佐藤 博明
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.30, pp.S173-S188, 1986-03-31

Recent progress of the study of volcanoes in oceanic areas is reviewed. Major advance of the study has been brought about through the development of the following lines of researches; (1) narrow-beam echo sounding investigation with the aid of precise navigation systems to determine detailed sea bottom topography. (2) deep sea drilling for the determination of stratigraphy of oceanic basement. (3) direct observation and sampling of oceanic basement by submersibles. (4) development of isotope systematics such as Sr-Nd-Pb and He-Ar. (5) increase of accuracy as well as production rate of routine analyses of volcanic rocks; i.e. petrography, mineralogy, major and trace element compositions. Precise high-pressure phase equilibrium studies also afforded important constraints on the modelling of magma genesis in oceanic areas. Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of the volcanoes in oceanic areas are described according to the following classification scheme; [A] Monogenetic volcano (a) Oceanic ridge volcano, (b) Back-arc basin volcano, [B] Polygenetic volcano (c) Seamount near oceanic ridge, (d) Seamount near spreading center of back-arc basin, (e) Hot spot seamount, (f) Abyssal plateau, (g) Oceanic island arc volcano. Genetic models of these volcanoes are discussed, and it is shown that the mantle diapir model of SAKUYAMA (1983) can be applied to polygenetic volcanoes in oceanic areas. Generation and uprise of mantle diapir (or blob), and intrusion of mantle diapir into lithosphere may determine the essential features of polygenetic volcanoes; i.e. volume, duration of activity, evolutional history, major and trace element compositions, and isotopic ratios.
津久井 雅志
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.56, no.2, pp.89-94, 2011-06-30

Old historical documents on 1779 AD An'ei eruption of Sakurajima, southwest Japan were collected from distal places as well as those from neighboring area of the volcano. These records revealed that the ash-fall front traveled to the northeast at about 50-100km/h, reached as far as Tohoku district 1200km from Sakurajima, and covered area of ca. 2.33×10^5km^2. Investigation of old documents helped to improve understanding of behavior of the volcano and environmental effects at the time of infrequent and great eruption. The wide distribution of ash-fall in 1779 Sakurajima eruption suggests that there is a high potential that ash discharged by future eruption of Sakurajima may cover down through the mainland of Japan. We should keep in mind both physical and economical effects of ash-fall in assessing the activity and making the scenario of an eruption.
早川 由紀夫
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.36, no.3, pp.357-370, 1991-10-15

The recent progress of physical volcanology is reviewed focusing on studies on volcaniclastic flows and their deposits. Pyroclastic flows are high-particle-concentration, laminar currents with gas as a continuous phase. Pyroclastic surges are low-particle-concentration, turbulent currents with gas as a continuous phase. Lahars are flows of debris with liquid water as a continuous phase. Debris avalanches are catastrophic landslides in which a continuous phase is absent or plays no role for the motion. Owing to the upward gas flow, fluidization processes operate in pyroclastic flows. Flow behavior and resultant deposits are remarkably different depending the degree of fluidization, because it effectively reduces the yield strength of the flow. However, the distance traveled is slightly affected by the degree of fluidization. It is determined mainly by the mass incorporated at the source or by the velocity acquired when it wes initiated.
早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄 白尾 元理 小林 哲夫 徳田 安伸 津久井 雅志 加藤 隆 高田 亮 小屋口 剛博 小山 真人 藤井 敏嗣 大島 治 曽屋 龍典 宇都 浩三
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.29, pp.S208-S220, 1984-12-28

Stratigraphy and thickness distribution of the pyroclastic fall deposits formed during the eruption of Miyakejima volcano on October 3-4, 1983, were studied immediately after the deposition. Of the total mass of 20 million tons erupted, 8.5 million tons were ejected as basaltic scoria to form a complex set of air-fall deposits east of the fissure vents. One million tons of the latter were ejected from the upper fissures as fire-fountain products. The rest was the product of phreatomagmatic explosions which occurred in the lower fissures where ground water chilled the magma to form dense scoria blocks which devastated villages. Explosion craters and a tuff ring were formed along the N-S trending lower fissures. Account of the general distribution of the deposits, nature of the constituents, mutual stratigraphic correlation and correlation with observed sequence are given.
須藤 靖明
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-12, 1975-05-01

The western region of the Aso Caldera is well known to display the considerable activity of earthquakes. Then, the seismic observation was carried out during three months from June to August of 1973. The purpose of this observation was to analyze the nature of earthquakes and to get information on the tectonic structure at the western caldera rim. The 21 hypocenters were located below the western region and the central cone of the Aso Caldera, and the focal mechanism solutions were determined from the P wave first motions. The distribution of epicenters was distinguished into two zones, one was the zone striking from the Tateno Valley to the west and another was the zone striking north to south along the western rim of caldera. These two zones intersect each other at the Tateno Valley where the caldera wall is breached. The hypocentral depths of earthquakes occurring in the former zone were deeper than in the latter zone. The focal mechanism solutions implied that the direction of maximum compressive stress was northwest-southeast for the earthquakes occurring in the former zone, on the other hand, for the earthquakes occurring in the latter zone the direction of maximum compressive stress was northeast-southwest. These appearances were suggesting that these zones were undoubtedly equal to the tectonic lines and that the right lateral strike slip was occurred at each zone.
高橋 正樹
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.39, no.4, pp.207-218, 1994-09-20

Late Quaternary poly genetic volcanoes in Japanese islands can be classified into two types : P-type and O-type. The vent of the P-type (parallel types) aligns in parallel with the orientation of regional σ_<Hmax>, while the vent alignment of the O-type (oblique type) is normal or highly oblique to it. The P-type consists of three sub-types based on the kind of associated active faults : PN (with normal faults), PS (with strike-slip faults), and PR (with reverse faults). Most of the O-type are constructed on the mountain range which is bounded on both side with reverse faults ; its vent alignment is probably controlled by the local extensional stress field in the mountain mass caused by the gravity tectonics. Thin sheet-like magma chambers are estimated to be present beneath the O-type volcanoes ; the arrangement of maximum principal stress axis producing reverse faults (σ_v=σ_3) favors the formation of sheet-like magma chambers. The eruption rate of the O-type is generally small because of the complexity of its magma plumbing system.
山科 健一郎
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.58, no.1, pp.103-114, 2013-03-29

鎌田 浩毅 宇都 浩三 内海 茂
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.33, no.4, pp.305-320, 1988-12-28

中部九州,豊肥火山地域中央部の涌蓋(わいた)山地域には,輝石安山岩質の溶岩流の上に角閃石安山岩質の溶岩流と溶岩円頂丘から成る火山群が形成されている.涌蓋山地域は,耶馬渓(やばけい)火砕流の噴出に伴って形成された猪牟田(ししむた)カルデラの南西縁に位置する.涌蓋山地域に分布する火山岩の地質層序をたて,火山岩のK-Ar年代測定を行なった.涌蓋山地域の火山岩はそれぞれ噴出中心の異なる単成火山群の特徴をもち,猪牟田カルデラの後カルデラ火山活動の産物と考えられる.これらの火山活動は,耶馬渓火砕流噴出直後の1Maから0.3Maまで継続したことが判明した.また火山岩の噴出量と噴出岩石の組成変化を検討した結果,火山活動は0.7Ma付近を境とし,1回の噴出量の多い輝石安山岩質の活動から,噴出量の少ない角閃石安山岩質の活動へと変化したことが判明した.このことは猪牟田カルデラ直下のマグマ溜りの温度が時間とともに低下したことを示唆する.涌蓋山地域の火山活動は0.7 Ma 付近を境として総噴出量が減少し,火山体の形態も溶岩台地卓越型から少数の成層火山体を伴った溶岩円頂丘卓越型へと変化した.涌蓋山地域の火山岩の変化は豊肥火山地域全体のテクトニクスの変化を反映すると考えられる.
荒牧 重雄
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.32, no.1, pp.57-72, 1987-04-30

Lake Nyos is a maar-type volcano formed by phreatomagmatic eruption along the fissure. The rock is weakly alkaline olivine basalt very rich in crustal xenoliths and mantle-derived spinel-lehrzolite nodules. Stratiied surge deposits made of scoria and ash drape the pre-Cambrian(?) granitic basement along the lake shore. Lake Nyos is a part of Cameroon Volcanic Line which contains many fields of monogenetic volcanoes. Among them is another maar-type crater lake Monoun, which erupted similar lethal gas(CO_2) in 1984 and killed 37 people. The rocks of these young monogenetic volcanoes range from weakly to strongly alkaline basalts and basanitoids. The older(Tertiary?), plateau-forming basalts which constitute immediate basement are also alkaline basalts and basanitoids.