橋内 武 Takeshi Hashiuchi 桃山学院大学国際教養学部
no.43, pp.51-70, 2010-12-24

This paper seeks to elucidate the recent language policies of the European Union and the Council of Europe. The European Union was founded upon the reconciliation between West Germany and France after World War II, while the Council of Europe has also been searching for world peace with human rights and good communication between nations. With its six member states, the European Economic Community recognized four official languages. As it developed with additional member states, the European Community, later renamed European Union, increased its official languages. The European Union now maintains its multilingual policy: it consists of 27 member states with 23 official languages. Some states have regional, co-official languages recognized by the European Commission. Both translation and interpretation are big official business in EU institutions such as the European Commission, the European Council, the European Parliament, and the European Court of Justice. Moreover, the EU supports multilingualism in education, cultural exchange, and labor migration. Its language education policy has been influenced by the proposals made by the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe has developed its language education policy in three stages : (1) The Threshold Level provided a functional basis for language learning. It led to notional syllabus and the communicative approach to language teaching. (2) With its can-do statements, the Common European Framework for Reference of Languages is a new model for describing and scaling language use and the different kinds of knowledge and skills required. (3) The most recent development is the emphasis on intercultural citizenship and the proposal of a new paradigm named Platform: all education and human development must be based on language. In short, the European Union is a multilingual supranational agency, which now encourages intercultural citizenship and a command of both "plurilingualism" and "pluriculturalism"- terms recently coined by the Council of Europe's Language Policy Division.
津田 直則 Naonori Tsuda 桃山学院大学経済学部
vol.49, no.4, pp.139-178, 2008-03-10

The article examines the co-operative values and management efficiency in the case of the Mondragon Co-operative Corporation(MCC). In the first section of the article, the history of the MCC is investigated, which is divided into three periods, 1956-70, 1971-90 and 1991-2006. In the second section of the article, which will appear in the following volume of the bulletin, the co-operative values, management efficiency and their relations would be analyzed. The First Period(1956-70)of the history of the Mondragon co-operatives is characterized by founding the basis of co-operatives and expanding business projects in various sectors of the Basque economy in Spain. In the Second Period(1971-90), the Mondragon Co-operative Group suffered from the oil shock effects and began to construct the protecting system against stagnation by inventing the institutional systems of solidarity. At the same time, the management top of the Group increased investments at foreign countries for attaining the superior competitive condition in international markets. In 1987, the First Co-operative Congress of the Mondragon Co-operative Group decided the famous Ten Principles as the value basis of the organization of the Group. They are: Open admission, Democratic Organization, Sovereignty of Labor, The Instrumental Character of Capital, Self-Management, Pay Solidarity, Group Cooperation, Social Transformation, Universal Nature and Education. In 1991, the beginning year of the Third Period(1991-2006), the Third Co-operative Congress was hold. The key decisions at the congress were:(a)The centralization of the organization and pursuit of a strategy for the sake of survival in the international market.(b)The reorganization of the co-operatives away from the regional groupings and toward to the sector groupings for increasing efficiency.(c)The renaming of the Mondragon Co-operative Group as the Mondragon Co-operative Corporation(MCC). In 2006, the performance of MCC is as follows. MCC Co-operatives107 Subsidiary companies126 MCC workforce83,601 MCC Total Assets27,550(million of euros)MCC Equity4,696(million of euros) Total Turnover(Industrial)6,880(million of euros) Total Turnover(Distribution)6,510(million of euros) MCC Overall Investment1,240(million of euros)
志保田 務/山田 忠彦 山田 忠彦 桃山学院大学経営学部/京都大学法学部図書室
vol.28, no.2, pp.123-147, 2002-12-20

Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927), one of the major novelists in modern Japan, is also famous as an adapter who learned from other writers in the inside and the outside. His works are considered bookish. Therefore, we assumed that he read many writers' works in his day, and we tried to prove the causality and we attempted to show how these works affected his own writing. In this work we would show some materials of the above facts consisting on the records of "A bibliography of writers who were read by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, based on "Akutagawa Ryunosuke Zenshu", published by Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1977-1978, 12 volumes". Each entry in this index has three items: the writer's name, the title of the work, and the date when Ryunosuke Akutagawa would have read the work. Entries are ordered according to the writer's name in the Westerner syllabary this index.
野尻 亘 Wataru Nojiri 桃山学院大学経済学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.37, pp.63-99, 2009-10-20

Alfred Russel Wallace observed the distribution and boundaries of animals inhabiting the Malay Archipelago. The distribution of marsupials in the Australian region is a prominent feature of the area. In Borneo, however, the mammals do not include marsupials. The many parrots of the Australian region are rare in the Oriental region. The birds of the Oriental region do not migrate to Lombok Island, and these are not seen on Celebes or islands further to the east. The Lombok Strait were regarded as the dividing line between these two zoogeographic regions. The boundary between the zoogeographical regions, crossing the Lombok Strait indicated by Wallace was later to be called "Wallace's line" by Thomas Henry Huxley. Later, Mayr conducted further studies on Wallace's line, asserting that differences in the faunas of Bali and Lombok were not due to crustal movements in the Tertiary period, as Wallace had asserted, but rather to sea levels changes in the Pleistocene glacial epoch. During that time, sea levels were 70-100m lower, but because the Lombok Strait is a deepwater strait, the land on either side was not connected. In addition to this, Simpson points out that the eastern end of the Sunda shelf, which is the Asian continental shelf, is Wallace's line, while the West end of the Sahul shelf, which is the Australian continental shelf, is Lydekker's line. The area between these is known as the "Wallacea" transitional zone. Currently, "Wallacea" is believed to have been formed when the Australian continental crust broke off from the Antarctic at the end of the Cretaceous and collided with the southeastern border of the Eurasian continental crust during the mid Miocene. After the collision of these continental plates, there were violent movements in the crust and fault activity. Subsequently, the animals of the both continents migrated to islands, repeating cycles of either evolution or extinction, eventually creating today's diverse distribution of organisms. In other words, modern interpretation of Wallace's line differs greatly from past interpretation. Wallace and other traditional biogeographers believed that Wallace's line is the boundary created by isolation by geographical barriers. At the present time, Wallace's line is explained by collisions along the borders of the earth's plates. In other words, Wallace's line was the "frontier" where different types of species living on different plates were exposed to each other and interacted when the plates collided.
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko KOBAYASHI 桃山学院大学文学部
vol.26, no.3, pp.107-140, 2001-03-15

Japanese kamis who hate sins get angry and bring about disasters when men do wrong. Without sins they are happy and do not cause disasters. Taking advantage of this behaviour, the Japanese framed the idea of kekwa They tried to soothe angry kamis by chanting sutras as magic formulae in order to stop disasters such as droughts and plagues. This is a new type of harahe and therefore repenting is not involved in spite of its name "kekwa" (to repent).
木村 二郎
vol.42, no.3, pp.29-43, 2017-03-16

In the 46th general election of members of the House of Representatives held on December16, 2012, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) gained a substantial victory, and the Abeadministration was established. In his inaugural address, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressedhis firm intention to promote a set of economic policies named the “three arrows” : aggressivemonetary easing, flexible fiscal stimulus, and a new growth strategy, with the aim of rescuing theJapanese economy from prolonged deflation. Pushed by the government, and based on a joint announcement(policy accord) issued with the government, Masaaki Shirakawa, the then Governorof the Bank of Japan (BOJ) agreed to set a 2% inflation target in January 2013. To achieve thistarget, Haruhiko Kuroda, who succeeded Mr. Shirakawa in March 2013, introduced the quantitativeand qualitative monetary easing (QQE) policy on April 4, 2013.During the period of rock-bottom rates that started in 1995, the BOJ introduced a new monetarymeasure called “unconventional monetary policies,” including zero interest rates, quantitativemonetary easing (QE) and comprehensive monetary easing policies. Similar unconventionalmonetary policies have also been employed in the United States and European countries since theLehman Brothers went bankrupt in 2008. Generally, the QQE policy adopted by the Kuroda-ledBOJ can be categorized as an extension of these unconventional monetary policies. However, becausethe implementation level and impact of QQE are more extensive than existing policies interms of scale and extent, the QQE policy by Mr. Kuroda is also called “ijigenkanwa” (differentdimension easing policy). It can be said that QQE was actually introduced under compulsion ofthe government as a measure to attain the 2% inflation target.Although three years and several months have passed since the introduction of the QQE policy,the BOJ has not yet achieved its initial goal of “realizing a 2% inflation target within two years.”The purpose of this study is to assess the monetary easing policies implemented by the BOJ. InChapter 1, I examine the dogma of pro-reflation economists (a doctrine that considers deflationas the cause of the economic stagnation), which is an underlying idea of the QQE policy, from acritical viewpoint. Chapter 2 clarifies that although the QQE policy has had a favorable impact onthe monetary economy such as foreign exchange rates, the stock market and the bond market,their effectiveness in the real economy has not yet been adequately confirmed. Chapter 3 examinesthe relationship between monetary policy and fiscal policy, particularly focusing on “monetary financing” issues, in an attempt to point out that the increase in the future risk of economicdifficulties such as sudden rise of interest rate (sudden drop of government bond price), hyper-inflation and so on is an adverse effect of the QQE policy. Chapter 4 introduces existing principalstatements/opinions on QQE policy assessment issues. Chapter 5 provides a critical examinationof the details of “a shift in monetary easing policy” and “comprehensive assessment,” which werediscussed at the BOJ Monetary Policy Meeting held in September 2016.
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.30, pp.99-128, 2006-01-15

In a European folk tale called Saint Peter's Mother, an old woman, who was wicked in her life and fell to Hell, is pulled out of Hell with the aid of an onion. Other sinners in Hell take hold of her, so that they may be pulled out along with her. Noticing this, she kicks them. At that moment, the onion breaks, and all fall back into Hell. It is found that she is still mean, just as she was in her former life, and unworthy of being rescued from Hell. Many variants of this story are found all over the Christian world. And Henry F. Fullenwider proposes to add one more to the list of variants(Fullenwider, "The Onion and the Spiderweb: Paul Carus' Karma and Other Literary Variants of Grimms' Sankt Peters Mutter [Bolte/Polvka, num. 221]," Fabula 28, 1987, pp. 320-326). The story which he takes up as a new variant of Saint Peter's Mother is unique in that it is a Buddhist story composed by a European. It is The Spider Web of Paul Carus(1852-1919), who was born and educated in Germany, and immigrated to America to be an advocator of "religion of science" as editor of The Open Court. As Kayoko Nagao(長尾佳代子)points out in her paper(長尾,「芥川龍之介『蜘蛛の糸』原作の主題 -ポ-ル・ケ-ラスが『カルマ』で言おうとしたこと-」,『仏教文学』27, 京都, 2003, pp. 161-172), The Spider-web is based on an episode that is repeated in such collections of Buddhist narratives as the Avadnaataka and the Divyvadna. This ancient Buddhist episode consists of four parts: When Buddha appears on earth, he smiles and sheds light,* which reaches all places including Hell (1). Bathed in Buddha's light, sinners in Hell are cheered (2). Thereupon Buddha sends his proxy to Hell (3). And those sinners there seize the opportunity for deliverance in the distant future (4). Lon Feer's translation of the Avadnaataka had appeared two years before Carus published his Spider Web(Avadnaataka, cent lgendes buddhiques, traduites du sanskrit par M. Lon Feer, Annales du Muse Guimet 18, Paris, 1891). Carus had diligently studied Buddhism, read almost all translations of Buddhist scriptures then available in Europe, and written many books on Buddhism. So he was following the Buddhist tradition when he wrote The Spider Web, which runs as follows: A sinner called Kandata has been suffering tortures in Hell. When Buddha appears on earth, the light shed by him reaches Hell and sinners there soften. Buddha sends a spider as his proxy to Kandata, who takes hold of the web and begins to climb up. Soon he feels the thread trembling, for many sinners are climbing after him. Kandata becomes frightened and shouts, "Let go the cobweb. It is mine." At that moment, the spiderweb breaks, and all fall back into Hell. The meaning of this story is that it is essential to follow Buddha's teaching, according to which there exists no such thing as tman(self). Kandata falls back into Hell, because he has not thrown away the illusion of tman, saying that the cobweb is his alone. A memory of Saint Peter's Mother might have come to Carus, when he wrote the scene of falling again into Hell, but this is not the core of the story. The Spider Web is a failure story composed on the basis of the tradi-tional Buddhist episode. Being ignorant of this, Fullenwider misses the meaning of Carus' story, and he puts a special emphasis on the scene of falling back into Hell. The Spider Web of Paul Carus cannot be a variant of Saint Peter's Mother. *Here light is a symbol of Buddha's teaching.
野原 康弘 Yasuhiro Nohara 桃山学院大学経営学部
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.17, pp.49-78, 2002-12-20

Traditionally people usually recognize adverbs by the commonest suffix -ly : absolutely, abruptly, absently, accurately, etc. There are many adverbs, however, which are not recognizable in this way : indeed, now, often, soon, etc. And there are also a lot of adjectives which have the same suffix -ly (which is called 'adjectival -ly'): brotherly, friendly, ugly, weekly, etc. And some adverbs have two forms, each of which has a different meaning : dear
山川 偉也 Hideya YAMAKAWA
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.26, no.1, pp.141-179, 2000-09

Momoyama-gakuin University aims primarily at fostering the cosmopolitans embracing Christianity who participate actively in the international affairs and contribute much to the community of nations so that build a new dimension of the cosmopolitan culture. But, why is the word 'cosmopolitan' connected with Christianity and what does it imply in the contexts of university curriculum? What at all is the origin of the word 'cosmopolitan' which might not always be positively evaluated? In regard to these questions, in a series of papers, I would like to delineate some significant circumstances concerning the origins and the essence of 'cosmopolitan' and 'cosmopolitanism.' The present paper in speciality examines some cosmopolitan characters in Marcus Aurelius, Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, and Aurelius Augustinus and tries to classify the ideas of cosmopolitanism into four types which run parallel to the four categorical propositions in the traditional formal logic.
栄 セツコ Setsuko Sakae 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.39, no.2, pp.127-148, 2006-02

The present study examined the association between professional behaviors in assessment process and professional activities for discovery of strengths of mentally ill individuals in the psychiatric social workers' practice. As a result, I found that `facilitation of client's self-determination' and `data collection concerning crisis intervention' in assessment practice were strongly associated with `improving client's strengths in an individual level,' `developing a sense of citizen rights in a community level,' `creating network in a community level,' and `developing appropriate environments among a client' in discovery activities. In addition, `observation of group work dynamics' `performing for creating trust with a clients' in assessment practice were associated with `forming mutual support among clients in a group level' in discovery activities.
沖田 克夫 Katsuo Okita 桃山学院大学経営学研究科
桃山学院大学環太平洋圏経営研究 (ISSN:13455214)
no.12, pp.23-62, 2011-03

It is well known that the Kumon Method of education, which has attracted keen attention worldwide, has experienced two breakthroughs and has undergone continuous innovation. The first breakthrough produced the Kumon Method as a result of Toru Kumon's home training of his son, while the second breakthrough led to global expansion of the Kumon Method. The materials presented in this paper cover all of the discourses of the founder, Toku Kumon, for the period between 1954 and 1995. In addition to these materials, I have used the results of objective research conducted in four different fields (total quality control, history of modern education, cognitive psychology, business administration). Strategic innovation in the Kumon Method was ignited by the rediscovery of reading and was driven by the engine of a "just right" point.