松澤 俊二
人間文化研究 = Journal of Humanities Research,St.Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.13, pp.35-57, 2020-10-08

Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture is the birthplace of Akiko Yosano. Akiko isnow considered to be a symbol of the local identity, and many commemorative events are held. However, before the war, Akiko was also recognized asa “bad girl” and was not always welcomed by the people of Sakai.The focus of this paper is on how Akiko was remembered by the local people after the war. In particular, this point will be made clear by variousawards activities held in Sakai, such as making monuments and memorials,and examining their performances. Then, the transformation and variety ofAkiko’s image are also shown. It also discusses the important significanceof the region remembering Akiko.
松永 俊男
人間文化研究 = Journal of Humanities Research,St.Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
vol.16, pp.39-65, 2022-02-23

In 1859, Charles Darwin published Origin of Species as the abstract ofthe Big Species Book. He published revised editions of the Origin fivetimes, 2nd ed.( 1860), 3rd ed.( 1861), 4th ed.( 1866), 5th ed.( 1869), and6th ed.( 1872). In this paper, differences of formats over the six editionsare described, and alterations of Darwin’s attitude toward writing andrevising the Origin are investigated by analysing the correspondenceof Darwin with John Murray, Charles Lyell, Thomas Henry Huxley andothers. In writing the 1st ed. and the 2nd ed., Darwin wanted to complete theBig Book. He showed unwillingness to devote time to writing the Origin.But at the stage of the 3rd ed., he gave up the idea of completing the BigBook and decided to expand upon his theory of the biological evolutionthrough the Origin. After ten years from the 1st ed., Darwin’s idea of the branching evolutionfrom a common ancestor had been widely acknowledged. In theconcluding chapter of the 6th ed., Darwin states, “Now things are whollychanged, and almost every naturalist admits the great principle ofevolution.” (p. 424). This is Darwin’s declaration of victory. The mostimportant object of the Origin had been accomplished. After the 6th ed.,therefore, Darwin did not try to revise the Origin, and concentrated hisenergy on studying botany. The 6th ed. was published as a cheap edition. The appearance of the6th ed. was markedly different from the previous editions. The formatfrom the 1st ed. to 4th ed. was post octavo. The 5th ed. was crown octavo. The 6th ed. was shorter and narrower than the 5th ed. The types ofthe text in the previous editions were 10-point, but 8-point in the 6th ed.In the previous editions, texts were 35 lines in a page, but 45 lines in the6th ed. The previous editions are regarded as fair specimens of Victoriantypography. But the 6th ed. is difficult to read. From the 1st ed. to 4th ed., the price of the Origin was 14s. The 5thed. was 15s. The 6th ed. was half of the 5th ed., i.e., 7s6d. The previouseditions were type printing and were never reprinted. The 6th ed. wasstereotype printing and was reprinted almost annually. After the Education Act of 1870, the readership of England was enlarged.Murray’s objective in publishing the cheap edition was for thenew readership. The 6th ed. sold well, but it is probable that many peoplewere kept from reading the book by its unattractive appearance. Now the Origin has become a classical book of science and has beenpublished in various forms in various languages. However, it is rarethat the book is read thoroughly. The Origin is the typical book that is bought but not read.
口野 直隆 浜口 夏帆 大島 一二
vol.63, no.4, pp.35-69, 2022-02-17

In this paper, we have examined the potential for overseas expansion offood service companies in Japan that are suffering from market contractionand other factors. Specifically, I focused on Saizeriya from a group of majorfood service companies that have been expanding their business relativelysteadily, and studied what specific factors have enabled them to expandtheir business.From the earnings analysis, it was found that Saizeriya has beenexpanding its stores relatively steadily in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, andSoutheast Asia. The reasons for this are as follows.(1)Store developmentand profitability in Asia and future issues, (2) foodstuff procurementstrategy, and(3)labor management strategy.In the following sections, we will examine how Saizeriya has used thesestrategies to expand in the restaurant markets of China, Taiwan, HongKong, and other countries, and discuss the key points of the overseasstrategies of Japanese restaurant companies.
小野 達也
vol.46, no.3, pp.9-27, 2021-03-22

In recent years, community-based welfare has been advanced as a policy, and social workhas been conducted in communities. However, discussions on the quality of support achievedthrough social work are not active. This study was focused on the attainment of high qualityof social work in communities. I interviewed community social workers(CSWs)to grasp thecurrent situation of the practice in communities and the elements to attain a high quality of support. The results revealed that(1)CSWs work within several constraints;(2)although CSWsare unclear about the high quality of support, they have a certain interest in it; and(3)CSWscan be the starting point for attaining high quality of support. In the Discussion section, I highlight three points that need to be considered to achieve high quality of support, namely, considering the idea of welfare adopted by CSWs, developing goal attainment-type support methods,and developing resources for support.
熊谷 次郎
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.60, no.4, pp.67-119, 2019-02

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate features and significance ofRichard Cobden's liberal radicalism based on the voluminous Letters ofRichard Cobden (4 vols, eds. by Anthony Howe and Simon Morgan, OxfordUniversity Press, 2007-2015). There might be no noticeable difference inhis thought and activities between his writings, speeches and his letters.But letters, as often said, incline to disclose underlying thoughts and feelingof a person in a candidate form. In the case of Cobden, therefore,individualities must to be expressed naturally and plainly in his letters.From this point of view, this paper aims to depict his liberal radicalism inhis unreserved opinions seen in his letters.Cobden's radicalism rooted fundamentally in his unforgiving criticism toaristocracy. According to his view, ever since the Glorious Revolution, theBritish government had been monopolized by aristocracy, and their sonswho were not entitled to inherit the right of primogeniture had occupiedthe upper ranks of the army and navy. As it is their benefits to intervenein domestic policies of foreign countries and in conflicts among nationsacross the world with armed forces, armament expenditures necessarilyincreased and consequently oppressed the well-being of the people with itsburden. Then, Cobden focused his vital concern on the arms reduction inthe national finance, and provided the people with the 'peace dividend'created by the reduction in armament expenditures.From this perspective, Cobden made a frontal attack upon Palmerstonwho deployed the intervention policy and gunboat diplomacy in the East.In his letters, Cobden's remarks on Palmerston and Peel, who resolutelycarried out the abolition of the Corn Law, formed a striking contrast: theformer was an 'impostor' and the latter, 'Adam Smith wrote, Peelpracticed.'(To be continued)
青野 正明 Masaaki Aono 桃山学院大学国際教養学部
no.39, pp.85-122, 2009-03-10

In 1936, the Japanese Government-General of Korea reorganized the colony's shrine system. This reorganization was carried out for two purposes: first, to promote some of the main shrines to the status of Kokuhei-shohsha (国幣小社), which ranked sixth among nationally-supported shrines; and second, to increase the overall number of shrines (神社・神祠) as a way of mobilizing Korean people to carry out the Government-General's policies. In this paper I examine principally the second of the two above-mentioned purposes, seeking to clarify the connection between the government's shrineexpansion policy and its statements about making use of Korean village rites. The enactment of the shrine-expansion policy itself will be considered in a subsequent paper.
青野 正明 Masaaki Aono 桃山学院大学国際教養学部
no.41, pp.133-185, 2009-12-22

In 1936, the Japanese Government-General of Korea reorganized the colony's shrine system. This reorganization was carried out for two purposes : first, to promote some of the main shrines to the status of Kokuhei-shosha (国幣小社), which ranked sixth among nationally-supported shrines ; and second, to increase the overall number of shrines (神社・神祠) as a way of mobilizing Korean people to carry out the Government-General's policies. In this paper I examine principally the second of those two purposes. By analyzing the Government-General's principle of having one shrine in each myeon (面), I seek to clarify the process through which that policy was formed.
野原 康弘 Yasuhiro Nohara 桃山学院大学経営学部
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University Journal of Christian Studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.44, pp.1-42, 2009-02-20

In UK, the death of Elizabeth II automatically should place her son Charles, Prince of Wales, on the throne. There should be no difficulty at all as to who inherits the crown; no civil strife between her children, Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward. In the past, however, this peaceful state of crowning was not common, on the contrary, coronations often led to bloodshed; the first in succession to the throne did not always manage to mount the throne. When King Edward the Confessor died childless in 1066, a question, who should succeed the throne, occurred naturally. Edgar, who was the grandson of King Edmund, was one, Norwegian-Danish King Harald was also one, and Guillaume, the Duke of Normandy was another. Nevertheless Harold, the son of Earl Godwin, took a drastic measure: he had two services on the same day; King Edward's burial and his own coronation, which was extremely unusual even at that time, and which eventually aggravated the matter. The above three people appealed Harold's coronation. Edgar, however, was regarded too small to succeed the throne. King Harald from Norway invaded the north of England and occupied York temporarily but was finally defeated by newly crowned King Harold at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Guillaume with a stronger claim against Harold was different from the two. He was waiting for the good time for a battle with Harold. Guillaume was born in 1027 at Falaise in Normandy, France, as an illegitimate child of the sixth Duke Robert of Normandy. King Edward's mother, Emma, was from Normandy, and Guillaume and King Edward were relatives. Guillaume made an invasion at Pevensey with a great fleet of warships in 1066. As is well-known, he completely beat King Harold's army at the Battle of Hastings. Nevertheless, it was more than two months before he crowned himself as William the Conqueror, King of England. This summer, I visited cities and towns in Normandy which were related to Guillaume, and also drove along the south-eastern coast of England. This means that I tried to follow the steps of Guillaume's conquest of England.
高田 里惠子
人間文化研究 = Journal of Humanities Research,St.Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
vol.16, pp.67-92, 2022-02-23

This article roughly outlines the life of Nosei Abe (1883-1966) - theauthor of numerous books, including two autobiographies - by quotingand reconstructing the discourses among others about him. Abe isalmost forgotten today, but as a philosopher, professor, Minister of Educationin the aftermath of the war, and educational advisor to CrownPrince, he was once famous as well as much admired and criticized.From people’s views on Nosei Abe emerges the characteristics of modernJapanese culture or political situation. First, I discuss how Abe is seen as having no academic achievementdespite publishing many books from Iwanami Shoten, a well-known academicpublisher. Abe was regarded as a dilettante who merely introducedwestern science and culture, or an essayist without philologicalresearch or genuine scholarship. From this perception of Abe, we cansee what is recognized as “academic” in humanities in modern Japan. The next notable thing is that Abe was accused of being a “conservativereactionary” by the younger generation of Japan during the ColdWar. However, Abe was one of the leading writers of Taishō-Culturalism,who advocated western individualism and liberalism in Japan in the early20th century. Abe described himself as a “liberal.” In fact, after Japan’sdefeat in the Second World War, Abe was also the chairman of the leftwingpeace organization headed by Iwanami Shoten. Meanwhile, Abe expressed his discomfort with the labor movementand admitted his aversion to the Soviet Union and the communist party.Some people criticized these contradictions in Abe and some fondly remembered his harmless “slovenliness” or “magnanimity.” One could saythat the mix of cultural liberalism and political conservatism in Abe is atypical example of modern Japanese intellectuals.
栄 セツコ 辻本 直子
vol.47, no.1, pp.99-114, 2021-07-15

This study reviewed life support for parents with mental disorders and their children. Itaimed to obtain reliable knowledge to develop effective life support for them in Japan.We used Citation Information by the National Institute of Informatics and J-Dream III(Japanese databases) to gather data from 2008 to 2018. The literature during this periodidentified 26 original articles as subjects for analysis out of 241 related articles.The results were classified into the following categories: childcare and support for children,support for parents with mental disorders, and supporters and support systems.The keywords for effective support are introduction to family psychoeducation and selfhelpgroups for children, comprehensive assessment and outreach throughout life,collaboration between child welfare agencies and mental health agencies,and placement ofsocial work professionals in child welfare agencies.
高田 里惠子
人間文化研究 = Journal of Humanities Research,St.Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.16, pp.67-92, 2022-02-23

This article roughly outlines the life of Nosei Abe (1883-1966) - theauthor of numerous books, including two autobiographies - by quotingand reconstructing the discourses among others about him. Abe isalmost forgotten today, but as a philosopher, professor, Minister of Educationin the aftermath of the war, and educational advisor to CrownPrince, he was once famous as well as much admired and criticized.From people's views on Nosei Abe emerges the characteristics of modernJapanese culture or political situation. First, I discuss how Abe is seen as having no academic achievementdespite publishing many books from Iwanami Shoten, a well-known academicpublisher. Abe was regarded as a dilettante who merely introducedwestern science and culture, or an essayist without philologicalresearch or genuine scholarship. From this perception of Abe, we cansee what is recognized as "academic" in humanities in modern Japan. The next notable thing is that Abe was accused of being a "conservativereactionary" by the younger generation of Japan during the ColdWar. However, Abe was one of the leading writers of Taishō-Culturalism,who advocated western individualism and liberalism in Japan in the early20th century. Abe described himself as a "liberal." In fact, after Japan'sdefeat in the Second World War, Abe was also the chairman of the leftwingpeace organization headed by Iwanami Shoten. Meanwhile, Abe expressed his discomfort with the labor movementand admitted his aversion to the Soviet Union and the communist party.Some people criticized these contradictions in Abe and some fondly remembered his harmless "slovenliness" or "magnanimity." One could saythat the mix of cultural liberalism and political conservatism in Abe is atypical example of modern Japanese intellectuals.
小野 良子
人間文化研究 = Journal of Humanities Research,St.Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.16, pp.137-174, 2022-02-23

In Shakespeare's King Richard Ⅱ, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster,described England before the reign of Richard Ⅱ as "other Eden,"lamenting "This land of such dear souls …/ Is now leased out." TheDuke implied that the political failure of the king had corrupted the "garden"image of England and destroyed England's greatness inherited fromthe Black Prince, Richard Ⅰ. King Richard Ⅱ was written and staged in 1595 as the initial play in asequence about the Lancastrian phase of English history. The first edition(Q1) was published in 1597 and promptly followed by two furtherissues (Q2 and Q3) in 1598. It was the first play-text to prove its popularity,which indicates the "garden" image of England should have beenshared among the Shakespearian audience and readers. This paper is an attempt to examine the myth of England as "the secondEden," tracing back the origins of the legend to Classical mythologyand history. The first chapter consists of three parts: a survey of "Britannia,"ancient Greek and Roman mythology, and Arthurian legends. Thesecond chapter gives a closer reading of "Britannia" under the RomanEmpire.
口野 直隆 浜口 夏帆 大島 一二
vol.63, no.4, pp.3-34, 2022-02-17

The environment surrounding the restaurant industry in Japan isbecoming increasingly severe every year. Aside from the immediateproblem of the rapid contraction of demand for food service due to thespread of the new coronavirus, the biggest long-term problem is theongoing contraction of the domestic market due to Japan's declining andaging population. In contrast, overseas markets are steadily expanding dueto population growth and rising incomes, showing a favorable contrast tothe Japanese market.For this reason, in recent years, an increasing number of restaurantcompanies have actually turned their attention to overseas markets,especially Asian markets, and many of them are planning andimplementing overseas expansion.In previous research, this research team examined the performance ofJapanese food service companies expanding overseas and the status ofstore development by company, with a particular focus on their expansioninto the Taiwanese market. In this section, we examine the current statusof what groups of food service companies are actually expanding overseasby comparing 2017 and 2021. As a result, it became clear that the overallsituation of overseas expansion is becoming more polarized, with the socalledleading large corporate groups expanding further and the smallerand medium-sized corporate groups decreasing and withdrawing. However, this paper left some unanswered questions as to whether thesemacroeconomic conditions are universally applicable to all types andsectors of food service companies or not.Therefore, in this paper, we will focus on a sector of the food serviceindustry where there is not much prior research on overseas market entry,unlike the fast food chains and Japanese restaurants such as Japanese-stylepubs, which have been the main focus of research so far. In this paper, wefocus on the case of UCC's expansion into Taiwan. As will be discussedlater in this paper, UCC's expansion into Taiwan is characterized by thefact that it is not only an overseas expansion as a food service companywith coffee shop business as its core business, but also a strategy toexpand sales of coffee bean-related products in the Taiwanese market as afood (processing) industry.
刘 博晗 大島 一二
vol.63, no.4, pp.105-123, 2022-02-17

In this paper, I have described the development of Company H's productstrategy in the Chinese market, which was established in roughly threestages. In the first stage, the company confirmed that there was a certainlevel of product demand in the Chinese market through antenna stores andthorough tasting and development. Next, in the second stage, by promotingthe localization strategy in product development, we have improved thesatisfaction level of local consumers and achieved sales expansion bypromoting further adjustments. By juxtaposing this localization strategywith the promotion strategy, the company has promoted the recognition ofJapanese style curry among Chinese consumers. Finally, we believe thatthe current third staircase aims to further expand sales in the market bydiversifying the product through various adjustments.With the progress of these efforts, Company H has achieved somesuccess.