中西 一郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.74, no.3-4, pp.301-310, 2000-03-30

It is mentioned in several earthquake catalogues of historical earthquakes that two earthquakes occurred in May, 1685 and on October 3, 1686 in the Toyohashi region, central Japan. We have recently found historical documents recording the latter earthquake in the Toyohashi region where previous studies located the epicenter of the 1686 earthquake without documents. Our analysis of the documents suggests that the 1685 earthquake did not occur. The damage recorded in the historical documents on the 1686 earthquake was large in villages on the Pacific side of the Toyohashi region. According to this evidence we consider that the epicenter of the 1686 earthquake may be located near the Pacific coast to the south of the town of Toyohashi. This large earthquake, the magnitude of which is estimated to be about 7, occurred 21 years before the great Hoei earthquake of October 28, 1707 (M=8.4). In the eastern part of Aichi prefecture, including the Toyohashi region and the offshore region of the Atsumi peninsula, moderate earthquakes have recently occurred. It is possible that the 1686 earthquake was a seismic precursor to the great 1707 earthquake. The eastern part of Aichi prefecture and the offshore region of the Atsumi peninsula in Aichi prefecture may be regions where we should carefully observe seismic activity, and other geophysical and geochemical phenomena.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.55, no.2, pp.505-535, 1980-11-15

There are many old monuments of the Nankaido tsunamis of Hoei (Oct. 28, 1707) and the 2nd Ansei (Dec. 24, 1854) along the Osaka and Wakayama coasts, Western Japan. Most of these monuments were built just after the earthquakes to pray for the repose of the tsunami victims or to sound a warning to inhabitants. In this paper, the tsunami monuments are illustrated. Based on descriptions on the monuments, adding new data collected from the present field investigation, inundation heights of the 1707 Hoei and 1854 Ansei tsunamis along the Wakayama coast are surveyed by hand-level. Behaviors (inundation height and area) of the two historical tsunamis are compared with those of the 1946 Nankaido tsunami (Dec. 21, 1946). Inundation heights of the 1854 Ansei tsunami along the Wakayama coast, the west side of the Kii Peninsula, are 4.8 meters on the average and are 1.2 times as large as those of the 1946 Nankaido tsunami. The estimated heights of the 1707 Hoei tsunami are 5 meters with the localized run-up maximum of 6 to 7 meters. Along the Wakayama coast, the patterns of height distribution of the two historical tsunamis are similar to that of the 1946 Nankaido tsunami. However, the inundation heights of the 1707 Hoei and 1854 Ansei tsunamis along the coast in Osaka Bay are three times as large as those of the 1946 tsunami. Osaka suffered severe damage and many persons were drowned by the two tsunamis of 1707 and 1854. Estimated heights were about 3 meters. It suggests that the wave periods of the two historical tsunamis were longer than those of the 1946 tsunami. Although the source dimensions of the two historical tsunamis are similar to the 1946 tsunami (The source areas of three tsunamis extend 250 km along the Nankai trough), the rise times of crustal deformation for the two historical earthquakes differ significantly from the 1946 earthquake.
松田 時彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.65, no.1, pp.289-319, 1990-06-30

日本列島陸域の既知の活断層を,それぞれ独立して地震を起こす「起震断層」に再編成した.その際,次の場合を,それぞれ一つの起震断層とした: 1) 5km以内に他の活断層のない孤立した長さ10km以上の活断層, 2)走向方向に5km以内の分布間隙をもって,ほぼ一線にならぶほぼ同じ走向の複数の断層, 3) 5km以内の相互間隔をもって並走する幅5km以内の断層群, 4)その断層線の中点の位置が主断層から5km以上はなれている走向を異にする付随断層あるいは分岐断層.こうして得られた日本列島陸域(南西諸島を除く)のすべての起案断層をTable 3とFig. 3に示した.そして,その起震断層の長さLを用いて,その断層から発生し得る最大の地震のマグニチュードMLを,断層ごとにLog L(km)=0.6M-2.9の関係を用いて,算出した.一方,日本列島の陸域と周辺海域を,島孤系における位置,活断層や歴史地震の規模などに基づいて, 16の地帯に区分した(Fig. 4).陸域の各地帯において,その地帯内での最大のMLとその地帯内で生じた歴史地震の最大のマグニチュードMhとを比較し,そのいずれをも包含するマグニチュード(1/4刻み)をもって,その地帯で期待される最大地震のマグニチュードMmaxとみなした.ただし,地域内に例外的に大きなMLをもつ断層がある場合には,それを特定断層とよび,それが地震エネルギーを一括放出するか分割放出するかを,別途考慮することとして,各地帯のMmaxを考慮する際にはそれらのMLを無視した.海域については,活断層資料の精度が陸域と異なること,歴史時代に大地震を比較的頻繁に起こしていること,などから歴史時代の最大地震のマグニチュードをもって,その海域のMmaxとみなした.日本列島各地帯の最大期待地震規模Mmaxは次のようである(Fig. 5, Table 2). Mmax=8 1/2:東日本太平洋側沖合帯,西日本太平洋側沖合帯 Mmax=8:中部・近畿帯(西南日本内帯東部) Mmax=7 3/4:日本海東縁帯(東北日本内帯西部) Mmax=7 1/2:東北日本内帯主部,南部フォッサマグナ衝突帯,伊豆地塊,北陸帯,中国・北九州帯(西南日本内帯西部) Mmax=7 1/4:北海道中部衝突帯,九州中南部帯 Mmax=7:知床・阿寒帯,東北日本外帯,西南日本外帯 Mmax=6 1/2:千島弧外帯,北見帯 MLの最大値とMhの最大値は地帯によって大きく異なっていたが,同じ地帯では両者はほぼ同じ値を示している(Fig. 6).このことから,既存の活断層資料も歴史地震資料も,したがって上記のMmaxも,このように地帯区分した場合にはほぼその地帯の地学的特性を反映していると考えられる.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.62, no.2, pp.133-147, 1987-10-23

都司 嘉宣
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.291-298, 2009

At 2 PM, on 7th December 1828, a major earthquake occurred at Kanagawa post town, in Yokohama city. In the present study, using historical documents describing this event, we obtain a detailed map of the distribution of seismic intensity. It is clarified that the area of seismic intensity 6 to 7 (JMA scale) covers the main areas of Yokohama city. The area of intensity 5 covers whole part of Tokyo city zone, the eastern part of Kanagawa prefecture. The magnitude of this event was estimated at 6.4 using the area of intensity 5.
相田 勇
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.59, no.4, pp.519-531, 1985-03-30

羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.3, pp.429-438, 1986-02-07

宇津 徳治
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.4, pp.p551-561, 1987-03

日本のマントル最上部地震(深さ40~80km程度,ただし異常震域が現れる東日本の太平洋岸沖合の地震や北海道太平洋沿岸の地震を除く)に対する震度I(気象庁震度階級),震央距離Δ(km),マグニチュードM(気象庁方式)の標準的関係を表す実験式を132個の地震(M : 5~7)の震度データを用いて求めた.I-Δの平均回帰直線I=I100-b(Δ-100)の定数を,次の式でMと結んだものを提出する.I100=1.5M-6.1 b=0.0523-0.0063Mこれらの式によりあるM,Δに対する震度を求めたとき,得られた値の小数点以下を四捨五入したものが整数値で表される通常の震度になる.
相田 勇
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.59, no.4, pp.519-531, 1985-03-30

都司 嘉宣
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.291-298, 2009

At 2 PM, on 7th December 1828, a major earthquake occurred at Kanagawa post town, in Yokohama city. In the present study, using historical documents describing this event, we obtain a detailed map of the distribution of seismic intensity. It is clarified that the area of seismic intensity 6 to 7 (JMA scale) covers the main areas of Yokohama city. The area of intensity 5 covers whole part of Tokyo city zone, the eastern part of Kanagawa prefecture. The magnitude of this event was estimated at 6.4 using the area of intensity 5.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.1, pp.p143-157, 1986-08

羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.62, no.3, pp.297-309, 1988-01-29

Minakami Takeshi Utibori Sadao Yamaguchi Masaru Gyoda Noriya Utsunomiya Tokiko Hagiwara Michinori Hirai Kakuko
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.47, no.4, pp.721-743, 1969-09-30

相田 勇 羽鳥 徳太郎 村井 勇 広井 脩
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.1, pp.p207-242, 1983

北海道浦河町および浜中町で,津波予報に対する自治体や住民の対応行動の実態を明らかにするため,防災担当者からの実情聴取,住民へのアンケート調査を実施した.昭和57年3月浦河沖地震で,地震災害を受けた浦河町では,地震に対する処理で津波が念頭になかった人が約16%あり,また停電によって情報を得るのに大へん困った人も9.7%という結果が出た.また過去に大きな津波によって,家屋に被災した体験者が過半を占める浜中町では,津波に対する不安感が強く,津波防災意識が高いことがアンケート結果にあらわれている.避難に要する最少限度の時間は,数分乃至10分という結果で,これは津波が100~200m水深の地点から海岸へ到達する時間に見合っている.警報下の船舶の取扱いについては,船のトン数によってかなりはっきりわかれ,小舟は陸へ上げ,大きい船は港外へ避難するという結果が得られている.津波警報は船舶関係老を含めて一般に十分信用して受入れられ,たとえ小津波でも発令することが支持されている.しかし一面では従来の体験をふまえて,各自の判断を加えて行動する自助の意識も強くあらわれている結果となった.In order to investigate the social responses to the tsunami warnings, we conducted letter questionnaires in the towns of Urakawa and Hamanaka in Hokkaido and interviewed officials of the local administrative organs. The results of the questionnaires are as given below. In Urakawa, which was damaged by the 1982 Urakawa-Oki earthquake, about 16 percent of the respondents were so busy settling their damaged houses and furniture that they could not be concerned about the danger of the tsunami. A total of 9.7 percent of the people did not get the news owing to an electrical failure. These results suggest that should a great tsunami immediately follow an earthquake, it might hit the community inhabitants before they can take refuge on the hilltops. In Hamanaka, the majority of the people replied that their houses had suffered some damage from the great tsunamis in the past, while in Urakawa only one percent of the respondents mentioned this. So the people of Hamanaka felt more uneasy about being hit by the tsunami and were more eager about tsunami disaster prevention. But as for the tsunami warnings, the residents of both towns trust them and hope that the Meteorological Agency announces tsunami predictions even though their scale is estimated to be small. They also desire proper measures to make warnings more useful to the local residents. The respondents replied that it takes them five to ten minutes to arrive at the refuge. This is about the same amount of time it takes a tsunami to reach the shore from a point 100 to 200 meters deep after the earthquake occurs. Therefore, it is suggested that if a tsunami off the shore is observed with the tele-meter, we can know in advance when it will hit the shore and quickly work out some countermeasure for it. There are two ways to deal with ships when the tsunami warnings are issued; ships less than 3 tons will be beached, and larger ships will leave the harbor. Our surveys make the fact clear that the inhabitants in general behave properly based on tsunami warnings and their past tsunami experiences.
在田 一則 雁澤 好博 板谷 徹丸
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.76, no.1, pp.93-104, 2001-07-25

The Hidaka Collision Zone in the southern part of Central Hokkaido including the Hidaka Mountains has undergone two types of collision since the Early Tertiary. The Hidaka Mountains consist of the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt in the eastern main part and the Poroshiri Ophiolite Belt in the western marginal part. The former is composed of a steeply eastward-tilted crustal succession of the paleo-Hidaka magmatic arc, and is separated from the latter by the Hidaka Main Thrust. Recent vibroseismic reflection profiling across the collision zone imaged delamination-wedge tectonics of the lower crust beneath the Hidaka Mountains. We performed radiometric dating on biotite and hornblende using the K-Ar method, and on zircon using the Fission-Track method to clarify the process and the mechanism of uplift of the Hidaka Mountains. The minerals dated were obtained from metamorphic and tonalitic rocks of the southern Hidaka Metamorphic Belt, and also from metamorphic and tonalitic cobbles constituting the middle to late Miocene molasse occurring in the western foreland and eastern hinterland basins of the southern Hidaka Mountains. The cobbles in these formations were derived from the proto-Hidaka Mountains. The conclusions are as follows: 1. K-Ar ages of biotites from cobbles in the molasse, the sedimentary ages of which are 12-7 Ma, differ according to origin in the hinterland or foreland basins. The ages from the hinterland basin vary successively from lower (45.9 Ma) to upper (33.1 Ma) stratigraphic levels. The ages from the foreland basin, however, vary between 19.3 Ma and 16.4 Ma, regardless of their stratigraphic positions. These differences indicate that denudation (uplift) was slow and steady in the hinterland basin, but rapid and complex in the foreland basin during the middle to late Miocene. 2. Such a difference in the biotite K-Ar ages between the two sides is caused by the rotational uplift of the mountain due to thrusting along the Hidaka Main Thrust in the west and normal faulting in the east. The rotational uplift resulted in the rather fast denudation rates (0.9-1.4 mm/yr) in the foreland basin during the middle to late Miocene. 3. Denudation of the mountains estimated from K-Ar ages for biotites and hornblendes, and FT ages for zircons from the Hidaka granitic and metamorphic rocks remained fast (5-6 mm/yr) during the late Early Miocene, after which it slowed to 0.4-0.6 mm/yr on average. 4. The fast denudation (uplift) rates (up to 6 mm/yr) of the Hidaka Mountains during Early Miocene age was due to thrusting in the late stage of dextral transpression between Eurasia and Pacific plates. The rotational uplift of the mountains occurred in the Middle Miocene, and resulted in different styles of uplift between the sides of the mountains. From the late Miocene onward, the westward movement caused by the westward migration of the Kuril forearc shifted to the west, forming a foreland fold-and-thrust belt in the west.
相田 勇
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.45, no.1, pp.61-78, 1967-06

The spectra of tsunamis observed on a continental shelf are closely related to the spectra of water level fluctuations in ordinary days with the period of 10 to 100 minutes, the so-called back-ground spectra. Therefore, the nature of back-ground oscillations on the shelf in the vicinity of Enoshima Island, Miyagi Prefecture, where a tsunami observatory is located, has been investigated. Theoretical trapped and leaky modes of oscillations were computed for the shelf near Miyagi-Enoshima and also the records of the back-ground oscillations sampled from the data through the year in 1965 were examined by means of the Fourier analysis. The Fourier spectrum averaged through a year coincided fairly well with the theoretical spectrum of the leaky mode for the constant spectral input offshore, particularly in the period band shorter than about 40 minutes. In the periods longer than about 50 minutes, the spectral intensity of the back-ground is much larger than the theoretical spectrum. There is a possibility that the incoming waves which excite back-ground oscillations may be more intensive in the longer period band. Another possibility is the contribution of the trapped waves for this period band. Very often the phase delay time obtained from the phase angle of the Fourier spectrum coincides fairly well with the one derived from the calculated dispersion curve on the assumption that waves start from a localized source with the same phase for all frequency. This suggests the existence of edge waves. However, the coherency analysis of water level variations observed simultaneously at Enoshima and Ofunato, contains an obscurity on the existence of waves propagating along the shelf.陸棚上で観測された津波のスペクトルは,特別な擾乱源のない平常時の海面振動,所謂back groundのスペクトルと密接な関係がある.それ放ここでは,このback ground の海面振動について,計算と実記録の解析の両面より考察を行った.
井出 哲
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.77, no.4, pp.337-342, 2003-03-31

Magnitude of Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo, ME, is determined using an empirical equation of Watanabe (1971). Based on the omega-square source model, constant stress drop scaling, constant Q, and instrumental response, we calculated a typical waveform for each event with a given seismic moment and MW to estimate its ME. This leads to theoretical relationships, which show 1)saturation for MW>6, 2)overestimation of ME for 3<MW<5, and 3) underestimation of ME for MW<2. Under MW 2, ME scales with 1.5MW, which may affect the estimation of b-value of the Gutenberg and Richter equation. Catalogue values of ME and MW for small and medium events show the predicted trend.