鎌田 紀彦 鈴木 大隆 廣田 誠一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.513, pp.39-45, 1998-11-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The aim of this study is to determine the criteria for the wall structures in cold region where fibrous thermal insulation materials are used, by measuring the hygrothermal condition of the full size specimen wall which modeling the execution defects of thermal insulation and vapor barrier. From the experiment results, the wall with air convection in the cavity has possibility to make condensation at the bottom of the wall. It is clarified that an attic space, wall cavities and a crawl space must be separated to avoid air flow connections among them. Vapor barrier installed continuously, and ventilated air space are also effective to keep from making condensation in the insulated wall cavity.
守山 基樹 門内 輝行
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.652, pp.1507-1516, 2010-06-30 (Released:2010-08-26)
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the Relation Design built in the traditional townscapes in Kyoto from semiotic viewpoints. We make a code of townscapes in Kyoto based on the systemic grammar and construct a database of townscapes using CLOS. The results are as follows;1) Systemic codes of townscapes are constructed based on the field surveys in Torimoto and Fushimi-Minamihama districts2) Townscapes can be described as the network of signs selected from the limited number of signs in the systemic code.3) It is possible to analyze relation designs in the townscapes based on the database.
金子 隆昌 村上 周三 伊藤 一秀 深尾 仁
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.71, no.606, pp.43-50, 2006-08-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
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This paper (Part 1) gives an outline of the series of this productivity research and presents on the results of field intervention experiment. Here, we focused our attention on the effects of air change rate and studied thermal / air environmental effects on academic performance. The field intervention experiment was conducted in actual classroom with actual students, during normal lessons. It also involves quiz that are a part of a teaching curriculum. When air change rate is increased from 2.6 to 18.6m^3/h per person, academic performance evaluated by quiz score is improved significantly by 5.8% on average (p<0.0007). Similar trends were observed for self-estimated performance. Correlation analyses show that lower air change rates link to reduced academic performance. This experiment indicates that improving indoor environment conditions in classroom can substantially improve academic performance.
望月 菜穂子 宇治川 正人 平手 小太郎 安岡 正人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.479, pp.17-25, 1996-01-30 (Released:2017-01-28)
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An experimental study to evaluate task-ambient lighting systems was carried out in a laboratory which varied in 4 types of lighting. After experiences for a total of 40 days ; ten days at a time, in a room for each type of lighting, fourteen subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire relating to the visual satisfaction and six activities observed in the room. The evaluation of the task-ambient lighting depended on the work being performed. With increasing ambient illuminance, subjects were satisfied for reading and writing, or meetings. At an ambient illuminance of 200 lux, over 60% of the subjects were satisfied for accomplishing creative work. The low illuminance ambient lighting thus enabled them to concentrate on their creative work.
土屋 駿介 田守 伸一郎
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.79, no.697, pp.375-384, 2014-03-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

This paper proposes a optimal design method of base-isolation device and frame member in a reinforced concrete building. The proposed algorithm called DCMOGA( Distributed Cooperation model of MOGA(Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm) and SGA (Standard Genetic Algorithm) ) and conventional multi objective optimization are applied to design two buildings. Finally, a comparison was made among design solutions. Comparing to the conventional multi objective optimization methods , the proposed model found the widespread Pareto solutions. Consequently, the effectiveness of the proposed model was demonstrated.
城所 哲夫 蕭 ?偉 福田 崚
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.767, pp.79-88, 2020-01

<p> This study aims at the hypothesis verification on the polarization to mega-city regions and urban divide. In the first part, we examined the polarization to mega-city regions in Japan focusing on the aspect of concentration of wealth based on various economic statistics as well as the record of public investment. In the second part, we pick up Osaka city as the case analysis for the urban divide inside the mega-city region based on the cluster analysis and analyzed the current conditions of urban divide in Osaka city. In the third part, we shed light on the type of living with diversity in Airin area, Nishinari ward, Osaka city. Through the analysis based on the interview survey to the local real estate company, we discuss the mechanism of housing provision for the realization of diversity.</p><p> The acceleration of the concentration of wealth to Tokyo is clearly observed in Japan since 2000s. In particular, the polarization of wealth as well as the highest income class to the central part of Tokyo is ever accelerating these days under the neoliberal urban policies. In the urban scale analysis in Osaka city, gentrification trends in the central city areas are obvious these days. On the other hands, the concentration of poverty is observed in inner areas to the south. As a result, the urban divide in both social and spatial terms are clearly observed in Osaka city. In particular, the Airin area of Nishinari district, Osaka city worked as the area where daily-based construction workers are concentrated and it has become the area where poverty is concentrated since many of workers in this area have been aged and lost jobs.</p><p> According to the interview surveys to real estate agents who work in Nishinari district, conversion of the workers' hostel to the apartments for the jobless people who received public assistance was widely observed. In addition, they are further converted to the gest-houses for international tourists recently. Investment by Chinese people is also a new trend in this area. This phenomenon shows the ambivalent characteristics of inner areas that they often become a socially excluded areas but, at the same time, they function as the place to accept a wide range of immigrants and thus they become a source of diversity as the gateway to the city. It is recommended that the improvement of the inner areas should fully consider this ambivalent characteristic of the inner areas.</p>
石川 大地 福田 知弘 矢吹 信喜
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.85, no.778, pp.1017-1026, 2020 (Released:2020-12-30)

In the architectural field, making a consensus is indispensable to stakeholders. Remote meetings are useful with consensus buildings because they don't require travel costs, unlike face-to-face meetings by gathering from a distance. However, conventional remote meetings like video conferences using displays lack a sense of presence. Moreover, it is difficult to intuitively share three-dimensional (3D) information such as the spatial position and shape of design objects required in the architectural field. For sharing 3D information, 3D physical building models or 3D virtual models are created. In remote meetings, users can see 3D virtual models made by 3D modeling software such as 3D computer-aided design (CAD) or Building Information Modeling (BIM) in stereoscopic images. However, their 3D virtual models have to be made in advance, this is why they cannot represent shapes changing in real-time like 3D physical objects. Point clouds are clusters of points that generally have their position as an XYZ coordinate with RGB values. They can represent 3D surfaces in the real world. By using an RGB-D camera that can capture RGB images and depth data and capture point cloud data in real-time, the 3D virtual model based on the surface of the 3D physical object can be made without needing to create a 3D model in advance. Interactivity enables users to provide understandings of the targeted 3D object characteristics. High-speed point cloud segmentation is necessary to classify unordered point cloud data captured by an RGB-D camera in real-time. In this research, we use the Euclidean Cluster Extraction method for interactive remote sharing of 3D physical objects and provide users with the ability to manipulate 3D point cloud objects with Mixed Reality (MR). We constructed a prototype system using an RGB-D camera to capture point cloud data and MR-Head Mounted Display (HMD). By using the Euclidean Cluster Extraction method with Random sample consensus (RANSAC), point cloud data is classified into individual clusters and then it enables an MR-HMD user in a remote area to see and manipulate 3D point cloud objects manipulating them by a hand gesture, called the “pinch gesture”. Through experiments, we evaluated the accuracy of the high-speed segmentation results and the user’s operability for point cloud objects including visibility. When two objects are on the desk, the relation between the two objects and the RGB-D camera including its angle is tracked. Also, the number of point clouds transferred into the MR-HMD can affect the user’s operability. In future works, the proposed system should be modified using a higher accuracy segmentation method which doesn’t depend on the distance, for capturing point cloud data using multiple RGB-D cameras and align them to make the wider surface of point cloud objects, and for use on Wide Area Network (WAN) as well as the internet environment.