武村 雅之
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.69, no.577, pp.153-159, 2004-03-30 (Released:2017-02-08)

A famous result for the damage in Tokyo Metropolis during the Kanto earthquake was that the damage rate of dozo (Japanese traditional timber storehouse coated with clay and plaster finish) is larger in the Yamanote terrace formed by diluvial deposit than that in the Shitamachi low-land by alluvial deposit, while the damage rate of wooden houses, which determined seismic intensity, was smaller in the Yamanote terrace than that in the Shitamach lowland. We re-examined the original data of dozo on the Kanto earthquake and compared with the damage data from the 1948 Fukui earthquake and the 1855 Ansei-Edo earthquake. It can be found that the original data was strongly contaminated by the damage due to fires during the Kanto earthquake, and that the result of dozo was not trusted. The damages of RC buildings and brick buildings which had almost the same natural period as dozo, were also re-examined. We could correlate weakly the damage rate of them with seismic intensity determined from the damage rate of wooden houses, which was larger on the alluvial deposit than on the diluvial deposit.
和田 康由 寺内 信
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.499, pp.155-162, 1997-09-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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This paper deals with the role of housing development by estate campanies, through the case of Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd., which were founded in the middle of Taisho era. Tomosaburo TAKEHARA, the President of Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd., former a stock broker, was actively engaged in the housing enterprises by merging many estate companies, and the way of his housing management was to speculate in the housing estates as if they had been the stocks. He not only took over the business of merged estate companies but employed excellent managers and architects. Especially, Ohmino Den-en Toshi which had been developed by Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd. and MORISHOUJI District in Osaka City which was the project of a land readjustment system, were developed into the residential areas with excellent quality. But the company was in financial difficulties because it owned too many housing estates and a balance between supply and demand couldn't be kept during the war. It disappeared unexpectedly after the war in spite of developing land remarkably.
原 玲子 チャン シンキー 加藤 彰一 毛利 志保
東海支部研究報告集 (ISSN:13438360)
no.50, pp.541-544, 2012-02-18

The aim of this study is to find out the features of common spaces including ramps, healing gardens and dining halls in Singapore. The analysis focused on the urban factor, climatic factor and social factor related to common space planning for welfare facilities.
浅野 純一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.580, pp.133-140, 2004-06-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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This paper considered the enforcement process of original urban plan formed before World War 2 and the continuity to urban planning afterwards from a case study of Nagano Toshikeikaku Planning from 1930 to 1969. Original plan by Hiroyoshi Yamada had been followed generally from 1930 to 1945 but had been added the planning alteration with the defeat of the war and 2 times consolidations of municipalities as turning points. The factors of planning alterations are industrial advance, magnification of administrative area by consolidations, motorization and developments disorderly into planned areas. The continuity of original plan can be recognized the continuation of the concept of sightseeing city, streets-system plan of ring roads and land use zoning.
熊谷 洋輝 山名 善之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.757, pp.693-701, 2019-03

&nbsp;Modernization in former colonial countries has been promoted by external factors such as acceptance of culture propagation, in accordance with the colonial rule by Western powers. Likewise, in an architectural field, a number of studies on colonial modern architecture have been carried out, and most of them have viewpoints of the architecture and city planning designed by architects of suzerain countries. New style of architecture compromising between western style and traditional style had made in colonies, and most of them had been studied on the viewpoints of &ldquo;style&rdquo; applying architecture of various building-types. R. Banham pointed out that architectural theory of J. Guadet was Modern in propagation of the styles. J. Guadet divided architectural style including new building-types with design standards made in 19c into elements, and let them be able to reconstruct. Public buildings of France thereafter the end of 19c designed by the architects of Beaux-Arts in accordance with both styles and standards regulated by state, and it was the same situation at the French colonies ruled by its assimilation policy in the same period.<br>&nbsp;It is also important to educate locals under the French colonial policy. This study focused on the elementary school buildings of France standardized in the end of 19c for constructing by establishing public education, Tonkin as a model of focusing on educating locals to train the bureaucracy among French colonies.<br>&nbsp;The purpose of this study was to present the new viewpoints to comprehend the colonial modern architecture that are some aspects of singularity of it by showing degree of deviation against design standards of France directed at the elementary school building for locals in Tonkin.<br>&nbsp;The method to find some aspects of singularity is grasping standard model of French elementary school against design standards of France and the architectural theory of J. Guadet, and investigating at the national archive in Vietnam to collect necessary documents. Ultimately, collating to standard model of France and finding degree of deviation.<br>&nbsp;The following six results were obtained. (1) Elementary school buildings for locals in Tonkin were composed by bare elements that were school buildings, toilets and the houses for teachers. (2) There were 3 types of the space of toilets which were constructed larger than the standards of France. (3) An area of classroom per student was generally smaller than the standards of France. (4) The classroom in Tonkin had several different parts from unilateral lighting classroom of France that were replaced the half-outdoor corridor, established portal of classroom on bilateral wall. (5) There were 11 types of the heights and widths of classrooms including aspects of unilateral lighting. The heights generally kept the standards of France, but the widths of type were made smaller and larger than the standards of proportion between heights and widths of France, the widths of type were made smaller, the widths of type and type were made larger. (6) There were 9 types of the dimensions showing vertical set positions of windows. In any case, the windows were set up in lower position than the standards of France, the dimensions of lintels were larger than the standards of France and the classrooms had a space between the upper end of window and ceiling.<br>&nbsp;In conclusion, the degree of deviation against the design standards of France were able to find in elementary school buildings of Tonkin as the case study sites. It allows us that we described the colonial modern architecture from the new viewpoints that is collating colonial modern architecture to the standards of suzerain state per building-type instead of the viewpoints of &ldquo;architectural style&rdquo; that was often used in the previous studies by others.
内藤 誠人 芳本 晃大朗 村田 涼 安田 幸一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.740, pp.2521-2529, 2017 (Released:2017-10-30)

The aim of this study is to clarify the methods of top-lighting in the open-stack reading space in contemporary library. Top-lighting and high side lighting were only way to let daylight in the reading area located in the middle of the space when the walls are ocupied by the bookshelves before the artificial light were invented. Today, top-lighting is still important in open-stack reading space not only for giving the light for reading under the requirement of energy saving but also for creating the atmosphere by light that cannot be achived by the artificial light in the changing of requirement to the function of library fromlending type to staying type. Therefore, more variety can be seen in the top-lighting design in the illuminated area of use, the location and form of skylights.
宇土 徹 高見 敞志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.642, pp.1759-1765, 2009

This paper aims to elucidate the subjects used on the principles of town planning by KURODA KANBE. The subjects are as follows. (1) How to find a way to decide on the position for the castle towers. (2) How to find a way to decide on the planning of the street network and the canal. For these two subjects, we substantiated on setting forth three hypotheses.1) Techniques of a visual axis and 60 Ken modules of the &alph; right-angled triangle may have been used for positioning of the castle towers. 2) Adding to 1), sacred mountains, old shrines and old historic temples which people of those days believed in from ancient times may have been connected with the sun haunting direction of the summer solstice and winter solstice.3) For the design of castles and castle towns, 60 Ken modules of the &alph; right-angled triangle may have been used as basic technique. As a result of consideration, we found that the techniques of KANBE resembles techniques of TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI and aides of him very much. Therefore it is guessed that KANBE had come under the great influence of HIDEYOSHI.
浅野 純一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.653, pp.1687-1696, 2010-07-30 (Released:2010-09-03)

Ryo-taro Kurotani was a better theorist of city planning in the era before World War II and this paper clarifies Kurotani's thought of city planning from his writings and practice as a mayor of Tsuruoka City. Kurotani had admired Shunji Miyao for about 40 years from 1901 and they had coincided with a thought that there was needed Confucianism for administration. Because Kurotani's ideal society was gemeinschaft by Confucianism, his thought about city planning was depended on Confucianism. According to his thought, the purpose of city planning was intensification of public happiness and he relentlessly denounced city planning with individualism and commercialism. Because his values from Confucianism coincided with British welfarism, he understood British city planning exactly and agreed with Raymond Unwin.
海野 賢 三宅 絵美香 田辺 新一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.80, no.716, pp.917-923, 2015 (Released:2015-11-11)
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Different kinds of adaptive opportunities are selected in bedrooms, such as air conditioning and natural ventilation; however, the thermal environment created by these measures is not necessarily good for sleep. In this research, a field survey was carried out to investigate the effect of the total thermal environment and its variation on sleep. First, we investigated the effect of airflow and found that an increase in air turbulence causes an increase in the duration of wakefulness. Next, we adjusted the comfort equation for sleep and calculated the thermal load on the body and its variation. We found that both negative and positive increase in the heat load on the body causes an increase in the probability of awakening. An increase in its variation also resulted in an increase in the probability of awakening. We concluded that when planning a pleasant thermal environment for sleep, it is important to consider the total thermal environment and to take into account the effect of its variation as potential cause of sleep disruption.
浅野 純一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.680, pp.2389-2398, 2012-10-30 (Released:2013-04-25)

This study clarifies methods and characteristics of the first zoning designation by the city planning law(CP law) and the building regulation law(BR law) of 1919 in the cases of 43 small and middle scale cities. Zoning designation was delineated deliberately in order to limit zoning area into necessary minimum. General process of zoning delineation was from commercial, through industrial, to residential zone and zoning designation was obeyed zoning decision standard well. Although the first zoning system had only 3 zone-kinds, within such a limited situation best designation was sought in all examples. In many examples planners interpreted the zoning regulation as land use plan, not as building use regulation. Because zoning system was prescribed not under CP law, but under BR law, zoning designation was not utilized enough.
小林 衛
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.590, pp.201-207, 2005

This paper deals with churches of circular plan in Italy during 17th-18th Centuries, and, in particular, takes up several examples deriving from the Temple of Romulus, which was regarded as a model of church in 17th Century. Furthermore the investigation gives attention to the influence of Giovanni Battista Montano, and makes clear that Filippo Juvarra's work in the early 18th Century belongs to the same type. The purpose is to show the relationship between circular plan and curved facade in clerical architecture by clarifying mechanism of architectural composition. In short, circular plan together with curved facade is not only a model of the building itself, but also a motif in composition of large scale.