丸山 俊明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.573, pp.133-139, 2003-11-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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This work intends to disclose the ordering system for actual firefighting in Kyoto city under the Tokugawa regime (Tokugawa era). In this paper, it will be clarified who was acted as the command in chief in fire extinguishing performance at the firing location. In conclusion, the role of command in chief was used to be performed by Kyoto machibugyosho (magistrate of Kyoto) supported by Kyoto shoshidai (governor of Kyoto and its neighboring districts) for fire extinguishing team consisting of both of feudal lord group and citizen group.
ファルキ・ジャヴェド・アフマド 小野 尋子 ハビビ・セイド・ムスタファ
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.782, pp.1233-1239, 2021

<p>Kandahar is the second-largest city of Afghanistan, located in the southwestern part. It has experienced a drastic population increase and a dramatic expansion over the last two decades. Ahmad Shahi is an area which is located in the CBD of Kandahar city; it is famous for the historical dome houses and traditional urban fabric. The buildup area illegally expanded in violation of the master plan and caused a massive transformation in the land use from residential to commercial, which certainly affected the ancient architecture, culture and urban fabric of the area.</p><p>Cultural heritages and historical buildings have a significant role in the socio-economic development and identity of a place. According to the socio-economic survey, the residents are facing lots of problems in terms of the social and quality of life. The majority of the houses are at huge risk of collapse and failure due to the low maintenance from the construction point of view. There are a number of historical houses on the site with more than 100 years of building age; these are considering as a cultural asset for the area. Unfortunately, due to many reasons the government could not put any practical step for the preservation and rehabilitation of these assets so far. As a result, these houses have been destroyed gradually, and the architectural design and elements of these houses which are representing the ancient history and morphology of the area are steadily disappearing.</p><p>This study looks into a comparison and analysis of two maps associated with the target area from different years to find the percentages of transformation and changes in the land use.</p><p>There are a number of historical dome houses in the old city of Kandahar which have faced drastic changes and transformation since the last two decades. According to the spatial analysis from the satellite imagery of 2011 and 2018, (6.8%) of the residential lots have transformed into commercial regardless of the master plan which obviously have affected the environmental and social life aspect of the residents and as well as the characteristic of the area. This transformation and changes have occurred based on the land value, close distance to the CBD, transition of the family typology and some other minor factors. The historical houses are on the verge of collapse and need urgent repair and protection. Some other places which are currently in bad condition and may gradually perish if not paid proper attention can certainly threaten the life of the people who are residing there. This research basically focused on the traditional houses in the Old City of Kandahar and discussed the importance of historical value, land use transformation and its impact since the last two decades. Finally, some recommendations have been proposed to deal with the problem and to create a sustainable approach for the preservation of the old city of Kandahar.</p>
青山 剛 大坂谷 吉行 櫨山 知花
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.8, no.15, pp.307-312, 2002

Industrial sightseeing is noteworthy in diversification of sightseeing needs. It is defined as a sightseeing course to include at least one industrial heritage. Muroran City had grown up as a heavy industrial city and a port city until 1971. The present situation and issues of industrial sightseeing in Muroran City were analyzed through the questionnaire to participants of factories sightseeing event. Experience to make something in young generation, combination of industrial heritages and sightseeing boat to see natural coastal viewpoints, watching whales or dolphins and restaurants were requested and should be considered to make program industrial sightseeing.
早川 崇 片岡 俊一 宮腰 淳一 佐藤 俊明 横田 治彦
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
no.650, 2010-04

We estimated the fault of the 1924 Tanzawa earthquake (<i>M</i>j7.3), which was the largest aftershock of the 1923 Kanto earthquake (<i>M</i>s8.2). We could successfully reproduce the observed waveforms in central of Tokyo based on the estimated fault model. This is very important to investigate the characteristics of ground motions by M7 events occurring in the Tokyo Metropolitan area because we only have a few observed waveforms of such events in central Tokyo. Finally, we calculated ground motions around Tokyo metropolitan area by the estimated fault model. The simulated ground motions do not exceed the design spectra around the area but in west of Kanagawa Pref.
村尾 修 岩本 宜式
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.594, pp.77-84, 2005
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Convenience stores contributed supplies to the damaged area due to the 1999 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake. Since then, how to practically use the convenience stores after earthquake disasters has been discussed by the Cabinet Office, Japan Franchise Association, and the convenience store companies. However, it cannot be realized without consideration of the location and regional potential capacity of each store. In this paper, the authors estimate the regional potential capacity for the distributable supplies of the stores in Kawasaki City from view points of the population, location, and range of the activity of the residents. Also it shows the disaster response plans by the companies.
篠野 志郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.506, pp.191-195, 1998-04-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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In the research of the Byzantine city, the planning idea of the city, which is generally vague in spite of the development of urban culture in the Byzantine Empire, would have reflected into its image; it might be alluded unconsciously in the contemporary description. This paper based on this consideration deals with the symbolized concept of Constantinople by examining the descriptions of Patria written in the 10th century, which is by accident involved in the documents of Kodinos as Περι Κτισματον τηζ Κωυσταυτινουπολεωζ. As the result, Constantinople seems to have been recognized as a religious city without amusement by the contemporaries.
戸谷 英世
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.405, pp.57-65, 1989

The economical activities have rapidly expanded through economic development of all over the world. When the import and export goods have increased, the codes and standards concerned of both sides (import and export) are obliged to be influenced by the level of internationalization. Recently, a lot of building materials in Japan have been imported from the USA and Canada. But there are a lot of differences among the building codes of Japan, the USA and Canada. Even if the direct trade barriers such as tarif and trade matters have been put aside, people can't utilize building materials which are imported, if the building code won't permit to use these building materials. The governments of the USA and Canada pointed out the matters of building codes as domestic barriers against the trade, and the commitees to discuss the matters have been held between bilateral countries in order to solve the matters. But the fruitful results can't have harvested, because of the lacks of the understanding of the mutual codes. The aim of this paper is to make clear the differences among the building codes. This is a seriese of analizing the codes and the difference of the codes of the three countries. In this paper, the differences of the composition and the structure of the codes are mainly discussed. The differences are not only technical matters, but social and cultural matters which have been developed through long history of each countries.