花村 俊吉
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 = Primate research (ISSN:09124047)
vol.26, no.2, pp.159-176, 2010-12-20

Chimpanzees form a multi-male/multi-female unit-group and the members of the group usually split into temporary parties. They sometimes exchange long-distance calls, pant-hoots (PH) between parties and utter PH in chorus within a party. Although most studies on PH have focused on the sociobiological functions for vocalizers or the referential functions, such studies based on individualistic or anthropocentric viewpoint do not tell us how chimpanzees interact with others by using PH. This study aims to analyze how the chimpanzees of Mahale connect their actions through PH and how they organize their social fields beyond visual contact with involvement of others in sight, by applying ethnomethodology and focusing on hearers' actions. Case analyses based on the result of their usual interval for exchanging PH (10 sec.) revealed that both vocalizers and hearers practiced the same "call-answer" form. Utilizing this form, not only vocalizers could construct an auditory social field between parties but also non-answering hearers could observe the field. Even if PH hearers headed to the place from which they heard the PH, they sometimes restrained themselves from answering to hear whether or not the answer was uttered by other parties, and anew uttered PH to elicit the voluntary answer from the party with whom they tried to interact. Meanwhile, PH hearers sometimes answered immediately regardless of the contexts in which the PH was uttered. Employing these two hands, they would organize their auditory social fields. Once two parties constructed their auditory social field by exchanging PH, one could wait for next call from another or they could get to meet visually with repeating PH exchanges. On the other hand, PH hearers sometimes terminated or deferred those interactions, which hearers' attitudes were supposed to generate the society in which the members could stay apart from each other even beyond PH distance. In conclusion, these hearers' various actions show the sociality related to their dynamic fission-fusion society and engaging in non-referential interactions. When we say that chimpanzees' society is complex, we may be often thinking of the process of interactions resulted from such their unique sociality.
岩本 光雄 渡辺 毅 浜田 穣
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.3, no.1, pp.18-28, 1987 (Released:2009-09-07)
35 36

A total of 406 observations on dental eruption was obtained from 343 Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) of known birthdays (Table 1).The order of the beginning of eruption was estimated as (M1, M1), (I1, I1), (I2, I2), (M2, M2), (PPPP), (C, , C'), (M3, M3) for male and (M1, M1), (I1, I1), (I2, I2), (M2, M2), (C, , P3, P3, C', P4, P4), (M3, M3) for female.Among 406 observations, 270 were used for statistics of the eruption age, because the remaining 136 which were obtained from monkeys of Shiga and Koshima show a fair degree of delay in the eruption age as a whole. The statistical results were shown in Tables 2 and 3, and a norm of the eruption age as a tentative interpretation was given in Table 4 with a footnote concerning the delay of eruption in monkeys of Shiga and Koshima. Interpretation of the delay in these monkeys is difficult, though the delay in monkeys of Koshima may be related to the general delay of their growth which has been caused by their isolation on a small islet.From the comparison of the present results and related reports on macaques (Table 5), it is apparent that among four species, M. fascicularis, M. mulatta, M. nemestrina and M. fuscata, the eruption is comparatively late in M. fuscata for most teeth, and it is generally earlier in female than male for every tooth except for M3 which erupts at similar age in both sexes or earlier in male than female especially in M. mulatta. Sexual difference in the eruption age of C, and possibly of P3, is relatively small in M. fascicularis and large in M. nemestrina. It seems that these interspecific differences are more or less related to those in body size and canine size.
竹中 修
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.2, no.1, pp.21-24, 1986 (Released:2009-09-07)
横田 明 峰澤 満 中村 伸 金井塚 務 後藤 俊二 馬場 駿吉
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.3, no.2, pp.112-118, 1987 (Released:2009-09-07)
13 11

Pollenosis is a IgE-mediated allergic disease which has the symptoms of snivel, sneezing, eye mucus, and/or tear resulting from mucous membrane inflammation of nostrils and/or eye. In Japan, Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollenosis is a typical one occurring in spring, and recently the number of its patients is remarkably increasing.We found the pollenosis in adult-female Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) inhabiting Miyajima Island under free-ranging conditions, who are derived from different female lineages one another. Their sera contained higher level of specific IgE antibody against Japanese cedar pollen than those of normal monkeys. The sera also induced a skin allergic reaction to the pollen upon Prausnitz-Kustner Test using normal healthy monkeys as a recipient. Thus, the current paper is the first report concerning naturally occurring pollenosis in wild non-human primates.
高崎 浩幸
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.9, no.2, pp.135-144, 1993 (Released:2009-09-07)

Analysis of DNA polymorphisms was viewed as a new means of individual discrimination in studies of wild chimpanzees. DNA typing methodology was summarized for field primatologists, who often lack required knowledge of molecular biology, and expected impact of DNA typing on studies of wild chimpanzees was discussed. In particular, behavioral and social aspects were dealt with. A guide to noninvasive collection of samples in the field was appended.
田村 典子
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.13, no.2, pp.129-135, 1997 (Released:2009-09-07)
8 7

Hoarding behaviour of Japanese squirrels (Sciurus lis Temminck) was studied using walnuts (Juglans airanthifolia Carr.) attached radio transmitters. A hundred of walnut seeds were provided on the feeding stands in the walnut forest from September to December of 1992. Squirrels immediately ate 35 walnuts near the feeding stand, and 60 of them were scatter-hoarded. The hoarding site tended to be upper part of the slope than the feeding stand. The distance from the feeding stand to hoarding sites ranged from 1-62m. Thirty-eight of hoarded walnuts were retrieved by squirrels later, but 15 were stolen by wood mice (Apodemus speciosus Temminck). Consequently, 7 of them were left at the hoarded site until May, 1993, when starting the germination. The scatter-hoarding by Japanese squirrels had an important role for seed dispersion of walnuts.
Andrew James Jonathan MacIntosh
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.30, no.1, pp.95-119, 2014-06-20 (Released:2014-08-02)
11 13

Drawing upon a large body of literature comprising various applications of fractal theory and complexity science in ecology and evolution, I illustrate that animal behavior can be characterized usefully by its fundamentally fractal nature in both time and space. I begin with an introduction to fractal geometry and then provide examples of how and why its analysis has been employed in biological/ecological studies. I examine the three main approaches used to model animal behavior through the fractal lens, and show how (i) the Lévy flight foraging hypothesis, (ii) spatial fractal dimension estimates and (iii) fractal time have each complemented more traditional investigations of animal behavior and provided unique insights into ecological processes. I then focus on illustrating how fractal analysis can be used as a sensitive indicator of behavioral or environmental 'quality'. I argue that complex behavior sequences both result from and are necessary to cope with environmental heterogeneity. This body of work supports the hypotheses that complexity is biologically adaptive and that complexity loss, i.e. greater periodicity or stereotypy, is not only indicative of altered or impaired condition but may in addition carry with it significant fitness consequences. Throughout this essay, I attempt to emphasize that by extending beyond our traditional disciplinary boundaries, behavioral ecologists stand to gain unprecedented insight into complex phenomena in the lives and activities of organisms all around us. It is my sincere hope that the ideas presented herein encourage future interdisciplinary research into the role of complexity in behavioral organization, and what that might mean for ecological processes.
Min HOU Masahiro HAYASHI Ryuichi ASHINO Amanda D. MELIN Shoji KAWAMURA
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 Supplement
pp.32-33, 2020 (Released:2021-04-23)

Taste perception is fundamental in dietary selection for many animals. Bitter taste perception is important not only in dietary selection but also in preventing animals from ingesting potentially toxic compounds. Previous studies have revealed evolutionary divergence of the bitter taste receptor gene (TAS2R) repertoire in mammals, including primates, using publicly available whole genome sequence (WGS) data. Plant tissues contain more toxic compounds than animal tissues do. Herbivores could have less TAS2R genes because they are predicted to be more tolerant and less sensitive to bitter compounds to ingest poisons. On the other hand, herbivores could have more TAS2R genes because they are predicted to be in need of selecting and ingesting bitter plants which other animals avoid. Cercopithecid (African and Asian) monkeys are an excellent subject for studying adaptive evolution of bitter sensation because they have diverged into folivores (colobines) and omnivores (cercopithecines). However, only a few genera have been studied in this context. Dependence on WGS data is also potentially problematic due to its inherent incompleteness especially for multigene families such as TAS2Rs. In this study, we employed the target capture (TC) method specifically probing TAS2Rs followed by massive-parallel sequencing for nine cercopithecid species (seven cercopithecines: two Papio, two Macaca, one each of Cercopithecus, Chlorocebus and Erythrocebus species; two colobines: one each of Semnopithecus and Colobus species). We show that TC is far more effective than WGS in retrieving gene sequence and distinguishing intact and disrupted genes. We also find bitter taste gene composition differs among the species. Further studies are required to investigate whether difference of gene composition result in difference of receptor sensitivity and behavioral reactivity to bitter compounds.
小川 秀司
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 = Primate research (ISSN:09124047)
vol.26, no.2, pp.143-158, 2010-12-20

I studied huddling groups of Japanese macaques (<i>Macaca fuscata</i>) in the Arashiyama E troop at the "Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama" in Kyoto, central Japan. Japanese macaques made physical contact with other individuals and formed huddling groups when air temperatures were low. The 99-101 adult females and 26-36 adult males in the study troop formed 345 huddling groups during 42 scan samplings in the winter of 2001, and 376 huddling groups during 52 scan samplings in the winter of 2002. The average size of huddling groups was 2.34 (range: 2-7) individuals in 2001, and 2.31 (range: 2-6) individuals in 2002. There was no huddling group of two males. Females more frequently huddled with females than with males. Two maternal kin related females huddled more frequently than unrelated females did. Mother-daughter pairs huddled most frequently. Two individuals usually huddled ventrally-ventrally, ventrally-laterally, and ventrally-dorsally. The distribution of huddling group sizes shows that the approaching individuals did not choose a particular size of huddling. However, the approaching individuals chose locations where they simultaneously contacted with two individuals 1.5 times more frequently than locations where they contacted with only one individual. This choice made the shape of huddling groups triangular and diamond-shaped more frequently than expected. By decision making of each individual, specific patterns emerged in the shape, composition, and position of each individual in huddling groups. As well as huddling behaviors, two and more primate individuals were involved in various social interactions. During the interactions, primates make their decision based on complex cognitive mechanisms and non-linear functions, compete and cooperate with the same opponents in their troop, and predict and manipulate the opponent's behavior. These traits in social interactions among primates might make their society more complex and interesting.
伊谷 純一郎
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.1, no.1-2, pp.5-14, 1985 (Released:2009-09-07)
8 6
揚妻 直樹
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.11, no.2, pp.133-146, 1995 (Released:2009-09-07)
3 3

There is more to the conservation of wild animals than keeping individual species alive. It is also necessary to maintain their ecological relationships with other plants and animals, relationships with others of their own species and natural patterns of behaviors. This paper deals with methods of vegetation rehabilitation to conserve wildlife ecology, especially for large forest mammals. The first step for the rehabilitation is to compare the natural habitat and ecology of the animal with the intended conservation area. The second step is to rehabilitate the vegetation of the target area by logging and planting so that it comes to resemble the natural habitat. In some case, some economic activities also can coexist in the area. The final step involves monitoring the habitat and ecology of the animal in the rehabilitated area.
野田 令子 斎藤 成也
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.16, no.2, pp.157-167, 2000 (Released:2009-09-07)

There are three common alleles (A, B, and O) at the human ABO blood group locus which codes glycosyltransferase. The polymorphisms of the ABO blood group are also observed in wide variety of primates. The difference of the glycosyltransferase activity between human A and B enzymes is due to the two amino acid differences. The same amino acid differences are observed for A and B alleles in non-human primates. We determined 19 sequences of chimpanzee, 8 sequences of bonobo, and 2 sequences of Japanese macaque ABO blood group gene for exon 3 and intron 6 (ca 1.7kb). We also determined 3 sequences of Japanese macaque ABO for exon 7 (ca. 0.5kb). We compared those data with published sequences of other hominoids and Old World monkeys. It was suggested that the type changes between A and B occurred independently in the both lineages of the hominoids and Old world monkeys. The alleles A and B appeared to be polymorphic in the ancestral species of macaques, while the different B type allele evolved independently in baboon lineage.
佐倉 統
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.3, no.1, pp.33-42, 1987 (Released:2009-09-07)

Theoretical framework of sociobiology can be regarded as Lakatosian “advanced research program, ” which has high probability of problem solution and a flexible metaphysical structure. Some theories, however, should be expanded to apply to primate behavior, because a lot of primate behavior does not seem to have direct genetical bases. Learning ability of primates is higher than that of non-primates and some of higher primates even show cultural behavior. So that, it is necessary to clear up the relation between phenotype and behavior to establish primate sociobiology. For this purpose, a new concept on their relation, the “phenotype/sub-phenotype network” model, is presented here. If a behavioral parameter is genetically determined phenotype, behavior(s) which are influenced with this parameter can be called “sub-phenotype(s).” I also discuss some theories on cultural transmission and evolution, and confirm that the framework of sociobiology is useful to reveal this problem. These theories and models will provide fruitful perspectives on human origin and evolution, applied to primate pre-cultural behavior. Finally I discuss some problems and perspectives on primate sociobiology. On the development of primate sociobiology, it seems to be emergent and important to apply multiple variate genetic theory that has been developed by R. Lande.
室山 泰之
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.14, no.3, pp.165-178, 1998 (Released:2009-09-07)

This paper reviews recent studies of reciprocal altruistic behaviours in non-human primates. Although altruistic behaviours such as alliances in agonistic interactions and social grooming are explained by the theories of kin selection or reciprocal altruism, evidence of reciprocity is scarce. Recent development of methods, however, may allow us to investigate reciprocity in quantitative and systematic ways. Model-based comparison of matrices of social interactions in a group are a powerful tool to investigate reciprocity at group level. Sequential analyses of social interactions reveal how monkeys do decision-making during the interactions with different partners in terms of reciprocity. Some computer simulations may give us an insight into false reciprocity in the case that human observers may assume the existence of reciprocity. It is also discussed whether reciprocal altruism could develop into true altruism which is reported exclusively in humans.
川本 芳 白井 啓 荒木 伸一 前野 恭子
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.15, no.1, pp.53-60, 1999 (Released:2009-09-07)
11 11

An adult male captured at Nakatsu village, Wakayama Prefecture, was identified as an interspecific hybrid between the Japanese and Taiwan macaques. Electrophoretic analysis of diagnostic blood proteins (adenosine deaminase, ADA; NADH-dependent diaphorase, DIA; transferrin TF) strongly supported the occurrence of hybridization between native Japanese macaques and artificially introduced Taiwan macaques in the prefecture. The male had a Taiwanese-like mitochondrial DNA. This suggested that the hybrid resulted from a mating between an immigrant male of Japanese macaque and a group-member, female Taiwanese macaque in the northern area of the Arida River.
岡 秀郎 岡田 守彦 木村 賛 葉山 杉夫
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.12, no.2, pp.207-220, 1996 (Released:2009-09-07)

加納 隆至
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.17, no.3, pp.223-242, 2001 (Released:2009-09-07)
1 4

Numerous comparative studies have shown that Pan paniscus exhibits many socio-sexual characteristics which are distinct from those of Pan troglodytes. These characteristics can be considered as successful counter-strategies against potential infanticide by males.1) Female P. paniscus show longer maximal tumescence period per cycle, larger number of cycles during pregnancy, earlier resumption of a cycle after giving birth, than those of P. troglodytes. All of these increase a female's sexual receptivity which help to mitigate male-male sexual competition, the principal motivation for infanticide.2) Female P. paniscus appear to form a sort of alliance against males: they are more closely associate with each other than males do, both in the formation of parties and spatial distribution, and are cooperative in agonistic interactions with males. They prevent males from establishing a coalition by assisting young males to gain higher ranking positions, and also by maintaining a close association with their sons even after they mature. Thus, females, in spite of their physical inferiority to males, attain equal or even higher social positions than males. This makes it difficult for males to behave violently towards infants.3) Female P. paniscus take the initiative in peaceful contact with different groups. They mate more frequently with males from different groups than with males of their own group during intergroup encounters. Intergroup copulations, together with obscured ovulation through prolonged estrus, make it difficult for males to determine paternity. This extreme confusion of paternity is considered to be a powerful deterrence to infant-killing by males of both the same group and between different groups.
本庄 重男
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.2, no.2, pp.109-110, 1986 (Released:2009-09-07)
4 7

“The Guiding Principles for Animal Experiments Using Nonhuman Primates” has been adopted by unanimous consent at the 2nd General Assembly of PSJ held on June 14, 1986, in Nagoya. Three main points of view, i. e., (1) conservation of feral nonhuman primate resources, (2) animal welfare, and (3) good use of nonhuman primates as laboratory animals, have been comprehended in “the Guiding Principles” which consists of a preamble and twelve sections. The preamble explains PSJ's fundamental intent to draw up “the Guiding Principles”. Twelve sections are concerned with 1) judgement on appropriateness of experiment using nonhuman primates, 2) procurement of wild nonhuman primates, 3) quarantine, 4) health management for monkeys as well as for personnels working with monkeys, 5) feeding conditions, 6) experimental techniques and procedures, 7) euthanasia and clearance work for carcasses, 8) effective and multiple use of animals, 9) captive breeding and rearing, 10) publication of experimental results, 11) observance of rules and regulations related to protection and welfare of animals, and 12) establishment of an intramural system of inspection and review for animal experiments.PSJ believes it is quite right to state that scientists who use nonhuman primates for their research should strictly observe “the Guiding Principles”.