ウギス (@ugisu)


RT @NDLJP_en: 2023 is the year of the #Rabbit. This is an ukiyoe series by #UtagawaKuniyoshi associated with the twelve signs of the Chines…
RT @NDLJP_en: An example of censorship of depictions of the imperial system: an explanation of the Meiji Constitution in a school textbook…

3 0 0 0 OA 日本書紀 30巻

【本日の日本語語彙】大嘗祭で歌われる『国栖の古風』。 伽辭能輔珥豫區周塢菟區利豫區周珥。伽綿蘆淤朋瀰枳宇摩羅珥。枳虛之茂知塢勢。磨呂俄智。 橿の生に横臼を作り横臼に醸める大御酒甘らに聞こし以ち飲せまろが父。

59 0 0 0 OA 千蟲譜 3巻

RT @NDLJP_en: Manuscript of Senchu-fu (lit. Thousand insects picture book). The original work was written up by Kurimoto Tanshu, and manusc…

18 0 0 0 OA ウラシマ

RT @nosword: However, I did find a version of Urashima Tarō with the badass gritty reboot title of simply "Urashima". https://t.co/BFKZiMOI…
RT @NDLJP_en: An notable work of nishiki-e by Utagawa Toyokuni III, in which the Shichifukujin (seven lucky gods) are building a large stru…

3 0 0 0 OA 健民第一歩

RT @NDLJP_en: This picture-story show, published in 1942 during #WW2, is to teach women to bear more healthy children for the sake of victo…
RT @NDLJP_en: This book from the Edo period includes illustrations of men and women in colorful costumes. But when you turn the page, you'l…
RT @NDLJP_en: Have you ever eaten #Washoku, traditional Japanese cuisine? #Hiroshige depicted #ukiyoe of delicious seafood which is essenti…

36 0 0 0 OA 百鬼徒然袋 3巻

RT @NDLJP_en: Look at these #yokai, monsters from #JapaneseFolktales, from Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro. These three haunt Japanese traditional…

63 0 0 0 OA 内外野菜圖

RT @NDLJP_en: Looks delicious! A variety of #vegetables from a picture book published by a Japanese government-operated nursery company in…

1 0 0 0 沖縄結縄考

「沖縄結縄考」をお持ちの方、ご一報ください。 https://t.co/4Yq4rS1IcZ

4 0 0 0 OA 霊能真柱 2巻

@tkasasagi Happy happy day today! What am I doing wrong here – I'd like to have characters recognized: https://t.co/oLdx8FCEIh https://t.co/SuyB3lP6ph https://t.co/MVl5xNTMWt https://t.co/7G3D5zC40h

3 0 0 0 OA 霊能真柱 2巻

@tkasasagi Happy happy day today! What am I doing wrong here – I'd like to have characters recognized: https://t.co/oLdx8FCEIh https://t.co/SuyB3lP6ph https://t.co/MVl5xNTMWt https://t.co/7G3D5zC40h
@_umizmi 既に1921年時点でLatvijaの日本語の仮名正表記はラトヴィヤ(漢字表記では良都美野)ですね。 https://t.co/R6kmqqjwwE

128 0 0 0 OA 薬品名彙

RT @A_Researcher: これが日本最古のタピオカであるっぽい 伊藤謙『薬品名彙』明7(1874) https://t.co/Ya648F4FRS https://t.co/hHNWXUdThf
全会一致で可決か。我が国名の原音に忠実な「ラトヴィヤ」表記の定着の努力は蹂躙されたんだ。ご苦労さん! #良国 #ラトビア #ラトヴィヤ https://t.co/OpW7945epk https://t.co/XaKFZJbdGu
RT @cosmicore: @tkasasagi This Tōyūki’s text is not a mystery. It is the Pictural Heart Sūtra (絵心経), the so called Tayama version (田山系). Th…
RT @ken_cph: うわわ、大学オケの先輩。書いてることなんもわからないけどw RT @norraenn2010: ラトビア語の伝聞法をめぐってー菅野開史朗 http://t.co/mk723TNT
RT @ronbuntter: こんな論文どうですか? ラトビア語の伝聞法をめぐって(菅野 開史朗),2001 http://t.co/tbMbOqFl В современном …
RT @ronbuntter: こんな論文どうですか? EU新規加盟国ラトヴィアにおける教育政策の課題(柿内 真紀),2011 https://t.co/AHubJsgaW2

50 0 0 0 OA 我が闘争

@josan1959ラトビアです。原語発音はラトヴィアではなくLATVIJAラトヴィヤです( https://t.co/k05MZqSH77 もご参照ください)。また、漢字表記は良都美野であるが故に良国(よしくに)と略記されます。今後とも正表記のご協力の程宜しくお願い申し上げます
【ラトビア新報】イアン・オゾリン著「琥珀の國 ラトヴィヤ国の過去と現在 歐洲最古の國民の再建せし婆羅的沿岸の新獨立國に就て」全文を共有致します。※1921年の本書では我国の地名・人名・題名の仮名表記に誤植が幾つかある事をご了承下さい。 http://t.co/k05MZrahYF


Traces of censorship by the Japanese government before WWII can be found in these periodicals: https://t.co/MybqHUFdZt https://t.co/cUCbZujGY8
Reading and understanding documents from medieval Japan through the writing style #ndldigital https://t.co/RmN06MmiJ6 https://t.co/IQuxTmaU2z

10 0 0 0 OA 花咲爺

Do you know a Japanese folk tale of an old man who made withered trees blossom? You can read the whole story in English at the National Diet Library Digital collections. #ndldigital https://t.co/AiDduAB0mP https://t.co/g1uIpNoME4
Explore records of earthquake disasters in the NDL Digital Collections https://t.co/PJFRp91ABE #ndldigital https://t.co/5QeymdmGCe
Find your favorite #ChildrensBook at the NDL Digital Collections! You can enjoy a wonderful picnic like in this book. #ndldigital https://t.co/eWjAXnN3sV https://t.co/qLz28KVc8o
There were many #sugoroku (Japanese board games) created during the Edo period that featured social customs. Read this article: Sugoroku Board Games from the Edo Period (Part 3. Social Customs). #ndldigital https://t.co/6dL0kUiu2Y https://t.co/8HdvQBjo1h

16 0 0 0 OA 新板植木つくし

#Omochae (toy pictures) are #ukiyoe prints designed for children to learn about daily life while playing. Here are some examples of toy pictures that depict collections of the same types of things. #ndldigital https://t.co/xRXW0Q8lqh https://t.co/YY30gRk2f0
Have you ever heard the word "Kabukimono"? One of the best known was NAGOYA Sansaburo. #ndldigital https://t.co/B2tAM6fP3n https://t.co/JnfQLrvbRT

96 0 0 0 OA 付喪神記

It is believed that gods and spirits dwell in old objects that are over 100 years old, and these are called tsukumogami. This scene depicts old tools that have become #yokai because of resentment over being thrown away. #ndldigital https://t.co/63LdNeNQ3P https://t.co/LOWZ3tEj3P
2023 is the year of the #Rabbit. This is an ukiyoe series by #UtagawaKuniyoshi associated with the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. #ndldigital https://t.co/jyIXhgv4eB https://t.co/WfBNNA2ca1
Why and how did an old Confucian scholar who was ordered to transfer to Edo obtain permission to take his wife with him? Read this article: https://t.co/xmIz09i1xA https://t.co/PIb8q7wqKw
At the end of the year, the sound of pounding rice cake was heard every day in the streets of Edo. The embraced child is holding Mochibana (rice cake flowers) which is a Japanese New Year's decoration. #kunisada #toyokuni3 #nishikie #ndldigital https://t.co/0IMITuELhF https://t.co/CMIia1TVlX
#Hiroshige depicted the #toshinoichi market, held at Sensoji Temple in Asakusa in December. The stores along #Nakamise Street are selling goods for the new year, and are crowded with many people. #ndldigital https://t.co/uF7SStxcb5 https://t.co/uW1Iug4wvx
An example of censorship of depictions of the imperial system: an explanation of the Meiji Constitution in a school textbook was questioned. #ndldigital https://t.co/BCVmzPqvbY https://t.co/EAMu3XScNE
"Dawn snow at Nihonbashi Bridge" by Utagawa Hiroshige. The climate of the Edo period was generally colder than now as it was during the Little Ice Age. Many ukiyoe artists depicted snowy scenes. https://t.co/3Aq8IojGUq https://t.co/l7gOPtRNdm
In the article "Edo period cookbooks―Food that is fun to read about and good to eat," we tell you about the wide variety of cuisine that Edo townsfolk loved to read about. #ndldigital https://t.co/ZUYF3zkAKl https://t.co/Fv2FkcUH2F
Here are books on learning violin published at the end of the Meiji era. #ndldigital https://t.co/M6aGcm6Sdf https://t.co/tl1bn8Fuq2
Kawabiraki, a seasonal event of summer, was one of the most exciting event for people in the Edo period. Ryogoku kawabiraki was also famous for its beautiful fireworks, known as the Sumidagawa Fireworks today. #ndldigital https://t.co/qdCqSuV18T https://t.co/NNZ7yatCMR

3 0 0 0 OA 日本書紀 30巻

【本日の日本語語彙】大嘗祭で歌われる『国栖の古風』。 伽辭能輔珥豫區周塢菟區利豫區周珥。伽綿蘆淤朋瀰枳宇摩羅珥。枳虛之茂知塢勢。磨呂俄智。 橿の生に横臼を作り横臼に醸める大御酒甘らに聞こし以ち飲せまろが父。

59 0 0 0 OA 千蟲譜 3巻

Manuscript of Senchu-fu (lit. Thousand insects picture book). The original work was written up by Kurimoto Tanshu, and manuscripts were made one after another. Some of the creatures listed in the book are not classified as insects today. https://t.co/UTsFJZuVcI https://t.co/H0iOuPVUCr

10 0 0 0 OA 奥之細道

These images are of Yosa Buson's transcription of Matsuo Bashō’s Oku no Hosomichi. Matsuo started writing a travel diary in 1689 and finished in 1694. Buson transcribed Matsuo’s text and added his own illustrations. Replica, in 2 vols. #ndldigital https://t.co/wF9jckI4BV https://t.co/yROoiwcqfD
This letter was sent in 1896 to the Minister of Foreign Affairs by HARA Takashi (1856–1921), a newly appointed diplomatic envoy. In this letter, Hara (later the Prime Minister) provides us a glimpse of his approach to gathering and analyzing information. https://t.co/vmS8lf11uQ https://t.co/BqyqMCn0iO

18 0 0 0 OA ウラシマ

However, I did find a version of Urashima Tarō with the badass gritty reboot title of simply "Urashima". https://t.co/BFKZiMOIy7

2 0 0 0 OA 明治の歴史

Picture book on the history of the Meiji period. From the restoration of imperial rule (Taisei Hokan) at Edo Castle to the construction of Meiji Shrine. Published in 1923. #ndldigital https://t.co/s5F2FQDlgI https://t.co/zbDgN4MqiY
Kobayashi Kiyochika depicted Daimaru Gofukuten (a kimono store) in Odenmacho, Tokyo, in 1881, which is now known as Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store. https://t.co/NtN2UxoMHt https://t.co/m1tgZVa9PU
Read this article to learn about a fabulous magazine which introduced Japanese art to Western countries in the late 19th century: "ARTISTIC JAPAN―A magazine from western Europe on Japanese art" https://t.co/lycY6UKdhG https://t.co/ZUwkdkpdQ6

31 0 0 0 OA 野球

The first #baseball instruction book in Japan, published in 1897. Who could have imagined that a century later, many Japanese baseball players would make a spectacular showing in the world? https://t.co/4CAk6hmAiu https://t.co/AhR8S9EaDl
Reading a document issued by the Kamakura Shogunate in the 14th century: https://t.co/Ro8uiErg1y #ndldigital https://t.co/BOqu6eXG2I
Japanese people love "hanami" (cherry blossom viewing), not only during the daytime but also at night. "View in Yoshiwara, cherry" by INOUE Tankei (1864-1889) depicted people enjoying hanami. Published in 1888. https://t.co/3kgePjaxWP https://t.co/0w0kUM2rlC
"Narumikata―The beauty of ancient design" introduces a collection of old Japanese designs from a wide variety of sources including treasures of Horyu-ji Temple and Shosoin, dyeing and weaving works, crafts and buildings. #ndldigital https://t.co/ZkVzNMvcW0 https://t.co/Gs1dEtiZTM

21 0 0 0 OA 貴女裁縫之図

Have you sewed something recently? Hari Kuyo is a ceremony peculiar to Japan where people give thanks to their old or broken sewing needles. #HariKuyo https://t.co/CN8nMcrJoP https://t.co/Fwjwi71kyc
An notable work of nishiki-e by Utagawa Toyokuni III, in which the Shichifukujin (seven lucky gods) are building a large structure in the shape of the Chinese character 壽, which stands for felicitations: #ndldigital https://t.co/FFsGwWJlUS https://t.co/8U5cUmXJGo

3 0 0 0 OA 健民第一歩

This picture-story show, published in 1942 during #WW2, is to teach women to bear more healthy children for the sake of victory in the war. Those days there were more than 300,000 miscarriages and stillbirths per year in Japan. #ndldigital https://t.co/8g654ubnFp https://t.co/1wmgCzQHkW
When Japanese Japanologists begin to write their articles in English: Why is “internationalization” of literary studies necessary and how will it be made possible? Mitsuyoshi Numano https://t.co/7FlsW6XpgY https://t.co/1adFEtNsQ7
#YoshuChikanobu created a sugoroku, or Japanese board game, with the motif of Chiarini's circus in 1886. #nishikie #ndldigital https://t.co/z3XewBwjpG https://t.co/a51UGthfiW
#Hiroshige also depicted Soulie's circus performance at #Asakusa in 1871. #nishikie #ndldigital https://t.co/OXeqf3Tpux https://t.co/SCJS0474p9
Learn about what Japanese citizens read and wrote before and after WW2: https://t.co/k1vyNCEg4r https://t.co/AHLz0HKM5m
Some magazines have deteriorated and may be torn just by touching them. What are library staff doing to make them readable in a hundred years? #ndldigital https://t.co/DZAKLBknSP https://t.co/Ww1P4ME9Cj

157 0 0 0 OA 踊獨稽古

#Hokusai, a master of #ukiyoe, wrote textbooks for beginning students of dance. Let's practice Japanese dancing at home! #ndldigital https://t.co/ZjrhIIfNDl https://t.co/BaAkgMNuf0
Have you ever eaten #Washoku, traditional Japanese cuisine? #Hiroshige depicted #ukiyoe of delicious seafood which is essential for Washoku! #ndldigital https://t.co/2xwkGwTBQH https://t.co/D0LKtJ4LHV

110 0 0 0 OA 柑橘図譜

Do you know the Japanese traditional custom on winter solstice called Yuzuyu? People take a bath with Yuzu (a kind of citrus) for good health. It comes from a play on words, Toji (冬至: the winter solstice) and Toji (湯治: hot-spring cure) . #ndldigital https://t.co/44KWsEc0jG https://t.co/znQytiCkcq

25 0 0 0 OA はなしの絵本

These old #ChildrensBooks with lovely illustrations are available at NDL Digital collections. Find your favorite ones and have a good time reading with your family! #ndldigital https://t.co/bFEHMLUDkt https://t.co/t6SKeW9XKf
A letter from 16th century. I don't know how to deal with this type of text yet.

128 0 0 0 OA 薬品名彙

これが日本最古のタピオカであるっぽい 伊藤謙『薬品名彙』明7(1874) https://t.co/Ya648F4FRS https://t.co/hHNWXUdThf

26 0 0 0 OA 本草図譜

Botanical encyclopedia "Honzouzufu" (本草図譜: 1828) from Edo period, total 96 volumes are online. The book set contains over 2000 types of plants. Only vol. 5 to 10 were sold regularly. Other volumes were printed-on-demand type so they are very rare. https://t.co/cf4uNDTAhi https://t.co/PW6w1Svaqo

9 0 0 0 OA 延喜式 10巻

登記統一文字01054170を含む神社 | yasuokaの日記 | スラド https://t.co/O8ef58Vw9J 火几 https://t.co/nIUXlLT6sO https://t.co/fnbLaZvrkZ
1940年に東京の晴海と豊洲を会場に万博が開かれる予定だったが、開催されなかった。昭和13年『紀元二千六百年記念日本万国博覧会概要』国会図書館デジタルコレクションhttps://t.co/C3Y3txRrGK https://t.co/B7sGGSNP5J

7 0 0 0 OA 共武政表

https://t.co/50zxYqPHjy https://t.co/cXdJWUYLai
【ラトビア新報】イアン・オゾリン著「琥珀の國 ラトヴィヤ国の過去と現在 歐洲最古の國民の再建せし婆羅的沿岸の新獨立國に就て」全文を共有致します。※1921年の本書では我国の地名・人名・題名の仮名表記に誤植が幾つかある事をご了承下さい。 http://t.co/k05MZrahYF
最近見ている資料の中で、「言う」の「い」によく「以」字母の仮名が使われているのだが、『勧懲雑話』(http://t.co/QS8aq93B)では「老いて」に使われています。この「イ」はひょっとしてヤ行イ段としての意識があったのでしょうか。 http://t.co/rJBqkvfD
うわわ、大学オケの先輩。書いてることなんもわからないけどw RT @norraenn2010: ラトビア語の伝聞法をめぐってー菅野開史朗 http://t.co/mk723TNT

