加國 尚志 北尾 宏之 榊原 哲也 古荘 真敬 村井 則夫 吉川 孝 村上 靖彦 川瀬 雅也 神田 大輔 谷 徹 野間 俊一 佐藤 勇一 田邉 正俊 田口 茂 伊勢 俊彦 小林 琢自 浜渦 辰二 和田 渡 亀井 大輔 池田 裕輔 廣瀬 浩司 林 芳紀 青柳 雅文 松葉 祥一

2017年度は講演会、ワークショップを開催することができた。講演会、ワークショップについては、マーティン・ジェイ氏(カリフォルニア大学名誉教授)を招聘し、本共同研究研究分担者が翻訳した『うつむく眼』(The Downcast Eyes)について、ワークショップと講演会を開催した。ワークショップでは同書の翻訳を担当した研究分担者6名(亀井大輔氏、青柳雅文氏、佐藤勇一氏、神田大輔氏、小林琢自氏、田邉正俊氏)がそれぞれの視点から同書について発表を行い、ジェイ氏がそれに意見を述べ、討議を行った。また講演会ではジェイ氏は西洋の視覚文化と東洋の視覚文化とを比較考察し、「間文化性」と「視覚」について共同研究を行ってきた本共同研究にとって大きな寄与をもたらした。同じく2017年度には、共同研究の年度別研究テーマである「倫理」について考察するために、共同研究のテーマを「水俣」として、ワークショップを行った。研究分担者の吉川孝氏がコーディネーターを務め、発表者として福永真弓氏(東京大学)、佐藤靜氏(大阪樟蔭女子大学)が発表を行った。このワークショップにより、「水俣」という具体的な事件から、「実践」についての現象学的倫理を考察する可能性が開かれた。これらの研究に加え、研究分担者による研究も進捗し、著書 本、論文 本、学会発表 本が成果公表され、共同研究の成果を挙げることができた。また本共同研究が二年前に行ったワークショップの論文を『立命館大学人文科学研究』(立命館大学人文科学研究所発行)に掲載することができた。
佐藤 勇一 三浦 秀一 辻岡 一明
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.70, no.694, pp.1566-1572, 2004-06-25 (Released:2011-03-04)

This paper describes the experimental and analytical study on the parallel orientation of pins by sinusoidal vibration. A pin with a point at one end and a small spherical head at the other on a horizontally vibrating table is oriented in the direction parallel to the vibration. As long as the vibration amplitude and its frequency are appropriate, reorientation phenomenon occurs. Analytical study shows that the orientation depends on the magnitude of the maximum vibration speed of the table, that is, amplitude times frequency. The sense of the orientation of a pin depends on the initial condition.
大場 啓介 長嶺 拓夫 森 博輝 佐藤 勇一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.824, pp.14-00593, 2015 (Released:2015-04-25)

This paper describes the investigations of the characteristic about the sound generation of a nose flute experimentally. The nose flute is attached to the upper part of a container. If air is passed to a nose flute, sound will occur. The volume of a container is changed and the generated sound is measured. The natural frequencies of an experimental device are calculated and we confirm that it is in agreement with frequency of sound generated in experiment. We show that nose flute is a unique musical instrument with the point that a nose flute has only an edge part and uses people's mouth for a resonance body part. The frequencies of resonance sound can be calculated from the capacity in a mouth, the thickness and the area of an opening of a nose flute. When people play a nose flute, it is thought that only the first mode of vibration is used.
綿貫 啓一 楓 和憲 佐藤 勇一 堀尾 健一郎
Japanese Society for Engineering Education
工学教育 (ISSN:13412167)
vol.59, no.6, pp.6_104-6_111, 2011 (Released:2011-12-06)
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In this paper, we implement a new style of manufacturing education on the basis of internships with local businesses as well as by using an interactive skills transfer and skill training system. Our system integrates virtual reality (VR) technology and information communications technology (ICT) which were developed at Saitama University. We have created an interactive technology and skills-sharing network linking the knowledge resources and technical resources of our university with the skill resources of local businesses. Our objective is for our students to learn the skills of the local businesses and their business needs and to be able to effectively acquire knowledge and skills for manufacturing. We report our findings from performing practical training that uses specialized knowledge acquired from lectures combined with VR technology with the objective to provide students with more thorough skills. Our undergraduate curriculum provides practical education that links experiments, practical training, and lectures, in mechanical engineering experiments, mechanical engineering seminars, mechanical engineering practical training, and internships.
佐藤 勇一
ミシェル・アンリ研究 (ISSN:21857873)
vol.6, pp.111-132, 2016 (Released:2017-02-01)

Cet article traite de la lecture henryenne de Franz Kafka. Pour le philosophe et romancier Michel Henry, Kafka est un antécédent qui écrit un expression de la vérité philosophique et qui cherche un chemin de la vérité toujours égaré. Dans les aphorismes de Kafka, en effet, il y a deux vérités : celui de « l’indestructible », qui est exprimée par « l’arbre de la vie » , c’est-à-dire, une expérience d’Adam avant qu’ il n’ait été obligé de quitter le Paradis, et celui de la connaissance, c’est-à-dire une expérience de l’égarement exprimée par « l’arbre de la connaissance ». Henry considère ce que Kafka appele « l’indestructible » la vérité de la vie, en faisant état de l’Évangile de Jean et du texte de Fichte. Le refus du « monde », le refus de la mort de Jésus-Christ sont les points communs entre l’interprétaion henryenne de Jean et son interprétation fichtienne. Au centre de la lecture henryenne de Kafka se trouvent les mots du Christ en Jean : « Moi, je suis le Chemin et la Vérité et la Vie » et « C’est Moi qui suis la Porte : celui qui entretra par moi [...] il ira et il viendra et il trouvera pâture... ». Les aphorismes de Kafka et « l’affiche du Grand Théâtre d’Oklahoma » dans Amerique sont les expressions de la communauté (« Fond », « Fils dans le Fils » etc.). Dans la philosopie de Henry, Kafka est un « penseur religieux » qui pense à la vérité de la vie et à la communauté.
森 博輝 長嶺 拓夫 堀崎 大 佐藤 勇一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.855, pp.17-00241-17-00241, 2017 (Released:2017-11-25)

A long flexible shaft such as a lance tube in a soot blower or a drill string in a rotary drilling system exhibits friction-induced vibration resulting in a whirling motion. This paper investigates the whirling motion of a long flexible shaft induced by frictional force and examines the effect of an intermediate support position on the whirling motion. The experimental apparatus investigated has a vertical shaft which rotates at a constant speed by means of an electric motor mounted at the top of the shaft. At the bottom end of the shaft is located a rubber ring so that frictional force acts on the tip of the shaft when the shaft is deflected. Comparing experimental and calculated results we clarify the vibration characteristics, such as whirling frequencies and amplitudes, at various rotational speeds and show the effective position of an intermediate support to suppress shaft vibration.
大場 啓介 長嶺 拓夫 森 博輝 佐藤 勇一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.14-00593, (Released:2015-02-24)

This paper describes the investigations of the characteristic about the sound generation of a nose flute experimentally. The nose flute is attached to the upper part of a container. If air is passed to a nose flute, sound will occur. The volume of a container is changed and the generated sound is measured. The natural frequencies of an experimental device are calculated and we confirm that it is in agreement with frequency of sound generated in experiment. We show that nose flute is a unique musical instrument with the point that a nose flute has only an edge part and uses people's mouth for a resonance body part. The frequencies of resonance sound can be calculated from the capacity in a mouth, the thickness and the area of an opening of a nose flute. When people play a nose flute, it is thought that only the first mode of vibration is used.
大場 啓介 長嶺 拓夫 森 博輝 佐藤 勇一
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.824, pp.14-00593-14-00593, 2015

This paper describes the investigations of the characteristic about the sound generation of a nose flute experimentally. The nose flute is attached to the upper part of a container. If air is passed to a nose flute, sound will occur. The volume of a container is changed and the generated sound is measured. The natural frequencies of an experimental device are calculated and we confirm that it is in agreement with frequency of sound generated in experiment. We show that nose flute is a unique musical instrument with the point that a nose flute has only an edge part and uses peoples mouth for a resonance body part. The frequencies of resonance sound can be calculated from the capacity in a mouth, the thickness and the area of an opening of a nose flute. When people play a nose flute, it is thought that only the first mode of vibration is used.
佐藤 勇一 長嶺 拓夫 多田 裕行
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.72, no.724, pp.3905-3911, 2006-12-25

rights: 社団法人日本機械学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110006153484/This paper describes the propulsion mechanism of a skateboard. We observed the behavior of a rider on a skateboard and built experimental apparatuses. Further we analyze the characteristic by using a two dimensional analytical model. Comparing experimental and analytical results we show that primary propulsion of a skateboard is given by twisting motion of a rider. Propulsion is influenced considerably by the phase difference between twisting motion and tilting the front and rear wheel axles, that is, torque acting on a skateboard and angle of the two axles.