カルファン アモール カルファン 小倉 暢之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.656, pp.2507-2515, 2010

This paper exemplifies conservation through external sources in a developing country where internal sources can hardly meet the demands to safeguard their historic heritage. The paper draws attention to conservation activities of external sources in the heritage Stone Town of Zanzibar and unveils their influence on sustaining a built heritage. It was found that, external sources are instrumental to take the heritage to the world stage and play a significant role in revamping it from stagnant conservation. However, practices in the country render the ultimate results of these sources rather detrimental to warrant a sustainable effect.
青柳 憲昌 岩月 典之 藤岡 洋保
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.678, pp.1997-2005, 2012-08-30 (Released:2012-10-15)

A five-year “National Treasure Important Art Structure Emergency Repair Project” was undertaken from 1946 in the wake of World War II but at first made little progress. It was found necessary to establish a new “National Treasure” classification in order to justify the large number of historic buildings to be included under a limited national budget. The undeniable appeal to national sentiment shown in the new definition of “National Treasure” was seemingly related to the contemporary slogan “Build the Cultural Nation.” The Council of Cultural Properties appointed by the Ministry of Education finished designating most of these structures by 1955. The revised concept comprised three overlaid values: Scarcity in terms of age or uniqueness, Representativeness of style and each period's characteristic building types, and Aesthetic Value, whether in design or construction.
プロダン スラズ 栗生 明 積田 洋 鈴木 弘樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.589, pp.63-70, 2005
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the spatial composition of open spaces of Nepal. In Nepal, there still exist open spaces since the medieval period in as it is form. 16 squares are taken into consideration and investigated by indication method. Indicated elements are classified into 5 categories. A cluster analysis, considering a number of indicated elements, noting indication rate and depreciation tendency, is carried out and characterized by matrix analysis. In conclusion, the composition and features of 5 generic types of squares,"Buddhist","Hindu","Commercial","Old Royal Palace" and "Life-Relaxation" are clarified quantitatively.
花輪 由樹 西垣 安比古
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.705, pp.2497-2505, 2014-11-30 (Released:2014-11-30)

This paper attempts to elucidate about a transition on volume changes of “home province” and “region” in course of study and a meaning of remaining “home province” in the showa 40s that was times changed from “home province” to “region”. First, in elementary school and junior high school, it was only in “social studies” that changed from “home province” to “region”. Secondly, for education about sense of dwelling, “home province” in the showa 40s was not sufficient.
藤岡 洋保 朝田 十太
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.64, no.524, pp.311-318, 1999-10-30 (Released:2017-02-03)
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This paper shows the relationship between the notion of "culture" and architecture in Japan between the 1930s and the 1950s, delving into a history of the building-type called bunka-kaikan (literally, cultural complex). The situation surrounding this building-type radically changed after the war; from the tool for cultural propaganda to the one for the enlightenment, from the facilities of "Japanese culture" to "international culture," whose meaning was actually vague. No architects thought such change might be important architecturally, nor reconsidered the notion itself. They simply regarded the building-type as given and tried to find its design possibilities in its multi-function character.
林 侑江 伊香賀 俊治 安藤 真太朗 星 旦二
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.83, no.745, pp.225-233, 2018 (Released:2018-03-30)
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The Japanese population is ageing, and currently has the world's highest proportion of elderly people. As one consequence, the number of residents in nursing homes is increasing. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan has identified preventing a need for care as an important aim. The ministry defines “care prevention” in two parts: preventing a care-requiring condition from arising and, when a care-requiring condition already exists, aiming to improve while preventing deterioration. However, mean care level in nursing homes is still increasing, and existing care-prevention strategies are not enough to prevent future increase. A field survey was conducted to clarify the effect of indoor thermal environment on the care-requiring condition of residents in nursing homes. Twenty private residential-nursing homes, located in the Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Hyogo prefectures of Japan, were included in this study. Room temperature and relative humidity were measured over approximately 4 weeks in private rooms, the dining room and other rooms of each facility at 20-min intervals in winter 2015. Additionally, questionnaire surveys were conducted twice, in winter 2015 and winter 2016. In the questionnaire, care level and date of certification of care needs was investigated for all care certifications in effect after occupancy until the time of the survey. Most facilities had a relatively warm but dry indoor environment. Fifteen facilities were classified into two groups (warm and cold) based on measured room temperature and two groups (moist and dry) based on measured relative humidity. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyse the speed of deterioration (i.e., intensification) of required care level. Residents in the dry facility deteriorated with respect to care level more quickly than residents in the moist facility. In contrast, there was no significant difference according to room temperature. Many factors influence care requirements, including not only the indoor thermal environment but also individual attributes, injury and diseases. To assess these influences, multivariate analysis was carried out. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used for multivariate analysis to assess the effect of indoor thermal environment on the care-requiring condition of residents in nursing homes. Two questions were evaluated: “Did the care level deteriorate?” and “If so, how long did it take for care level to deteriorate?” The analysis result showed the cold group and the dry group having a higher risk of deterioration of care level. Furthermore, residents in facilities that were both warm and moist had the lowest risk. This result suggests that both temperature and humidity are important for care prevention. The study results are expected to contribute to improvement in indoor thermal environments and to care-prevention among residents of nursing homes.
板谷 敏正 小松 幸夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.643, pp.2063-2069, 2009-09-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

The number of enterprises that offer the Property management business as the real estate investment maket for recent years grows up increases. A corporate number that was 100 companies in 2002 reaches about 450 companies according to the investigation in 2008. This research investigates the amount of the business of the property management business in the real estate for the investment and the actual condition of the work contents. And, the structure of corporate profits of the property management business is clarified and the evaluation approach of the business is examined.
堀 賀貴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.456, pp.247-253, 1994-02-28 (Released:2017-01-27)
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The upper floor of town houses had a number of important functions, such as bedrooms, storerooms and dining rooms. This variety of functions is a characteristic shared by houses in both societies. An interesting distinction appears when method of construction is considered. Town houses in Greece were strongly affected by city planning that regulated that all rooms had to face south. On the other hand, town houses in lower and middle class housing in Pompeii show much less evidence of planning and an upper floor was often added at a later date.
中田 幸造 山川 哲雄 金田 一男 黒木 正幸 ヌリ モハンマド ザヒッド ジャバディ パシャ
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.85, no.778, pp.1633-1642, 2020

<p> An economic and convenient seismic retrofitting technique based on the thick hybrid wall (THW) technique reported by Yamakawa<sup>1)</sup> is proposed. In the proposed technique, a cast-in-site partial hybrid wing-wall is built using additional concrete sandwiched by steel plates and high-strength steel bars (PC bars) prestressing. The aim of this technique is to enhance the lateral strength, stiffness, and ductility of soft-first story reinforced concrete (RC) buildings that are vulnerable to large seismic excitations. In the THW technique, the retrofitted section consisting of an additional wing-wall with short depth and the existing RC column are unified together as one unit using channel-shaped steel plates and tightened with PC bars. Since the additional wing-wall is not reinforced by longitudinal or transverse bars, the technique is convenient and cost effective. The important structural aspect of the THW technique is increasing the flexural strength as well as ductility by ensuring that all the longitudinal bars in the existing RC column yield in tension due to the increment of the internal moment lever arm, which results from the increase in the neutral axis depth into the additional wing-wall. To verify the efficiency of the proposed THW technique from the perspective of flexural strength, the equations to evaluate ultimate moment resistance in the retrofitted THW column section was proposed<sup>3)</sup> based on the ACI stress block parameters, which consider the condition that all longitudinal bars yielded under tension in the existing RC column, and the additional wing-wall was in the compression side. Furthermore, the equation to calculate the minimum additional wing-wall length ratio was also proposed to estimate the affordability of the THW technique in Ref. 3).</p><p> This study aimed to experimentally investigate the shear resistance and shear strength of the arch mechanism of the RC column retrofitted by the THW technique. From the test results of the retrofitted RC column showing a flexural failure mode, the proposed equations of the ultimate moment resistance<sup>3)</sup> of the THW technique were verified.</p><p> Experimental investigations were conducted on six specimens. In this study, two types of specimens were considered. One was a retrofitted RC column with no bonding force between the concrete and embedded longitudinal bars, thereby generating the arch mechanism. The other was a retrofitted RC column with bonded longitudinal bars to evaluate the flexural strength. In brief, the conclusions are as follows: (1) Bonded specimens for which the THW technique is applied showed flexural behavior with high ductility involving the tension yielding of all longitudinal bars in the existing RC column, and the calculated results of proposed equations are in good agreement with the test results. (2) The application of the THW technique not only creates a connection between the RC column and additional wing-wall, but also increases the shear resistance greatly. (3) In the unbonded specimens, the compression zone of the RC column for the arch mechanism was greater than 0.5D, and the zone was distributed from 0.8D to 1.0D. (4) Based on the test results and observations, an equation was proposed to evaluate the shear strength in the case of the THW technique following the proposed concept of the shear resistance (arch) mechanism with a nonuniform section of compression strut. The calculated results of the proposed equation are in good agreement with the test results showing shear failure mode.</p>
橘高 康介 宮崎 ひろ志
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.79, no.704, pp.891-899, 2014-10-30 (Released:2014-10-30)
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The goal of this research is to obtain knowledge about an impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on the wide area air temperature sensitivity of electric power consumption. To find a relevant air temperature, we propose a weighted mean air temperature, which obtained with daytime and nighttime population. As the result, we recognized as follows: Energy saving movement in society was clearly recognized after the earthquake (energy consumption reduced to 60% in the sensitivity). From the result in summer 2012, impact of human factor on air temperature sensitivities was recognized continuously.
吉村 歩 山崎 古都子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.587, pp.65-71, 2005-01-30 (Released:2017-02-11)
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The purpose of this study is to. examine the distribution of the Tsumairi and the Hirairi through the analysis of thatched house in Shiga prefecture. The result are as follows: (1) Tsumairi is distributed especially in northern area. (2) The north-south axis of roof and the south door are related to Tsumairi style. (3) Tsumairi is highly related to the weather conditions, especially snow which is much influenced from Lake Biwa. (4) The difference of the roof maintenance management between the northern area and the southern area is found. (5) The correlation with the custom in the heavy snow area and the distribution of Tsumairi area is identified.