of the roof structure (Fig. 6). The copper roof with large eaves was meant to look light by gentle pitch of the roof and thin edge of the eaves. The facade of each building was composed by slender elements such as thin columns and vertical mullions of glass window, beams between upper wall and window. Besides, the parking lot was planned under the forecourt in order to make the facade and forecourt appearance (Fig. 8) neat and clean in consideration of the sequence of scenery when approaching from the outer garden of the Imperial Court (Fig9).
田口 徹也 宇杉 和夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.603, pp.23-28, 2006-05-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
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In this study, The spatial system that brings various lifestyles is understood as various spatial scenes in houses. The housing planning method to lead various lifestyles needs sampling and understanding of various spatial scenes in houses. We take up the movie directed by Ozu Yasujiro that houses of the Japanese-style room appears, and investigate the spatial scenes that seen there. The purpose of this paper are as follows,. 1) It is to sample and collect various spatial living scenes in the movie scenes. 2) It is to analyze the basic spatial composition of various spatial scenes. 3) It is to clarify functions of spatial device in various spatial scenes.
日置 興一郎
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.557, pp.101-106, 2002-07-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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To clarify the problem on the existence of many shear coefficients for Timoshenko's beam theory, the simple beam of rectangular section subjected to surface loading is analyzed by the two-dimensional elastic theory. The main results are as follows. The deflection expressed in terms of square of span is composed of not only shear deformation but also the other two deflections, which are different modes than that of shear excepting simple beams, i.e., bending deformation caused by perpendicular stress and deflection by perpendicular strain based on bending stress. By including these effects an improved deflection theory is proposed. It is made clear that Timoshenko's theory has two problems : indistinct definition of deflection and wrong inclusion of the other deformations than that caused by bending moment into the shear ones.
宮地 茉莉
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.814, pp.3266-3273, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-12-01)

This study aims to clarify the challenges of the Ashrayan-2 project started in 2020 for inclusive solutions to the low-income housing problems in Bangladesh. The result of field survey identified the stakeholders of the project application and their roles, the selection process of target beneficiaries and land, and the living environment of constructed houses. The following challenges of the project process in the target land have been revealed: (1)management of government land called as Khas Land, which was considered as the construction site; (2)scrutiny of the application list; (3)securing the construction site; (4)selection of the target beneficiaries; and (5)infrastructure development.
下村 祥一 大熊 武司
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.72, no.621, pp.119-126, 2007-11-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
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It has been important to evaluate building's structural performance to wind action as much as earthquake. The aims of this study are to understand elasto-plastic wind response characteristics and propose elasto-plastic wind response analysis methods of detached timber-frameworked buildings. In this paper, at first, an analytical model of the building is shown, then wind force characteristics acting on small-scale and low-rise buildings and their simulation method are discussed. Next, pseudo-dynamic tests are carried out to timber-frameworked shear walls, then wind response characteristics obtained from the tests are described. Finally, analyses using the restoring force characteristics models that has been proposed by the authors are conducted and validities are considered by comparison with results of the pseudo-dynamic test.
下村 祥一 大熊 武司
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.71, no.607, pp.133-140, 2006-09-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
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In this paper, two kinds of statically cyclic loading experiments are carried out in order to obtain the restoring force characteristics of timber framed shear walls for evaluation of wind resistance performance. The cyclic loading programs are made in consideration of features of wind forces. One of loading programs is carried out under displace control state and the other is carried out under load control state. The restoring force characteristics obtained from those experiments are modeled for response analyses. Although the basic idea of modeling is based on the combination of a normal bilinear model and a slip model, the reduction of stiffness and energy absorption ability, or shift of displacement are also taken into consideration.
峯村 廣紀 五十田 博 服部 学
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.79, no.698, pp.491-498, 2014-04-30 (Released:2014-07-15)
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One of key issues of recent seismic structural design for buildings is the safety performance against long duration earthquake, repeated earthquake and severe earthquake after main shock. It may be difficult for conventional shear walls of wood house such as bracing and plywood shear wall to survive during their earthquake.In this study, shear wall with high stiffness rubber was proposed to prevent the degradation of seismic performance during repeated earthquakes and shear wall test and shaking table test were conducted in comparison with plywood conventional shear wall. Following results were obtained:1 In shear wall test, it was found that no degradation occurred in proposed shear wall in the range of 1/30rad.2 In shaking table test, the specimen without proposed shear wall was damaged in three times severe earthquakes, while the specimen with it was survived in five times severe earthquakes.
藤井 久美子 小伊藤 亜希子 趙 玟姃
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.706, pp.2621-2629, 2014-12-30 (Released:2015-01-30)
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The purpose of this report is to highlight the increased need that married women have for personal space within their residences, and to discuss suitable locations for such space in the house plan from a lifestyle perspective. A strong need exists to maintain their own personal workspace in their home. It is not always a room, but sometimes it can be located in a corner of the living room or bedroom. There are two primary needs that govern the placement of the personal space, both of which relate deeply with their responsibility to perform housework and provide childcare. They are “the need to be separate from” and “the need to be adjacent to” the living room.
二村 悟 後藤 治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.570, pp.147-152, 2003-08-30 (Released:2017-02-09)

In Shizuoka prefecture, the tea industry prospered particularly in Kitaban-cho, Shizuoka city, and a distinctive townscape where tea merchants gathered was created. No historic building survive in Kitaban-cho today, but before World Warn There were many Westernstyle offices and large warehouses in that area. The distinctive feature of this townscape was that it differed from the traditional Japanese arrangement characterized by machiya-style houses. Our investigation has revealed that the townscape of Kitaban-cho was created in the late Meiji era and that most of the buildings were offices used by foreign trading companies. Factors behind the formation of this townscape included the development of new machinery, increases in the volume of exports and industrial modernization.
森山 学
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.625, pp.709-714, 2008-03-30 (Released:2008-10-31)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the theories of body culture for Le Corbusier and Pierre Winter, his collaborator, and the relation between them and their architectural theories. This paper deals with Le Corbusier's theory in the 1930's. He proposed a daily exercise for health in the Radiant City (1930) and a solution to a problem of a spectator sports in the 100,000-seat stadium (1936). Furthermore he expressed his profound understanding about life. This is an underlying thought of his projects for the space of body culture.
赤松 大成 森 太郎 林 基哉 羽山 広文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.88, no.803, pp.43-49, 2023-01-01 (Released:2023-01-01)

COVID-19 caused a global pandemic. The possibility of aerosol transmission has been pointed out as a possible route of infection, and there are reports that conventional infection control measures are insufficient to counteract aerosol transmission. Therefore, this report presents the results of an actual survey at a high school, including measurement of CO2 concentration and a questionnaire survey, and the results of an experiment to evaluate the attenuation of particle concentration by an air cleaner based on this survey.
扇谷 匠 一ノ瀬 彩 辻村 壮平
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.88, no.813, pp.818-828, 2023-11-01 (Released:2023-11-01)

The government of Japan has developed a plan to promote cycling in response to recent increase in cyclist. The plan includes the use of a bicycle for tourism and daily transportation on riverside road; however, local governments are mainly responsible for implementing the plan and maintenance of the cycling road. The purpose of this study is to obtain knowledge to help determine a maintenance policy by understanding the impressions of cyclists. Here, we have conducted a field test using the caption evaluation method for the cyclists in tourism and daily transportation on the Kinugawa Cycling Road.
西川 亮
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.779, pp.137-147, 2021 (Released:2021-01-30)

The number of tourists visiting hot spring resorts in Japan has decreased in the 1990s after the collapse of the Japanese economy bubble. As a result, many businesses in the private tourism industry, including hotels, have gone bankrupt, with their buildings and properties left neglected. In some cases, private companies have purchased the controlling number of shares in the bankrupted businesses and revitalized their facilities; however, this was not common, because the overall number of visiting tourists was still going down. Hence, there remained many abandoned buildings across the popular tourist destinations of Japan. Nowadays, these buildings have a negative impact on the landscape of these places, as well as the safety of the people living there. These problems are ruinous for the tourism industry, but the solution to them is yet to be developed. The local governments also see this as a large problem, but interventions into privately owned properties are difficult to arrange within the public sector.  This paper examines and describes the process of revitalizing the lands of bankrupted buildings in several hot spring resorts located in the city of Kaga. In Kaga, beginning from the year 2000, both the local government and the capitals outside the city have aggressively acquired these lands. The local government acquired 14 buildings in three hot spring resorts in Kaga. They are located in the central area of the hot spring resorts, which enhance the beauty of Kaga’s landscape, the safety of its citizens and its image as an attractive tourist destination; moreover, their location allows the city to avoid uncontrolled redevelopment. Most buildings were demolished to create squares. However, bankrupted property was acquired not only by the government, but also by various private companies, who have purchased 21 buildings. These enterprises bought out lands in the surrounding scenic areas, with most of them re-utilizing the buildings instead of tearing them down. Based on its analysis, this paper proposes an experimental planning methodology for revitalizing bankrupted facilities in tourist destinations.