小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.30, pp.3-50, 2004-07

In the story of Jataka 316, a hare jumps into fire to offer his own body as broiled meat. This is a story of extreme self-sacrifice. The hare does this extreme act in order to satisfy a condition for becoming a buddha. This story was transmitted to Japan and adapted as konjakumonogatari-shu(今昔物語集) 5.13. However, its keystone has changed. The Japanese hare is not interested in becoming a buddha. Instead, the hare aims to acquire makoto-no-kokoro (誠ノ心 sincere heart): one who is possessed of it is said to defer his own profit to the interest of others.
林 陸雄 Rikuo Hayashi
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 (ISSN:0286973X)
no.43, pp.133-168, 2007

The economy of the Republic of Indonesia during the Suharto years,thanks to a series of five-year plans initiated by the government,developed steadily. Since the economic crisis of 1997, however, due to aninability to effectively combat the various crises that faced the country,domestic conditions have declined considerably, leading to a growth in thenumber of people living in poverty and an overall increase in humansuffering. Among the markers of poverty are under-nourishment, inabilityto attend school, and illiteracy. In this article we analyze those three markers, relying on data publishedby the Indonesian government's State Statistics Bureau, and on reportscarried in the monthly journals Kompas and Bali Post. In particular, wehave focused on the alarming problem of under-nourishment among theunder-fives, a problem that has come to the fore since mid-2005. This article is intended to be read in conjunction with our other article,"Tasks Currently Confronting Momoyama Gakuin University'sInternational Work Camp and the Camp's Future Prospects", whichappears elsewhere in this issue.
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko KOBAYASHI
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.17, pp.1-24, 1999-07

Sagara's daughter reaches the ultimate truth, as soon as she learns the Saddharmapndarika. This episode exemplifies the supernatural speed with which the ultimate truth is reached. Saicho interpreted this episode as a case of "a woman's becoming a butsu". However, a male organ having already appeared on the body, Sagara's daughter is no longer female at the time of becoming a buddha.
侯 巧紅 Qiao Hong Hou
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.33, pp.1-22, 2005-12

King Sibi is crazy about `giving things to others' (布施), and Indra, the emperor of gods in Heaven, wants to know his intention. So he takes the shape of a hawk and his vassal takes the shape of a dove. Pursued by the hawk, the dove flies into the armpit of King Sibi to seek his protection. The hawk demands return of his prey, but King Sibi refuses, saying that it is his duty to protect all living beings. The hawk retorts that he is also a living being and needs flesh to live.Thereupon King Sibi proposes to offer his own flesh. The hawk accepts the proposal on condition that the flesh which he gets from King Sibi should be equal in weight to that of the dove. A scale is brought in and the dove is put on one side of it. King Sibi takes a portion of flesh from his own thigh and puts it on the other side of the scale. But the scale does not balance. Although he repeatedly adds his flesh, the scale is always inclined towards the side of thedove. Finally King Sibi puts his whole bloodstained body on the scale. Seeing that his `act of giving' has reached the ultimate level, the hawk is at last convinced that King Sibi earnestly wishes to become a buddha. The hawk and the dove resume their proper forms and return to Heaven. This is the story of Sibi as found in the Da-zhi-du-lun (大智度論) of Kumaraji va(鳩摩羅什344_413).In China this story has been handed down in many variants, among which one is worthy of special ttention. It is the story as told in the Liu-du-ji-jing (六度集經). Indra who appears there is very unique in his motive for testing a king called "Sarvadatta." This Indra is anxious about his own future and apprehensive that the king may aim at becoming Indra. If the king becomes another Indra, the present one has to lose his position. As the king has fortunately proved his wish to become a buddha, Indra feels relieved and returns to Heaven together with his vassal.
村瀬 寿代 Hisayo Murase 桃山学院大学大学院修士課程修了
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University Journal of Christian Studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.39, pp.55-78, 2003-03-01

Guido Hermann Fridolin Verbeck was born in Zeist, the Netherlands in 1830 and went to the United States when he was 22. After he graduated from Auburn Theology School in the state of New York, he was ordained as a missionary of Dutch Reformed Church in America and came to Nagasaki as one of the first Protestant missionaries to Japan in 1859. He helped in various ways to establish modern Japan in the late 19th century, subsequently attaining fame as an adviser to the Meiji Government. Researchers have often concentrated on Verbeck's distinguished service or contribution to Japan and its people, yet very few tried to focus on his family records, his educational and religious background, and his early life previous to his arrival in Japan. Although Verbeck's biography, 'Verbeck of Japan', written by William Eliot Griffis, is one of the most important studies on Verbeck, Griffis made many incorrect statements in his writing. Most researchers seem to have believed whatever is written in 'Verbeck of Japan'. In this article, by studying the records of Zeist, Verbeck's family members and his early educational environment have been clarified. His religious experience, especially the Moravian education he was given, has also been taken into consideration. Verbeck's letters have been reexamined in detail to discover and confirm facts that have not been known to the public before. The aim of this article is to offer reliable information about Verbeck in order to find out how his experience in his youth helped him to earn his position in Japan and how his religious background influenced his way of conducting mission work as well as shaping his later character as a 'hired foreigner' in Japan.
厳 善平 Shanping Yan
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.36, no.2, pp.47-63, 2011-01

In recent years, the policy about peasant migrants (nongmingong) and the relation between supply and demand in the urban labor market are changing in China. In this paper, we analyze empirically how the conventional dual labor market changed, using two datasets conducted by ourselves in Shanghai in 2003 and 2009. In section 1, we explain the extraction method of employment investigation, the number of sample, and the features of our datasets. With Section 2, we describe the situations about job change, salary of peasant migrants and local residents in the labor market, and see the similarity or difference between the two groups. In Section 3, we estimate the wage function of peasant migrants and local residents, and clarify metrically the influence of individual attributes, human capital, and institutions on salary. Throughout the empirical analysis, we examine how the dual labor market in Shanghai has changed.
全 在紋 Jae-moon Chun 桃山学院大学経営学部
vol.44, no.3, pp.77-125, 2002-12-20

The conclusions reached in this paper can be summarized as follows : (1) We should distinguish meta-language from object language. Our thoughts become confused and lost in a maze when the ranks of the language are confused, which is the problem that often arises when addressing linguistic significance in international accounting. In order to think clearly, the distinction between the meta-language for control (accounting standards) and that for description (language for standards and language for disclosure) must be made clear. All three meta-languages mentioned above can be designed as uniform language or as auxiliary language. (2) There is very little chance that each of the above three meta-languages will ever be transformed into a world-wide uniform language in accounting, as suggested by the failure of linguistic imperialism and the delay in the popularization of Esperanto. The meta-languages may become the international auxiliary language, at most, because language is not only a means of communication but is also at one with the culture (values) to which the language speakers belong. (3) Professor Ijiri points out that the effort to establish a world-wide uniform language should be much easier in accounting than in Esperanto because of the fundamental commonality of accounting as a language. According to him, this is because there is no difference in the fundamental structure of the recording in double-entry bookkeeping that has been adopted by most nations. However, an analysis of Ijiri's international accounting theory using Saussure's linguistics reveals that while his theory addresses the syntagmatic relation (double-entry bookkeeping) in accounting language, it does not give any consideration to the paradigmatic relation. (4) The significance of double-entry bookkeeping is overestimated not only by professor Ijiri but also by accountants in general. It is especially overestimated by many accounting researchers, both inside and outside Japan. Double-entry bookkeeping, without a doubt, is often considered one of the accounting postulates (the premises of accounting). Meanwhile, the significance of other accounting systems, such as single-entry bookkeeping, is seldom given any consideration. Both the double-entry and single-entry bookkeeping systems have merits and demerits. Nevertheless, a deep-rooted tendency to blindly advocate double-entry bookkeeping is prevalent among accountants. (5) Language is not merely a means of communication. More importantly, it determines human perception, thought, and behavior. According to Saussure's linguistics, accounting as the language of business holds not only a decisionmaking function but also an accountability function that strictly controls the perception, thought, and behavior of businessmen. However, the executive officers of the International Accounting Standards Board do not fully acknowledge this issue. (6) In recent years, accounting fraud has been severely punished in many developed countries. This fact can unmistakably be attributed to intercultural conflicts, or conflicts between the values of everyday language (benefit of the general public) and the values of accounting language (performance of the corporation). Such conflicts arise because the perception, thought, and behavior of the businessmen are strongly bound by the accounting language. In other words, corporate scandals will arise as long as there is an accounting system in the company, just as traffic accidents will occur as long as there are vehicles on the road. (7) Linguistic imperialism in International Accounting Standards (IAS) arises when companies try to seek comparability and at the same time reduce cost. We must resist such imperialism. We cannot expect IAS to be accepted as the only accounting system in all countries (IAS Only). Instead, IAS should be adopted as an additional accounting system (IAS Plus). In short, listed companies should make two kinds of financial statements, i.e., one for domestic and the other for international stakeholders, because additional costs are inevitable when companies compete in a borderless capital market. (8) Each country has its own accounting standards. The international consensus is that there needs to be common accounting standards that can be applied to companies worldwide. However, no company should be forced to adopt such common standards exclusively. After all, the effort to promote the harmonisation and convergence of various accounting standards could only benefit a selected few borderless companies. Furthermore, it is likely that such an effort would result in the diversification of accounting standards. In other words, the development of common standards may be equivalent to the creation of another new language (another new culture).
瀧澤 仁唱 Hitohiro Takizawa
桃山法学 (ISSN:13481312)
no.1, pp.189-212, 2003-03
林 宏作 Hong-zuo LIN 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.4, pp.272-258, 1993-03-31

竹林七賢の巨頭である阮籍は、常にただひとりあてもなく車を駆け、袋小路に行き当たるごとに慟哭して帰ったという逸話がある。本論文は、この逸話の生じた背景を探求すべく、阮籍の魏晋時代における処世観及び思想変遷を分析し、乱世に生きた哲学者の悲劇の解明を試みた。The anecdote is often told of Ruan Ji-the leader of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove-that he was wont to go out alone in his chariot with no particular destination in mind, only to weep bitterly and return to his home when he came up against a blind alley. Through a consideration of the historical background that gave rise to this anecdote, the present paper, by examining Ruan Ji's philosophy of life and the way his thinking changed during the transition from Wei to Jin, seeks to throw light on the tragedy of a philosopher caught up in a world in turmoil.
杉原 久仁子 Kuniko Sugihara
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.43, no.2, pp.19-47, 2010-02

For the youth with dementia who has physical strength and physical functions, activities of daily living are almost possible in the early terms of dementia. Though it is difficult by the appearance for them to be recognized as the disabled, they need supports in outdoor actions. But their families cannot always respond to needs of supports. Therefore, the guide helper service as a public institution is necessary. In the present time, this service is not well known to families needing it, and they are not familiar with using guide helpers. Guide helpers also are faced with many problems. This paper, based on interviewing some guide helpers, aims to find problems with which they are faced in supports for outdoor actions, and examine skills which are necessary to accomplish tasks of the guide helper.