髙橋 美貴 井上 重治 羽山 和美 二宮 健太郎 安部 茂
Medical Mycology Journal (ISSN:21856486)
vol.53, no.4, pp.255-261, 2012 (Released:2012-12-15)
17 14

われわれは, 4種の飽和脂肪酸 (カプロン酸 C6, カプリル酸 C8, カプリン酸 C10, ランリン酸 C12) について, 2.5% ウシ胎児血清含有 RPMI1640培地 (基礎培地) を用いてカンジダ発育に対する作用を検討した. さらに抗真菌活性の強かったカプリル酸, カプリン酸についてマウス口腔カンジダ症に及ぼす作用を調べた. 4種の飽和脂肪酸のin vitro での Candida albicans の増殖に及ぼす効果を調べた結果, カプリル酸, カプリン酸, およびラウリン酸を終濃度0.78μg / ml 以上で添加すると, その菌糸形発育が抑制された. 口腔カンジダ症マウスモデルを作製し, カプリル酸, カプリン酸を1回につき50 μl (3% 濃度) を C. albicans 接種3時間後, 24時間後および27時間後に, 3回口腔内に投与したところ, 舌の症状が改善され, 病理標本でも菌の定着が少なくなることが示唆された. カプリン酸においてはより少量で効果を示し, その改善も著しいものであった. カプリン酸が少量の投与でマウス口腔カンジダ症に効果を示すことから, 口腔カンジダ症の予防および患者への補完代替医療としての使用が期待される.
二宮 健史郎
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.51, no.4, pp.83-95, 2015-01-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

The recent international monetary crisis, triggered by the 2008 subprime loan crisis in the US, still casts a dark shadow over the world economy. Owing to this upheaval, the financial instability hypothesis proposed by heterodox economist Hyman P. Minsky has received renewed attention. Many mainstream economists admire Minsky's keen insight. The financial instability hypothesis and the formal mathematical models on related topics treat the cumulative debt burden as one of the causes of financial instability. In addition, the Kaleckian and stock-flow consistent models, which explicitly consider interest-bearing debt burden, have, in recent years, been extensively developed. Ninomiya and Tokuda (2011, 2012) introduced the concept of "instability of confidence" and examined the structural change of an economy. In this study, we construct macro-dynamic models that consider interest-bearing debt burdens and the instability of confidence. Furthermore, we examine financial instability and cycles based on the financial instability hypothesis and related mathematical models. This study highlights the following items as significant causes of economic instability: 1)cumulative interest-bearing debt burdens; 2)fragile financial structures; 3)and the instability of confidence. In other words, a robust financial structure plays an important role in addressing a crisis of confidence. This study also suggests that the recent policy of quantitative easing may exert harmful side effects on the economy. This study implies that some new policies and institutional frameworks are needed to construct a robust financial structure. Furthermore, we can prove that there are closed orbits in the dynamic systems by applying Hopf bifurcation theorem. Interest-bearing debt plays important role in terms of financial cycles in this study. The degree of the instability of confidence also has an important role for one of the financial cycles in this study. The financial cycles in this study are quite different from the Kaldorian business cycle.
清田 陽司 椎橋 怜史 二宮 健 横山 貴央 塙 拓朗 衛藤 剛史 横山 明子 菊地 慧 小林 武蔵 亀田 朱音 瀧川 和樹 齋藤 裕介 花多山 和志
2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)

本発表では、人工知能(AI)技術によって不動産分野のユーザーエクスペリエンス(UX)を革新する試みについて述べる.(1) 不動産物件写真にディープラーニングを適用することにより,物件写真への自動アノテーションの実装と、「街頭にスマートフォンのカメラをかざすだけで物件を検索する」という新しいUX創出を実現した.(2) 適正な価格の推定が難しいという不動産売買取引におけるUXの問題に対して、機械学習による参考価格算出アルゴリズムにより、日本全国のマンションの参考価格を地図上に提示するサービスを開発した.
二宮 健史郎
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.51, no.4, pp.83-95, 2015-01-20

The recent international monetary crisis, triggered by the 2008 subprime loan crisis in the US, still casts a dark shadow over the world economy. Owing to this upheaval, the financial instability hypothesis proposed by heterodox economist Hyman P. Minsky has received renewed attention. Many mainstream economists admire Minsky's keen insight. The financial instability hypothesis and the formal mathematical models on related topics treat the cumulative debt burden as one of the causes of financial instability. In addition, the Kaleckian and stock-flow consistent models, which explicitly consider interest-bearing debt burden, have, in recent years, been extensively developed. Ninomiya and Tokuda (2011, 2012) introduced the concept of "instability of confidence" and examined the structural change of an economy. In this study, we construct macro-dynamic models that consider interest-bearing debt burdens and the instability of confidence. Furthermore, we examine financial instability and cycles based on the financial instability hypothesis and related mathematical models. This study highlights the following items as significant causes of economic instability: 1)cumulative interest-bearing debt burdens; 2)fragile financial structures; 3)and the instability of confidence. In other words, a robust financial structure plays an important role in addressing a crisis of confidence. This study also suggests that the recent policy of quantitative easing may exert harmful side effects on the economy. This study implies that some new policies and institutional frameworks are needed to construct a robust financial structure. Furthermore, we can prove that there are closed orbits in the dynamic systems by applying Hopf bifurcation theorem. Interest-bearing debt plays important role in terms of financial cycles in this study. The degree of the instability of confidence also has an important role for one of the financial cycles in this study. The financial cycles in this study are quite different from the Kaldorian business cycle.
二宮 健史郎
滋賀大学経済学部Working Paper
no.No. 82, pp.1-16, 2005-01 (Released:2010-05-14)
宗 祐人 小山 洋一 中林 正一 八尾 恒良 佐々木 悠 池田 稔 二宮 健
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.79, no.8, pp.1083-1084, 1990-08-10 (Released:2008-06-12)

多くの内分泌疾患が受容体異常症の概念で捉えられ注目されている.症例は20才男子.著明な女性化乳房,尿道下裂手術既往,染色体46XY,血中テストステロン, 5αジヒドロテストステロン,エストラジオール高値, LH・RH負荷正常,睾丸生検組織像などよりアンドロゲン不応症のReifenstein症候群と考えられた1例を報告した.本症の本邦報告例は十数例を認めるに過ぎない.
二宮 健一
vol.2013, 2013

二宮 健史郎
滋賀大学経済学部CRR Discussion Paper J
vol.J-70, pp.1-27, 2019-01

ケインズ経済学を単純化したIS・LM モデルは、スタグフレーションによる景気後退に有効な処方箋を提示できなかったケインズ経済学の退潮に軌を同じくして新古典派経済学、新しい古典派から厳しい批判に晒されることになる。しかしながら、サブプライム問題に端とぉ発した世界的金融危機の発生により、ポスト・ケインズ派に属するH.P. ミンスキーの金融不安定性仮説は注目を浴びる。IS・LM モデルは、ポスト・ケインズ派マクロ動学モデルの基礎となっていることに疑いの余地はない。本稿では、ケインズ派の基本モデルであるIS・LM モデル、2 次元の簡単なポスト・ケインズ派のマクロ動学モデル、その分析手法や数値シミュレーションの方法等を概観する。そして、IS・LM モデルが資本主義経済における内在的な循環や、安定性を論じるポスト・ケインズ派マクロ動学モデルによる分析の基礎として位置づけられ、教育ツールとして必要不可欠なものであることを示す。そして、Hopf の分岐定理による閉軌道の存在証明や数値シミュレーション等、非線形経済動学の分析手法の展開を簡潔に示し、ポスト・ケインズ派マクロ動学分析の手法としての有用性を論じる。
二宮 健史郎
CRR Discussion Paper, Series J
no.No-67, pp.1-19, 2018-09

サブプライム問題に端を発した世界的な金融危機の発生により、異端の経済学者であるH.P. ミンスキーの金融不安定性仮説は注目を浴びた。金融不安定性仮説は、多くの非新古典亜経済学者により数理モデルに展開されたが、その定式化は多岐に渡っている。本稿では、金融不安定性仮説の金融構造に焦点を当て、金融構造の変化を考慮したポスト・ケインズ派マクロ動学モデルを概観し、その特徴を整理して今後の研究の方向性を展望する。
二宮 健史郎
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.46, no.4, pp.25-33, 2010-01-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

There has been antagonism between neo-classical and Keynesian macroeconomics since the 1980s. Neo-classical economists have criticized the IS-LM model for reasons such as lacking a microeconomic foundation and assuming price stickiness. Neo-classical and Keynesian economics also hold differing theories of interest rate. In short, neo-classical economics adopts the saving-investment theory of interest rate determination, whereas Keynesian macroeconomics adopts the liquidity preference theory. Mankiw (1992) proposed a macroeconomic model in the short and long run. He interpreted the IS equation as the saving-investment theory of interest rate and the LM equation as the quantity theory of money. Romer (2000) and Taylor (2004) presented another macroeconomic model in which a monetary policy rule was introduced in place of the LM equation. Romer (2000) and Taylor (2004) abandoned any differing theory of interest rate between neo-classical and Keynesian economics. On the other hand, Minsky (1982; 1986) who was a heavyweight in post-Keynesian economics proposed the financial instability hypothesis, which emphasized how the complicated financial structure underlying the capitalist economy generates business fluctuations and cycles. Many non-neo-classical economists have developed his idea following Taylor and O'Connell (1989) who proved that an economy would fall into a financial crisis when a decline in expected profit rates aggravated the financial condition of firms and increased households' preference for liquidity. Recent studies by Asada (2006) and Ninomiya and Sanyal (2009) have incorporated the dynamic equation of debt burden of firms into nonlinear economic dynamic models to indicate the financial condition. Following Rose (1969) and Okishio (1986), Ninomiya (2007c) adopted the loanable fund theory and discussed financial instability in an oligopolistic (or short run) economy. This paper examines financial instability in macroeconomics in the short and long run. We adopt the loanable fund theory to integrate neo-classical and Keynesian economics in order to evaluate the post-Keynesians' analysis of financial instability.
二宮 健一
Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies: G-COE Series
vol.92, pp.1-35, 2010-06

Dancehall Gospel is a form of Gospel music in Jamaica. As the name suggests, it has the musical character of Dancehall music, which is the mainstream form of popular music in Jamaica. Dancehall Gospel singers are called 'Gospel Deejays'. One of the characteristics which sets Dancehall Gospel apart when it is compared with other forms of gospel music in Jamaica is that while gospel singers and church choirs are predominantly female, most gospel deejays are male. This paper examines the image of the 'Christian' male, which Dancehall Gospel represents, and considers the influence that it has on Jamaican church communities. This paper also aims to construct a conceptual framework within which to study the influence of the male image on social groups. Chapter 1 reviews three major perspectives found in Caribbean masculinity studies and shows that they lack effective concepts with which to study the influence of a male image on social groups. Chapter 2 presents the background of Dancehall Gospel. It examines the male image represented by church and Dancehall respectively. Chapter 3 examines the male image created by Gospel Deejays through their stage performances and considers the influence of that male image on church communities in Jamaica. The last chapter makes several notes to construct the conceptual framework to study the influence of the male image on social groups.