溝上 裕二 平野 吉信
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.731, pp.83-92, 2017

&nbsp;Since unified definitions and methods applicable to architectural programming does not yet exist in Japan, often the contents of the architectural programs and design requirements have submitted before being well clarified. Then designers and their clients have to spend their times before they can finally define the prerequisites and design requirements through repetitious studies relying on preliminarily submitted drawings in the design process. One of the reasons for programming implementation remains in the part may be that its effectiveness of programming works not yet be clarified.<br><br>&nbsp;This Study examined the effectiveness and its mechanism of &ldquo;Problem Seeking Method&rdquo; by researching and analyzing disturbing factors of process issues in project examples that applied this Method.<br><br>&nbsp;At the research and analysis in this Study based on 56 programming case analysis of the project to which the &ldquo;Problem Seeking Method&rdquo; was applied, it identified the process issues and disturbing factors that occurred from the stage of programming proposal to the stage of program hand-off, then it was discussed about the effectiveness of &ldquo;Problem Seeking Method&rdquo; by revealing the mechanism to solve occurred issues.<br><br>&nbsp;In the analysis, eliminating processes of disturbing factors and effective functions of the &ldquo;Problem Seeking Method&rdquo; at each programming phases were extracted, then there were clarified relations between disturbing factors and effective functions of &ldquo;Problem Seeking Method&rdquo; by organizing relation information at the chart.<br><br>&nbsp;As a result, the Study concluded, as the followings,<br><br>&nbsp;(1) In order to establish such architectural programs as to reflect owner's requirements precisely in the projects such as workplace projects which are drawing social attentions today, the &ldquo;Problem Seeking Method&rdquo; may function well, as a tool to or as a body of knowledge to support the best planning and implementation by improving insufficient knowledge and poor experiences of project team staffs.<br><br>&nbsp;(2) The &ldquo;Problem Seeking Method&rdquo; has necessary and sufficient structure, mechanism and tools, consisting of 1) principle of separation between programming and design, 2) framework of programming, 3) method and tools to promote decision making and consensus building, including their combined functions, which may enable ones to treat effectively and flexibly and solve any challenging issue occurred during the programming process from the stage of proposal to program hand-off.<br><br>&nbsp;(3) The structure and system of the Method, especially, &ldquo;3) method and tools to promote decision making and consensus building&rdquo; above can be said that these are the results of continuous up-dating though accumulation and reviews of experienced many cases in the past, and therefore, the Method can function efficiently even in the environment of current architectural projects. It can also be said that the Method can provide practical approach based on the accumulation of actual implementations and related experiences.
加藤 由香 麓 和善
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.644, pp.2257-2263, 2009-10-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

The Principal Tower of Nagoya Castle was restored on a large scale from 1752 to 1755. This paper evaluates and analyses the restoration process of the tower based on the drawings and specifications which have explained about the temporary constructions, such as: scaffolds and bridges that was built inner and outer of the tower. The historical materials that are connected to the plan of the temporary constructions as mentioned above as a large scale restoration might be limited, particularly in Edo Period. By this paper, those historical materials will be explained in detail.
水野 僚子 藤谷 陽悦 内田 青蔵
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.532, pp.239-246, 2000-06-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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The bill about "Housing Society" was formed by The Ministry of Home Affairs in 1919. The law had some problems from the beginning. So some propositions about the revision were introduced to the TEIKOKU Diet. But the essential points weren't revised. The worst problem of "Housing Society" was the member of societies couldn't repay for the depression and the earthquake. The number of "Housing Society" slumped about 1950 in spite of some countermeasure. After the 2nd war, the law was used with the Government Housing Loan Corporation. But it's purpose (supply of housing to middle-class people) was lost. And the law died stillborn in 1971.
松田 法子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.747, pp.979-986, 2018 (Released:2018-05-30)

A social relationship and a spatial configuration of Beppu hot spring, Oita where “geigi” and “shogi” have worked were investigated in this study. The study focused on condition of “shogi” and “kashi-zashiki” - a licensed prostitute quarter, its employers and their buildings - mainly in ex-Hamawaki village and also in ex-Beppu village. There were people who carry on “geiko” or “yujo” businesses in both Beppu village and Hamawaki village in the early modern period. They had a network extending over vast area such as Bungo, Setouchi and Osaka. Until around 1890, main business area of “kashi-zashiki” was placed along the Nagare River which runs Beppu village where development or settlement dates back in the beginning to the middle of the 19C. The area was originally a lowland swamp and developed by Hinago family, a top family of pedigree in the village, who runs a hot spring hotel. The business in around 1890 and the business in the early modern period had several things in common. They both hired both “geigi” and “shogi” and they also run hot spring hotels. These common features imply a possibility of some “kashi-zashiki” owner families had been running there business as “geiko-ya” from the early modern age. By the end of the Meiji period, “kashi-zashiki” business was more active in Hamawaki village rather than in the Nagare River area. This paper pointed out that this transition results from events. That is, the opening of Hoshu Denki Tetsudo rail-way in 1900, modernizing hot spring facilities or refurbishments of facilities and also real estate trading related to the development. Irie town, emerging “kashi-zashiki” area developed on a land-filled area where used to be a cove in Hamawaki town, had a unique system of landowning. Lands of other places in the town are generally owned by few “zaichi-jinushi” - a prestigious real estate owner of the area - but each “kashi-zashiki” employer owned “soko-chi” - covered area of ground by a building - and “kosen-chi” - a plot where hot spring comes - in Irie town. The paper also pointed out that there was a common feature in “kashi-zashiki” owners in Hamawaki during the modern period and hotel owners. Owners of “kashi-zashiki” consist of old landlords of the town and immigrants. The proportion of which resembles rapidly growing hotel owners at that time. “Geigi” and “shogi” worked during the end of the Meiji period was mainly from Oita, Miyazaki and some areas in Setouchi or Osaka. This geographical tendency has similarity to a network of “geiko-ya” in the early modern period. In addition to above mentioned studies, typology of buildings in Hamawaki and Irie town was described in the paper. In Hamawaki, “kashi-zashiki” buildings were “tsuma-iri” - axis of an entry constructed parallel to the ridge of the roof - and its wall was finished by lime plaster which is similar to vernacular houses. On the other hand, buildings in Irie town had its root in another type of building. This difference was caused by newness of “kashi-zashiki” district. Furthermore, difference of major business area between “kashi-zashiki” and “geigi” related business after the Taisho period was pointed out in this study. “kashi-zashiki” runs at Hamawaki but “geigi” related business run around the Nagare River in Beppu.
原田 昌幸
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.734, pp.309-315, 2017 (Released:2017-04-30)

Currently, a restaurant or a cafeteria is often used not only as a place to have a meal but also as a place to work, take a rest, or just kill time. This change has become significantly enhanced by the development and wider availability of wireless networking services that facilitate all types of internet interaction from recreational use to work from just about any place. At many self-service restaurants, customers can not only select their own seats but also move one or more tables together to create more space for themselves. However, when customers are allowed this freedom, it is not uncommon that other customers are inconvenienced because a single customer has taken up many seats, especially during peak operating hours. The objectives of this study are to identify and clarify the characteristics of seat use and over-use behaviors based on customer behaviors in the food court of a shopping mall. The observation target for this research was a food court in a large shopping center in Nagoya, Japan where customers are free to choose their seats and connect tables as they like. Activities besides eating and drinking, such as studying are also tacitly permitted by the establishment. The observation time was from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and included both crowded and relatively empty time periods. The observation survey was conducted on 13 weekdays and 10 weekends, and more than 600 groups and more than 1, 400 customers were observed. The observed items included customer age categories and gender (estimated by the observer), the number of group members, arrival and departure times, tables and seating choices, and the activities in which they engaged. After observation, it was found that the customers ranged widely in terms of age, from young children (even less than 10-year olds) to senior citizens, with a large number of teenage customers too. There were many single customers on weekdays, whereas on weekends nearly all customers were in groups. The seats chosen most often on weekdays were the bench seats with the atrium to its back, with a slight difference in choosing bench or chair seating on the weekends. Also, looking at how customers tended to choose seats, they regarded the distance or nearness to other customers, which indicated that interpersonal distance had an effect on seat selection in this study. Regarding extra seat usage, during the week people in age groups from teenagers to 40-year olds used seats for longer than necessary, with a shift on the weekends to teenagers and people in their 20s, especially teenagers. People who were engaged in chatting were the predominant long-users, with people studying on weekends spending inordinate amounts of time taking up space in the food court observation area during the hours of the study. Taking up extra seats was observed much more on weekdays compared to weekends, and decreased significantly on crowded weekends. During the week men more than women took up more extra seats, which likely reflects a cultural norm regarding personal space. However, on both weekdays and weekends, single people and people 70 years old or older tended to take up extra seats for themselves. Interestingly, during the week, resting and reading seemed to require the most seat overuse, but studying took over the number one slot on weekends, followed by resting and reading. Again, the need for more interpersonal distance might be important to being comfortable resting and reading in such a public place.
高橋 康夫
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.267, pp.155-162, 1978

Contents are mainly classified by two items as follows : 1. The constitution of the Rokucho. -1. The territory of the Rokucho. -2. The names of the constituent towns. 2. The pre-history of the Rokucho : a consideration on the process of the urban development of the constituent towns.
小松 幸夫 遠藤 和義
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.534, pp.241-246, 2000-08-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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This is an estimation of the life cycle cost (LCC) of Japanese wooden detached houses. From a questionnaire research, we calculated the survival probability of various part of a house and remaining rate. The years of 50% remaining rate is taken as a standard repair interval to make a simulation model of life cycle refurbishment of a house. The refurbishment cost was estimated from interviews to the professionals or the analysis of real cases. Applying them to the simulation model, LCC of 30 year life is estimated to be 2.16 times of new construction cost, and that of 60 year life is 3.25 times.
宗本 順三 鉾井 修一 張本 和芳 吉田 哲 高野 俊吾
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.551, pp.85-92, 2002-01-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
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In this study, we find combination of building materials and construction methods to reduce environmental loads (LCCO_2, final waste, LCC) with using genetic algorithms system which is developped to select those combination. We apply the system to "the standard building model (often used at calculating thermal load)", and search combinations to minimize each value through life cycle. Then we can find combinations to reduce a11 values at the same time by the system using "restriction method". Each value is much less than each of house which has enough thermal insulating material to satisfy "standard by energy conservation next generation".
野村 正晴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.673, pp.739-747, 2012-03-30 (Released:2012-07-02)

The Marunouchi is representative office district in Japan. It began to be constructed when the Mitsubishi financial clique had received public land disposed of in 1890s. This district was developed by the Mitsubishi, largest landowner in this area. The character of this development can be observed from the view point of change of its land. In this research, focused on the transaction type and the business partner to which the land right was transferred, the interrelation between the change of the land and the developmental strategy of the Mitsubishi will be clarified.