出原 博明 Hiroaki DEHARA 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.22, pp.31-55, 2001-12

Detachment is particular to Kyoshi's attitude in telling stories. He hardly ever reveals himself. However, this short story has one scene in which he reveals himself. The scene is that of the red camellias. The story is a love story of 75 year old Kyoshi, the narrator, and 21 year old Eiko. At its early stage the story presents the scene of Kyoshi sitting in the garden of his house, watching the red camelliias in full bloom there. Those red flowers begin to dance in the air around him. He feels as if he were surrounded by young women and loses himself in ecstasy. Suggesting something very erotic, this scene could be evidence of 75 year old Kyoshi still keeping the fire of eros burning in him. He falls in love with Eiko when she calls on him for the first time with one of his disciples. Then he takes up a positive attitude. He produces a number of haiku suggestive of his love for her. He even gives the doll named Tsubakiko to her as a present. Let me compare this story with Yasunari Kawabata's novella The Sound of the Mountain, whose theme is also an old man's love for a young woman. Both stories are set in Kamakura, a few years after the end of World War II. Both Kyoshi and Kawabata were citizens of Kamakura. In Kawabata's story, 62 year old Shingo, the narrator, is shocked to discover a truth by means of thorough psychoanalysis of a very strange dream he had. The truth he digs out is that there are eros and sexual desire latent at the bottom of his love for 20 year old Kikuko, his daughter-in-law. He suffers a lot from this morally. He examines himself minutely in view of his conscience, which Kyoshi never does. Shingo is baffled and feels uneasy about his date with Kikuko. He has qualms of conscience, which Kyoshi would never have in the same situation. Kyoshi has a lot more nerve. He is beyond the weakness and susceptibility of the modern Japanese intelligentsia which Shingo represents. Kyoshi is bolder, stronger-minded, primitivistic, rooted in Nature itself, little influenced by modern Western thought. Kyoshi prefers the red camellia above all, which is symbolic of vitality, the fire of life, something primitive. A hundred haiku of his take the red camellia for their motif. In this story Eiko also makes a haiku: "I fear the naked tree among the cherry blossoms at night." The naked tree seems to symbolize something erotic, which attracts and at the same time scares Eiko, a virgin. She doubtless senses Kyoshi's erotic feelings for her. The things I point out above reveal Kyoshi's character. Kyoshi is quite different from Shingo who is a typical modern Japanese intellectual. He is a sort of sphinx in modern Japan. (With his strong will to live, Kyoshi took care of himself and sustained his reputation as one of the greatest haiku-poets until he died at the age of 85, while Kawabata, Nobel prize winner, committed suicide at the age of 73.)
北野 誠一 Seiichi Kitano
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.23, no.2, pp.p65-84, 1990-03

In U.S.A., citizens with disabilities who seek independent living get necessary services through CIL (the Center for Independent Living), which serves as their adovocate. These main necessary services consist of (i) Income Security, (ii) Attendent Service, (iii) Accesible Housing Service. In Japan, there are not yet services necessary for citizens with disabilities to live independently. But, (1) Social Action Groups who seek independent living, (2) Group Homes where persons with disabilities manege by themselves, and (3) Sheltered Workshops where persons with disabilities manege by themselves, are now stimulating many members with disabilities to seek independent living. Therefore, soon Japanese persons with disabilities will need something like a CIL. Generally speaking, CIL has 10 programs as follows; 1. Peer Counseling 2. Independent Living Skill Training 3. Adovocacy (System Adovocacy and Personal Adovocacy) 4. Attendant Referral and Counseling 5. Accesible Housing Referral and Counseling 6. Educational program for Community Members 7. Referral of Reading and Guiding Helpers 8. Referral of Sign language Interpreters 9. Equipment Referral and Counseling 10. Dial-A-Ride Vihicles Services In my views, the essential programs of CIL belong to the first three catagories, the others are not always nesessary. The Goverment ought to offer funds to the CILs where these three essential programs function. In the future, Japanese CILs should work toward the enactment of a Japanese version of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Act.
荒木 英一 Eiichi Araki 桃山学院大学経済学部
vol.35, no.1, pp.33-46, 2009-07-20

Through the special collaborative research projects (02-R-154, 05-R-181, 08-R-199) funded by Momoyama Gakuin University Research Institute, a considerably wide-ranging business survey has been ongoing since the second quarter of 2004 with the cooperation of the Sakai City Industial Promotion Center. In this article a brief outline of our activities from April 2005 to March 2008 is given fist, and the result of an econometric analysis based on our survey data is discussed. It was discovered that the movements of some diffusion indices of our local regional economy (the south Osaka area) are significantly different from those of some similar indices in "Tankan", the single largest national business survey in Japan conducted by BOJ. The gap between the local and the national indices is widening, which implies that the local companies are becoming increasingly more pessimistic than the government's official statistics suggest. This discovery shows the significance of our unique business survey and the necessity of inquiring into the economic background to the gap.
松本 眞一 Shinichi Matsumoto 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.39, no.2, pp.51-74, 2006-02

This study aims to research on child welfare in Canada in two aspects: 1)child welfare in general including the administrative system, as well as child welfare programs and services: 2)the definition of abuse, and the current situation of child abuse and protection in Canada. The study finds that child welfare in Canadian history has been slowly but ceaselessly improved to some extent. The department of social services, or its equivalent, in each province/territory is responsible for the design and delivery of child welfare services under the administrative system of decentralizing the services to communities. The departments are situated within the provincial ministry that deals with social services or health, or in some jurisdictions, children and families. The decentralization of child welfare services has led some jurisdictions to establish community based, non-profit agencies as the primary delivery mode for child welfare and adoption services. These agencies operate under boards of directors according to the administrative statutes and regulations in provincial legislation that pertain to child welfare, public administration or adoption. In each jurisdiction, a wide variety of child and family programs and services are provided. Child welfare programs and services in Canada are divided roughly into four fields: 1)Programs related to family formation, 2)Alternative child care programs, 3)Youth programs, and 4)Family support and child protection programs. Furthermore, 1)Programs related to family formation include (1) adoption services and (2) family mediation services. 2)Alternative child care programs contain (1) home child care, (2) centre-based child care, (3) care by a non-relative in the child's home, and (4) non-market care. 3)Youth programs consist of (1) national stay-in-school initiative, (2) national youth in care network, (3) big brothers/big sisters, and (4) programs for young offenders. And finally, 4)Family support and child protection programs imply (1) strengthening families program, (2) parental support program,(3) parenting skills program, (4) prevention programs, (5) assessment, (6) counseling, (7) day programs, (8) voluntary services, (9) foster care, and so on.
井田 大輔
vol.60, no.4, pp.19-45, 2019-02-15

This paper surveys the objective of monetary policy based on the newKeynesian model (NKM). The standard NKM is supported by a microfoundationof structural equations in contrast to the traditional Keynesianmodel. Therefore, in the analysis of optimal monetary policy, the centralbank’s loss function must be supported by its micro-foundation. In theNKM, the loss function is derived from a second-order approximation of thehousehold’s utility function. More specifically, the objective of monetarypolicy aims at stabilizing both inflation and the output gap in the standardNKM. However, the standard NKM has often been criticized, because itsstructure fails to explain actual economic dynamics. Previous studies showthat the shape of the central bank’s loss function is modified in accordancewith a change in a given economic structure. This paper focuses on therelationship between such an economic structural change and the shape ofthe central bank’s loss function, derived in the corresponding model.
吉田 一穂 Kazuho Yoshida 桃山学院大学兼任講師
英米評論 (ISSN:09170200)
no.18, pp.41-65, 2003-12

In 1857, Charles Dickens (1812-70) revisited the Marshalsea prison to look back upon the past and make a necessary atmosphere in Little Dorrit (1857). The Marshalsea prison was the place which Dickens could not forget in his lifetime. Dickens returned to his father's experience of debt again while he was drawing the portrait of the Father of the Marshalsea, William Dorrit, as 'a very amiable and very helpless middle-aged gentleman.' John Dickens, Charles's father, was a cheerful person but he had no sense of economy. He was imprisoned in the Marshalsea prison, and Charles had to work at Warren's Blacking warehouse, which gave him an agony and despair. Dickens seems to change the relationship between his father and him into the relationship between William Dorrit and Amy in Little Dorrit. William Dorrit who is called 'the Father of the Marshalsea prison, is proud of the title although he is a prisoner for debt. Amy as a 'Little mother' of his father and the chief support of the family, shows consideration for her father ; she is a protector of her father and his respectability. Indelibly marked by the more than twenty years to which the Circumlocution Office has condemned William Dorrit behind those walls, it is forever impossible for him, even when he is released, to lose those psychological scars. In Book 2, Chapter 19, 'The Storming of the Castle in the Air', William returns to the identity in the Marshalsea prison. William Dorrit who lived for many years, there is a victim of social system. Arthur who becomes a prisoner of the Marshalsea prison in Book 2, Chapter 27, is also a victim of social system. Arthur who has invested in the business of Merdle, goes bankrupt after he killed himself. Arthur is a victim of Calvinism which drives people to the condition of confinement, and is a prisoner of the wicked religion of Mrs. Clennam. Dickens showed how Arthur could be released from the cultural ideology of Calvinism which made him an indecisive man and how he could get freedom. In Book 2, Chapter 29, Amy visits Arthur who went bankrupt and became the prison of the Marshalsea prison. Amy gives him motherly love. What has to be noticed is that Amy says to Mrs. Clennam, 'Be guided only by the healer afflicted and forlorn, the patient Master who shed tears of compassion for our infirmities', before the house of Mrs. Clennam collapses. The words of Amy show the forgiveness of sin as a theme of Little Dorrit. Moreover, the representation of nature emphasizes the relief by Jesus Christ just before the house of Mrs. Clennam collapses : "From a radiant centre over the whole length and breadth of the tranquil firmament, great shoots of light streamed among the early stars, like signs of the blessed later covenant of peace and hope that changed the crown of thorns into glory." Amy delivers Arthur from the ideology of Calvinism which Mrs. Clennam brought him. In Little Dorrit, Dickens attacked the Christianity of Mrs. Clennam which deprived Arthur of his liberty and imprisoned his mind. Mrs. Clennam adopts Arthur, the love child of Mrs. Clennam and his love, to raise him in righteousness and retribution, but her Christianity which justifies her scheme of retribution does not bring her and Arthur happiness. Dickens demonstrated that people could be released from vengeful feelings by a practice of forgiveness of sin as Jesus Christ had done, through showing how Arthur could be released from the influence of the vengeful thoughts of Mrs. Clennam with the help of Amy.
中村 祥子 Shoko Nakamura 桃山学院大学文学部
英米評論 (ISSN:09170200)
no.19, pp.133-163, 2005-02

The short story, "The Doom of the Griffiths" was written by Elizabeth Gaskell in 1857, more than one year after her former fictional creation, "The Poor Clare". The story presents a conflict between two types of landlords ; a landlord who may prosper and one who may not. This is the author's first treatment of an issue that becomes a major theme in her later works. "The Doom of the Griffiths" is a tale about the fall of the Griffiths family, people of the landlord class. At the beginning of the story is an explanation of why the Griffiths were doomed to fall. When Owen Glendower, a Welsh hero in the Middle Ages, rebelled against Henry IV, an ancestor of the Griffiths named Rhys ap Gryfydd betrayed Owen, who believed in him. It means that Rhys ap Gryfydd was shrewd, and that he tried to side with those most likely to be victorious. In great anger, Owen, who was said to be able to use magic, cursed the traitor and his descendants. As a result, members of the Griffiths family were doomed by Owen to fail and disappear after nine generations. Owen prophesied that at that time a son should slay his father, the ninth Griffiths. After this brief explanation the main plot begins. Two generations are described ; the ninth named Robert Griffiths and his son, Owen Griffiths. They are father and son, but are quite different in manners. Robert is the second son and inherits the estate of the Griffiths as a result of his elder brother's death. He is gifted and able to create his own future. On the other hand, Owen is the only son who is an heir to the estate from the moment of his birth. He has no choice but to succeed his father. Therefore, he is passive and does not try to take a step forward, even though he becomes under the necessity of earning a living. Their attitudes toward marriage also differ. The father gets married to a rich attorney's daughter after he inherited his family's estate. And after his first wife, who is Owen's mother, died, he marrys again a beautiful young widow with a little boy named Robert, who, coincidentally, has his stepfather's name. The son, on the other hand, secretly gets married to the beautiful daughter of a man who works as a half farmer and half fisherman. The girl's name is Nest. They have a baby named Owen. Because the young couple cannot make a living, the wife and their baby live with her father in his cottage. Owen frequently and surreptitiously comes to the house from his father's manor house. The wife's father, who is a tenant of the Griffiths estate, endures this irregular situation, believing that his daughter will be Lady Griffiths in the future. Robert's new wife schemes to drive Owen out of the mansion and make her child Robert inherit the family's estate. As a result of her scheming, her husband becomes estranged from his son and begins to favor his stepson. One day she tries to irreparably break the relationship between Robert and his biological son to make sure of her biological son's inheritance, and she exposes Owen's secret marriage to her husband, lying and insinuating that Nest is a prostitute. The angry father goes to his son's secret home to require him to separate from his wife, and snatches the little Owen from Owen's arms to throw the baby back at Nest. As a result, the baby falls to the floor and dies. At last, Owen decides to leave his father's mansion for ever to live with his wife in a big city, earning his bread. It is, however, too late. After some troubles, the father moves into action. He and his son are placed in a situation in which they struggle on the edge of a precipice. A push of the son to escape from the father's grip causes the father to fall off the cliff, to hit his head against the edge of a boat, and to die. Though it seems that this is a fulfillment of the prophecy, the author denies the supernatural element, emphasizing that the father's death is accidental. As a squire, Robert, a person who is shrewd and selfish like his ancestor Rhys ap Gryfydd, prospers, but he is also very cruel, while Owen, a passive liberal, is disqualified as a landlord. Through the story, the author is critical of the father. The last of the story deals with Owen, his wife, and her father, who should leave the country before the dead body of the squire is found. They venture out on a stormy sea to disappear into the night. The author partly suggests that the three are shipwrecked and die. She, however, leaves room for another interpretation. The three might safely arrive in Liverpool, where Owen could "gain a livelihood by his own exertions." The author accepts Owen's way of living when he leaves the status of a landlord. That is the reason that Owen is the younger of the two central characters. It is important that the name of the second son Roger in Wives and Daughters, who is Robert's successor, has the initial "R", and that of the elder son Osborne in the same novel, who is Owen's successor, has also the initial "O". It means that "The Doom of the Griffiths" developed into Wives and Daughters.
山本 順一
人間文化研究 = Journal of Humanities Research,St.Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.10, pp.41-67, 2019-02-28

So-called Japan Search Project that the author happened to look at in newspapersAugust in 2018 could be considered in this paper. The Japanese newspapershad written the national project guided by the Cabinet Office ofJapanese Government separate from worldwide digitalization and digital contentsmovement. This paper would introduce and discuss various digital libraryprograms and lots of related projects of the United States, essentiallyfocusing on the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress launched digitizationof possessed materials in the Billington Librarian period, includingAmerican Memory Project.On the other hand, Federal government libraries has organized, and managedFEDLINK that is one of the largest library network in the world.In recent years, the Library of Congress has collected born-digital materialas they are. And the Library has been wrestling with possessed andunpossessed materials digitization carried out by the third party with a littlemoney or without money. In addition to material digitization, the Library announces‘Recommended Formats Statement’ to the public in order to makecollected materials survive a long time.
村中 淑子
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.9, pp.23-50, 2018-11

This article analyzes aspects of the dialect maintenance of "J-turn" migrantK in his 90s.K was born in a small village in the south of the Kaga district in IshikawaPrefecture, where he lived until he was 16 years old. Then he moved to Osakacity where he lived for a total of 20 years. He was then transferred to Tokyo,living there for about five years, and later moved to other cities. Since hisretirement at the age of 58, he has settled in Kanazawa city, the capital ofIshikawa Prefecture. We can call someone like him a "J-turn" migrant, becausehis movements resemble a U-turn but with slight differences.We investigated which of the four dialects he used: the south Kaga dialect,the Osaka dialect, the Tokyo dialect or the Kanazawa dialect. The items weanalyzed were his accent patterns when pronouncing two-mora nouns and hisusage of auxiliary verbs and particles.The results showed that he maintained the characteristics of the south Kagadialect well. In particular, concerning the accent patterns of two-mora nouns,he maintained the characteristics of his native village dialect, which is onevariety of the south Kaga dialect. In other words, it may be said that K maintainedthe dialect that he acquired at the village where he lived till the age of16, despite repeated migration for several decades.We considered the factors behind K's dialect maintenance from the followingfive viewpoints :(1) Common ground and differences between the Kaga dialect and the Osaka dialect(2) Properties of the community where he belonged to in migration(3) His language environment at home(4) How he regards the Kanazawa dialect and the south Kaga dialect(5) The characteristics of the village where he was born
村山 博 Hiroshi Murayama 桃山学院大学経営学部
vol.49, no.3, pp.1-37, 2007-11-20

The old innovation was eliminating the products of the other companies from the market, spreading only the products of one's company widely, and raising the market share as much as possible. It was no longer a business goal to win the competition with the other companies after the information technology innovation. Then some companies are beginning to look for a new innovation or a business goal. That is the innovation that companies do not compete with the other companies but cooperates with the competitors in the market. The innovation consists of the competitor's bunches which harmonize both competition and accordance and can make new products and new technologies which we have never seen before. This innovation from the viewpoint of customers or markets differs from the old innovations greatly. The innovation will be indispensable in the internet community. This paper studies the innovation which cooperates with the other companies and considered the hybrid car of Toyota, the digital broadcasting of Disney, the development of the Linux software, etc. The following conclusions were reached. Vertical accordance" of this innovation carries out the synchronization of the three innovations, such as development, manufacturing, and distribution. And Horizontal accordance" of this innovation has the synergy by cooperative development and licensing with the other companies. We can call it the innovation of innovations. The local brands, merchandising rights, open source methods, cooperative research and cooperative development, licensing among other companies, the de facfo standards are the brand new innovations which cooperates with the other companies. Some companies of the specific community manufacture and sell using the same local brand. The accordance between companies by this local brand can acquire the large cost performance and the synergy which the only one company cannot acquire. It can be called the accordance innovation. The source code of the Linux software was opened to the entire world. Then, the developers connected with the Internet in the world have performed the development of the Linux software. As a result, the Linux software became such wonderful software that Microsoft is threatened. This open source method is the new accordance innovation in the internet community. This paper also studies the problems of the new innovations, such as the matter on which researchers escape from the development, the matter on which the competition stagnates, and the matter on which the standards monopolize the market.