首代 佳吾 山名 善之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.744, pp.231-239, 2018-02

&nbsp;In recent years, the cultural heritage value of cities and architecture constructed by western powers in the former colonies mainly in Asia and Africa is beginning to be realized. While the cities and architecture tend to be regarded historical negative legacies for the former colonies, recent research suggests that they are important legacies representing the process of modernization of the city and accepting and coexisting with the other. In the discussion of shared heritage that began in 2010 in such a framework, colonial architecture is one of the important elements of the modern era and it is connection parts between the present and past. However, because evaluation of such cities and architecture are getting behind and the economic situation is developing in recent years, some of them are destroyed before being evaluated and protected as cultural heritage. Therefore, in order to consider the cities and architecture of the former colonies as a shared heritage, it is necessary to clarify the formation of the city including it's architecture.<br>&nbsp;The foundation of the former colonial cities were constructed by western powers. Colonial cities originally existed in the form of rural areas and villages that were required for trade and military functions by western powers. Furthermore, these cities were continually formed as these functions expanded. When people in each suzerain came to visit, the cities began to be constructed as planned cities considering their various functions. Especially, hill station, planned for people stationed in hot climate colonies but accustomed to cold climates, is one type of the planned city formed by the requirement for these diverse functions.<br>&nbsp;Therefore, in this research, reveal the urban formation in the formation of Dalat, hill station in Vietnam, with focusing on the function required by France and the aim of this study is to reveal acceptance and development of modern idea brought from western Europe called planned cities.<br>&nbsp;Chapter 1 focuses on the process of gathering and categorizing relevant original documents. In order to grasp the location of organizations that hold documents used in past research. Documents relevant to this research were then identified.<br>&nbsp;Chapter 2 organizes the urban planning of the entire Dalat chronologically and focuses on zoning changes and revealing the changes in the function in the city.<br>&nbsp;Chapter 3 extracts a discourse on the functions revealed in Chapter 2 from the document set grasps when each function was required for the first time.<br>&nbsp;Chapter 4 compares the urban formation revealed in Chapter 2 and the required functions revealed in Chapter 3 chronologically. As a result, although there is a difference in time from request to reflection, it is revealed that the requested function is reflected in urban formation, and Dalat is a city formed by requirement of various new functions over time.<br>&nbsp;Chapter 5, we revealed how modern ideas introduced by France in current Dalat is developed from a field survey of architecture. As a result, modern industries such as tourism had a great influence on urban formation in Dalat during the colonial era are still thriving. Furthermore, while several grand hotels for the upper classes were constructed during the colonial era, it is revealed that many small hotels called mini hotels which provide accommodation at low prices for all classes are being constructed at present.
岸田 繁高 植松 清志 渡辺 勝彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.666, pp.1453-1459, 2011-08-30 (Released:2012-01-13)

Regarding the urban dwellings of Japan in pre-modern times we show, on a drawing, the actual architectural situation of 13 dwellings in the central area of Osaka. We discuss the dwelling types and the layout of the houses drawn. As a result, we were able to draw the following conclusions: 1) we can confirm three dwelling types; Tori-niwa type, with an earthen floor passable from front to back (7 examples), Kiri-niwa type, with two earthen floors (2 examples), and Mae-niwa type, with an entrance earthen floor (4 examples). Houses for rent including six Tori-niwa type houses facing the main road Mido-suji and Minami-Kyuutarocho-dori measured 2.5 to 5 ken in width and 1.25 to 8.5 ken in depth. Each has 3 rooms in file inside and five houses have a set bath in their dwellings. 2) Five houses were set on rear sites and two houses next to the corner house, with sharing wells and toilets. The composition of these 13 houses shows a layout technique in a central urban area in Osaka.
三原 宏之 高木 利彰
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.1451, pp.88-89, 2000-03-18
太幡 英亮 西出 和彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.620, pp.89-94, 2007-10-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
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Physical and psychological properties of collective form of architecture in Harajyuku were analyzed on following 2 aspects. 1) Form and Elements....Model of the collective form was classified into "street" type and "area" type. And distribution of physical elements in the collective form was classified into "scattering" type and "closeness" type. 2) Evaluation....By using SD method with 24 couples of adjectives and correlation analysis, 3 evaluation axes are translated as meanings of "unity", "urbanity" and "amenity". And, identity of each collective form was analyzed by the evaluation of "similarity" in aggregation.
小島 隆矢 若林 直子 白川 真裕 彭 博 伊丹 弘美
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.86, no.784, pp.578-589, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-06-30)

1. Background and objectiveThis study examines the methodology of "individual scaling method" in order to value each person's vocabulary and viewpoints. "Individual scales" refers to evaluation items made by subjects' own terms. Thus, these scales are different from person to person. In the previous report, we proposed principal component analysis (PCA) method for evaluation data measured by individual scales. In this PCA method, evaluation object is regarded as observations, and individual scales of all subjects is regarded as variables. And, individual difference in vocabulary and viewpoint is described as difference in distribution of factor loadings vectors in principal component space. Therefore, it is difficult to analyze individual difference of each object. In this paper, methodology for analyzing individual differences of each object in individual scales method was studied and proposed.2. Methodology of analysisFor the above purpose, the application method of "partial score" used in the analysis method called MFA (MultipleFactor Analysis) was discussed. And the following method was proposed.1) Exclude subjects with low correlation between partial score and global score (principal component score).2) Use "standardized partial score" to analyze individual differences for each object.3) Correcting techniques for "ipsative data" may be necessary when analyzing individual or group differences between multiple objects.In addition, using "HCA (Hierarchical Component Analysis)" as the analysis method is expected to improve the performance of partial scores.3. Case studyAs a case study, a survey on positioning analysis for dental clinic was conducted. The background, purpose and method of this survey were described.4. Analysis and discussionPCA, MFA (Block-based PCA), and HCA were applied to the case study data, and the following results were obtained.1) The output principal component scores did not differ between the methods.2) HCA was the best in the performance of statistical tests for partial scores. This shows that reliability of partial score by HCA is higher than that of other methods.3) It was found that the positioning of the dental clinic is different between those who are positive for visiting dental clinic and those who are not.5. Consideration on Methodology of AnalysisBased on the results of analysis as a case study, methodology was further considered. First, as a criterion to exclude subjects with low correlation between partial score and global score , “R-square≧0.4” was proposed. Next, how to use FA and PCA properly was considered, and necessity of correcting techniques for "ipsative data" was discussed.6. Future tasks and prospectsThe future tasks are to apply the proposed method to many cases. And, using partial scores, it seems possible to analyze individual scale method data, including different objects for each person. It is also a future task to consider this method.
浅野 純一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.580, pp.133-140, 2004
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This paper considered the enforcement process of original urban plan formed before World War 2 and the continuity to urban planning afterwards from a case study of Nagano Toshikeikaku Planning from 1930 to 1969. Original plan by Hiroyoshi Yamada had been followed generally from 1930 to 1945 but had been added the planning alteration with the defeat of the war and 2 times consolidations of municipalities as turning points. The factors of planning alterations are industrial advance, magnification of administrative area by consolidations, motorization and developments disorderly into planned areas. The continuity of original plan can be recognized the continuation of the concept of sightseeing city, streets-system plan of ring roads and land use zoning.
横尾 真 山名 善之 岩岡 竜夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.712, pp.1463-1471, 2015 (Released:2015-07-11)

This study aims to clarify architects' thoughts of “AÉRO-CLUB ROLAND-GARROS À BUC”, which is the relationship between features and building components. It is about the features such as floor planning, concept of space, structure type, facility planning and also about the building components such as the assembly system as well as the list of all parts. The composition of this study includes the analysis of the features of this building and the analysis of the technological aspect of the building components. Finally, we discuss what kind of relationship the two has.
横尾 真 山名 善之 岩岡 竜夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2421-2429, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

“Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S.” was designed by French architects Eugene Beaudouin, Marcel Lods, Jean Prouvé, and Forges de Strasbourg as a constructor in 1936. An external form is 3.3m×3.3m, this small house is used for 2 persons. It consists a living room with 2 beds and a dining table, a kitchen space, a toilet and shower space and also could assemble and be demountable at anywhere. The begginig of this small house was made a prototype at Ateliers Jean Prouvé that was presented at the sixth exposition de l'habitation in the salon des arts ménagers in January 1939. All parts not only the entire house but also furniture were made of the thin steel sheets, there was not the foundation by Reinforced concrete. When Lods demonstrated at the exposition, in fact he could assemble for 2.5 hours and be demountable for 45 minutes. In the same year, someone stolen this small house before begining World War II, and it can never be seen anywhere. As a background and purpose of this study, it aims to clarify architects' thoughts of “Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S. “, which focuses on the relationship between features and building components. It is about the features such as floor planning, concept of space, structure type, facility planning, and also about the building components such as the assembly system as well as the list of all parts. Finally, we discuss what kind of relationship the two has. The previously-mentioned 3 French architects collaborated mainly in 3 projects, this small house is one of them, and its second project. Prouvé has explained through an interview in the book that was written by Peter Sulzer in 2000, it is “B. L. P. S. entirely made at my place… an enormous number of innovations… like the system of assembling the panels...”. Besides Franz Graf has explained that this small house, it's design, has been a great help in designing the façade of the Medische Faculteit in Rotterdam (today: Erasmus MC) by Prouvé, built in 1968. This means that Prouvé used the similar details in different project 30 years past, it could also say to find an importance innovation in this small house. As a result, we found that important design through to clarify features and building components of “Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S.”. It is consisted by 5 building components which are the roof panel, the floor panel, the wall panel, the facility unit, the funiture unit, and they are a set for 2 components. Each of them has a meanings, such as it plays a role as Instruction how to assemble or where sets a position for the next assembled parts. Detail of the joints which connects between building components, has same detail, it can say that a set of building components are able to use turning upside down and is possible to make entire building what it is designed 2 building components by same one without the floor panels and the facility unit.
細貝 翔太 清水 秀則 加藤 大介
日本建築学会北陸支部研究報告集 (ISSN:03859622)
no.55, pp.11-14, 2012-07-22

服部 佐智子 篠野 志郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.653, pp.1735-1743, 2010-07-30 (Released:2010-09-03)

In succession to the previous article, this paper aims to clarify the transformation of the lifestyle for Shogun-family in Ohoku Goten-muki at utilizing its space, by taking notice regarding the planning idea of the toilet during Kyoho-Manen eras. As a result, after Koka era, the toilets for Shogun and Shogun-family gradually became installed on a meeting space or living space as well as increasing of its total number. These phenomena of the transformation are presumed to indicate that the “family” space where Shogun lived with his family became extended to a considerable extent within the quarters from Kyoho- to Koka-era.
ノグチ タカヒロ ツキダテ エイスケ
Journal of Asian architecture and building engineering (ISSN:13467581)
no.1, pp.245-251, 2002-03

There are a large number of apartment houses equipped with Gangi, a kind of linked corridor which connects many buildings, in northern Japan, that are provided mainly for winter use. We analyzed continued and open form as they relate to snow protection. From the resident's point of view, our research clarified how to use Gangi in real life, how to remove the snow and also what is required for housing. Accordingly we arranged the problems and subjects of new house planning for the northern region. Finally, we tried to clarify the ideal image of Gangi and the common amenity space for apartment houses, and proposed some new design ideas.
内田 祥士
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.716, pp.2315-2325, 2015 (Released:2015-11-11)

The purpose of this paper is to reveal the following three points about Japnese wooden modernism.Primarily, the wooden structure frames similar to St. Paul's Catholic church in Karuizawa and, home and office of Antonin Raymond in Kougai-cho had already existed in early days of Syowa period in Japan. Secondly, these styles had been called in domestic technical terms in the same days. This means these frames were general-purpose technology in the days. To third, this paper will reveal one of the reasons these wooden buildings which Antonin Raymond designed arecategorized to Wooden modernism architecrure.
張 〓文 中川 景子 岩山 滋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.471, pp.93-98, 1995-05-30 (Released:2017-01-27)
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The present paper investigates the relation between the stylistic nature of architecture and environment in the Japanese poems "MANYOSHU" written during Japan's Manyo Dynasty 478-759. After analyzing the type of wording and the context of poem, we propose that the feeling of architectural space in Japan's Manyo Dynasty is closely connected through physical elements and symbol of environments. On one hand, in more privacy sense, the poems describes the beauty of "KACHOUFUGETSU" by using "inn" "hermit's cell" for architecture and "autumn" "wind" "night" for environment. On the other hand, in more non-privacy sense, "house" "door" "shrine" for architecture and "sky" "sun" for environment are used when the poems praise an emperer.
王 美 楠 須永 修通
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.734, pp.347-355, 2017

&nbsp;Economic growth and improvements in living standards have resulted in an urgent demand for comfortable and healthy building environments, and this has led to a sharp increase in energy consumption in China. Therefore, in order to achieve a good balance between environmental quality of indoor thermal environment and energy consumption, it is crucial to identify the actual residential energy demand and its influencing factors. In this study, the annual energy demand for a typical multi-residential building in China was dynamically simulated, and the influence of building thermal performance and air-conditioning setting temperature was studied for each climate zone in China. The results show that energy saving strategies in China should be implemented accordingly in response to different climate and geographical conditions. In the severe cold and cold climate zones that require greater levels of heating in winter, air tightness of building should be considered a priority, as better air tightness can deliver a significant heating energy reduction, whereas the quality of the wall insulation is the main contributor to the indoor thermal environment in winter for all climate zones. On the other hand, in the south of China, where comfort in summer is the main concern, the improvement of external window performance and the addition of external shading are the key issues that need to be addressed. Compared with the poor effects of lowering heating temperature in the north of China, raising cooling temperature in the south is relatively effective method to save energy without causing a sharp deterioration of the indoor thermal environment. It may be realistic to reduce energy consumption and ensure the quality of indoor thermal environment in multi- residential buildings by using the appropriate climate-responsive energy-efficient measures.
勝木 祐仁 篠野 志郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.538, pp.211-218, 2000

The aim of this study is to clarify the designing principle of hotels during Taisho and early Showa period through examining the architectural handbooks and documents written by hotel managers or architects of the period. The profitability was found to be the most important factor for hotel managers in designing a hotel throughout the period. Although documents by architects and architectural handbooks before around 1930 ignored profitability aspect, guidelines which appeared in documents of the sort after the period directed architects to consider profitability. It shows that function and form became subordinate factor to profitability in designing hotels during the period.