鈴木 隆
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.482, pp.135-145, 1996-04-30 (Released:2017-01-28)
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The composition of different types of architectural and urban spaces with a courtyard can be identified and explained by what we call the "principle of association of MA(Japanese meaning a room space)" based on two neccessary conditions : an opening for light and air of the MA and an efficient utilization of the site. 1) Different plans of houses with a courtyard result from the principle applied to the sites of various forms. 2) The principle permits to assimilate the galeries to the architecture with a courtyard. 3) The housing estates composed around a courtyard on large sites are a planning choice rather than the necessity of the principle. 4) A block of houses with a courtyard can be reorganized by the rearrangement according to this principle.
藤岡 洋保 岡崎 敦子
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.405, pp.149-155, 1989
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It is well known that the population in the suburban area around the city of Tokyo grew rapidly between the 1900s and the 1930s, especially right after the Kanto Earthquake in 1923 and that many new residential districts were developed then. The aim of this paper is to show not a few people moved to suburban area at that time by checking the addresses, occupations and income taxes of the people who were listed on the 1921 version and 1931 version of a famous who's who called "Jinji-Koshinroku". The number of the people who lived in Tokyo Prefecture and who were carried on the 1921 version of "Jinii-Koshinroku" is 6,672. Checking their addresses and occupations, it can be clear that there was a tendency that places to live in were connected with those to work at : many wealthy merchants lived in Nihonbashi-ku, many businessmen in Shiba-ku and not a few bureaucrats in Kojimachi-ku. And around 1921, not a few people who belonged to the middle class already lived in Toyotama-gun, one of the counties surrounding the city of Tokyo. Out of the 6,672, 3,497 were listed on the 1931 version of "Jinii-Koshinroku". Among them, 2,184 were selected as valid samples to be inspected. 1,256 out of the 2,184 persons did not change their addresses. 928 did. 47 % of them moved outwards, only 10 % inwards. Many among the people that emigrated from the city of Tokyo to its suburban area were businessmen, bureaucrats and officers, who belonged to the middle class and whose income was not so big. The suburban districts where many moved in at that time were Shibuya-cho, Yoyohata-cho, Sendaeaya-cho, Nakano-cho in Toyotama-gun.
山本 ゆかり
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.592, pp.233-238, 2005

The purpose of this research is clarifying manifestation of a suburban residential section for "Sumiyoshi-mura" located in the Hanshin area where the suburban residential section's developed in modernization. "Sumiyoshi-mura" is reconstructed and developed in early 20th century. Several points were revealed. "Sumiyoshi-mura" made the land of a village housing site in 1900. Moreover, the many businessmen of Osaka bought the land of Sumiyoshi-mura. "Mototaro Abe" borrowed and developed land from the village. These were before generating of the residential suburbs in Japan.
田村 正
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.531, pp.103-109, 2000-05-30 (Released:2017-02-03)

Large Commercial theaters are often tried to rebuild as complex facilities to increase their business profit. I chose five of these theaters and compared them with simple theaters, in order to evaluate their spatial composition. I analyzed the composition of their mixed use, surveyed their sites, and studied both contextual and programmatic relationship to the neighborhoods around them. I also conducted interviews with their managers. The conclusion is that complex theaters have much more potential for profit than simple theaters.
佐々木 宏幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.747, pp.885-895, 2018 (Released:2018-05-30)
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This study focuses on “flexible zone” and Parklet as means to provide outdoor spaces for eating and drinking while utilizing parking lanes. The purpose of this study is to clarify advantages and disadvantages as well as common and different features of “flexible zone” and Parklet, and to explore ways for realizing similar spaces in Japan. A “flexible zone” is a parking lane that is allowed to convert to outdoor dining areas by adjacent business owners with government permission, and three examples, Castro Street in Mountain View, Theatre Way in Redwood City, and First Street in Livermore, exist in California in the United States. On the other hand, Parklet is the program launched in San Francisco that facilitates the installation of public pedestrian spaces on parking lanes. The research on “flexible zone” is based on the previous study by the author and additional field surveys. In addition, with regard to universal design that is conceived as an important aspect for the comparison with Parklet, reviews of documents regarding the operation of “flexible zones” and hearings with an urban designer in charge of the design of all three “flexible zones” have been conducted. On the other hand, with regard to Parklet, reviews of documents and previous researches regarding Parklet as well as a hearing with a city official have been conducted. In addition, field surveys of all “flexible zones” and 26 Parklets have been conducted in order to observe actual conditions and operations. Through the comparison between “flexible zone” and Parklet, the author clarifies common features and differences between them, and then explores 1) their uniqueness as methods of producing outdoor spaces for eating and drinking, 2) their advantages and disadvantages, and 3) ways for realizing outdoor spaces for eating and drinking on parking lanes in Japan. With regard to the uniqueness, both “flexible zone” and Parklet are realized through the cooperation between public and private sectors while paying lots of consideration for design, safety and comfortability. In addition, in both methods, the balance between pedestrian spaces converted from parking lanes and on-street parking spaces is considered and maintained through their permission processes as well as their spatial flexibility. On the other hand, the level of publicness is a primary difference between them, i.e. “flexible zone” is not necessarily open to the public while Parklet is required to be open to the public. With regard to “flexible zone”, effectiveness for the improvement of pedestrian and urban environment, possible safety measures by street design, limited cost burden on business owners, high spatial variability, and appropriate maintenance and operation by business owners are conceived as advantages, whereas substantial cost burden on the public sector and limited use by the public are conceived as a disadvantage. On the other hand, with regard to Parklet, limited cost burden on the public sector, aptitude for phasing implementation, effectiveness for the creation of interactive spaces, and feasibility at various locations and for a short period of time are conceived as advantages, whereas lack of unity of streetscape, limited spatial flexibility, heavy cost burden on business owners, and improper operation are conceived as disadvantages. With regard to ways for realizing in Japan, it is important to consider 1) realization methods in accordance with purposes and existing conditions of a target area, 2) responsibilities, systems and measures for securing pedestrian safety, 3) consistency with related ordinances and their necessary revisions, and 4) introduction of a phasing implementation process through pilot projects, are important in Japan.
植田 瑞昌 八藤後 猛
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.750, pp.1447-1457, 2018 (Released:2018-08-30)
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Independent excretion requires disabled children to acquire communication ability and the ability to maintain posture throughout the process of growth. These efforts require a combination of medical care, rehabilitation and education. However, under the current circumstances, teaching and training for excretion are provided at hospitals, rehabilitation facilities or schools when they are not given under home conditions. Further, the need for the development of changing excretion environments along with the growth of disabled children is not referred to. No studies have been found that address these issues as well as appropriate excretion environments based on the stages of growth or development of disabled children from the perspective of architectural planning studies. Consequently, the objective of our studies is to highlight the current situations and environments of excretion among disabled children and the actual conditions of the development of excretion environments based on the stages of growth or development of disabled children (physical/intellectual ability). We conducted a survey using a questionnaire and obtained responses from 729 disabled children. We classified the disabled children based on the physical or excretion conditions into groups that share similar difficulties in terms of excretion environments and analyzed them group by group. Our survey revealed the following: 1. Some disabled children use diapers in spite of no excretion disability. If children have difficulties going to the toilet owing to reason of physical functions, housing environments need to be developed from the perspective of caregivers who assist disabled children with moving. 2. The development of excretion environments would enable disabled children to excrete or change diapers at the toilet. Even though disabled children use diapers at their houses, they would be able to excrete at the toilet using assistance tools or toilet bowls of various shapes at rehabilitation facilities or schools. The development of excretion environments at houses which allow disabled children to excrete without help is needed. 3. Few houses have sufficient excretion environments. Information on how to develop environments at houses or subsidy housing is lacking. 4. Excretion environments at public toilets away from home are highly unsuitable. That they have no table for adults to change children's diapers suggests they do not assume use by disabled children. 5. Children with severe intellectual disability such as sound hypersensitivity, allotriophagy or coprophilia have different issues from physically disabled children with respect to the development of excretion environments.
菱田 唯蔵
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.334, pp.11-23, 1914-10
坂本 新八
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
no.545, pp.789-796, 1931-05
岩本 馨
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.560, pp.305-310, 2002-10-30 (Released:2017-02-04)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the "Jofu" system of Mito-han, which means settlement in Edo. The main contents of this paper are as follows. a) From the beginning of the Tokugawa shogunate, lord usually lived in the Edo estate, and then, in the eighteenth century, vassals of Mito-han began to immigrate to Edo. At first, immigration was encouraged by lord. b) However, the advance of immigration was too rapid to be controlled, and the system of the castle city and the Edo estate had to be transformed critically.
中村 景月 田路 貴浩
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.777, pp.2455-2465, 2020-11

<p> This paper focuses on the early modern urbanization process in the Higashi-Kujo area, the periphery of Kyoto, from the viewpoint of land ownership and land use. Shortly after World War II, extremely densely built up district and illegally occupied district formed in the area, so that the problem of a harsh living environment occurred. In addition, the area was subject to regional discrimination that originated in ethnic discrimination. The purpose of this study is to consider the factors that caused these urban problems through clarifying the urbanization process before the war.</p><p> First, the rural structure before urbanization can be broadly divided into three areas: a village formed around the Takeda Street, and farmland spread east and west of the village. Comparing the farmland in the east and west, the east side of the village are relatively infertile, probably because the east side was the floodplain of the Kamogawa River. Lands in the village was owned by local owners, including small-scale landowners, while farmland in the east and west was owned by large-scale landowners, including absent landowners. In particular, Lands on the north side of the area near the old urban area tended to be owned by absent landowners. It shows that potential urbanization was proceeding ahead of urbanization. In the early Taisho era, factories were located around the villages, and Housing construction mainly in houses tenement houses rapidly progressed around these factories from the end of the Taisho era. However, some farmland and vacant land remained. Also, affected by the rural structure before urbanization, there was a difference in the development of the urban area between the east and west of Takeda Street. Because the southwestern part was more fertile than the east side, it was maintained as farmland. In other words, the east side, which was inferior as farmland, took the initiative in urbanization. In addition, in the margins of the formed urban area, small-scale defective housing districts are scattered, and they were also settlements of Koreans. Especially in the northeastern part of the area, which was close to pre-modern discrimination areas, the concentration of poor people led to the construction of public housing, social welfare facilities, and flophouse.</p><p> Local landowners developed residential land following industrialization while securing the agricultural land in the southwestern part of the area to respond to the shift of the regional industrial structure from agriculture to industry. In addition, as poverty has increased, some have provided lands for the construction of social welfare facilities and public housing. However, each landowner had lands scattered throughout the area, so each landowner developed residential land individually. This is one of the factors that caused the poor residential area to remain small and scattered. On the other hand, some absent landowners were reluctant to convert to residential lands. Many lands continued to be held and remaining farmland was scattered. Especially in the northeastern part of the area, the remaining farmland and vacant land owned by absent landowners became all residential land after land readjustment beginning in the late 1930s and became a sink for extreme population inflow after the war.</p>
徳尾野 徹 横山 俊祐
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.695, pp.39-48, 2014

The purposes of this study are clarifying as follows for reevaluation of &lsquo;bunka-jutaku&rsquo;.<br>1) trend of supply and demand and change of notion war<br>2) position on local development of nongovernment apartment houses<br>3) meaning as family type apartment house<br>The sources of information for the analysis are advertisements of real estate on Asahi newspaper morning (Osaka) (1952-1976). By result of analysis, it was cleared that as for &lsquo;bunka-jutaku&rsquo;, just negative understanding called a kind of &lsquo;mokuchin&rsquo; is insufficient. &lsquo;Bunka-jutaku&rsquo; was platform for trial that was gradual advancement of living convenience and expansion of unit for needs of nuclear family.