佐々木 清文
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
まてりあ (ISSN:13402625)
vol.34, no.10, pp.1149-1153, 1995-10-20 (Released:2011-08-11)
永井 晋 野口 実 鈴木 哲雄 高梨 真行 角田 朋彦 野村 朋弘 橋本 素子 実松 幸男 佐々木 清匡 北爪 寛之

佐々木 清一 石塚 喜明
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.25, no.3, pp.129-136, 1954-10-05

Twelve soil samples were collected from Southwestern Hokkaido (including the Oshima peninsula); five samples were used for the present investigation, viz., Yu-no-tai, Imagane, Kuromatsunai, Ginzan and Maruyama soils. (Fig. 1) The size distribution, the amounts and properties of soil humus and the amounts of colloidal matter after TAMM'S method were determind respectively, as well as the inorganic components, acidities and base-exchange capacities. According to the data thus obtained, the authors concluded that the soils of Yu-no-tai, Kuromatsunai and Maruyama belong to Brown-forest soil. Imagane and Ginzan soils apparently are podzolic in their characters. But judging from the ultimate pH value of these last two soils it will be reasonable to understand that these two soils are in the process of regeneration from Podzolic soil to Brown-forest type. The authors published a soil map of Hokkaido based upon studies, made up the present. (Fig. 4 of this report Part 5).
浅生 貞夫 木下 陸肥路 佐々木 清文 植松 平八
一般社団法人 日本繊維機械学会
vol.18, no.9, pp.T584-T590, 1965

目的 (1) 織機の発生音を解析して騒音対策の基礎データを求める.発生音の測定法は一台の織機を室定数の既知の工場に入れ, 指示騒音計で騒音レベルの分布図を求める.つぎに指示騒音計をオクターブバンドフィルタとレベルメータに接続して周波数分析を行なう. (2) 発生音の解析にもとついてピッキング機構と起動部歯車に防音処置を施し, その結果を測定して織機の騒音対策の可能性を検討する. 成果 (1) 騒音レベルは耳の高さで最高約90ホンである.織機の近くでは騒音は対角線上で大きいが, 少し離れれば点音源とみなせる.音圧レベルの周波数特性は周波数とともに増加し, 1600~3200c/secのバンドで最高となりつぎのオクターブバンドでわずかに減少している. (2) 音響出力をオクターブバンド別に求めた結果, 最大が1600~3200c/secで11mW, 400c/sec以上のバンドでは数mW, それ以下の音は10-1mWのオーダであった. (3) ピッキング機構の調整と消音後に, 高音域で4~5dB, 歯車部のしゃ音によって, 中高音域で4~8dB減音できた.したがって織機は完全な調整としゃ音によってある程度減音できる.
佐々木 清一
社団法人 農業農村工学会
農業土木学会誌 (ISSN:03695123)
vol.46, no.1, pp.27-30,a1, 1978-01-01 (Released:2011-08-11)

北海道はわが国でも火山の多い地域の一つで, 今日知られているものだけで10ヵ所以上の噴出源からのテフラ (火山噴出物) が地表を広く覆っている。そのため複雑な土壌を構成していて, 土地利用上多くの困難がある。ここにはそれらのテフラの特性をそれぞれ略述した。また, 北海道でのおおよその土壌分類に従って類別した土壌群ごとの分布面積とそれらを農地として利用する場合の特徴と現況を示した。

1 0 0 0 OA 三角洲新田

佐々木 清治
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.5, no.5, pp.323-341,402, 1953-12-30 (Released:2009-04-28)

Various aspects and problems of Shinden(reclaimed rice-field) on delta have been so far investigated, but materials which refer to its geographical distribution are hardly to be found. Here in this report, I am to make a comparative study on the distribution of the settlemets of Shinden on the delta of the Fuji river and that of the Oi river (both in Shizuoka Pref.).(1) There are two ways in which Shinden is formed and developed on the delta, namely, the intussusception growth and the apposition growth. The one means that Shinden is formed and covers the delta by way of thrusting itself in already established villages, and by the other is meant that Shinden is added at the circumference of old settlement. In other words, the former can be called the area-expanding growth which makes Shinden spread over the delta, and the latter the thickening growth which makes the settlement on delta thicker. As the typical examples of these two ways of development of Shinden on delta, are taken the reclaimed rice-fields on the delta of the Fuji river (the apposition growth) and that of the Oi river (the intussusception growth).(2) Irrespective of the above-mentioned area-expanding growth or the thickening growth, Shinden is divided into another two kinds, the centrifugal growth and the centripetal growth, according to the direction of its development. Shinden on the delta of the Fuji river belongs to the former. There, the original rice-field being in the center of delta, the new rice-field developed thence toward the outer side-namely, the centrifugal growth. On the contrary, the one on the delta of the Oi river was centripetally formed. developing, from the circumference toward the surface of delta.(3) If developed by the intussusception growth, the reclimed rice-field is distributed all over the surface of delta. A good example is found in the one on the delta of the Oi river, which can be called an equifacial settlement. The equifacial settlement sometimes has a naturally formed nucleus, and there are two cases of forming the nucleus. In one case, the nucleus being vague, people can only surmise the nuclear part, and in the other case, the nucleus being distinct, the reclaimed rice-field is spreading around it. I call the nucleus of the latter a hilum of Shinden on delta. Such a hilum is found just in the center of delta of the Oi river, that is, Kamishinden in Aikawavillage. Besides the case the hilum coincides with the center of delta as afore-mentioned, there may be another case the hilum keeps at a distance from the center of delta.(4) The delta is edged by the reclamed rice-field if the latter developed by the thickening growth; and the bordered distribution or ringed distribution of the reclaimed ricefield on delta comes to be observed. The one on the delta of the Fuji river is its good example, which shows distinctly the distribution of pericycle settlement. When the delta is not edged wholly, the half bordered distribution is observed as we see on the deltas of the Ota river (Hiroshima Pref.) and the Hii river (Shimane Pref.). If Shinden is scanty in the center of delta while it is distributed only around it, a central gap is made in the region of reclaimed rice-field, of which good example is given by the distribution of Shinden on the delta of the Fuji river.