白 林 藤原 篤 川崎 清
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.462, pp.215-224, 1994-08-30 (Released:2017-09-20)

Issues of the journal Shinkenchiku published between 1966 and 1992 and showing seventy-nine buildings in Kyoto were used to test the level of awareness towards architecture. The SD test was administered using a questionnaire and slides. The purpose of the experiment was to establish the factors determining the perception of the buildings and what caused some factors to become more important. The results show that the factors found relevant to most subjects were, the materials, the period of construction, the architect, and the exterior covering. The nature of the building has a relationship between these factors.
谷本 潤 萩島 理 田中 尉貴
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.74, no.640, pp.753-757, 2009-06-30 (Released:2010-01-18)

An improved cellular automaton model based on Yanagisawa & Tomoeda , Nishinari (2007) was established, where both Static Floor Field and collision effect were considered. Several model parameters were carefully determined by going through a turning process based on experimental data provided by other previous studies. Both results by simulation based on the model and analytical approach derived from the so-called Mean-Field Approximation proved that the outflow rate from an evacuation exit, usually estimated by the so-called flow coefficient, can be improved by putting appropriate obstacles in front of the exit. This is because the appropriate allocation of obstacles can deflate collision probability at the exit by increasing collisions around the obstacles before the exit.
小菅 瑠香 長澤 泰
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.565, pp.151-158, 2003

This study is a critical anthology of planning methods in determining the relative proportions of different departments / units within hospitals and the size of the hospital itself. It also compares the existing planning method theories and thc planning principles undertaken in practical projects. This is a quantitative research on the basis of dimensional parameters of elements that comprise the hospital. The result of the factor analysis divided the parametrical elements into two broad groups; (A) Capacity (is the numerical expression of number of units likes beds) (B) Rotation (is the measure of use frequency of facilities in a hospital). Especially, the research shows the importance of 'rotation' in the planning process.
モハンマド ウマール アジジ 安藤 徹哉
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.783, pp.1592-1600, 2021

<p>This paper aims to study the characteristics of houses with covered walkway structures locally called <i>Dalan</i> in the Asheqan wa Arefan quarter of Kabul Old City, Afghanistan. It examines their locations, distribution, access, the number of stories, plan types, space usages, and analysis of reasons for their construction and destruction. The house locations and their accessibility networks are indicated based on a satellite image followed by detailed field surveys conducted between 2018 and 2019. Conclusions are drawn for the conservation of <i>Dalans</i> as part of cultural heritage in the historical landscape.</p>
大野 隆造 松田 好晴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.519, pp.93-99, 1999-05-30 (Released:2017-02-03)

Public behavior is affected by perceotion of other peoples' personal space. This study investigated the influence on this perception of the other person's varied positional relationship with wall and column subspace establishing elements. Full-size experiments demonstrated that there is a perceived occupied space around a person, depending on the position of that person in relationship to a wall or column, and that the boundary of this space is rarely crossed. A second experiment with a scale model of the same previous spatial arrangements was conducted, as a means of discovering the extent of these perceived personal spaces, by the subjects' use of such words as "aside", "between", and "inside". Thus the areas expressed by these words were used to predict the boundary of space that the subjects rarely go into, i.e., the perceived occupied area.
加藤 公花 後藤 春彦 山近 資成 吉江 俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.779, pp.125-135, 2021

<p> As the number of foreign residents move to Japan increases, so does the number of their descendants, the next generation of foreign residents. It has been pointed out in the field of psychology and sociology that many of them form an ego derived from multiple places, such as the culture of their home country, the culture of their place of residence, and the culture of the area where they have moved so far, and they have difficulties in living in terms of their behavior and their relationship with the community where they belong.</p><p> In particular, it is estimated approximately 170,000 Muslims currently live in Japan, and they are likely to face daily difficulties in urban life due to the significant difference in code of behavior between the host and Islamic societies. For those with anxiety and difficulties, support has already begun, including learning support and psychological care, to help them adapt to the host society. On the other hand, space improvement suitable for them with different life style is not yet sufficient.</p><p> Clarifying the code of conduct for Muslims who live in Japan and have difficulties with their cultural identity and the characteristics of the space required is important for planning multicultural receptive urban environments.</p><p> Based on this background, the paper clarified following two points;</p><p> </p><p> <b>1) Community created by second-generation Muslims</b></p><p> Oral history research has shown that second Muslims strengthen their ties by sharing the unique identities arise from living in both host and Islamic societies. It was also found that all the subjects of the survey had some problems due to differences in the code of conduct, and among them, the lack of places to worship was a problem for many second-generation Muslims. In some cases, it was found that they chose the instant space for worship by searching it in the town or on the street other than the mosque or home.</p><p> <b>2) Spatial elements and their values of "Prayer Space on the Street"</b></p><p> A study of the street environment suitable for this "street prayer space" revealed that it is easier to find an environment suitable for worship in an area where both quiet and noisy environments exist than in an area where the whole is quiet.Analysis of the downtown prayer space revealed 11 environmental factors. In addition to understanding the necessary factors regardless of the surrounding environment, it was also found that in areas where there are many car streets, it is necessary to stay away from busy roadways in order to concentrate on worship.</p><p> As globalization advances, cross-border cultural diversity is an urgent issue in urban planning. On the other hand, developing an urban environment specialized for them is a way to isolate them and exclude them from the host society. As we have seen in this study, there are many spaces with minimum elements for worship, such as a corner of a parking lot or a backyard of a store where few people pass by, and it is easier to make them available temporarily for worship than to establish a new place of worship. It is important to create an environment in which the existing space can be interpreted and used in various ways by recognizing the meaning and spatial value of the space from the viewpoint of different folklore and culture.</p>
野村 正晴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.728, pp.2297-2307, 2016 (Released:2016-10-30)

In this paper, I outline the birth and development of department store architecture in modern Japan and the interrelation of profitability and architectural plans by examining the case of the Mitsukoshi flagship store at Nihonbashi. This paper covers the following five periods of development: (1) 1914: Completion of the Main Building's Construction Efforts were taken to construct spaces such as entryways and stairwells to instill a sense of splendor and novelty in visitors. Expressing the establishment of the business style of the department store was regarded as the primary matter of importance, and little thought was given to profitability. A dry-goods business model was still followed, and suitable architectural plans were made for this model. (2) 1921: Completion of Restructuring and Expansion Work An intentional expansion of the sales area was undertaken in response to perceived demand. An awareness of profitability began to be reflected in architectural plans. Specialization of clerical work was also observed. The service model of the dry-goods model was still being followed, but now a rationalization of the store's management system led to a change in the service model, and this change was also reflected in the architectural plans. (3) 1927: Completion of Restoration Work for the Whole Building There was a small increase in the percentage of pure sales space. This was the result of the consideration of other methods of profit maximization besides increased sales space, such as attracting customers through enhancing guest facilities and an increase in customer turnover rate through changes in line flow, floor organization, and clearance practices, which was accompanied by the discontinuation of footwear due to a decrease in demand following the Great Kanto Earthquake. The changes reflected the popularization and expansion of department stores and, ironically, suggested that the earthquake provided an opportunity to plan a full-scale shedding of the dry-goods model. (4) 1935: Completion of Restructuring and Expansion Work Pure sales area proportion was decreased for the restoration of stairwells and to enhance customer facilities. This proactive reevaluation of construction plans for stairwells, introduction of a large-scale event hall, and use of basement selling space had not been present in the previous phase. These actions were attempts to attract customers, which in turn reflected the popularization of department stores. (5) 1956: Completion of Restructuring and Expansion Work This period saw no significant alteration in the architectural plans for the floor area, but there were fine adjustments and enhancements such as the extension of the façade along Nihon-odori by filling out the block, refinement of characterization through orientation, adjustment of line flow, increase of sales space, and refinement of vertical organization considering customer access. The discontinuation of footwear after the earthquake, the minimization and subsequent restoration of the splendid staircases, and the expansion of utilized space were all direct and significant sources of the changes in architectural plans. However, one can infer from a comparison of floor plans and the distribution of floor space that each architectural plan or act of restructuring and expansion was also designed to actualize changes in sales methods that coincided with changes in floor organization and in the store's customer base. The raison d'être for the department store's architecture and the managers' greatest demand to designers was to improve sales. Because of this, each architectural plan was an optimized solution not just to realize the maximization of the profitable area but also to achieve an increase in customers through the consideration of changes in the customer base.
岡村 祐 野原 卓 田中 暁子
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.21, no.49, pp.1241-1246, 2015

Open House is a program, where multiple houses are open to the public simultaneously within a specific area. This research focuses on this program held in Japan and analyses what organisers are aiming at through it and how they approach relevant stakeholders. As a result, it reveals that at an Open House a variety type of events are normally arranged in order to promote totality of architecture and life and work and area value created based on architecture and to provide an opportunity for multiple stakeholders to be involved in local resources management utilising building stocks.
岡村 祐 野原 卓 田中 暁子
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.21, no.47, pp.317-320, 2015

This study focuses on homeowners opening their property to the public at Open House London. On the basis of questionnaire it finally reveals their motivation and role. Close cooperation between a homeowner and an associated architect made a decision of participation and hosted many visitors by providing a guided tour, etc. Homeowners fully understood an organizer's concept "quality of architecture design" and took a responsibility of educating citizens instead of aiming at gaining economical or social benefit or regarding it as an opportunity to start something new. Such a homeowner in fact has repeatedly participated, which makes this program attractive.
木村 陽子 松本 直司 東 美緒 船曵 悦子 香村 翼
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.20, no.45, pp.689-692, 2014

The aim of this study is to clarify the changes in water supply systems and their utilization at Motokukuri district in Kani city. The following results were obtained: (1) The main part of water supply systems in this area was built up to the Edo period, and then extended gradually to cover the whole town. (2) Irrigation equipment was daily used by residents until around 1985. Even today, they are used for outdoor activities. However, the community use of water has almost disappeared. Finally, (3) authors noticed different problems related to safety, such as flood disaster.
べルデホ J.R.ヒメネス 布野 修司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.668, pp.1867-1874, 2011-10-30 (Released:2012-01-25)
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Authors have been conducting the field research on the former Spanish colonial cities under the title ‘Origin, Transformation, Alteration and Conservation of Urban Space of Colonial Cities since 1999. In the Spanish colonial period, cities were planted and established in Philippines. This paper focuses on Cebu city which is the first city established by Spain in Asia. As cartographic database, images and maps from AGI(Archivo de Indias de Sevilla), other archives and libraries in the Philippines are used for analysis. Through the analysis of the colonial maps, authors discuss the Spanish Colonial urban process in the Philippines Island. This paper clarified formation and transformation process of Cebu City and present formation of urban core of the city based on the field survey on the distribution of facilities, building types, and so on, finally discuss the characteristics of early formation and urban planning comparing other Spanish colonial cities like Manila, Vigan and those of Ibere-America.
松本 泰生 戸沼 幸市
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.577, pp.119-126, 2004-03-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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This study tries to clear the changes of slope area landscape in the central part of Tokyo during Edo era to present. The slope area which hadn't been used became a residential section gradually caused by the increase in the population. Then, the space which was a boundary was lost between the heights and the low land And, three factors influence space formation in the slope area. They are the original geographical features, the particulars of the land use, the conditions of the land possession. Much is a slope at present though many stairways existed on the road in the Edo Period. And the stairways which have landscape based on the natural geographical features are being lost in the central Tokyo by the large-scale re-development.