橋本 鉱市 村澤 昌崇 保田 直美 井本 佳宏 白旗 希実子 丸山 和昭 日下田 岳史 谷村 英洋 荒井 英治郎 石井 美和 高橋 望 高橋 哲 小島 佐恵子 勝野 正章

近年、教育課題の複雑化に対し、限られた予算と人員の下に効率的に対応する手法のひとつとして、教育専門業務のアウトソーシング(OS)が模索されている。本研究は、就学前教育、初等中等教育、高等教育の各段階で進むOSの実態と影響を、総合的かつ実証的に分析し、これからの教育専門職のあり方、外部機関との連携における課題、方策を示すことを目的としている。研究計画としては、①国際比較調査:文献調査及び訪問調査を通じ、教育分野における専門業務のOSを促したマクロレベルの要因を解明する。②質的調査:教育機関、教育専門職、及びアウトソーシングを担う外部組織への聴き取り調査を通じ、OSが教育専門職の業務に与える影響や、必要な方策について明らかにする。③量的調査:質問紙調査及びWeb アンケートを通じ、我が国の教育分野における専門業務のOSの実態と潜在的な需要を把握する。上記3課題に関する初年度の研究実績としては、以下のとおりである。①英国への訪問調査を実施し、マンチェスター大学の研究者、全英教員組合の専門職員、民間教員研修プロバイダーから、教員研修民営化の現状と課題についての詳細な情報供与を受けるとともに、 それぞれの視点・立場での認識を聴き取った。民間教員研修の質保証という課題のほか、教職の専門職性の変容との関係についても示唆が得られた。②初中等レベルでは、学校における働き方改革に関連する基礎的作業として分業化、協業化の精査を進め、東北地方のA県ならびにB市の教育委員会関係者とラポールを形成した。また高等教育レベルでは、都下5大学の教職員に対する聞き取り調査を行った。③初中等レベルでは、小学校・中学校・高校の教員に対し教育業務のOSに対する意識に関する質問紙調査のたたき台を作成し、調査対象地域の選定を行った。高等教育レベルでは、大学教育のOSの現状を明らかにするための質問紙調査の設計を進めた。
保田 直美
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.81, no.1, pp.1-13, 2014-03-31

保田 直美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.185-204, 2008-06-15 (Released:2017-06-01)

Recently, the active acceptance of psychological knowledge has progressed in Japanese schools. The institutionalization of school counselors is a typical feature of this movement. Generally this movement has been understood as one aspect of the psychologization of Japanese society as a whole. The psychologization of Japanese society has been conceptualized as a trinity of the following three components. The first is the acceptance of psychological knowledge. The second is an enlargement of the value of psychological reductionism, which is regarded as encouraged by the spread of psychological knowledge. And the third component is an enlargement of the value of emotivism, which signifies attaching great importance to taking care of the minds of oneself and others. Psychologization is a phenomenon under which these components progress simultaneously.The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the general presupposition that the active acceptance of psychological knowledge in Japanese schools is one aspect of psychologization of Japanese society, using analyses from nationwide survey data. It is certain that all the three components of psychologization are commonly observed in Japanese schools today. However, we lack sufficient evidence to believe that there is correlationality between the components and that they have a meaningful association.Data from JGSS-2005 were used for the analyses. Although the units of the data are individuals, the data contain variables that can be used as indices for all three components of psychologization. Can it be said that the more psychological knowledge one has, the more psychological reductionism and emotivism one adopts when considering the child’s education? The author examined this question using loglinear models and logistic regression analyses.The results of the analyses made it clear that people with psychological knowledge showed a tendency toward emotivism, but did not show a tendency toward psychological reductionism. From an additional analysis, it was found that the cause of the spurious correlation between psychological knowledge and psychological reductionism is educational background. This finding has some implications. The active acceptance of psychological knowledge in Japanese schools should not be perceived as one aspect of the trinity of psychologization. Rather, it should be interpreted as a diffusion of a child-centered perspective, which is affinitive with emotivism.
保田 直美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.131-149, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)

Recently, Japanese schools are increasingly employing clinical psychologists as school counselors. This increase is generally understood as reflecting a characteristic trend of present society that emphasizes psychological reasoning in everyday life. On the other hand, however, clinical psychologists have not been accepted in hospitals as successfully as in schools. The purpose of this paper is to search for the key factor behind the increase in clinical psychologists in changes of clinical psychology itself, especially its “knowledge” and “scientific principles.”Forty-five textbooks published in post-war Japan were analyzed. It was found that a remarkable change of scientific principles in clinical psychology occurred in the 1970s. Most of the textbooks published before 1970 emphasized the importance of objectivity. However, therapists could not completely exclude subjectivity from their practices because of the face-to-face relationship with their clients. This dilemma was resolved through the introduction of a new perspective in clinical psychology, which simultaneously emphasizes both subjectivity and objectivity. Clinical psychologists applying this perspective believed that therapists could reach universal objectivity through subjectivity. After the 1970s, this belief came to prevail in clinical psychology and to support the practice of therapists.Generally speaking, the change of principles has led clinical psychologists to construct more “soft facts, ” which Latour, the French anthropologist of science, defined as facts with less resources for persuasion. This transformation to “soft facts” from “hard facts” may be a contributing factor to the increase of clinical psychologists in schools. First, by constructing “soft facts” instead of “hard facts, ” clinical psychologists became able to conduct counseling at school without strictly controlling the conditions for it. Second, by emphasis “soft facts” rather than “hard facts, ” the practice of therapists becomes more easily approved by schoolteachers, who have the same orientation. From this point, some differences between schools and hospitals are considered.