The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.758-776, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify changes in agricultural production, especially medicinal crop production in Zhengzhang Village, located in the urban shadow of Beijing Metropolis under agricultural structure adjustment. In addition, an analysis is carried out of the reasons that have caused these changes. Through this study, prospects of the developmental trends of agricultural production and farm management in farm households in the urban shadow of Beijing Metropolis are discussed. The P. R. of China (China) started to implement agricultural structure adjustment in 1999. Especially, to face the effects brought by China's entry to the WTO, the Chinese government strengthened the quality control of some agricultural products, which constitute part of China's agricultural structure adjustment. Zhengzhang Village has a tradition of medicinal crop production. Since the introduction of the Reform and Opening Policy, in order to gain more income, farm households have actively developed the business of cultivating and processing medicinal crops. But since 1999, due to the lack of capital to improve processing circumstances, some farm households had to abandon the medicinal crop processing business. Almost simultaneously, some farm households short of agricultural labor abandoned medicinal crop cultivation and transferred to food crop cultivation which provided low but stable income. As a result, in Zhengzhang Village under agricultural structure adjustment, medicinal crop production is diminishing, and income polarization among farm households is becoming obvious. These changes can be mainly attributed to government policy adjustments. Other factors, such as market force, social situation and globalization, also played important roles. This study carried out a detailed field survey of land use and farm management in farm households.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.732-757, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)

This study examines the rejuvenation of greenhouse horticulture on the Kujukuri Plain in Chiba Prefecture, about 60km from Tokyo. Greenhouse horticulture has gone through many changes since the 1990s, and the management of greenhouse operation, in particular, has changed with the introduction of advanced hydroponics and large agricultural subsidies. The study is based on interviews conducted with farmers, employees of agricultural co-operatives and local government officials in 2005 and 2006, and a land-use survey conducted in 2004. We emphasize actors and their linkages in maintaining horticulture, and examine the formation of the following linkages among actors: the linkages among individual farmers voluntarily involved in farm groups, the linkages among groups of farmers, and those between farmers and agricultural co-operatives, farm equipment manufacturers and local governments. The formation of five hydroponic organizations in Shirako Town is studied by examining several factors that help to maintain and develop greenhouse horticulture. These factors are favourable climate, rich soil, the proximity to large markets, accumulated horticultural technology, advanced infrastructure, the increase in profits and the rationalization of farming owing to the innovations adopted by individual farms, and the improvement in farm working conditions. Among various actors, the leaders of each hydroponic organization and the Shirako Hydroponic Association have played an important role and have been a driving force to develop hydroponic horticulture in Shirako Town. Hydroponic farmers have maintained individual farm management while they have created farm associations that take advantage of working in groups. Moreover, these five hydroponic organizations have improved co-operation with agricultural co-operatives, local government, seedling companies and hydroponic equipment manufacturers.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.716-731, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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Glacial fluctuations controlled by volcanic events on the Tateyama Volcano (about 2, 670m a. s. l.) in the Hida Range, central Japan, during the last glacial period were reconstructed on the basis of glacial sediments, landforms, volcanic ejecta and their stratigraphic relationships. On Mt. Tateyama (3, 015m a. s. l.) comprising granitic bedrock, glaciers became less extensive depending on the climate change from Murodo Stades I (just before 70ka) and II (just after 70ka) through Tateyama Stades I (just before 29 cal ka), II (18-20ka) and III (10-11ka). In contrast, glaciers on the Tateyama Volcano adjacent to Mt. Tateyama became more expansive from Murodo Stades I and II through Tateyama Stade I, because the successive emergence of lava peaks progressively widened the accumulation area. In addition, a glacier rich in basal water may have surged from a lava peak in Murodo Stade II, due to high geothermal flow. However, it has not been confirmed whether or not the glacier snout descended most in Tateyama Stade I. In Tateyama Stade I, the repeated collapse of caldera walls decreased the accumulation area on the lava peaks, which resulted in intermittent glacial retreat on the volcano. In Tateyama Stades II and III, the glaciers on the volcano advanced to lesser extent depending on the climate change, because the Tateyama Volcano maintained its height and size.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.704-715, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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The Mekong River is an international river running through 6 countries from China, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia, to Viet Nam. Social strife in this geopolitical region, from decades of wars: the cold war, Viet Nam War, Cambodian civil war and some border conflicts, has taken toll on its people throughout the years. As a result, this region is one of the least developed parts of the world, as reflected in the peoples' low living standards, and in social development. This research introduces the scope of regional cooperation, the geophysical features and socio-economic situation of the Mekong River Basin. The sectors' development possibility and the themes for environmental concern are also introduced. All of these are necessary for the harmony of development and conservation of the basin.
Seiichiro OKETANI Shigeko HARUYAMA Sotham SIENG
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.693-703, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the floodplain characteristics of the inner Mekong Delta, on the lower part of the Mekong River in Cambodia. Previous works have not investigated the floodplain characteristics of the fluvial dominated area of the Mekong Delta. To grasp the morphology of the study area, we first constructed topographical profiles from hydrologic maps and Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 3 data. Then, focusing on the morphology of the floodplain, we produced a land classification map based on aerial photo interpretation and field survey and identified the morphological structures of the study area. We classified the delta landforms as natural levee, back marsh, abandoned channel, alluvial terrace, swamp, point bar, and artificial landforms, including colmatages. We identified four floodplain zones. Zone A floodplains, along the upper part of the Mekong River, have cut-off point bar patterns. Those in zone B, along the lower part of the Mekong River, are linear, and develop back marsh widely. In zone C, along the Bassac River, the floodplains follow the river meanders, and are characterized by unevenly distributed artificial colmatages. Floodplains in zone D, along the Tonle Sap River, which has an extremely low gradient, display a unique geomorphology caused by seasonally reversed river flows.
Kazuaki HORI Shigeko HARUYAMA Sotham SIENG
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.681-692, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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This study analyzes three borehole cores to examine the sedimentary facies of the extensive floodplain of the Mekong River in Cambodia and discusses the relationship between sedimentary facies and surface topography. Sedimentary facies vary according to surface topographic features on the floodplain. Core PA, located near the end of an abandoned channel, records the history of the formation and subsequent filling of the channel during the Holocene. The channel was filled with interlaminated sand and mud overlain by grayish brown to dull reddish brown stiff mud during the last 4500 years. Core CK was located on the southwestern edge of an area of scroll bars and swales between the Mekong and Bassac rivers. In this core, muddy overbank deposits overlie sandy deposits that probably represent a point bar. The accumulation of the overbank deposits may have started around 2000 cal yr BP. Core TA was obtained from the floodplain along the west bank of the Tonle Sap River. Mottled stiff mud containing granules occurs about 1m below the surface and overlies subangular granules. Muddy overbank deposits corresponding to those of the other two boreholes are not present at the site despite frequent flooding of the Tonle Sap River.
Le Thi Viet HOA Shigeko HARUYAMA Nguyen Huu NHAN Tran Thanh CONG Bui Duc LONG
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.663-680, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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The Mekong River Delta is one of the world's largest deltas and plays an important role in Vietnam's economic development. Studies of flood propagation over the whole delta have been rare. In 2000, due to global climate change and La Niña phenomenon, the hydrological and meteorological situations were very complicated around the world in general, and in the Mekong River basin in particular. In Mekong Delta, flood occurred early and had two peaks in which the second peak was one of the highest in the past 80 years. This flood caused water levels in the upstream Mekong River basin to become about 1 to 3m higher than the third warning level, and caused extremely severe inundation downstream. In Vietnam, this flood caused damage totaling about 5, 000 billion VN dong (about 4 million US dollars at that time), and its level was used to consider the design elevation of flood control embankments. Thus, through study of this flood is necessary to mitigate flood damage and human suffering and to contribute to policy making and create the conditions for embankment elevation design.In this paper, analysis of the main characteristics of the flood of 2000 was carried out based on the observed data since 1926. Also, simulations were conducted using hydraulic models with topographical, hydrological and meteorological data. The flood simulations using hydraulic model for Vietnamese part of delta were carried out, especially for Dong Thap Muoi and Long Xuyen quadrant to analyze (1) how the flood was distributed spatially and temporally, (2) how long each inundation depth lasted, (3) the extent of the area of the flood, and (4) the effect of flood on paddy fields in 2000. The observed data and simulated results show that this flood was extremely large and complicated, causing severe inundation with the depth of 2.5m lasting more than one month from mid-September to mid-October. Flood in August affected strongly the summer-autumn crop paddy field. The area inundated to the depth of 2.5m was more than one thousand km2.
斎藤 丈士
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.7, pp.427-441, 2007-06-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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本研究では, 東北地方の大規模稲作地域である山形県鶴岡市藤島地域における大規模稲作農業の経営展開とその特性を明らかにした. 分析の結果, 対象地域において経営耕地面積15haを超える大規模稲作農家は, 主に農地賃貸借によって現模拡大を図り, 生産費の低下に努めてきた. 農地の貸し手が大規模稲作農家に農地を貸与した理由をみると, 労働力不足や高齢化といったものが多数を占め, このような層の農地の受け皿として大規模稲作農家が機能してきた. 大規模稲作農家は規模拡大を進めることで生産コストの低減に努めてきたものの, 米価の下落により農業粗収益はそれ以上のペースで低下した. そのため, 各農家は出荷する米に付加価値を付けるとともに, 野菜生産や有機・特別栽培米の生産に取り組み, 収益の確保に努めている.
近藤 裕幸
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.7, pp.403-426, 2007-06-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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本研究の目的は, 1910~1930年代にかけて日本の中等教育の地理科教科書にみられた教育観の変遷を, 主として小川琢治著の教科書を通して概観することにある. 結果として, 小川著の教科書は, 文章のみで知識を伝えるものから, 直観教材 (挿図表等) を増やし連携させることで地理科の教授内容を生徒に理解させることを意図するものへと変化していった. 一方, 小川と同じ京都帝国大学に所属していた石橋五郎は, 教科書執筆において, 人文と自然との相関重視の地理教育を主張するだけでなく, 著書『地理教育論』において地理教育全体の体系化を目指す方向性を指向した. 本研究によって, ほぼ同時期に活躍し交流があった両者が, 地理教育において果たした役割に相違があったことと, 戦前中等教育における地理教育の多様性の実態を検証した.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.5, pp.290-311, 2007-04-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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In many regions of the world, the livestock industry provides the only reliable means of living off the land. This paper will discuss transhumance and its multiple global varieties with a focus on transhumance in the Southern Carpathian Mountains in Romania, where the dominant form is intermediate-stationed transhumance. Historical, economic, and environmental conditions in Romania have served to keep sheep transhumance alive, even during and after the postwar Communist era. In addition to linguistic asides illustrating the importance of transhumance in Rumanian language and culture, the author analyzes the geography, history, and transhumance routes of Jina, a key center for the sheep livestock industry. Transhumance continues to influence the local economy as well as family and othernts, includin social arrangemeg traditional shepherding. The aieldwork touthor's fuches on the reasons behind the local development of transhumance. In a specific case that symbolizes the role of sheep in the local economy, the author reports that the majority of a family's income comes from the sale of sheep followed by cheese; wool is a distant third. Finally, the author suggests that transhumance of sheep prevents the development of serious erosion in otherwise erosion-prone areas that can support little beyond livestock raising. The transhumance of sheep in Romania is changing remarkably after the revolution in 1989. On the whole, transhumance is gradually declining. However, some families are expanding the scale of transhumance, while others have settled down to run stock raising operations.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.5, pp.272-289, 2007-04-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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This study tried to clarify the ecological damage in the areas of sheep transhumance, after the regime change of 1989, in the South Carpathian Mts. of Romania. The number of sheep increased by a factor of ten per hectare in areas where transhumance was practiced in the South Carpathian Mountains. This was because the sheep cheese produced in this area became more popular and increased in price. Jina and Poiana Sibiului villages are located on the third peneplain (900-1000m a. s. l.) of the Southern Carpathian Mountains, which consists of crystalline schist of Precambrian origin. Soil erosion of common lands and water pollution caused by the transhumance of sheep is a serious problem in these villages. Soil erosion speeds were measured by comparing profiles on Sept. 20, 2003, and Sept. 6, 2004. Soil erosion in these transhumance areas progressed more during that one year. The bedrock is extremely hard and the recovery of soil and vegetation will probably be difficult over the short term. In Patârlagele, where soils were composed of Miocene marl, soil erosion was very prevalent and easily progressed. However, the recovery of soils and vegetation was faster than in Jina and Poiana Sibiului, because of the softer and younger mother rock. In Jina and Poiana Sibiului, the Roma and Bayash people have been washing wool in the creeks. The water was seriously polluted as a result. Results of a chemical analysis showed high sodium, potassium and bicarbonate levels after wool washing. It is recommended that in areas with soil erosion, sheep would not be allowed entry so as to protect nature. Wool washing should be done in plants, where polluted water can be treated before being discharged into natural.
Atsushi IKEDA Tetsuo SUEYOSHI Norikazu MATSUOKA Takemasa ISHII Youhei UCHIDA
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.5, pp.259-271, 2007-04-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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Present-day distribution and ongoing degradation of permafrost were evaluated by geophysical means in the source area of the Yellow River, located at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Seismic, electrical and/or thermal soundings were undertaken at 15 sites between 3260m and 4790m ASL in 2003-2005. High P-wave velocities (>2kms-1) and relatively high DC resistivities (650-1100Ωm) below a thin uppermost layer show that permafrost 10-30m in thickness occurs above 4300m ASL. In contrast, low P-wave velocities (<1kms-1) throughout the uppermost ten to fifteen meters of sediments indicate that permafrost is absent below 4000m ASL. On widespread alluvial plains between 4200m and 4300m ASL, some sites show subsurface intermediate P-wave velocities (1.5-1.7kms-1) and low resistivities (30-140Ωm) indicating the presence of unfrozen-saturated sediments, while others show high DC resistivities possibly indicating the presence of permafrost. Negative values of the mean annual ground surface temperature (MAST) also indicate widespread permafrost only above 4300m ASL under the present climatic condition. Assuming that the inter-annual variation in MAST follows that in the mean annual air temperature, permafrost is estimated to have significantly thawed on the alluvial plains at 4200-4300m ASL during the last half-century.
Takayuki OGATA
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.5, pp.246-258, 2007-04-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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Morphology of hummocky patterned ground (hummocks) reflects various physiographic factors such as frost conditions, surface gradient and hydrological environments. Hummocks in a seasonally frozen mire in the Nemuro peninsula include two types in terms of the presence of live sedgy-tussock. Sedged forms (Type Y) concentrate in a waterlogged condition, while sedge-free forms (Type T) are densely or sparsely distributed in a shallow (including waterlogged) or deep groundwater condition, respectively. Morphometric analyses indicate the contrast between high and horizontally circular Type Y hummocks, and wide and vertically half-circular (flatter) Type T hummocks. The distribution and geometry imply that the waterlogged condition promotes hummock development by differential frost penetration (cryoturbation) in combination with deep seasonal frost and sedge-controlled uneven vegetation. The hummock development produces a thermal contrast between the apex and the depression, which enhances differential frost heave. Assisted by flat terrain, these processes produce closely-spaced high hummocks, up to 52cm in height. These results demonstrate that relatively large hummocks intensively occur even in a climatically marginal region for periglacial hummocks (mean annual air temperature=6°C), where flat and waterlogged mire environments with deep seasonal frost enhance periglacial processes.
Katsuki UMEDA
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.5, pp.225-245, 2007-04-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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This study attempts to clarify the formation of a geothermal greenhouse agricultural area in northern peripheral Japan, and to examine the sustainability of intensive agriculture in terms of its ability to develop natural energy sources. The study area, Nigorikawa in Mori Town, is a pioneering production center of tomatoes grown in greenhouses in Hokkaido. The success relied on intensive utilization of geothermal resources for agricultural purposes, which made economic sense because the rights of access to hot springs were almost of no value. It became possible to pursue high profitability by specializing in tomato growing. However, it is now difficult to maintain sustainability as a production center due to excessive drawing up of water for 827 greenhouses. This depletion of geothermal resources makes it difficult to expand tomato farming. On the other hand, negative side effects of repeated cultivation became worse as rotation farming systems were abandoned in pursuit of profitability. It is also unavoidable to use large amounts of chemicals, which is disliked by consumers. Thus, tomatoes produced in Nigorikawa seem to be lacking superiority in terms of both price and quality. The best strategy to develop tomato production is to create higher added value by pursuing high-quality produce with significantly reduced utilization of chemicals. Consumer demands for “safe and secure” agricultural products are growing rapidly. It is necessary to shift from the mass-producing and mass-consuming system that formed the basis of Hokkaido's agricultural industry in the 20th century, to the sustainable and environmentally harmonic system for the 21st century that prioritizes quality and safety.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.5, pp.197-224, 2007-04-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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This paper aims to examine an analytical framework to describe the development process of transaction relations in fish wholesale markets in Hanoi, Vietnam, from a behavioral point of view. I focus on various resources such as social networks, trading skill, and fluctuation of fish supply as factors in the building and transformation of transaction relations. The accumulation process of resources was analyzed in relation to regional background. Data was collected by interview with wholesalers and suppliers and from their account books. The results show that the wholesalers organize transaction relations using both social networks and their trading skills. The skills were accumulated by female labor in the wholesalers' enterprises not only through the change of labor allocation scheme, but also by the biophysical resources available for sale. Geographical description needs to shed light on how the traders' resources were formed, with more attention to both the socio-political and the physical environment.
高田 明典
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.4, pp.155-177, 2007-04-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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日本において耕作放棄地の面積は拡大の一途をたどっている. 本研究では, 耕作放棄地の拡大には土地の履歴が関連していると考え, 群馬県吉井町上奥平の水田所有農家を対象として, 耕作放棄と土地の履歴との関係を中心に考察を試みた. その結果, 研究対象地域の耕作放棄地は土地条件の悪い農地や, 農地改革によって解放された農地の多い谷や支谷に集中していた. また, 土地台帳から土地の履歴と耕作放棄の関係をみると, 違法開墾地の100%, 農地解放地の73%, 荒地免租年期地の53%, 不在村土地所有者の農地の51%, 地目変換地の47%が耕作放棄されていた. また, 耕作放棄の背景として, 農業労働力の弱体化, 農地の貸借・売買を通じた土地の流動性の低さ, ゴルフ場開発に伴う土地買収, 米の生産調整政策や中山間地域等直接支払制度などの農業政策の影響が存在することが明らかとなった.
澤田 康徳 高橋 日出男
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.2, pp.70-86, 2007-02-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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本研究では, 夏季の東京都心部における対流性降水の降水強度と, 関東地方スケールの気温場および地上風系場・気圧場との関係を考察した. 関東平野全域に北東や南よりの風が卓越する場合には降水強度が小さく, 従来指摘されているように, 鹿島灘からの東よりの風と相模湾からの南よりの風の両者が内陸に進入する場合に降水強度の大きい事例が多い. 都心部に顕著な収束域が形成される後者においても, 都心部に対する相対的な低温域は, 海よりの風の進入によって気温上昇が抑制される沿岸域にほぼ限定される. 海よりの東風は, 都心部と沿岸域との気温差の増大に先行して出現しており, 各タイプの風系は, むしろ中部山岳域を含む関東地方スケールの気圧傾度に対応して現れている. 海よりの風の進入や強い雨の発現には, 都心部を含む内陸の高温域が誘因として作用するよりも, 中部山岳域の局地低気圧に関連した関東地方スケールの気圧場の条件が重要と考えられる.
後藤 拓也
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.1, pp.20-46, 2007-01-01 (Released:2010-03-12)

本稿は, 飼料産業をアグリビジネスの一部門ととらえ, 日本の飼料企業における立地戦略の変化について地理学的な視点から分析を試みた. 1970年代前半まで, 日本の飼料企業は商系・全農系にかかわらず, 自社工場を全国的に配置するという立地戦略によって発展を遂げてきた. しかし, 畜産地域が国土周辺部へ立地移動したことや, 畜産物自由化に伴う飼料需要の減退によって, 飼料企業は立地戦略の大幅な転換を迫られるようになる. そこで, 商系企業の大手10社に着目し, 各社の立地戦略がどのように変化したのかを分析した. その結果, 各社とも1980年代後半から (1) 合弁工場の設立, (2) 他企業への委託など, 企業間提携を重視した合理化を進めたことが確認された. それに対して, 農協組織である全農は自らの組織内で合理化を進め, (1) 系列飼料企業の集約化, (2) 飼料供給圏の広域化など, 産地との関係を合理化する方向で飼料供給体系の再編成を図ったことが判明した. しかしながら, 全農は自らの抱える独自の組織体質によって立地戦略の円滑な転換を阻まれており, 商系企業とのシェア獲得競争において苦境に立たされていることが明らかになった.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.79, no.12, pp.644-663, 2006-10-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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The purpose of this study is to recognize and illustrate the presentation of principal developmental trends, regional differences and causal implications of selected population processes, which characterize similar and different features of family behavior of populations in Japan and Slovakia. Our analysis reveals that in spite of a strong influence of family traditions, family behaviour has changed in Slovakia and in Japan. Changes of traditional family behaviour in Slovakia are characterised by a decrease in the marriage rate and a subsequent increase in the age of marriage, a slowly increasing divorce rate, a decrease in abortion levels, and a gradual spreading of informal partner bonds (cohabitations). The past model of early marriage has changed to a model of late marriage. The family in Japan had traditionally economic, cultural, reproductive and educational functions. In spite of certain changes in family behaviour, these functions have been preserved. Changes in family behaviour in Japan include an increasing age of marriage, and an increasing share of “single” households. On the other hand, the low level of the divorce rate, small number of cohabitations, and the low level of extra-marital fertility seems to confirm the conservatism of the family. Changes in family behaviour of inhabitants in Japan and Slovakia seem to have some similarities with those in the West European countries. Further analysis of the 2nd demographic transition is required.