平松 陽一 星田 真人 坂井 吉彦
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.1354, pp.130-131, 1994-03
大場 修 山田 智子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.509, pp.197-202, 1998
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On this study, by picking up town-houses in Osaka-city of modern ages, I drew the personal style and design of modern ages, investigated the characteristics of them. The summary of this study can be given below: ・The Omoteya-zukuri style which was one of characteristics of town-houses in Edo period was succeeded after Meiji period. ・After the middle of Meiji period, Zasiki room was formed in the second floor of town-house, and it tended tobe main room in town-houses. ・Influenced by extensions of streets, three stories town-houses came into existence after Taisyo period. Many of town-houses in modern ages took in western design. Especially facade and shop space of town-houses have remarkable western styles. But the building style of them succeeded the traditional style of old town-houses in Edo period such as the Omoteya-zukuri style.
藤田 悠 斎尾 直子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.733, pp.697-703, 2017 (Released:2017-03-30)
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“Obnoxious facility” is a general term for the facilities that are necessary for society but that people do not want to be located near their habitation. Moreover, the sense of dislike of such buildings is termed “NIMBY”. Until now, incineration plants, crematoria, and other public facilities have been famous as obnoxious facilities in Japan. Recently, however, it has emerged as a big social issue that many nursery schools cannot open because of neighborhood opposition movements. In the 1990s, homes for the aged were also subjected to strong protests against their establishment. It is supposed that the factors of the phenomenon that cause these welfare facilities—which fulfill fundamental social demands—to become obnoxious facilities, or conversely cease to be so considered, include not only the political promotion of their establishment but also changes in social consciousness. This research aims to examine the historical transition of welfare facilities for the aged and children as obnoxious facilities, and to consider the social background and problems. In this study, we examine the newspaper articles on the opposition movements against the establishment of these facilities as the basis to judge whether they became targets of NIMBY. By analyzing the texts of these articles and the specific planned location of homes for the aged and nursery schools opposed by the residents living in the vicinity, we clarify the causal factors of this phenomenon. In Chapter 2, we compare for seven public facilities the change in the numbers of articles on the opposition movements against their establishment to reveal the historical positioning of homes for the aged and children as obnoxious facilities. Both types of facilities experienced a particular peak for the number of corresponding articles. In Chapter 3, we analyze the contents of these articles and the location environment of 23 construction plans for homes for the aged detailed in these articles. From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, there were many cases where prejudice against homes for the aged seemed to be most prevalent, but after that period, such cases gradually disappeared. However, due to the lack of site selection procedures in the late 1980s, there were also many cases in which the government began promoting their construction in green spaces, parks, and public squares to secure a comfortable environment for the residents among dense urban areas. We clarify that the number of opposition movements against homes for the aged decreased because people came to accept them and they have also become beneficial for an increasing number of people with the advancement of an aging society. In Chapter 4, we analyze the contents of these articles and the location environment of 15 construction plans for nursery schools detailed in these articles. In the 1970s, there were some movements against nursery schools and a controversy among society over dealing with them as an undesirable noise source. Moreover, since the 2010s, the number of these movements had increased again and it continues to expand more steadily now than in the 1970s. We reveal that the major factors in the growing number of cases in recent years comprise the deregulation of nursery schools executed in the 2000s, the change of the psychological distance to children among society mainly caused by the declining birth rate, and incomprehension of the necessity of nursery school among the elderly who have never used it. With the increase in demand for homes for the aged and children, it is expected that these facilities will increase ever further and that the arguments of the opposition movements will become increasingly diverse. We need to discuss how to promote mutual understanding within local societies.
今田 多映 権藤 智之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.778, pp.2703-2711, 2020 (Released:2020-12-30)

The management of sub-contractors and material suppliers is vital for building construction management which requires a great deal of workers or materials. However, it is difficult to find an appropriate data source for investigating this management information itself, particularly time sequential data. The Shimizu Corporation (“Shimizu-Gumi” in the post-war era) has stored approximately 3,000 construction reports from the post-war era (1923–1941), in which the types of businesses of the sub-contractors or material suppliers is recorded, such as carpentry, plastering, and supply of lumber or cements, among others. The aim of this paper is to investigate the actual condition and the changes introduced in the process of the management of sub-contractors and material suppliers by Shimizu-Gumi in the post-war era. Shimizu-Gumi has been one of the largest general contractors in Japan since the 18th century. The authors recorded the types of businesses of house construction (510 records) and office construction (360 records). Up to 30–36 types of businesses are recorded in each construction report. The authors calculated the “appearance rate” and the “average number of businesses.” The “appearance rate” is the percentage of the construction reports which recorded the name of the target type of business in the total construction reports. The “average number of businesses” is, on an average, how many times the type of business is recorded in one construction report. In some cases, a type of business is recorded more than once in one construction report. The findings are as follows: 1. In house construction, there are 47 types of businesses where the appearance rate is more than 5%, while there are 52 types in office construction, among which 43 types are common. The types of businesses in which the appearance rate is high are carpentry, plastering, and scaffolding, among others. The type of business in which the appearance rate is low is mainly supply of materials, which deals with finishing materials. 2. In office construction, the comparison between wooden construction and non-wooden construction (reinforced concrete, steel, etc.) revealed the difference in the appearance rate or changing process, such as the appearance rate of tiles increasing first in wooden office construction and then in non-wooden construction. 3. The appearance rate increased or decreased in several types of businesses. Some of these changes corresponded to previous studies, such as the increase of “tobi-doko” (the integration of tobi, scaffolders, and doko, earth workers) or the increase of tiles and decrease of bricks. 4. There are approximately five types of businesses in which the average number of businesses is more than 1. In the business of metal doors, according to one construction report, data regarding workers (sub-contractors for construction) and material suppliers are recorded. In future studies, the authors will investigate the names of the workers or companies recorded in the construction reports. This will elucidate the selection of workers or material suppliers by the general contractor, the difference between workers of material suppliers in house construction and office construction, and the changing process of types of businesses by the same workers or material suppliers. In addition, further analysis is required to establish whether these findings can be applied to other general contractors or other types of constructions.
田口 俊夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.735, 2017-05

&nbsp;Minato Mirai 21 (&ldquo;MM21&rdquo;) is a waterfront redevelopment scheme that blends offices, residential and commercial uses in the center of Yokohama. It is regarded as one of the most courageous attempts at waterfront redevelopment in Japan. It started with a proposal in 1964 by Akira Tamura, an eminent Japanese urban planner. This work was commissioned by Ichio Asukata, a liberal socialist mayor of Yokohama city. They envisaged the relocation of an aging but operational shipyard, harbor piers and railway freight yards in order to create a new site which would connect two existing central districts that had been separated by these industrial estates.<br>&nbsp;Besides MM21, Tamura proposed other novel structural plans as &ldquo;six spine projects&rdquo; for Yokohama, which was then under population influx pressure from Tokyo. Because of the city government's financial constraints and limited planning power, Tamura initiated a paradigm shift in planning principles towards ceasing reliance on paternalistic support from central government. He strongly advocated a local planning approach with local government initiatives and also the introduction of privatization. Tamura wrote numerous books detailing his peerless experiences as a leader of the new urban planning and coordination bureau of the city for ten years. However, a chronological study of his work based on historical facts has not been attempted previously. This research aims to clarify the detailed process for planning and negotiation of MM21. The roles and positions adopted towards the MM21 scheme of the concerned bodies such as the City, Mitsubishi Group, Japan National Railways (&ldquo;JNR&rdquo;), the Yokohama maritime industry, Japan Housing and Development Corporation and national ministries have also been explored.<br>&nbsp;Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (&ldquo;MHI&rdquo;) owned the old shipyard, and Mitsubishi Estate acquired most of the shipyard land, becoming the major landowner in the area. JNR operated huge freight yards within the planned area. As the area was exclusively a harbor district, the maritime industry of Yokohama wished to protect their interests. Tamura prepared a new industrial estate in a newly reclaimed area to relocate the shipyard which made it possible for MHI to expand its production. Tamura negotiated and reached a deal with MHI, but they could not make a decision on relocation due to the extremely volatile economic situation surrounding the ship industry. At the same time, Tamura persuaded JNR to either move or abandon their freight yards, which caused a strong movement of community opposition to the relocation. Tamura envisaged an appropriate size for redevelopment of the Mitsubishi Estate in terms of private investment by minimizing the volume of reclaimed land. By allowing the company to make decent profits from the redevelopment, the construction of public infrastructure and facilities was planned mostly through private contributions rather than public investment.<br>&nbsp;Tamura was later required by the new mayor to relinquish control over the second stage MM21's execution, but Tamura's successors were able to successfully execute the second stage of MM21. Regarding the privatization aspect of the project, Keiichi Ozawa as the new chief urban planner made a breakthrough by persuading the Mitsubishi group and the maritime industry to introduce a land readjustment scheme in the area and also provide a new maritime development area within it. After Ozawa left his role, Ryoichi Hirose, as the next chief planner, helped concerned bodies to reach agreement on the final implementation plan in 1983. Both Ozawa and Hirose were reliable staff members of Tamura's group. Although the redevelopment area was eventually expanded due to pressure from concerned parties, the continuity of dedicated chief urban planners made the project successful over a longer term.
市川 秀和
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 (ISSN:03859622)
no.46, pp.411-414, 2003-07-19

中田 善久 斉藤 丈士 梶田 秀幸 大塚 秀三 春山 信人
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.82, no.738, pp.1145-1154, 2017 (Released:2017-08-30)
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The authors have carried out the experiments to identify the effects on fluidity, resistance to segregation, strength, Young's modulus, dry shrinkage and durability of high-strength concrete when unit water content was varied in high-strength concrete while unit bulk volume of coarse aggregate was fixed, or the volumetric ratios of cement paste and fine aggregate were varied. Three types of cement, ordinary Portland cement, moderate-heat Portland cement and low-heat Portland cement, were used. Limestones were adopted as coarse aggregate. Water-cement ratio was varied with 45, 35 and 25%. Analysis were carried out in concern with properties of fresh concrete, properties of concrete hardening, and properties of hardened concrete where unit water content was varied. When water-cement ratio was 35%, changes in the properties of high-strength concrete with hard sandstones used as coarse aggregate owing to the increase of unit water content were also examined. As a result of the experiments, it was found that increasing of the water content caused no segregation of materials, facilitation of handling, reducing of changes in the retention of slump and slump flow, increasing of flow velocity in L-box tests and increasing of bleeding only slightly. Few effects were observed on the initial properties and on the properties of hardened concrete. Based on the above, it is assumed that slightly increased unit water content in the range between 5 to 10 kg/m3 in high-strength concrete with fixed unit bulk volume of coarse aggregate will improve construction performance without great affection of the quality parameters while the deterioration of the parameters has been afraid when unit water content was increased.
中田 善久 斉藤 丈士 西 祐宜
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.84, no.762, pp.1021-1031, 2019 (Released:2019-08-30)

Experimental research was conducted to clarify fundamental characters of high-strength concrete plasticized by air-entraining and high-range water-reducing admixture. Plasticized high-strength concrete was water cement ratio of 28 to 48%, and target slump-flow was fluidized to 50cm using air-entraining and high-range water-reducing admixture. Investigated items are adsorption characteristics of air-entraining and high-range water-reducing admixture and influence of the difference of various conditions of water cement ratio, unit water amount, slump before plasticization, environmental temperature, fluidization time on properties of plasticized high-strength concrete. As a result, air-entraining and high-range water-reducing admixture showed different adsorption characteristics during mixing and plasticization, and at plasticization, fluidity could be increased with less use than at mixing. Considering the adsorption characteristics of air-entraining and high-range water-reducing admixture, the agglomeration characteristics of cement is thought to change markedly within 180 minutes from 120 minutes after mixing. The decrease in slump-flow amount after plasticization of plasticized high-strength concrete is larger than that of standard high-strength concrete. Also, slower the plasticization time, larger the decrease in slump-flow amount. The setting time of plasticized high-strength concrete tends to be faster than standard high-strength concrete, and the difference increases as environmental temperature to colder. Among properties of hardened concrete, effect of plasticizing by air-entraining and high-range water-reducing admixture on compressive strength, Young's modulus and drying shrinkage ratio was small. From the above results, high-strength concrete plasticized by air-entraining and high-range water-reducing admixture has same points to be noted as conventional plasticized concrete, such as decrease in slump-flow amount after plasticization is larger and setting time faster. However, it is possible to obtain hardened concrete comparable to standard high-strength concrete while reliably obtaining necessary slump-flow.
宮田 敦典 中田 善久 大塚 秀三
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.83, no.751, pp.1217-1227, 2018 (Released:2018-09-30)

It is significant to accurately grasp the pressure loss per unit length of pipeline in calculating total pressure of pipeline. The standard value of pressure loss per unit length of pipeline is shown in recommendation for practice of placing concrete by pumping methods. The standard value of pressure loss per unit length of pipeline were obtained from pumping experiment conducted around 1970. But, mix-proportion and concrete materials has changed compared to the 1970s. Especially, design strength has risen compared to the 1970s, and high-range AE water reducing agent was developed and has spread. Therefore, concrete that has been used recently can't apply the standard value of pressure loss per unit length of pipeline. So this study aimed to reveal influence of mix-proportions on the pressure loss per unit length of pipeline by literature survey and pumping experiment. In the first, we studied the influence of water-cement ratio on the pressure loss per unit length of pipeline. Pressure loss per unit length of a pipe tended to be roughly proportional to the square of cement-water ratio. Next, we examined pressure loss per unit length of pipeline for each slump of concrete that more than W/C 45%, and we examined pressure loss per unit length of pipeline for each unit water content of concrete that less than or equal to W/C 45%. As a result, pressure loss per unit length of pipeline tended to increase when slump decrease and unit water content is low. And we derived the relational expression between pressure loss per unit length of pipeline and true output capacity. In additions, this paper proposed standard value of pressure loss per unit length of pipeline of concrete that more than W/C 45% on the basis of literature survey results. Finally, we confirmed the validity of the relational equation obtained from literature survey by pumping experiment. This paper shows a result of pressure loss per unit length of pipeline of concrete with normal portland cement. Therefore, we should does experiment of test pumping with reference to result of this paper when we use concrete with cement and materials other than normal portland cement.
中田 善久 斉藤 丈士 梶田 秀幸 大塚 秀三 春山 信人
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.83, no.748, pp.751-761, 2018 (Released:2018-06-30)

The authors have carried out experiments to identify the effects on fluidity, separation resistance, strength, Young's modulus, drying shrinkage and durability of high-strength concrete when sand-total aggregate ratio was varied. In high-strength concrete while water-cement ratio and cement-paste volume was fixed, that is, volumetric ratios of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate were varied. Three types of cement, normal portland cement, moderate-heat portland cement and low-heat portland cement, were used. Limestones and sandstones were adopted as coarse aggregate. Water-cement ratio was fixed as 35%. Unit water content was fixed as 170kg/m3. Analysis were carried out in concern with properties of fresh concrete, properties of concrete hardening, and tendency of properties of concrete where sand-total aggregate ratio was varied. As a result of the experiments, If sand-total aggregate ratio is smaller than general range, impression of state of fresh concrete tends to be somewhat impaired, but even if sand-total aggregate ratio is somewhat larger than general range, impression of state of fresh concrete is it was not compromised. However, when sand-total aggregate ratio is large as addition rate of high-performance AE water-reducing agent is significantly large, impression of state is impaired due to separation of fresh concrete in addition to increase in bleeding and delay of settling-time. In hardened concrete, influence of sand-total aggregate ratio on compressive strength is small, As sand-total aggregate ratio is larger, tendency of young's modulus to slightly decrease, tendency of length change by drying to slightly increase, tendency of carbonation depth to slightly increase. Based on the above, high-strength concrete may possibly obtain hardened concrete of required quality even if sand-total aggregate ratio is increased somewhat within range where separation resistance is not impaired in consideration properties of fresh concrete.
梶田 秀幸 中田 善久 桝田 佳寛 笹倉 博行
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.84, no.761, pp.905-915, 2019 (Released:2019-07-30)

In this study, with high strength concrete ranging from slump 21 cm up to slump flow 60 cm as the applicable range; in order to shed light on the steady-state flow of fresh concrete in inclined flow test apparatus, we compared and examined the velocity at the tip of the flow determined the vicinity of the gate and the velocity at the tip of the flow of the inclined portion determined from near the end of the test apparatus. Then, based on the relationship between the apparent shear strain rate and the apparent shear stress determined from the velocity at the tip of the flow of near the end of the test apparatus in the inclined portion, we calculated the apparent yield value and the apparent plastic viscosity, and we examined it appropriateness by comparing with the yield value and the plastic viscosity calculated by Terada et al. In addition, we carried out a pumping experiment with an actual pipe length of about 35m, and in addition to confirming the appropriateness of the apparent yield value and the apparent plastic viscosity from the change in the quality of concrete before and after pumping, with regard to evaluation of pumpability of concrete from the relation of pressure loss inside the pipe, we compared and examined with the outcome of the studies conducted by Wami et al. and Terauchi et al. As a result, the following findings were obtained. (1) By measuring the velocity at the tip of the flow of near the end of the test apparatus in the flow portion of the inclined flow test apparatus, we measure the velocity at the tip of the flow where deformation and flow due to the weight of the concrete is close to the steady-state flow, and we could obtain appropriate apparent yield value and apparent plastic viscosity. (2) We proposed the test method of apparent rheological constants determined from the velocity at the tip of the flow of near the end of the test apparatus in the flow part of the inclined flow test apparatus. (3) As a result of investigating the changes in the quality of concrete before and after pumping, values of the apparent yield value and the apparent plastic viscosity obtained from the inclined flow test were appropriate, and the apparent plastic viscosity may evaluate the viscosity of the concrete. (4) As a result of investigating the relationship with pressure loss inside the pipe, it was found that the apparent plastic viscosity obtained from the inclined flow test shows the plastic viscosity of concrete, and it suggested that it may be possible to evaluate the pressure loss inside the pipe from the product of apparent plastic viscosity and actual discharge amount.
田中 和幸 羽生 修二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.660, pp.495-502, 2011-02-28 (Released:2011-03-31)

Reinforced concrete buildings lacking seismic isolation need reinforcement in earthquake-prone Japan. Guidelines for reinforcing them, and thereby conserving their historical value, have been set. This paper evaluates reinforcement efforts, focusing on reversibility and original structures, distinctions between the structures and their reinforcements. 76 modern reinforced concrete buildings are considered. Reinforcements must be distinct from original structures; otherwise the line between original structures and their reinforcements can become blurred. Article 12 of the Venice Charter addresses this concern. Additionally, historical monuments reflect cultural diversity. Reinforcements applied to concrete buildings likewise require originality of design, a fact also recognized in restoration guidelines. A third aspect of these structures is the features requiring reinforcement. Weakened points and other problems of a building must be truly reinforced, not simply disguised. Keeping the above aspects in mind, this paper offers advice on how to best reinforce historical reinforced concrete buildings so that people will enjoy them well into the future.
大黒 雅之 アレンズ エドワード デディア リチャード チャン ウイ 片山 忠久
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.561, pp.21-29, 2002
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1.はじめに 裸体人体については、部位別の対流熱伝達の研究例も多い。しかし、着衣人体について、有風時を対象として部位別の着衣表面での対流熱伝達率や着衣熱抵抗を測定した例は非常に少ない。2.研究方法 (1)直接法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 人体各部の熱抵抗は(1)式で表され、サーマルマネキンで熱量と皮膚温度が解っていれば、着衣の表面温度を測定することにより、着衣抵抗が直接算出できる。(2)対流熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の熱損失は(2)(3)式で表され、各部の総合熱伝達率から放射熱伝達率を差し引くことにより各部の対流伝達率が算出できる。(3)放射熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の放射熱伝達率は(4)式で表され、有効放射面積率より各部の放射熱伝達率が算出できる。3.計測方法 (1)サーマルマネキン 計測に用いたマネキンは皮膚温度可変型の女性体のサーマルマネキンで、主に室内の不均一温熱環境の評価用として開発されたものである。部位の分割数は16であり、表面積は表-1、有効放射面積率は表-2のよう求められている。(2)着衣 計測に用いた着衣は下着、綿100%の長ズボン、および綿100%の長袖シャツ、靴下、靴である。頭にはセミロングのかつらを取りつけ、着衣の一つとして評価した。また、人体各部の着衣からの熱損失量を明確にするため、マネキンの各部位の境界をビニールテープで縛り、着衣内での部位間の熱の移動がないよう配慮した。図-1に写真を示す。(3)着衣面積率の計測 立位マネキンを対象とし、2m離れた位置から、裸体、着衣時の双方について、水平方向に45°毎に8方位から撮影し、投影面積の比を平均することにより着衣面積率を算出した。(4)風洞実験手順 風洞の測定部(高さ1.5m、幅2.1mにマネキンを設置した。風洞上流側には、乱れをつくるための高さ1m、直径0.5mの円柱を測定部の上流7mの位置に設置した。表面温度測定は、熱画像をマネキン正面と背面から測定した。熱画像を解析することにより、各部位の正面と背面の着衣表面温度を求め、それらを平均することにより各部位の着衣表面温度とした。実験条件としては、裸体および着衣のマネキンそれぞれについて、正面および背面から風を当てて測定した。設定風速は0.2、0.5、0.8、1.2、2.0、3.0、5.5m/s (裸体では0.8、2.0、5.5m/sのみ)である。4.結果および考察 (1)着衣面積率 部位毎の着衣面積率を表-3に示す。(2)立位の対流熱伝達率 図-2(a)(b)に立位での前方からの風および後方からの風の時の、裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。裸体では、手の値が大きい。着衣時は全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に頭や風に対抗した時の胸や背中では裸体時の2倍以上になる。0.8m/s程度ではその差は小さいが、風速が大きくなるに従い、その差は大きくなる傾向にある。その差は正面からの風の時の頭が最も大きい。その他の部位では正面からの風の時の胸、および背後からの風の時の背中での差が他の部位に比べると大きい。(3)座位の対流熱伝達率 図-3(a)(b)に座位の対流熱伝達率お結果を示す。着衣時については、立位と同様裸体時より大きくなる傾向がみられる。着衣時については、立位と同様裸体時より大きくなる傾向がみられる。立位との主な差異は、前方からの風で大腿での裸体時との差が大きい点と、後方からの風の時に頭の裸体時との差が小さい点である。全身の値で比較すると裸体時、着衣時とも、立位と座位あるいは前方からの風と後方からの風で大きな差はみられない。一方、着衣時の値は裸体時より30〜50%大きい。(4)着衣熱抵抗 着衣熱抵抗の測定結果を図-5、6に示す。前方からの風での部位別(図-5)では、大腿、胸、上腕では座位の方が熱抵抗が高く、腰、頭、前腕では座位の方が低い。全身(図-6)の値で比較すると立位と座位で大きな差はみられない。(5)対流熱伝達率と着衣熱抵抗のモデル 表-4〜7に対流伝達率のモデルを示す。モデルはべき乗則(h_c=a(v)^b)で近似される。部位別ではべき指数bが0.4〜0.8とばらつく。全身ではべき指数0.60〜0.69と立位と座位、風向、裸体と着衣で大きな差はない。対流熱伝達の裸体と着衣の差は主に定数aに反映されている。着衣熱抵抗のモデルを表-8、9に示す。モデルは対数則(I_<cl>=a ln(v)+b)で近似される。部位別では定数aが-0.01〜-0.26とばらつく。全身では-0.076〜-0.096と立位と座位、風向、裸体と着衣で特に大きな差はない。5.まとめ 有風時の部位別の着衣抵抗と着衣表面の対流熱伝達率を着衣の表面温度計測により求めた。着衣時は裸体時に比較して対流熱熱伝達率の増大が認められた。また、部位別および全身について対流熱伝達率と着衣抵抗の近似モデルを示した。本論文で求めた対流熱伝達率や着衣抵抗は通気の影響を含むものであり、同タイプの着衣にのみ適用すべきである。
初田 香成
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.590, pp.215-220, 2005-04-30 (Released:2017-02-11)
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This paper aims to describe and analyze Hideaki Ishikawa's thoughts on amusement places and their meaning in urban history. Especially this paper deal with three issues as follows. First, we describe his thought diachronically to figure out his origin and it's evolution. Second, we describe his practice in Tokyo during postwar reconstruction to clarify his effect on urban space. Third, we explore the background in urban history which made him to act matters as mentioned. In consequence we clarified that his act was linked to urban problem and trend of academic discourse in those days.
元岡 展久
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.523, pp.271-278, 1999-09-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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The Palais Royal has played a central role in the history of theatres in France. It also had an important influence on the town-planning of Paris. In this research I analyse the relationship between the theatres which were built in the Palais Royal and the development of the surrounding area. From the examination of various plans, the different forms of theatres in their built form can be explained in terms of different ideas concerning urban structure. By charting these differences we can see a process of shift from a court theatre to a urban public theatre, which in turn changed the surrounding urban spaces. This analysis thus provides a new understanding of the relationship between theatres and the urban spaces that contain them.

1 0 0 0 新大阪驛舎

no.664, 1940-07
清水 陽子 中山 徹 土佐野 美裕
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.732, pp.423-432, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)
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This research aims to explore the nature of the local city which is revealed by the dwelling-place selection trend of Nara’s younger generation. Therefore, this research analyses the tendency and the stated reasons of the younger generation's for relocating. From 2007, the population of Nara - which is the subject of our research - began to decrease, and it continues to decline to this day. Although the percentage of the whole population comprised by the younger generation was 33.1% in 1980, it has since decreased to 23.2% in 2012. Our chosen research method was to use a questionnaire. We distributed 2,000 questionnaires to people moving away from Nara (referred to hereinafter as ‘movers’) and received 467 completed questionnaires. Furthermore, we distributed 3,000 questionnaires to people relocating to Nara (referred to hereinafter as ‘transferers’) and received 850 completed questionnaires. Of the stated reasons for relocating, the four highest ranked are: ‘marriage’, ‘employment’, ‘purchase of a dwelling’, and ‘living with parents, or the neighbourhood ’. These four reasons account for 70 percent or more of the total number of relocations. In this research, we analysed the trend, focusing particularly on these four reasons. Concerning relocations due to marriage, people who lived in Nara up to the age of 30 years relocated due to marriage, and live in privately rented homes in which the rent is comparatively high for a married couple despite their double income. Conversely, for transferers, people lived in their first home up to the age of 30, then moved into Nara for reasons of marriage, with their wife performing the role of a housewife and the couple living in a privately rented house. For relocations caused by employment, unmarried people up to 30 years old moved to homes where the commuting distance was short. For transferers living in privately rented houses, both unmarried people aged 35 and over and married couples thought construction years , the distance of their commute, etc. to be important. For movers relocating due to purchase of a dwelling house, the important factors for people living in a privately-owned house in which the family household is aged 35 and over comprise price, public peace and order , and the aesthetic qualities of the property. In the case of transference, people living in privately owned houses in which the family (including a wife who is a housewife) is aged 35 and over consider construction years, price, and public peace and order to be important. Families aged 35 and over consider proximity to their parents' dwellings to be important, and living together with parents or moving to live close to them may justify moving. Movers tend to live near their parents, while transferers tend to become parents and live together. Movers and transferers actively pursue relocation between neighbouring municipalities. All the respondents were conscious about the importance of purchase price, rental price, and the distance to their workplace (for convenience).Subsequently, the environment in which housing is located (including the beauty of rows of houses, the quality of a landscape, and public peace and order) is considered to be important. By focusing on strengthening the factors considered by people to be important when selecting their dwelling-place, local authorities can increase the attractive power which draws residents to an area. We consider that Nara must improve ‘the distance from a station and a bus stop’ and ‘the beauty of rows of houses and good quality of a landscape’, since these are factors which movers were found to consider as important.