轟 亮
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.51, no.2, pp.127-134, 2006-10-31 (Released:2016-03-23)
善積 京子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.27, no.3, pp.45-73,145, 1983-01-31 (Released:2017-02-18)

This paper is an attempt to study how illegitimate children were born and reared. The investigation deals with 396 illegitimate children entrusted to one child guidance clinic. Firstly these cases were classified into three groups, according to the mothers' feelings for their children at birth, and then the backgrounds of the illegitimate births were examined. The first group contains those who wanted neither to bear nor to rear their children; the second group those who wanted to bear them legitimately, and the third group, those who dared to bear their child illegitimately. In the first group, illegitimacy is caused partly by social factors, such as condonation of rape and the lack of sexual education, and partly by in dividual factors such as ignorance, lack of intelligence, poverty, and unconscious needs. In the second group, illegitimacy is directly caused by the prevention of marriage by, for example, the irresponsible behaviour of the mother's partner, disruptive intervention by relatives or over-expectation of marriage system in Japan and the norm of legitimacy has a great deal to do with causing illegitimacy. Secondly four fostering patterns were introduced regarding the others' intention to foster their children and their actual behaviour. Factors affecting the rearing of illegitimate children can be divided on three levels: first, social structure-the norm of legitimacy and social resources : second, social relationships such as those with the child, father, kin, and the new partner; and capacity to foster, and her health.
團 康晃
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.58, no.2, pp.3-19,142, 2013-10-31 (Released:2015-05-13)

In the classroom, although students often laugh with friends, teachers cansometimes censure them for certain activities where laughter is unacceptablebehavior. This paper describes the structure of this type of hilarity, consideringinstances where teachers can disapprove, according to ethnomethodology andconversation analysis By analyzing two types of interaction, the author attempts to shed light onthe following main points. First, in terms of laughter produced during a groupinterview, two types of laughter exist. On the one hand, some jokes elicit laughterfrom every participant. On the other hand, some jokes are not funny for allparticipants. Some activities considered to be joking produce the latter kind oflaughter, and can be penalized by the teacher. This form of mockery differs incertain aspects from that examined in a preceding study by Drew. Second, ittends to be produced in a particular sequence organization. Three steps have beenobserved in such a sequence. First, a preceding actor acts in a certain manner so asto poke fun at a subsequent actor. Some actions tend to be utterances organized asfirst-pair part with some amusing components, or to be utterances with humorouscomponents dependent on a preceding utterance. Second, when the subsequentactor responds to the preceding action, the embedded comical component isimputed to him. Third, participants can laugh at the subsequent actor because ofthis imputation. In addition, if the subsequent actor does not respond to the preceding action,the preceding actor could repeat this action, that is, to tease, to laugh at him, or toimpose sanctions against the rejection of the preceding action. As a consequence of these structures, the subsequent actor is given a paradoxicalidentity different from those sharing co-membership.
樫田 美雄
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.51, no.1, pp.171-177, 2006-05-31 (Released:2016-03-23)
宮武 実知子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.50, no.3, pp.75-91,190, 2006

"The Cornerstone of Peace," which is located in the southern half of Okinawa prefecture, is a very famous symbol for war and peace. The monument is engraved with the names of about 240,000 men and women who lost their lives in the Battle of Okinawa, regardless of nationality or whether they were military or civilian. Many journalists, newscasters, and politicians mention it as an ideal monument for the war dead. In this article, I will argue about the correlation between official memorial places and public opinion. In case of Okinawa, before "the Cornerstone of Peace" was built, hundreds of monuments had been built by the war bereaved in Okinawa as well as by administrative units of local government. Such monuments by local governments were often looked at critically as selfish, so that a new kind of monument was needed to dedicate to the whole war dead. After 1991, when the project to build the Cornerstone was announced, some people argued against it and others for it. Then once the monument was erected in 1995, it was praised as an ideal monument without controversy, especially in Japan proper. More importantly, these days, the need for a new kind of memorial which can replace the controversial Yasukuni Shrine is becoming an issue. The case of "the Cornerstone of Peace" in Okinawa can offer some solutions to this issue.
上野 加代子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.48, no.3, pp.121-126, 2004-02-29 (Released:2016-05-25)
戸江 哲理
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.51, no.3, pp.39-55,208, 2007

One may say that the only person who knows everything about her/his trouble is the person her/himself. On the other hand, we can actually "share" our troubles with others. How can we make this happen? To answer this, I apply conversation analysis to conversational data. The co-membership of the troubled is inter-visualized by participants in "proving" ones own access to a kind of troubled experience vis-a-vis another report of troubled experience. Ones own access is demonstrated, for example, by the procedure of making an independent assessment of the trouble, and by procedure of producing a "second story" of trouble following a co-participants "first story." Once the co-membership of the troubled is inter-visualized, it is interesting that a participants report of her/his "own case" is heard as "proposal" or as "advice" by co-participants. Moreover, such a proposal may be "improper" because it is constructed as a report of "ones own case." A rejection of such a proposal may occur indirectly.This means that a rehash of troubles-talk is preceded by formal acceptance and/or silence and/or a preface. In doing so, a trouble teller may orient to the co-membership by inviting the other participants to talk about their troubles. My conclusions are: (1) even if the co-membership of the troubled is inter-visualized, participants may be divided into counter-sub-categories such as trouble-resistive (proposal) and trouble-receptive (rehash). However, both the proposals of "ones own case" and the rehashes of troubles-talks are implemented by the orientation to the co-membership of the troubled. This contributes in making the topic "rich." (2) The sociology of trouble has taken it for granted that one orients to resolve ones own trouble when one talks about it. However, rehashes of troubles-talks through the rejection of advice imply that there may be trouble-talks that dont orient to solutions. (3) The co-membership of the troubled prepares a "safe" utterance environment for "improper" proposals. This sequential environment is critical to institutional settings such as mothering and self-help groups.
江南 健志
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.2, pp.39-55,178, 2007-10-31 (Released:2016-03-23)

On the one hand, forestry in Japan brings to mind images of foreign lumber imports and rural depopulation. On the other, it can be said that a new value and meaning have been given to forested areas. This has led to the ‘rediscovery” of forest villages as a model for a new society that strives for a harmony between nature and man, and a positive re-evaluation of traditional forest management techniques. One such technique is “Nasubigiri forestry.” The purpose of this paper is, from the perspective of life in a forest village, to object to the idea of “Environmental Justice” that has recently been given to such forest villages, while praising and presenting a view of harmony with nature, and symbiosis. This paper does not aim to criticize environmental protection. Rather, it attempts to point out the distance that lies between the directionality of this theory that is presented as the “Truth,” and actual life in a forest village. The main discourse herein points out problems with environmental justice from the Perspective of people engaged in traditional “Nasubigiri forestry” technology currently practiced in the Isato Township, Kumano City, Mie Prefecture, and considers the ideal approach to a recognition of the environment, one that takes the thinking of forestry managers and workers into account.
圓田 浩二
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.44, no.3, pp.75-92,152, 2000-02-29 (Released:2016-11-02)

In this paper, the author discusses the social meaning of eating disorders, especially binge eating and vomiting with bulimia nervosa, from a sociological perspective. First, he identifies from his interviews (thirty cases) two types within the main factors of eating disorders. One type is named "skinny wish type" which indicates those who developed eating disorders to avoid obesity. The other is named "social maladjustment type" to identify those who have eating disorders caused by stresses in their lives. The social maladjustment type has rarely been discussed in sociological literature on disorders. Secondly, the author represents a new perspective by means of critiquing the feminist approach to eating disorders. It is a concept of "de-sociality" through an analysis of the "social maladjustment type". De-sociality is temporarily de-embedding the self from an existing social relationship. For eating disorder patients, the de-social space-time creates a healing space for them to recover their sociality.
翁 和美
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.54, no.3, pp.37-54,176, 2010

The point of departure of this thesis lies in the "fact" that the management principles of S. nursing home, the first in Japan to specialize in patients suffering from dementia, aim to maintain the norms and values of daily life, which, together with the caregivers' pattern-making practices, have led its residents to form ways of being, doing, and living similar to people without dementia. This thesis attempts to pursue and envisage a concrete pathway in the system of "mutual" recognition in S. nursing home between caregivers and residents in the broader socio-political context in Japan. Notwithstanding the transformations of the new method in the regimes of care-giving and being cared for in modern industrial societies regarding people with dementia, notably in its shift from medicalization (the "disease model") to person-centered care (the "relational model"), we find in S. nursing home in addition that there are cognitive adjustments relative to both models and also relative to the "common" elements in the conduct of daily life that help caregivers to change their interpretations of people with dementia and to recognise them as being similar to themselves, tied to "common sense" and narrative unity in age, yet also as being "communicable" partners. In the conduct of daily life: getting up in the morning, cooking, eating, and sleeping at night - caregivers (people without dementia) are no different from people with dementia. While the "disease model" underlies caregivers' acceptance of patients, cognitive adjustments relative to these "common" elements endorse caregivers' sympathy for residents (patients), which, although one-sided, complete the "relational model" as the caregivers' primary mode of operation at S. nursing home. Three key concerns may greatly enrich not only academic studies of people with dementia, but also the various regimes of care-giving and being cared for in modern industrial societies. They constitute the conditions necessary to realise a "mutual" cognition between nursing home caregivers and residents with dementia. First, the malleable qualities of a public location (the nursing home): conditions similar to a home-like atmosphere enable nursing home caregivers to forge ties through situational cognition. Second, caregivers' pattern-making practices under the conditions of the first mode make it possible to refer to a "common" element in both people with dementia and those without: the most basic determination of people struggling to cope with their own life events, such as dementia, and improving their circumstances through their own intention and will. Lastly, the requirement that the "relational model" affiliate with the "disease model" allows nursing home caregivers to take advantage of chances of communication with people with dementia, resulting in depathologisation. Although both are one-sided, the cognitive adjustments relative to both the "disease model," as caregivers' full acceptance of people with dementia, and the "relational model," as caregivers' primary mode of operation, are necessary for "mutual" recognition between caregivers and people with dementia to take place.
松谷 実のり
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.60, no.2, pp.95-113, 2015

<p>国内の雇用再編の中で周縁化された若者の一部には、リスクを取ってチャンスにかける志向が見られる。その一例が、現地採用者として上海で働く若者である。彼らは日本企業の本社が派遣する駐在員とは異なり、人材紹介会社を利用して上海の日系企業と直接雇用契約を結ぶ。本稿ではメゾレベルの移住のメカニズムとミクロな個人の動機の交錯に注目し、現地採用という特殊な雇用制度の仕組みとそれが拡大してきた経緯を明らかにする。その上で、当該雇用制度の特徴と若者がそれを選択する理由との関係に言及する。移住システム論に依拠しながら、制度を整備した人材紹介会社、移住労働者を必要とする日系企業、制度を戦略的に利用しようとする若者の三者の関係に注目する。 人材紹介会社は、日本から若者を送り出す労働力の供給システムを整備した。日系企業は制度の整備を受け、企業内での従業員の再配置(=駐在員の派遣)から外部労働市場を利用した柔軟な労働力の取り込み(=現地採用)へと、雇用を流動化させつつある。この結果、日系企業の需要に合わせた特殊な労働市場が海外に形成された。日系企業の進出と撤退に伴い、この労働市場も短期間で拡大・縮小するが、移住システムの枠組は新たな資本投下先に移植されることで再生産されている。 他方で、若者は予測不可能な環境へ飛び出すことで、日本の労働市場における閉塞感を打破しようとする。彼らは自らの持つ資本と移住のコストやリスクを照らし合わせ、現実的かつ暫定的な戦略として現地採用を選択する。このとき、日系企業への労働力供給システムを貫く資本の論理と、潜在的な可能性に投機しようとする若者の積極性は、一時的に合致する。</p>
多田 光宏
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.60, no.3, pp.185-188, 2016-02