野中 勝利
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.471, pp.99-109, 1995

The scenic district of most castle-towns were planned under the application of the Town Planning Law of 1919. This paper aims to clarify a policy for the scenic district on historical environment elements. The results are next points, 1) positive practical use, 2) close relation with park, 3) application to cooperate with preservation law.
芦田 均
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.675, pp.418-425, 1941-06
辻原 万規彦 藤岡 里圭
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.584, pp.51-58, 2004-10-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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The object of this study is to clarify the current issues of arcades in Japan. The typical examples of arcades constructed after the World War II in East Japan were analyzed by historical practice. The following four phases about development of arcades were focused on: firstly, the phase of invention (silver awning and silver arcade); secondly, the phase of fashion (the arcade of the various types); thirdly, the phase of expansion (the arcade of the louver type); finally, the phase of maturity (the arcade of the vault type). Moreover, the social conditions, which had changed the role and design of modern arcades, were investigated. The factors influenced the appearance and transformation of arcades were considered.
辻原 万規彦 小林 正美 中村 泰人 外山 義
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.524, pp.215-222, 1999-10-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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For supporting design of arcades which improve the amenity in urban area, typical examples of modern arcades in West Japan after the world war II were arranged historically and analyzed systematically. In consequence, these examples were classified into four groups in chronological order, the period of invention (silver awning and silver arcade), the period of fashion (the arcade of the "Gassyou" type), the period of expansion (the arcade of the louver type), the period of maturity (the arcade of the dome type). The social conditions which had changed the role and design of modern arcades were investigated.
政木 哲也 長坂 大
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.749, pp.1173-1182, 2018 (Released:2018-07-30)
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In this study, we have surveyed the spatial configuration and distribution of Jizo (stone statue of Buddhist god) found within the limits of public housing in Kyoto city, and analyzed them in order to consider the transformation of common space by manners brought in by the residents. Jizo in urban areas is common mainly in the Kansai district. In the case of central Kyoto, citizens have traditionally formed religious urban spaces for the local community by enshrining Jizo on the streets. Kyoto suffered a serious housing shortage caused by the rapid population flow during the post WW2 era and the high economic growth period. Major suburban housing developments were accelerated to solve this issue. This led to many residents living in a whole new modern urban space. On the occasion of developing their own community, they have brought in their religious customs, including Jizo. Danchi-nai-Jizo (Jizo inside public housing) is still largely unexplored; a field research was conducted in order to clarify the present condition of every Danchi-nai-Jizo. This research includes recording their locations and orientations among the site. The total number of surveyed Danchi is 148 including three different housing categories; municipal housing, prefectural housing and rental apartments built by Japan Housing Corporation (JHC). As a result, 55 of these Danchi included Danchi-nai-Jizo. Our analysis of geographical distribution shows that Danchi-nai-Jizo can be found in every ward of Kyoto except Kamigyo-ward and more in suburban Danchi than ones in the central area. Some specific areas were found where many Danchi-nai-Jizo gather densely. Our analysis of chronological distribution of Danchi-nai-Jizo linked with construction year of each development, clarified that Danchi-nai-Jizo exists widely from the old Danchi to the new. They were both found in larger Danchi, most built in the 60's and early 70's, and smaller ones built after the 80's. Focusing on Danchi-nai-Jizo within common spaces, three pattern types, “Apartment type”, “Danchi type” and “Neighborhood type”, were derived through analysis of space configuration. This corresponds to three different scales of community space. The “Apartment type” is the configuration of Danchi-nai-Jizo that is placed close to the residents nearby the apartment building, at the center of a small unit of community space. Danchi-nai-Jizo for “Danchi type” is usually located inside or around the square facing towards the empty space. In this case, the Danchi-nai-Jizo is at the center of community space for the entire Danchi. “Neighborhood type” describes the Danchi-nai-Jizo on the border of the housing development. This configuration looks similar to Jizo seen on the streets in central Kyoto, but this Danchi-nai-Jizo has less relation to the Danchi it self. Danchi-nai-Jizo is an informal act by the residents, but it has been accommodated in the Danchi space for decades. The “Apartment type” Danchi-nai-Jizo has fit in a small excess space around the resident access path and more accommodation is found in these common spaces. In the case of “Danchi type”, it is about how Danchi-nai-Jizo was accepted and how it replaced the original function of the open space. “Neighborhood type” showed how Danchi space accommodates to the surrounding neighborhood. In conclusion, it is safe to say that Danchi-nai-Jizo has existed despite the transformation of Danchi space, and flexible and accommodating nature in Danchi was clarified through the existence of Danchi-nai-Jizo seen in various types of common spaces.
政木 哲也 長坂 大
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.763, pp.1871-1881, 2019 (Released:2019-09-30)

In this study, we have surveyed the distribution and spatial spread of Jizo-bon (ceremony of Jizo =stone statue of a Buddhist god) found within the limits of public housing located in eastern suburb of Kyoto city, and analyzed them in order to consider the nature of common space used for ceremonies held by the residents. Jizo-bon is a ritual ceremony common mainly in the Kansai area, held in 24th August, the ceremonial day of Jizo-bosatsu (A god of Buddhism). While Jizo-bon is composed by several events, the most important section is the Buddhist chant and lecture provided by the priest. In the ceremony, prayers will gather around the Jizo to pray with the priest. Our study focuses on the behavior of this ceremonial area. Jizo-bon inside public housing is still largely unexplored; a field research was conducted in order to clarify the present condition of every Jizo-bon held inside public housing in the eastern suburb of Kyoto city. The scope of the survey was aimed at public housings located in Yamashina-ward and eastern Fushimi-ward. The history of this area is relatively short compared to central Kyoto. Urban development experienced rapid growth in the post WW2 era and during the high economic growth period. Major housing development led the growth of population of this suburban area. In our last study, we have pointed out these suburban areas are the specific areas in Kyoto where large amount of Danchi-nai-Jizo (Jizo inside public housing) were found. Research of Jizo-bon in this area will highlight the traditional manners within the modern habitation environment. Jizo-bon was identified in 17 public housings, out of 19 (with Danchi-nai-Jizo). 11 were found in Yamashina ward and 6 were in the eastern Fushimi area. There was a clear correlation between the housings with Danchi-nai-Jizo and the ceremony. We confirmed that these Danchi-nai-Jizo were mainly placed for the Jizo-bon festival. We found three pattern types identified based on its position, “Open-air”, “Pilotis”, and “Halls”. These types were derived through analysis of chronological configuration. In massive housings built by the early 70s, small sized “Open-air” Jizo-bon, the ceremony held outdoors at the Jizo location, were typical. During this era, social interest of Jizo-bon grew throughout the city, and the performance of ceremonies become bigger and grander in scale. Jizo-bon in “Halls”, the ceremony performed indoors of the hall in public housing, were found during this era. Public housing built in each era tend to carry and maintain their own Jizo-bon until today. This explains the various forms of Jizo-bon we see. Spatial analysis of the ceremonial areas within common space brought out two specific behaviors; “diverse” and “traverse”. “Diverse” explains the original purpose and function of common space diverted into ceremonial use. “Traverse” explains the crossover use of various common space, while temporarily neutralizing the borders within. The loose articulation among the common space sustains the use of various Jizo-bon in public housings. Tents, mats and lanterns are usually placed around the Jizo during the ceremony. These temporary elements make the everyday common space into the ritual space. This shows that Jizo-bon in public housing is an event that the common space overlaps the extraordinary. In conclusion, it is safe to say that loose articulation found among common space in public housings, carries and sustains the various ways of common use by the community, such as the Jizo-bon.
清山 陽平 神吉 紀世子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.778, pp.2683-2693, 2020 (Released:2020-12-30)

This study aims to clarify the locality in modern changing landscape. Research area is Minami-shinchi, Chusyojima, Fushimi, Kyoto, which was developed after 1925 without any masterplan. Its landscape can be described as cluttered landscape. On the existing buildings of various ages and designs, there are so many signs of repair or renovation left. It is a serious problem how to evaluate the locality in such a cluttered landscape in change and to propose the method of conservation.  Research objects are 11 shops in 10 buildings in Minami-shinch. I did design survey of these shop buildings and did life history interviews to shop owners. Through the survey, the history of buildings was clarified in detail, especially when/why/how/ they have been changed by owners. Through the interviews, I made an chronological table of these changes and it is clarified that all of these shop buildings have renovated or repaired partially several times. And these changes were done in order to manage the changing situation of owners’ life or business. Through the design survey, I clarified how the building at present has been created by these changes in detail with plans, elevations, and pictures.  There are 36 changes on the researched buildings in total. And there are 21 changes inside shops, but most of them are partially. Many changes are on the floors or walls with painting or wallpaper, which can cover and change wide area easily and cheaply. And there are 16 changes on the façade of the buildings. Most of them intend to change whole the façade, but original part and changed part(s) can be seen in all the buildings. Some were renovated to billboard architecture but the original roof can be seen, some were changed its 1st floor to open the shop but its 2nd floor for living space were not changed, and some were changed again partially to open the new shop.  As a result of these two surveys, I clarified these changes based on owner’s effort and ingenuities to manage the changing situation of business or life in their limited budgets. And that is the locality of this changing landscape in Minami-shinch. Therefore, cluttered landscape or buildings with many signs of changes can be evaluated as authentic in the folksy area with frequent changes of the situation of life or business of residents.
池田 佳樹 辻村 壮平 佐野 友紀 安江 仁孝 今西 美音子 平手 小太郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.741, pp.2799-2806, 2017 (Released:2017-11-30)
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In this research, we conducted an interview survey using the evaluation grid method with elements of additional signs posted at the station as elements. As a result, we clarified the evaluation structure of preferable additional signs for users in the station and extracted considerations to be addressed for a better sign plan. The findings obtained are summarized below. · From the perspective of evaluating the additional sign of the station user, the four perspectives of "time reduction", "sense of security", "fatigue reduction" and "reliability" came up in this survey, and we found that these four factors are important. ·In order to raise the credibility of additional signs it is important to make it permanent rather than handwritten or handmade. ·In order to realize the movement smoothness contributing to above the three high-level concepts of "time reduction", "feeling of security", and "feeling of fatigue", “ease of finding" and "ease of judging the direction to the destination" is important. ·In order to achieve "ease of finding", "expression on the board surface itself and contents in the board" and "proper sign arrangement within the view" are important. ·The contents and directions drawn on the additional sign are easy to understand, making it easier to understand intuitively, and as a result it is easier to judge the direction of the destination. As a concrete design method of the "easy to understand contents and directions", " expression about contents in the board " and "proper sign arrangement on the plan of the station." are important. Compiling also the knowledge obtained in the past research, there were things that could be useful knowledge not only for additional sign but also for official sign , as described below. ·It is important to show the information that we want to emphasize in the sign beyond the height of the line of sight. ·The size of letters on the signboard surface and the posting height of the sign influence "attractiveness". ·"Enhancing movement smoothness" by the additional sign leads to an increase in the comfort of stations such as spiritual clearance and convenience as a result. We are considering "preference" from the results of an interview survey using elements of additional signs in this research. But from now on, based on the fact that differences in purpose affect the evaluation on the same sign, we want to explore better information provision methods for station users by considering the design and planning method each use purpose of the signs, such as assuming the situations at the time of using the station or conducting experiments using different elements.
矢部 周子 原 直也 原田 和典
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.84, no.758, pp.377-384, 2019 (Released:2019-04-30)

Recently various lighting designs have become required more than ever. In order to closely examine and appropriately design various light environments, highly accurate luminance predictive simulation techniques are needed. Since luminance distributions are influenced more by directional reflection characteristics than by illuminance distributions, it is necessary to obtain data of directional reflection characteristics for luminance simulations. In this study, in order to easily obtain data of directional reflection characteristics to be incorporated into the simulation, we considered to identify feature quantity of mathematical models of directional reflection characteristics by using information obtained by employing simplified measurements. As the simplified measurements method, we attempted to utilize the physical properties of building materials which have recently been made easily measurable by using commercially available instruments. From the attempts in this study, the followings were found. (1) We compared detailed data set of directional reflection characteristics, which were obtained by the direct measurement method utilizing polarizers, with such physical properties as glossiness and surface roughness Ra measured by using commercial measuring instruments. From these, it was found that the larger the glossiness and the smaller the surface roughness Ra, the larger the boundary reflection component tended to be and the sharper the distribution characteristics of the boundary reflection component tended to be. However, other than the correlation between the glossiness and the intensities of the boundary reflection component were low. (2) We compared the detailed data set of directional reflection characteristics with spectral diffuse reflectance measured with commercially available instruments. It was found that there was a strong correlation between the layer reflectance RD and the diffuse reflectance under the light source used for the measurement, which were calculated from spectral diffuse reflectance (SCE). (3) We proposed a method to model directional reflection characteristics based on simplified measurements without polarizers, which gives the estimation of layer reflection characteristics derived from the diffuse reflectance. In this method, the number of measurement steps was capable of being reduced to one-fifth, and the same accuracy as detailed measurements with polarizers was able to be obtained. The method was verified for surfaces with semi-uniform diffuse reflection characteristics and not verified for surfaces with specular reflection characteristics. (4) The directional reflection characteristics of the five building materials with different finishes, such as a polished marble tile, highly polished marble tile, a fair-faced concrete block, a semi-gloss galvanized steel plate and float glass, were successfully obtained by the simplified prediction method. (5) For building materials with high glossiness, it is considered necessary to measure them by setting the measurement incident angle conditions at least three times in order to determine with sufficient accuracy the coefficient K which is the feature quantity of the layer reflection component.
寺川 優美 田中 紀之 三浦 研 寺川 政司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.571, pp.69-76, 2003-09-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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The interactions of the aged were considered to be essential for aging in place. This research was based on surveys of the aged living in a depopulated region where the changes were more drastic. 1. Families, relatives, friends and neighbors had different functions to support the aged. Welfare services not only supported their living but also lessened their loneliness. 2. In winter, interactions tended to decrease because of heavy snowfall, but in some cases they increased because the aged had more free time, or their families visited more frequently to support them for shopping, snow shoveling and so on. 3. According to aging, interactions tended to decrease.
荒川 朱美
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.1386, 1996-03-20