神谷 浩夫 池谷 江理子
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.67, no.1, pp.15-35, 1994-06-30 (Released:2008-12-25)
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本稿の目的は,各地域における就業する女子と就業していない女子の比率(すなわち就業率ないし労働力率)が,他の地域と比較してどれほど差があるかを考察することにある。そのためにまず,第二次大戦後から現在に至る女子就業率の推移を市郡別データを基に概観して都市部と農村部における女子就業率の動向を明らかにし,これを受けて都道府県別の女子労働力率の差異の分析を行なった。なお,時系列の考察では就業率,地域差の考察では労働力率という異なった指標を用いた。本来,労働力率という単独の指標で分析を統一することが望ましいが,産業別・年齢別の労働力データが得られないため,就業率を用いることとした。 1955年から1985年の間の女子就業率の変動を,市部と郡部に分けて考察した結果, 1955年には市部の女子就業率は郡部に比べてかなり低かったが, 1985年の両地域の差異はかなり縮小したことが明らかとなった。年齢別女子就業率の特徴としては,いわゆるM字型プロフィールが1955年から1985年の間にかなり鮮明となると同時に,市部と郡部でプロフィールの形状に差がなくなりつつある点が明らかとなった。これは,市部で中年層の就業率が大幅に上昇し,郡部では中年層以外の年齢層の就業率が低下したことに起因する。産業分野別の就業者割合の変化をみると,卸・小売業,サービス業従業者の比率が上昇した点は郡部・市部ともに共通しているが,製造業従業者比率の増大は製造業が地方へ分散したたあに市部よりも郡部で大きかった。年齢別には,市部・郡部ともに15~19歳の年齢層で女子就業率が大幅に低下したが,これは,高校・大学進学率の上昇に原因があると推測された。また,パートタイム・アルバイト就業が女子就業のかなりの部分を占めていることも,データから裏付けられた。 次に, 1985年における女子労働力の地域的変動を説明するために,都道府県別女子労働力率を従属変数,女子労働力の需要と供給に関する11変数を独立変数としてステップワイズ重回帰分析を行なった。その結果得られた回帰方程式では, 15~24歳の年齢層と他の年齢層とでは女子就業率の地域的変動を説明する要因が大きく異なっていた。また,35~44歳や45~54歳の年齢層では,農家世帯比率が女子労働力率の地域差を説明する最大の要因であったが,15~24歳の年齢層ではとび抜けて寄与率の高い要因は見い出せなかった。既往の研究と比較すると,回帰式の決定係数が低い結果となった。その理由は,日本の国全体でみて1985年には農業就業者がかなりの水準まで低下したたあと推測される。また,若年層と高年齢層では供給要因以外にも労働市場の需要要因が地域の女子労働力率の高低に対して影響を及ぼしていることも明らかとなった。今後,さらに女子就業の地域的変動を詳しく分析するためには,パートタイム就業者やアルバイト就業者といった就業形態の違いも考慮に入れた分析も必要だろう。
小口 高
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.67, no.2, pp.81-100, 1994-12-31 (Released:2008-12-25)
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扇状地は源流域からの土砂供給を強く反映する地形である。それゆえ,扇状地発達の検討に際しては源流域の山地斜面の侵食史の把握が重要な意味を持つ。このことを考慮し,筆者はこれまで松本盆地周辺および北上低地西縁の流域において,扇状地と源流域の山地斜面の地形分類と編年を行い,扇状地発達と斜面発達との関係を論じてきた。ところで,扇状地の形成に関わる土砂供給の量は主に源流域の起伏に規定される。したがって,扇状地発達の一般論を確立するためには,多様な起伏を持つ流域を取り上げて比較する必要がある。しかし,上記の2地域のうち松本盆地周辺は日本で最大級の起伏を持つのに対し,北上低地西縁は扇状地を持つ割には起伏が小さく,日本の扇状地の多くが位置する中間的な起伏の地域については未検討であった。そこで,このような地域として山形盆地東縁を取り上げて扇状地と源流域の地形分類および編年を行い,その結果を松本・北上の2地域での結果と比較してみた。 空中写真判読,縦断面図の作成,および現地での堆積物層序の調査によると,山形盆地東縁の流域の河成面はQ1~Q5の5段に区分される。扇頂より上流側では最終氷期極相期頃まで河床が上昇し,その後は基本的に河床が低下している。一方,晩氷期~現在の扇状地発達は流域により異なり,扇頂より上流側と同様に河床が低下した場合と,埋積により河床が上昇した場合とがある。山地斜面では,最終氷期極相期頃に凍結融解作用により従順な平滑斜面が形成されたが,晩氷期以降は流水の作用の増大により,平滑斜面を切り込んで開析斜面が発達した。このような河成面および斜面発達の特徴は,松本・北上の2地域とほぼ共通である。これは,最終氷期極相期以降に, 3地域が同様の気候変化を受けたためと考えられる。 松本盆地周辺の流域では、扇状地発達の特徴と開析斜面の構成比率との間に対応が認められ,これに基づき3つのステージからなる晩氷期以降の流域の地形発達モデルが提唱されている。今回得られた山形盆地東縁の流域の資料と,既存の北上低地西縁の流域の資料を検討したところ,松本盆地周辺と同様の斜面発達と扇状地発達との対応が認められた。このことは,松本盆地周辺における地形発達モデルが,より小起伏の地域を含む広域に適用できることを示している。
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.89, no.1, pp.32-45, 2017-01-31 (Released:2017-01-31)
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The idea of place has been a common concern in human geography including among feminist geographers since the 1970s. While the question of place in Western cities has been critically discussed, place or place-making and displacement in the non-Western world have not been well developed. The author addresses the issue in terms of the idea of ‘fudo’ (milieu) which has been subject to particular attention in Japanese philosophy and geography since the 1930s, owing to popularization by Tetsuro Watsuji and Augustin Berque. In this paper, the author highlights the ideas of fudo through illustration of a grave historical case of suffering in Japan: Minamata Disease. Minamata Disease, caused by the consumption of fish contaminated by methyl mercury, emerged in the 1950s. This tragedy can be understood as the outcome of three scales of fudo relationship: 1) the interrelationship between the local marine ecosystem and fishers’ practice on the sea; 2) political and economic domination of Minamata city by the Chisso company; and 3) national sentiment and the human-environment relationship in Japan at the time. I highlight the narratives of two women in Minamata, Michiko Ishimure and Eiko Sugimoto, as cases that embody the local fudo relationship. Their narratives present essential interactions in Minamata between the sea, land, deities, embodied lives and survival, which collectively construct fudo. Simultaneously, these narratives illustrate Minamata, a place that now attracts people from elsewhere interested in curing their minds and bodies. By connecting divided localities, the local people’s movement reconstructed the fudo in Minamata that was once destroyed.
Thi Khanh Van MAI KIM Doo-Chul
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.93, no.1, pp.1-10, 2020-11-30 (Released:2020-12-08)
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Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park (PNKB NP) is a world heritage site in Vietnam, where ecosystem conservation is accompanied by government policies intended to improve local livelihoods. Currently, two policies have been implemented: the tourism development and payments for forest environmental services (PFES) programs. This study employs both semi-structured and in-depth interviews to analyze the relationships between tourism development, ethnic differences, and the PFES in the PNKB NP area. The results are as follows. The PNKB NP has devoted much time to the tourism development policy, with some success. However, disparities in implementation have meant that central areas, such as Xuan Tien Village, have benefited significantly from tourism revenue, whereas remote areas, such as Rao Con village have not yet had the opportunity to participate in income-generating tourism activities. As a result, the gap between the livelihoods of the two villages has widened, exacerbated by inappropriate distributions of the financial budget (the Phong Nha fee). Moreover, the lack of participation in the policy by local residents has meant the PFES has had little effect on their livelihoods. Thus, although the aforementioned policies were expected to improve local livelihoods, this has not occurred, because the PFES mechanism does not sufficiently consider those living in the area.
原 昭宏
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.40, no.5, pp.251-260, 1967-05-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

東京湾に流入する18の河川について海水の遡上限界を求め,それに影響する因子について若干の考察を行なった.海水の遡上限界を求める方法としては, FarmarとMorganの式によって塩水くさびが最も長くなる場合のくさびの長さを算出した.その結果,算出された塩水くさびの長さは河床勾配の増大につれて指数曲線的に減少すること,および河床勾配の大きさが塩水くさびの長さにおよぼす影響の度合には地域的な差異があることがわかった.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.87, no.1, pp.2-14, 2014-08-29 (Released:2014-10-03)

The Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) program in the Philippines was enacted to reduce poverty and manage natural resources by transferring the responsibility of land use to local residents, as per the slogan “putting the people first, sustainable forestry will follow.” However, today, the very concept and the effectiveness of the CBFM program are being questioned because there has been little improvement in forestry or social welfare in the upland society. The strengths and weaknesses of the idea of community-based development have been discussed previously. However, it is more critical that we understand how the local agents are adapting their lives to the changing but regulated world and the conditions that enable their survival than continue to criticize the very idea of community-based development. This study examined these issues using household economic data from the residential community of Alangan-Mangyan, comprised of indigenous people, on Mindoro Island in the Philippines. The results demonstrated that cash income in the lowlands or alternative resources gained from development aid sustain the livelihood or survival of the households, making up for forest-dependent revenue lost due to institutional regulations such as the prohibition of traditional slash-and-burn farming. In addition, a taste shift caused by change of lifestyle, as evidenced by an increase in the purchase of rice, has been observed, and the economic base is shifting from a subsistence economy to a monetary economy. These results identify the conditions that enable the survival of the indigenous residents relying on a combination of hardscrabble subsistence living and several forms of development aid.
岩鼻 通明
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.56, no.8, pp.535-552, 1983-08-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
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近年,山岳宗教に関する研究の進展は顕著であるが,筆者は山岳宗教が聖域圈,準聖域圏,信仰圏からなる圏構造を有するという地理学的視点から,出羽三山を対象地域として考察を進めた. 本稿においては,分析の中心を準聖域圏に置き,特にその核をなす山岳宗教集落について考察した.出羽三山には「八方七口」と称される7ヵ所の山岳宗教集落が存在する.まず,従来あまり問題にされなかった集落の起源について分析し,集落の成立時期から「近世再編型」と「近世成立型」に分類し,さらに両者に讃灘勲誌響藩翻町膿塾醗懲糠蒲諜欝講課在することが明らかになった.この集落の成立時期を指標とする類型は,日本各地の山岳宗教集落にも適用しうると考えられる.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.84, no.1, pp.16-26, 2011 (Released:2011-12-03)
6 3

Australia has attracted a very large number of international students over the past decade. This paper has analysed residential development in an inner city location to show how the interaction between the commercial property industry, local urban policy and a specific source of demand shape what have been labeled “new build” outcomes in the gentrification of inner city areas. The paper focuses on the approach that draws upon the simultaneous effects of property market circumstances, urban policy and student demand. In this approach the paper looks beyond the traditional view of labour market driven gentrification of the central city (associated with the residential choices of producer service employees) and shows that student demand has been the prominent factor. It also shows how that demand has been spatially concentrated and contributed in particular to major change in a few parts of the city. A review of policy showed that the encouragement of residential development in the city of Melbourne was substantial. The Melbourne experience differs from the outcomes in US and UK cities described in previous papers that show impacts on local housing market have been seen as negative. The consequences for Melbourne are more deep-seated, and linked to broader social attitudes.
井口 梓
The Association of Japanese Geographers
pp.100150, 2012 (Released:2013-03-08)

The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.93, no.2, pp.66-75, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)
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New information and communication technologies make it possible to conduct detailed analyses of the use of space by visitors at different scales. For example, geotagged social media records can be used to capture the digital footprint of human spatial behavior within a city. This study demonstrates the potential of these data using information from photo-sharing services to compare the distribution of visitors according to their country of residence among three major tourism sites of central Tokyo, namely. Shinjuku, Asakusa, and Ginza. We classified geotagged photographs from Flickr according to country of residence using information from user profiles and analyzing the distribution with geographical information systems (GIS). We then compared the varying spatial patterns of three groups of visitors by country of residence: Japan, Asia, and Europe. The results showed that both domestic and foreign visitors tended to visit places close to railroad stations. However, the distribution of the areas of interest (AOI) for foreign visitors showed higher spatial concentrations than those for domestic visitors. In Shinjuku and Ginza, differences were seen between Asians and Europeans in AOI, but no such differences were observed in Asakusa. These distinctions may be attributable to the spatial structures of tourism sites and the mode of visitors’ activities.
千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.27, no.4, pp.158-166, 1954-04-25 (Released:2008-12-24)

1. It is held that bare hills result from two primary causes: one is a natural cause rooted in geological and climatological conditions while the other is cultural in origin and related. to forest denudation. for purposes of salt and china manufacturing. Natural conditions should be considered as a constant for a period of a few hundred years, hence only cultural factors are considered here. 2. China manufacturing prospered in the 18th century but after that time it declined and denudation of forests was largely halted. As a result, forests which had been cutover became relatively thick. 3. Based on manuscripts dating back to the 18th century, it may be presumed that salt manufacturing started at that time. Since 1840 or 1850, coal has been used for fuel in salt manufacturing, however before that time, twigs provided the bulk of the fuel used. These were obtained from shoots growing in the neighboring private forests rather than from public ones. As the twigs cut in the district were not sufficient to meet the demand of salt manufacturers. along the Okayama coast, prior to 1790, they were brought down from the northern mountains and from the west by river craft and used in the manufacture of salt and in other local industries. Since that time, hilltops along the coast began to become bare. 4. Most of these hills were originally covered by commonly-owned forests from which the people in the community gathered their fuel needs. Ho-wever, they were prohibited from gathering fuel for the production of salt, china, charcoal, fish fertilizer etc. without pern-fission. In the prohibition had been violated, disputes would have occurred and recorded bemuse the Okayama clan recorded a great many cases of such disputes over forest right. But, since no such case can be found concerning commonly-owned forests, it is believed that the regulations were followed. 5. The above-mentioned points way be summarized as follow: Forests where fuel for manufacturing was gathered are not now denuded, but the commonlyowned forests from which domestic fuel needs were gathered are bare. It is concluded that bare hills may not have originated froin the supply of fuel needs to salt and other industries, but rather should be attributed to faulty control of the commonly-owned forest.
山下 清海
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.59, no.2, pp.83-102, 1986-12-30 (Released:2008-12-25)
4 4

本稿は,シンガポールにおける華人方言集団のすみわけパターンとその形成要因について考察した.すみわけパターンを把握するために,華人会館や廟の分布,および華人会館会員の分布を,いくつかの時期ごとに地図化した.その結果,次のようなすみわけパターンが明らかになった。 華人の居住はシンガポール川の南岸地区(大披)から始まり,福建人,潮州人,および広東人の三大方言集団が,そこを大きく3つの地区にすみわけた.一方,移住時期が遅れた海南人,福州人,興化人などの少数方言集団がおもに居住したのは,シンガポール川の北岸地区(小披)であった.そこには3大方言集団も多数居住し,少数方言集団と互いにモザイク状にすみわけた. このように,華人方言集団のすみわけパターンは,シンガポール川を挾み,その南岸と北岸で著しい対照をなした.これらのすみわけパターンは, 1968年頃においても大きな変化はなかった. 以上のすみわけパターンの分析に基づいて,次にすみわけパターンの形成要因について考察した.華人移民は故郷を出発する時からシンガポールで生活を始めるまで,客頭,客桟,猪仔館などをとおして,7連の地縁的な鎖によって結ぼれていた.このような地縁的連鎖は,すみわけを促す要因の1つであった. 華人方言集団の内部には,すみわけを形成する内的要因が認められた・華人は方言集団内部の相互扶助に期待して,また,言語,宗教,食事習慣をはIじめ,自己の伝統文化を保持したいという欲求を抱いて集中居住し,アーパン・ヴィレッジを形成した.このようなアーバン・ヴィレヅジを核として,華人方言集団のすみわけは拡大していった. 華人の経済活動の特色について検討した結果,それぞれの華人方言集団は,特定の職業分野で卓越し,専門化する傾向が顕著に認められた.このことは,特定の華人方言集団の地域的集中を強める結果となり,すみわけを助長した。
廣松 悟
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.64, no.2, pp.98-113, 1991-12-31 (Released:2008-12-25)

当論文においては,英米圏の都市地理学における都市空間概念の展望に基づいて,英米の近代都市において社会問題群が確立,制度化されるための歴史的な条件の探求に関わる作業仮説が提示される。 注目に値するのは,都市自体は人類史を通じて重要ではあったが,特にそれが理論上重要な分析単位となったのは,地理学のみならず他の社会科学一般においても今世紀初頭になってのことに過ぎないといった事実である。この歴史的事実を説明しうる仮設の一つは,先の「都市問題」の形成は,社会空間の全域を覆う特異な政治的監視制度でもある近代国民国家の成立と密接に関連していたというものである。近代都市は,領域国家制度のもとでは,特にその社会的「監視」の観点からみた統治上の効率性の関数として規定された。従ってここに,都市地理学を含めた社会諸科学の都市に関する様々な言説と実践が登場し,先の問題群を制度化すべく,「社会と空間の連関」という特有の問題機制に従って,相異なる概念化に基づいた都市諸学の制度化を実現させることになったと考えられる。中でも,都市空間に関する一般理論は,都市問題を普遍的な既成事実として自明視するような,歴史社会上特異な「実践の閉域」の形成に大きく寄与してきた。今世紀初頭の初期シカゴ学派から最近の都市社会学や都市地理学に至る一貫した思考は,まさにこの特異な領野を構成する上で効果の大きな,都市の一般理論の構築に向けられていたのである。そこでは,この一般理論の対象となる「近代都市」の社会歴史的な存立条件自体を相対化するような,客観的な視座にはかなり欠如していた。そのため,こうした社会と空間に関する極度に.一般的な問題機制は,範域(空間)としての都市を社会として定式する観点と,個別社会を範域(空間)として把握する視点との狭間でほとんど解決不可能な不整合を生み出し,近代都市という歴史地理上特殊な空間に関して,ほとんど無秩序に形成されたかの如きパターン概念の束を生産する結果をもたらしてきた。 現在求められているのは,近代都市という,言説・制度を含んだ歴史社会的にきわあて特殊な閉じた領域に対する一貫して分析的な視座である。中でも,近代国民国家が各々の,歴史社会上特殊な集団や社団を,その領域社会統治上の組織支配単位の一っとして変容させ,主に法人都市の形式によって法的に包摂し,引き続いて,それを永続的な「社会問題の場」として維持することを通じて監視と管理の体系である都市諸学の成立を促し,それらの総合的な作用として結果的に社会の総体的な都市化を招いてきた一連の近代都市に関わる歴史過程が,改めて実証的かっ分析的な研究課題として掲げられなければならない。
KIM Yujin
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.90, no.1, pp.17-25, 2017-07-31 (Released:2017-08-19)
11 15

This paper shows how Bandung city has emerged as a “Creative (kreatif) City” by examining the cultural practices by urban young people and the rise of Bandung mayor Ridwan Kamil. Westernized urban young people in Bandung have been historically developed into or conceptualized as “creative” (kreatif). The term kreatif doesn’t have any specific definition but means anything new and different. Ridwan Kamil as an architect has shrewdly and successfully used the ambiguous concept of kreatif to become the Bandung mayor. Bandung has been the heart of popular culture in Indonesia since the 1970s. Many young people who enjoyed Western popular culture established the music magazine in the 70s and independent fashion outlets in the 90s. Creative industries have encompassed music and fashion industries since the mid-2000s. In 2008, Ridwan Kamil formed Bandung Creative City Forum in order to support such creative industries. As a result, youth cultural practices have been “creativised.” Ridwan Kamil made an effort to realize Bandung as “Creative City” through several creative festivals. From the perspective of this historical socio-cultural context of the city, I argue that Bandung has two different characteristics, compared with other countries and cities, which adapted the creative industry policy: First, the city supported local products such as music and clothing by the bottom-up social movement, not by top-down government policy. Second, Bandung’s creative movement boosted “brand localism,” not the “brand nationalism.”
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.82, no.2, pp.89-102, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-05-20)
1 2

In this paper the author focuses on rurality as an option of urbanity in the Jike area, Yokohama city, the Tokyo metropolitan fringe, and discusses the sustainable commodification of rural space in the area. Following his discussion, the author identifies some conditions that supported the commodification of rurality and their interaction in the outer fringe of the Metropolitan area. In the Jike area, the decrease in area of rural forests (satoyama) has led to the decline of rural landscape; the development of affordable housing lots in the outer fringe and the continuous inflow of urban residents into the newly developed areas have led to serious conflicts between rural and urban land uses. Recently however, activities that aim at recreating rurality, such as conservation of rural forests, have been promoted as a means to mitigate such conflicts, and to develop these areas as nodes of rurality and urbanity. Thus, the perpetuation of rurality has been assured by the sustainable relationships between rurality and urbanity. The conservation of rurality facilitates the commodification of rural spaces, a process which has played an important role in developing rurality-based tourism.
海津 正倫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.58, no.2, pp.149-164, 1985-12-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
21 27

ガンジス川・ブラマプトラ川下流にひろがるベンガル低地の自然堤防を分類し,それらの形成環境,形成時期および形成過程に関する考察をおこなった。 本地域の自然堤防は,大規模に発達するが不明瞭なもの,大規模かつ明瞭なもの,連続的に分布するもの,不連続に分布するものの4種類に分類することができる。これらのうち,連続的に分布するものはさらに,顕著に蛇行するもの,樹枝状に分岐するもの,小規模に不規則に分布するものに細分類され,不連続なものも,弧状に分布するもの,斑状に分布するもの,河道および河岸にみられる河道州上に発達するものに細分類される。 大規模で不明瞭な自然堤防は,紀元前300年頃までにおけるガンジス川の河道変遷に伴って,大規模で明瞭な自然堤防は,ガンジス川の派川によってそれ以後に形成され,18世紀中頃までにすでに存在していたと考えられる。一方,弧状および斑状に分布する自然堤防は,ブラマプトラ川がマドブプールジャングルの東側を流れていた1830年以前に,それぞれブラマプトラ川本流および支流によって形成されたと考えられる。ガンジス川およびブラマプトラ川が現在の河道を流れるようになってからは,洪水時の水深が深く長期間湛水する地域では樹枝状の自然堤防が,湛水深があまり深くないか浅い地域では蛇行する自然堤防が発達する。現在の河道沿いの地帯では,新旧の河道州上に自然堤防が不規則に分布し,ベンガル湾に沿った潮汐の影響を受ける地域では非常に密度の高い水路に沿って小規模な自然堤防が連続的に分布する。
Ryoji SODA
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.73, no.2, pp.139-164, 2000-12-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
2 2

This paper examines the living strategies of the indigenous rural-urban migrants in Sarawak, Malaysia, by observing their social, economic, and political activities. In the study area, Sibu town, the population of the Iban increased rapidly in the 1980s locating mainly in squatter areas. Although their organizing ability was not strong, they did conduct profitable negotiations with the administration for their housing condition in cooperation with other ethnic groups. Consequently, they acquired new housing lots in a resettlement scheme, which helped them establish more stable lives in the urban area. However, most of them, including those employed in the formal sector, still intend to return home after retirement and maintain their various rights to property in home villages. Some urban dwellers have a flexible interpretation of their custom to remain as a member of the original village. The strong tie with home village community, however, does not necessarily shackle the urban dwellers. Their choice of staying in a local town is the core of their living strategies, which enable them to continue circulating between urban and rural areas, and make careful preparations for their future life after retirement.
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan series B (ISSN:18834396)
vol.95, no.1, pp.37-53, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-07-27)

This study discusses the dynamics of migrants’ frontier society with the case of L Village in Riau Province, Indonesia, where oil palm cultivation is dramatically expanding. In the late 1980s, a private company developed a large oil palm plantation in the village, after which a large number of migrants from North Sumatra Province started moving to the village. The migrants’ purposes could be roughly divided into two aspects: the first was to start oil palm cultivation, and the second was to work at a company’s plantation or smallholders’ farmland. Interestingly, in L Village, landless plantation laborers could also buy land with their savings and start cultivating oil palm. Some of those initially poor migrants gradually expanded their farmland and finally became large-scale smallholders with more than 10 ha of farmland. Two conditions enabled migrants to grow to become large-scale smallholders: they had to start cultivating oil palm before and up to the 1990s when the land price was low, and they had to accumulate additional funds from other income sources such as running general stores or timber sales businesses. After the 2010s, when no more land was available in L Village, many migrants re-migrated to other frontiers in search of new land for oil palm cultivation. This indicates that these cyclical migrations are very characteristic in Riau Province as an unintended side effect of oil palm expansion.