石田 恵崇 大内 仁志 菅 敏幸 篠原 秀幸 中島 克則 長岡 由香
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.63, no.2, pp.79-84, 2022-04-25 (Released:2022-06-01)
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ドクササコの有毒成分であるアクロメリン酸A, Bおよびクリチジンの3成分について,それぞれキノコ子実体から単離精製する手法について検討を行った.シリカゲル,ODS,イオン交換樹脂を固定相としたカラムクロマトグラフィーおよび分取TLCを組み合わせることにより各成分を高純度で得ることに成功した.続けて,得られた精製物を用いてLC-MS/MSの測定条件を最適化し,多成分同時分析法を新規開発した.本分析法の精度を確認するため,添加回収試験を実施したところ,回収率が80.8–112.4%,併行精度が1.4–3.8%と良好な結果が得られ,定量限界はいずれの成分も0.25 µg/gと推定された.以上を踏まえ,ドクササコ中毒発生時,本分析法により原因キノコを迅速かつ高精度に特定可能であると判断した.
福岡 恵理子 鎌田 志乃ぶ 中島 克佳 折井 孝男 中村 均 佐藤 均 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.523-530, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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In the University of Tokyo Hospital, the reentry of data, the re-output of documents, the transfer of data by hand writing, etc. has to be routinely carried out in each department, because there is no compatibility in the related work between the systems and generated information.In this study, we developed a medication management system to share drug-requesting information generated inside the hospital with medical wholesalers who introduced the Value Added Network (VAN) -ordering system, and evaluated the usefulness of this system by sending questionnaires to those who are working in the wholesale, clinical wards, and office work sections.The developed medication management system unified a series of information on the request-to-order processing of medicine between the hospital and wholesalers, the warehousing processing in the pharmacy department, the supply processing for the clinical wards, and the expenditure processing of purchased medical supplies. In addition, the system was designed to work with the LAN of our hospital information system under the environment of Windows NT®.In the investigation on the introduction situation of the computer for the drug wholesalers, 14 out of 16 companies (88%) introduced a computerized system to receive orders. Moreover, 12 out of 14 companies (86%) replied with “it is useful” regarding the usefulness of the system. On the other hand, in clinical wards, 41 out of 55 (75%) replied with “the requesting process has become more convenient by using this system”. In office sections, the time needed to process orders was drastically shortened from approximately 20 to 5 minutes on average.By utilizing this newly developed medication management system, it became possible to share the drug-requesting information originally generated in the clinical wards with the pharmacy department and office work section in the hospital and the medical wholesalers ; therefore, we find this system to be a useful supporting system for the proper management not only for hospitals but for medical wholesalers as well.
青山 隆夫 松元 美香 中山 紀美子 中島 克佳 渋谷 文則 小滝 一 澤田 康文 伊賀 立二
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.23, no.2, pp.108-114, 1997-04-10 (Released:2011-08-11)
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The pyrogenic activity of 10% inulin injections prepared at a hospital pharmacy was measured using the Pyrogen test in Japanese Pharmacopeia (JP), while the endotoxin concentration in the injections was determined by the, Limulus test, which were JP Endotoxin test and a turbidmetric kinetic assay. After the intravenous administration of 30 ml of inulin injections to a rabbit, the rectal temperature rose to 1.5° compared with that before administration. As a result, the endotoxin was found in all lots of the inulin injections tested, and their values were markedly beyond the limit of Water For Injections prescribed in JP (0.25 EU/ml). In addition, the endotoxin content varied between the various lots of inulin powder, and also between the manufacturers. The endotoxin in inulin injection was removed (less than the quantitative limit of 0.031 EU/ml) by adding activated carbon black to the injection or the filtration using a Posidyne® Nylon 66 filter. No pyrogenic activity was observed in the inulin injections after the removal of endotoxin.Based on these results, the adverse effects induced by inulin injections may thus be caused by endotoxin derived from inulin. This method using either adsorption or filtration is thus considered to be useful for the removal of endotoxin when preparing inulin injections.
中島 克人 瀧 和男 中島 浩 京 敬人 江原 輝文 山本 明 横田 実
vol.33, pp.149-150, 1986-10-01

尾崎 敦夫 古市 昌一 阿部 一裕 中島 克人 田中 秀俊
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.40, no.6, pp.2810-2818, 1999-06-15

渋滞解消のための実時間信号制御や 広域な交通網整備などの用途への活用を目指した大規模交通シミュレータを開発した. 本シミュレータは提案した時空間オブジェクトモデルを基礎にインテル社製のMIMD型高並列計算機Paragon上に開発したものである. 本シミュレータの性能評価の一環として 並列処理の単位となる粒度に関して 高性能を得る最適な粒度を求めるための負荷バランス方式の実験を行った. 負荷バランス方式は 道路網を細かく分割して 各プロセッサヘラウンドロビンに割り振る多重マッピング方式を採用した. 横浜市の中心部4km×2km四方の領域の実データを使用し Paragonの32プロセッサを用いて 多重マッピング方式を適用した場合に 約3 000台の車と約1 400の信号付き交差点を実時間実行できることが分かった. このケースでは 負荷バランスを考慮しない単ーマッピング方式と比べて約2倍の性能向上が達成できている.We developed a large scale car traffic simulator based on a Space-Time Object model. The target application of this simulator is real time traffic lights control, design of road network and so on. In this paper, we discuss issues in implementation and the performance evaluation of the simulator. We also present the results of static load balancing. Two mapping schemes have been applied for estimation of the performance of load balancing. One is a one-to-one mapping scheme, in which one sub-road is mapped onto one processor. Another is multiple mapping scheme, in which more than two sub-roads are mapped onto one processor. The simulator based on multiple mapping can simulate about 3,000 cars and 1,400 traffic lights at real time speed on 32 processors of Intel Paragon using the actual road map of a 4km × 2km area in the heart of Yokohama city. The performance of the simulator based on multiple mapping is about two times faster than that of one-to-one mapping in this case.
倉本 加代 青山 隆夫 中島 克佳 中村 幸一 小滝 一 伊賀 立二
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.23, no.6, pp.491-496, 1997-12-10

We studied the effects of various infusion containers materials on the fluid volumes, different infusion fluids and fluid concentrations of nartograstim (NT), a recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor, on the adsorption of NT to containers, after adding NT preparations (Neu-up^&ltss;[O!R}> for injection 100) into infusion fluids. The NT concentrations in the infusion fluids after adding NT to containers were determined by a high-performance liquid chromatographic method or bioassay. When 1000 ng of NT was added to 500 ml physiological saline in glass containers (final concentration : 200 ng/ml), the residual rates in the fluids was to 89.5% immediately after addition, and thereafter decreased 73.3% at 6 hr and 59.1% at 24 hr. Similarly, when NT was added to the same solution in polypropylene containers, the residual rates was 74.2% immediately after adding, and 37.5% at 6 hr, and 27.8% at 24 hr. The results in the ethylenvinyl acetate and polyethylene containers were also similar to those in the polypropylene containers. No influence of the volumes (100 and 250 ml) or the kinds of fluids (physiological saline, 5% glucose solution and ringer lactate solution) on the residual rates of NT in fluids was observed. As the fluid concentrations of NT were higher, the residual rates were found to be larger within the range of 100- 1200 ng/ml. These decreases in the NT concentrations in the infusion fluids could be prevented almost completely by adding commercially available total-vitamin injections containing polysorbate surfactants.