Kanai Kiyoshi Yoshizawa Shizuyo
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.36, no.3, pp.275-293, 1958-10-31

KANAI Kiyoshi
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.43, no.1, pp.195-203, 1965-07-15

雑賀 敦 平松 良浩 大井田 徹 山岡 耕春
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.76, no.1, pp.75-86, 2001-07-25

Spatial and temporal variations in seismic anisotropy in the crust are investigated using earthquakes in the crust and at the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea plate in the Tokai region, central Japan. We use waveform data from December 1986 to August 1999 recorded by the micro-earthquake observation network of the Research Center for Seismology and Volcanology, Nagoya University. The method of Silver and Chan (1991) is applied to evaluate splitting parameters, a leading shear-wave polarized direction and a delay between two polarized waves. A total of 362 high-quality waveform data within the incident angle of 35° are analyzed in this study. The leading shear-wave polarized directions are approximately E-W, in spite of differences of focal depths. This direction is consistent with the direction of regional horizontal maximum compressive stress in the Tokai region reported before. The time delay increases in proportion to the focal depth. These results indicate that the regional compressive stress controls anisotropy not only in the upper crust but also in the lower crust. Assuming the uniform distribution of anisotropy, the degree of anisotropy is estimated to be 0.5% in the lower crust. An increase in time delays between two-polarized waves is found before and after the Aichi-ken Tobu earthquake (M = 5.7) in 1997 at the station STN. This variation is statistically significant with the confidence level of 99.999% and is not an apparent change due to a variation in hypocenter distribution. No temporal variation of splitting parameters is found at the station INU. These results can be explained by a change of the volumetric and areal strain in the most-upper part of the crust due to the postseismic slip of the Aichi-ken Tobu earthquake.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.1, pp.143-157, 1986-08-04

Hatori Tokutaro
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.3, pp.399-412, 1970-08-31

A tsunami was generated off Shikotan Island, in eastern Hokkaido, at 21 h 28m (GMT) on August 11, 1969. According to JMA, the epicenter of the main shock was at 42°42'N, 147°37'E, with a depth of 30km and the earthquake magnitude 7.8. Tsunami height observed at the coast of eastern Hakkaido was the largest among tsunamis generated recently in the vicinity of the South Kuril Islands. At Hanasaki, the maximum height of 1.5 m was recorded. Waveheights in northeastern and southwestern Japan are in the ranges of 40~60 cm and 20~30 cm, respectively. The initial motion of the tsunami was in an upward direction at most stations, but at Hanasaki, the initial disturbance began with a conspicuous downward motion, suggesting the subsidence of the sea bottom in a part of the tsunami source. The source area estimated by means of an inverse refraction diagram lies on the continental slope, extending about 170km parallel to the Kuril Arc. Judging from the attenuation of the initial wave height with distance, the total wave energy seems to be equal to that of the 1958 Iturup tsunami. The predominant period of tsunami incident to the shelf is inferred to be about 30min by comparing the spectrum of tsunami with that of the records at the ordinary time near Miyagi-Enoshima.|1969年8月12日6時28分(JST),北海道色丹島沖の地震に伴ない津波が発生した.気象庁の地震月報によると,震央は42°42'N,147°37'E,深さ30km,地震のマグニチュードはM=7.8である.この津波は,本震が起った約30分以後から各地の検潮所で観測された.津波の第1波は,本州とオホーツク海に面した北海道沿岸では押し波で始まつた.しかし,波源に近い花咲では明瞭な引き波が記録され,波源域の1部分が沈降したことを暗示している.各地の津波の到達時間をもとにして作図した逆伝播図によると,津波の波源域は色丹島沖合の水深2000~4000mの陸棚斜面上にあつて,等深線に沿つて伸び,その大きさは約170kmと推定される.この程度の規模を持つ浅い地震に対して,この推定値は統計的に標準の大きさである.なお,推定源域は余震域とほぼ合致した位置にある.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.54, no.3, pp.543-557, 1980-03-31

Adding tsunami data reported by the U.S.S.R. sources, tsunami magnitude and the source area of the tsunamis generated in the Hokkaido and Kurile regions during the period from 1893 to 1978 are re-examined. The source dimension and magnitude of the tsunamis generated in the Hokkaido region correspords well with the earthquake magnitude. However, the tsunamis in the Kurile region have varied behaviors. The two Kurile tsunamis of Oct. 20, 1963 and June 10, 1975 were especially abnormal in comparison with other tsunamis accompanied by similar earthquake magnitude. In most cases, the initial motion of the tsunamis was observed with upward direction, but the Kurile tsunamis of Aug. 11, 1969 and June 10, 1975 began with a conspicuous downward motion at the Hokkaido and Kurile tide stations. The source areas of the tsunamis that accompanied large earthquakes (M>8) line up along the continental slope near the Kurile trench and the 1973 Nemuro-oki tsunami was generated in the seismic gap between the 1952 Tokachi-oki and the 1969 Shikotan earthquakes. However, the source area of the 1973 tsunami occupies only the eastern half of the 1894 tsunami source. After the 1973 Nemuro-oki tsunami, the tsunami activity moves to the northeastern direction along the Kurile trench. These source areas fall in the southern part of the source areas of the 1958 Iturup and the 1969 Shikotan tsunamis. In the space-time diagram of the earthquakes having a magnitude of M≧7, remarkable gaps can be seen in the west side of the 1973 tsunami source and off Urup Island. It is possible that a future tsunami of magnitude m~2 may be generated, accompanying the release of seismic energy in the two regions.
都司 嘉宣 佐竹 健治 石辺 岳男 楠本 聡 原田 智也 西山 昭仁 金 幸隆 上野 俊洋 室谷 智子 大木 聖子 杉本 めぐみ 泊 次郎 Heidarzadeh Mohammad 綿田 辰吾 今井 健太郎 Choi Byung Ho Yoon Sung Bum Bae Jae Seok Kim Kyeong Ok Kim Hyun Woo
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.3-4, pp.29-279, 2012-03-16

We report the results of field surveys conducted by the Earthquake Research Institute, to measure tsunami heights from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan Earthquake (M 9.0), on March 11. Measurements were taken at 296 points on the Sanriku coasts of Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures, and the Pacific coasts of Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures. The data are included in the results of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group. We did not cover the Sendai plain in the southern Miyagi Prefecture because other parties extensively measure there, nor Fukushima Prefecture because of the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The twelve surveys first sought traces indicating tsunami runup or inundation heights. Reliability was classified into A (most reliable based on clear physical evidence and eyewitness accounts), B (mostly based on natural traces), and C (least reliable based on equivocal evidence). Most physical evidence obtained after June was not significant; therefore, reliance was mostly placed on eyewitness accounts. Locations and relative heights above sea level were measured using handheld GPS receivers, auto-level, or total station. The measured heights were corrected for differences in tide level between measurement time and tsunami arrival time. The results are shown on table and four regional maps; however, the details of each measurement, including locations shown on 1:25,000 maps and photographs of evidence are shown in the Appendix. Along the northern Sanriku coast (Aomori and Iwate), most of the 141 heights range between 10m and 30m. Runup heights exceeding 30m were measured at one location in Noda Village and nine locations in Miyako City. On the southern Sanriku coast in Miyagi, most of the 76 measurements range between 4 and 20 m. On the Ibaraki coast, 36 measurements range from 2.8 to 8.1 m, and the heights generally decease toward the south. On the Chiba coast, 43 measurements range from 0.7 to 7.9 m, with the maximum height near Iioka, Asahi City.
宮村 攝三 秋間 哲夫
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.28, no.3-4, pp.421-433, 1951-03-25

Nach dem letzten starken Lokalbeben vom 27. Dezember 1919 bei der Stadt Imaichi(139°42′E, 36°42′N) wurde wie gewohnlich eine Expedition unseres Institutes fur die Nachbebenbeobachtungen nach dem epizentralen Gebiet gesandt, und eine Zweigstation derseben am Dorfe Hunyu(139°47′E, 36°45′N)(s. Fig.2) wurde den Verfassern aufgetragen. Die dabei verwendeten neuen Verbesserungen in Ausrustung und Methode fur Nachbebenbeobachtung im Felde waren wie folgt: 1) Gebrauch von Dreikomponentenseismographen mit gleichen Konstanten, T0=0.08, V≒200, fur jede Komponente. 2) Konstantenbestimmung an der Messtelle durch dynamische Prufung.(s. Fig.1) 3) Verwendung von einem Prazisions-registrierapparat, die eine grosse Trommel(d=195.5mm, l=740mm) fur drei-komponenten Registrierung hat und durch einen von Bifilarpendel regulierten Gleichstrommotor betrieben wird. 4) Vergrosserung von Papiergeschwindigkeit der Registrierung.(d. h. ca. 2.5mm/sec) 5) Sekundenzeitmarkierung durch einen mit Radiosignal verglichenen Chronometer. u.s.w. Folglich wurden die exakten Einsatzzeiten von P bis auf 1/10 Sekunde beinah zum ersten Mal in Feldbeobachtung der Nachbeben bestimmt. In Tabelle I ist ein Teil der Daten von 27 Beben zusammengestellt, deren Herdlagen durch P-S.Zeiten an 3 oder 4 Stationen bestimmt werden konnten. Einige Reproduktionen der Seismogrammen sind in Fig.3~8 gezeigt. Zwar man die naheren seismometrischen Studien nicht aus der Beobachtung von dieser einzigen Station(da andere Zweigstationen keine Zeitmarkierung und genugend schnelle Papiergeschwindigkeit batten) durchfuhren kann, konnen wir doch fur jetzt nur sagen, dass 1) P, S, und andere Einsatze aus einer einzigen Komponente nicht sicher bestimmt werden konnen, 2) bei gewissen Beben viele Phasen zwischen P und S bald in eine bald in andere Komponente klar festgestellt werden konnen, wahrend bei anderen Beben keine solchen Einsatzen klar gefunnden werden, 3) in gewissen Beben kurz vor dem scharfen P in Vertikalkomponente eine leichte Bewegung getroffen wird.(s. Fig.9) Leider finden diese Tatsachen 1)~3) fur jetzt noch keine genugende Erklarung. Ubrigens zeigten hier die Seismogrammen merkwurdige Bodenunruhe bei Tage besonders in O-W-Komponente. Zwar die Ursache dieser Bodenschwingung die umliegende Sagemuhle(1-9 in Fig.13) ist, gibt es keine direkte Relation zwischen der Periode der Bodenschwingungen und der der Motoren. Die Uberwiegung in O-W-Komponente wurde auch von in N-S betriebenen Muhlen klar erzeugt, und daher mussen wir es zu einer Bodenanisotropie zuschreiben.(s. Fig.14) Freier Fall einer 12 Pfund Kugel von 1m Hohe wurde auf den Boden in der Nahe 2~6m von Seismographen versucht.(s. Fig.15) Amplitudenverkleinerung mit der Herddistanz ist in Fig.16 gezeigt und dort kann man keine obengenannte Anisotropie des Bodens finden. Wenn man die Amplitude y mit Herddistanz x in der Gleichung y=Ax-n e-kx darstellen kann, kann man die Konstanten n und k aus diesem Experiment rechnen.(s. Tabelle II) Z. B. bei Vertikalbewegung sind n zwischen 1 und 1/2, und dies zeigt, dass die Wellenausbreitung wenigstens in diesem Fall sozusagen zwischen die der Oberfiachenwellen und die der Raumwellen ist.
Kawasumi Hirosi
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.28, no.3-4, pp.355-367, 1951-03-25

昭和24年12月26日朝8h 16m及8h 25mに栃木縣上都賀郡今市町附近を中心とする小區城破壊的地震が起り,死者8,行方不明2,全潰住家299戸半潰住家618戸の被害を生じた.此の地震の震央附近の震度は極めて強かつたようであるが,振動週期極めて小なりし爲か石藏家屋の外は全潰(現建築費50%以上の損害)とは云へ倒潰と云ふやうなものは少かつた.從つて火事の發生を見なかったのは幸であつた.然し山崩,地辷りは極めて著しく,山地田畑の荒廢著しく,人命の損失の大部分もこれによるものであつた.余震の頻發した事,及び初動の圓錐型分布,及び所謂地震斷層と思はれる如きものの見へなかつた事も本地震の特徴と云ふべく,今市町全體に互る地震後井戸壁の變形から約6mの厚さの地層が東方に約6cm移動した事が判明したが,之は測地學上重要問題を指唆するものである.尚水準測量の結果は今市町近傍數粁の間だけ約30~40cmの隆起があつた由である.震後の火山活動との關係も興味ある問題であらう.
Hatori Tokutaro
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.47, no.6, pp.1063-1072, 1969-12-20

The wave source of the tsunami generated off West Hokkaido (Shakotan Peninsula), in the Japan Sea, on Aug. 2, 1940 is estimated by means of an inverse refraction diagram, making use of a new bathymetric chart. The source area extends 170km in the NNW-SSE direction, which is smaller than that obtained by Miyabe (1941). However, the dimension estimated by the present analysis is still large for the earthquake magnitude of M=7.0. From a comparison of the geographic distribution of the earthquake intensity with those of the other tsunamigenic earthquakes that occurred in the Japan Sea, the magnitude of this earthquake is investigated. Effective tsunami height observed on the surrounding coasts of the Japan Sea can be explained by the direction of the present source. Magnitude of the tsunami of 1940 seems to be equal to that of the Niigata tsunami of 1964 and is represented as m=2. Besides, the wave source of the tsunami generated off Rumoi, West Hokkaido, on Nov. 4, 1947 is discussed, taking the aftershock area into consideration.|1940年8月2日,北海道積丹沖に起きた津波は日本海全域に伝播し,北海道西岸をはじめソ連の沿海州と北朝詳,隠岐にも家屋,船舶などに被害を与えた,地震の規模Mは,気象庁の地震カタログ(1958)によるとM=7.0, USCGSによるとMG=7.7と示されており,両者の決定値には著しい違いがある.一方,余震は札幌において多数観測され,P-S頻度分布は10 secから33 secの範囲にあつて,余震域の長さは約190kmと推定されている(宇津,1961)
溝上 恵
vol.12, pp.41-56, 1974-03

It should be emphasized that when using an array to determine directly dT/dΔ for the study of the structure of the Earth's deep interior, the necessity for the correction for the near surface structures is inevitable, particularly in such a region as the Kii Peninsula where existence of a dipping Moho-discontinuity is expected. A teleseismic slowness vector analysis method given by Zengeni(1970) is applied for the study of the diwing Moho-discontinuity in the Kii Peninsula.
溝上 恵
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.55, no.2, pp.483-504, 1980-11-15

It has been pointed out from geological and geomorphological evidences that the time rate of undulatory crustal movement shows a remarkable dependence on its wavelength. Specific studies on the problem were made by MATSUDA (1960, 1961, 1964), KAIZUKA (1967, 1968) and OTA (1968, 1969). KAIZUKA compared the rate of folding in the Quaternary with the mode of undulatory crustal movements in the present. He indicated such regularities of folding as the smaller the wavelength, the greater the rate of folding and the rate of present folding is in the same order with that of the Quaternary folding.
飯高 隆 中村 功 溝上 恵
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.64, no.1, pp.37-50, 1989-06-30

松田 時彦 恒石 幸正
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1267-1279, 1971-02-27

A locally destructive earthquake with magnitude 6.6 occurred in Okumino area, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan on September 9, 1969 (Fig. 1). The damage area is underlain mainly by Paleozoic formations and Cretaceous rhyolitic pyroclastic deposits, which are partly covered with dissected Quaternary volcanoes (Figs. 2 and 3). A number of Quaternary faults which are dominantly of strike-slip nature, occur in Central Japan which includes the epicentral area (Fig. 6). The epicentral area is located about 10km west of a main fault of the Atera fault system, which is an active left-lateral strikeslip fault of Central Japan. Although a few active faults are in the meisoseismal area, no definite evidence of surface faulting was found along any active fault, except some echelon cracks suggesting a left-slip on a fault line at one locality. The push pull distribution of P waves (Fig. 1), the distribution of aftershocks and the shape of the meisoseismal area (Fig. 5) suggest the concealed seismic fault to be a northwest-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault, which strikes parallel to the Atera fault and has the same sense of displacement. The direction of maximum pressure of the present earthquake corresponds well with the Quaternary stress direction, which has been inferred from the study of active fault systems in Central Japan.
伯野 元彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1287-1294, 1971-02-27

The following features are pointed out concerning the damage of structures by the recent Sept. 9, 1969 earthquake in the Gifu Prefecture in Japan. i)It is supposed that the acceleration of the ground motion is more than 350 gals, due to the behavior of gravestones, however, the damage of structures is not so severe. The reason might be the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake is in the mountainous region, so the frequency content of the ground motion concentrations in a higher frequency domain. ii)The damage of the following structures are severe, A)Road, highway going through the slope of mountains, B)Masonry retaining wall, C)Failure of the forest area, iii) Almost no damage was found in Wooden Houses.
茂木 清夫
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.3, pp.401-428, 1986-02-07

過去数10年にわたる大きい地震及び近年の徴小池震の線状配列から,男鹿半島と牡鹿半島を通って東北地方を横切る北西-南東の活構造線の存在が推定される.海底地形や地殻変動のデータもこの存在を示唆する.1983年の日本海中部地震は,この構造線が日本海東縁の構造境界に会合するという特異な場所で起ったもので,その余震の分布の特徴もこのことを示している.日本海溝,男鹿半島-牡鹿半島構造線,日本海東縁の構造境界及び北海道と本州の間の境界によって囲まれた地域が一つのブロックを形成し,これが東西圧縮応力場にある.日本海中部地震はこの東西圧縮応力が特に集中しやすい所に起った地震であり,ここでは日本海側としては例外的に大きい地震がくり返し起ってきた.1978年宮城県沖地震の震源域では大地震が頻繁に繰返し発生しているが,ここも男鹿半島-牡鹿半島構造線が日本海溝沿いのSubduction Zoneに達したという構造的に特異な所である.
阿部 勝征
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.65, no.4, pp.851-873, 1991-03-29

フィリピンのルソン島中部で1990年7月16日に発生した大地震(Mw7.6)について現地調査や波形解析を実施し,地震の発生機構を調べた.この地震はルソン島の地表に最大水平変位6mの地震断層を出現させた.それは島弧中央断層であるフィリピン断層系の一部である.地震断層の現地調査ではBongabonからRizar, Digdigを経てCapintalanまで実地踏査し,これらの地域を含めてDingalan湾よりImugan北方までを100km以上にわたってヘリコプターで上空より調査した.現地調査,地震波解析,余震データから得られたフィリピン地震の全体像は長大な左横ずれ断層運動である.断層面の走向は154°NE,傾斜角は76°Wであり,断層の長さは120km,幅は20km,断層面上での平均変位量は5.0mである.地震による横ずれ断層としては世界有数の規模である. TSKにおけるP波初動部分の変位記録は,震源での継続時間が約50秒あり,約10秒間の小さな立ち上がりに続いて2個の大きなサブイペントが約20秒の間隔で発生したことを示唆する.ラ・ウニオン州のルナで約2mの高さの津波が発生したが,局地的なもので,液状化に伴って生じたとみられる. 17日に発生した最大余震(Mw6.4)は逆断層運動によるもので,主断層運動の東側のブロックが断層の北端付近を圧縮したために起きたと考えられる.
岡田 惇
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.39, no.3, pp.537-547, 1961-12-15

(1) A local, but severe earthquake occurred near Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, on February 2nd, 1961. Its epicentral area was in the western part of Nagaoka City, being not very far from the area stricken by the Sekihara Earthquake of 1927. Figs. 2 and 3 show the epicenter and isoseismal lines of the earthquake (after JMA, Niigata Meteorological Observatory). According to the JMA, the epicenter was located at 37°27'N and 138°49'E, and the depth of the origin about 10 km. The magnitude of the earthquake was 5.0. (Gutenberg-Richter)