西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.3, pp.170-183, 2001

The purpose of this study is to consider psychological process of AUM members who committed crimes, such as scattering poison gas to murder and others. Four defendants of AUM were interviewed and 76 former members of the group completed questionnaires designed to examine their experiences and lives including three of the interviewees. The following results were obtained: 1) Aum believers were absolutely obedient to their guru as authority, 2) Psychological manipulation by their guru toward the members who committed crimes was stronger than manipulation toward the innocent members, 3) The higher the status of the members, the higher manipulation level, 4) Their crimes were due to obedience to authority arising from perceiving dogma's superiority and fear of being killed themselves.
西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.9, no.2, pp.131-144, 1994-03-25 (Released:2016-12-02)

This paper is intented as an investigation of process of belief-system change by means of a religious cult mind-control. This study analyzed the process by mainly using a questionnaire survey administrated to 272 persons of the cult exiters, with content analysis of text books of the dogma, videotapes of the dogma, recruiting manual, seminar's manuals and interviews to exiters from the religious cult supplementary used. It should be concluded from the analysis that the cult recruiters take advantage of camouflaged religious recruiting, interpersonal attraction, group attraction, personal and social reality operations for recruiter's mind control. In the process, to begin with, the recruiter are attracted by the recruiter's warm regard and they begin to learn the dogma without knowing that it is a religious recruiting. As the next step, recruiter come to believe the dogma through influence of reality operation and interpersonal attraction. And finally, the recruiters tell the truth of their own group to the recruiters and ask them to be the members of the group.
西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.11, no.1, pp.18-29, 1995-09-15 (Released:2016-12-04)

This paper reports an analysis of enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system by means of using cult mind-control techniques. The study analyzed mainly using a questionnaire administered to 272 persons of former cult members, furthermore with the use of content analysis of textbook on dogma, video tapes of the dogma and interviews wiht the former cult members. The result of factor analysis from the questionnaire data revealed that the cult mind-control techniques have produced following six situational factors for enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system; namely they are 1) restriction of freedom, 2) restriction of sexual emotion, 3) physical exhaustion, 4) avoidance of outgroups, 5) reward and punishment and 6) time pressure. It could be concluded from this result and other studies that the following three psychological factors influence the enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system that controls behavior; 1) conditioning, 2) self-deception, 3) cognitive dissonance. Furthermore, the controls of information processing operate in the following four dimensions; 1) gain-loss effect, 2) systematization, 3) priming effect and 4) threatening messages. In addition, the reinforcement of group memberships were enchanced by 1) selective exposure to stimuli and 2) strengthening social identity. It was also found that factor of physiological stress facilitates these controls.
西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.3, pp.170-183, 2001-03-25 (Released:2016-12-20)

The purpose of this study is to consider psychological process of AUM members who committed crimes, such as scattering poison gas to murder and others. Four defendants of AUM were interviewed and 76 former members of the group completed questionnaires designed to examine their experiences and lives including three of the interviewees. The following results were obtained: 1) Aum believers were absolutely obedient to their guru as authority, 2) Psychological manipulation by their guru toward the members who committed crimes was stronger than manipulation toward the innocent members, 3) The higher the status of the members, the higher manipulation level, 4) Their crimes were due to obedience to authority arising from perceiving dogma's superiority and fear of being killed themselves.
西田 公昭 黒田 文月
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.1, pp.9-15, 2004-04-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
3 1

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the member's life in destructive cults on the psychological problems after departing from the groups. A factor analysis was performed with the data of questionnaires toward 157 participants, and seven factors were extracted. They were (1) avoidance behavior to avoid out-groups, (2) restriction of freedom, (3) satisfaction, (4) behavior of submission, (5) compliance with rules, (6) punishment and reward, and (7) mysterious experience. Analyses of variance showed that restriction of freedom and punishment and reward are more likely to develop personal distress, whereas mysterious experiences are more likely to develop personal distress and interpersonal distress.
西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.9, no.2, pp.131-144, 1994

This paper is intented as an investigation of process of belief-system change by means of a religious cult mind-control. This study analyzed the process by mainly using a questionnaire survey administrated to 272 persons of the cult exiters, with content analysis of text books of the dogma, videotapes of the dogma, recruiting manual, seminar's manuals and interviews to exiters from the religious cult supplementary used. It should be concluded from the analysis that the cult recruiters take advantage of camouflaged religious recruiting, interpersonal attraction, group attraction, personal and social reality operations for recruiter's mind control. In the process, to begin with, the recruiter are attracted by the recruiter's warm regard and they begin to learn the dogma without knowing that it is a religious recruiting. As the next step, recruiter come to believe the dogma through influence of reality operation and interpersonal attraction. And finally, the recruiters tell the truth of their own group to the recruiters and ask them to be the members of the group.
西田 公昭 山浦 一保 渡辺 浪二 角山 剛

人権擁護の側面から、集団活動の健康度を心理学的に明らかにし、その集団虐待的な経験実態を探ること、また現在、不健康な集団活動への対策が大学においていかになされているかを実証的に明らかにした。その結果、一般にカルト経験者は、テロリスト同様の明らかに逸脱した不健康な活動を多く行っており、また約4 割の大学でカルト事例があるがその予防対策は十分ではない。
有賀 敦紀 西田 公昭
立正大学心理学研究所紀要 The journal of the Institute of Psycology, Rissho University (ISSN:13482777)
no.11, pp.45-49, 2013

Visually similar products with each other are recently pervasive in the marketplace. Specifically, the products that are aimed at humorously imitating the originals are called "parody products". This study examined how consumers perceive the similar products including parody products. Research I investigated participants' general impressions (visual similarity, likeability, familiarity, and so on)of the similar products, and then found a positive correlation between the visual similarity and the difference in the ratings given to the other impressions between them. In Research II, the effects of prior stimuli on likeability to the original and parody products were investigated. Then, the different modulations of likeability between the original and parody were demonstrated when the original product was repeatedly presented as prior stimuli. These results suggest that consumers establish different representations for visually similar products, and importantly that they perceive the parody and its original in a totally different manner.
中西 彩之 西田 公昭
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-14, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-10-31)

The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological processes of families whose members have joined destructive cults and to comprehensively understand the families from the viewpoint of the Ambiguous Loss Theory. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 families. As a results, the psychological processes of families was organized from the viewpoint of interaction between the family and the said person, and it is inferred that the process goes through the stage of awaring the said person's involvement of the cult, and the stage of deteriorating the family relationship. This research also inferred that each stages affect each other with the negative experience caused by cult involvement. In addition, this research found that families have suffered with cult problems had experienced ambiguous loss. Up to the present, an ambiguous loss have been categorized into two types; however, based on the results of this research, using continuous indicators of "clear - unclear" rather than binary of "present / absent" is expected to be able to flexibly understand the current state of ambiguous loss.
西田 公昭 黒田 文月
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.18, no.3, pp.192-203, 2003-03-31 (Released:2017-01-07)

The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological problems experienced after leaving destructive cults and the effects of the progress period after leaving and non-professional counseling. The study analyzed the psychological problems by using a questionnaire survey administrated to 157 former cult members from two different cults. The results of factor analysis revealed the following eleven factors for psychological problems: 1) tendencies for depression and anxiety, 2) loss of self esteem, 3) remorse and regret, 4) friendship building and socializing difficulties, 5) family relationship difficulties, 6) floating, 7) fear of sexual contact, 8) emotional instability, 9) tendency for psychosomatic disease, 10) concealment of past life, and 11) anger toward the group. The results of an analysis of variance showed that tendencies for depression and anxiety, tendency for psychosomatic disease, and concealment of past life decreased during the progress period after leaving the group and counseling, while loss of self-esteem and anger toward the group increased by counseling.
西田 公昭 黒田 文月
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.18, no.3, pp.192-203, 2003

The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological problems experienced after leaving destructive cults and the effects of the progress period after leaving and non-professional counseling. The study analyzed the psychological problems by using a questionnaire survey administrated to 157 former cult members from two different cults. The results of factor analysis revealed the following eleven factors for psychological problems: 1) tendencies for depression and anxiety, 2) loss of self esteem, 3) remorse and regret, 4) friendship building and socializing difficulties, 5) family relationship difficulties, 6) floating, 7) fear of sexual contact, 8) emotional instability, 9) tendency for psychosomatic disease, 10) concealment of past life, and 11) anger toward the group. The results of an analysis of variance showed that tendencies for depression and anxiety, tendency for psychosomatic disease, and concealment of past life decreased during the progress period after leaving the group and counseling, while loss of self-esteem and anger toward the group increased by counseling.
西田 公昭 浦 光博 桑原 尚史 榧野 潤
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.3, no.2, pp.46-55, 1988-11-25 (Released:2016-11-22)

Two processes intermediating conversation in social interaction of dyadic relationship were examined. In the first process, some antecedent factors such as task situation, interpersonal relationship and personal difference influence on conversation process. In the second process, the conversation influence on some interaction of the dyadic relationship. In our experiment, we set a topic of conversation into a decision making in problem-solving conversation as the task situation. And a degree of intimacy (high or low) as interpersonal factor and combinations of self-monitoring tendency (high-high high-low low-low) as personal factor were manipulated. 112 undergraduates were administrated self-monitoring scale. And 61 dyads were made of them and were measured their degrees of intimacy. After that, they are engaged in conversation about a given topic that is asked to make a decision. And then, they were asked to answer a questionnaire that survey social interaction. The results were as follows; (1) The total numbers of protocols in the conversation were influenced by intimacy. (2) The numbers of protocols which represent the qualitative differences of the conversation were influenced by intimacy and by combinations of self-monitoring tendency. (3) The qualitative differences of the conversation influenced on the cognitions and the evaluations to the conversation process and the partner.
西田 公昭
vol.22, no.6, pp.66-68, 2017-06
西田 公昭

山田 紀代美 西田 公昭
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.30, no.4, pp.4_85-4_91, 2007-09-01 (Released:2016-03-31)

本研究の目的は,介護スタッフが認知症高齢者に対して用いるコミュニケーションスキルの特徴とそれらに関連する要因の検討を行うことである。対象は,介護老人福祉施設および同系列の通所サービスの介護スタッフ47人で,調査内容は,介護スタッフの性,年齢等の属性,コミュニケーションスキルに対する使用認識,疲労感等である。結果は,介護スタッフが使用するコミュニケーションスキルは,受容的会話の配慮では,「親しみを込めた話し方をする」,発話の配慮では「大きな声で話す」「ゆっくり話す」が,根気強さでは「相手の話に関心を持って相槌をうつ」がよく用いられていた。 介護スタッフのコミュニケーションスキルに関連する要因として,介護職歴が長いスタッフは,受容的会話,発話の配慮,根気強さの全ての要素を用いており,また仕事への満足度が高いスタッフほど,発話の配慮を行っていた。
西田 公昭
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.11, no.1, pp.18-29, 1995

This paper reports an analysis of enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system by means of using cult mind-control techniques. The study analyzed mainly using a questionnaire administered to 272 persons of former cult members, furthermore with the use of content analysis of textbook on dogma, video tapes of the dogma and interviews wiht the former cult members. The result of factor analysis from the questionnaire data revealed that the cult mind-control techniques have produced following six situational factors for enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system; namely they are 1) restriction of freedom, 2) restriction of sexual emotion, 3) physical exhaustion, 4) avoidance of outgroups, 5) reward and punishment and 6) time pressure. It could be concluded from this result and other studies that the following three psychological factors influence the enhancement and maintenance of one's belief system that controls behavior; 1) conditioning, 2) self-deception, 3) cognitive dissonance. Furthermore, the controls of information processing operate in the following four dimensions; 1) gain-loss effect, 2) systematization, 3) priming effect and 4) threatening messages. In addition, the reinforcement of group memberships were enchanced by 1) selective exposure to stimuli and 2) strengthening social identity. It was also found that factor of physiological stress facilitates these controls.