橋本 鉱市 村澤 昌崇 保田 直美 井本 佳宏 白旗 希実子 丸山 和昭 日下田 岳史 谷村 英洋 荒井 英治郎 石井 美和 高橋 望 高橋 哲 小島 佐恵子 勝野 正章

近年、教育課題の複雑化に対し、限られた予算と人員の下に効率的に対応する手法のひとつとして、教育専門業務のアウトソーシング(OS)が模索されている。本研究は、就学前教育、初等中等教育、高等教育の各段階で進むOSの実態と影響を、総合的かつ実証的に分析し、これからの教育専門職のあり方、外部機関との連携における課題、方策を示すことを目的としている。研究計画としては、①国際比較調査:文献調査及び訪問調査を通じ、教育分野における専門業務のOSを促したマクロレベルの要因を解明する。②質的調査:教育機関、教育専門職、及びアウトソーシングを担う外部組織への聴き取り調査を通じ、OSが教育専門職の業務に与える影響や、必要な方策について明らかにする。③量的調査:質問紙調査及びWeb アンケートを通じ、我が国の教育分野における専門業務のOSの実態と潜在的な需要を把握する。上記3課題に関する初年度の研究実績としては、以下のとおりである。①英国への訪問調査を実施し、マンチェスター大学の研究者、全英教員組合の専門職員、民間教員研修プロバイダーから、教員研修民営化の現状と課題についての詳細な情報供与を受けるとともに、 それぞれの視点・立場での認識を聴き取った。民間教員研修の質保証という課題のほか、教職の専門職性の変容との関係についても示唆が得られた。②初中等レベルでは、学校における働き方改革に関連する基礎的作業として分業化、協業化の精査を進め、東北地方のA県ならびにB市の教育委員会関係者とラポールを形成した。また高等教育レベルでは、都下5大学の教職員に対する聞き取り調査を行った。③初中等レベルでは、小学校・中学校・高校の教員に対し教育業務のOSに対する意識に関する質問紙調査のたたき台を作成し、調査対象地域の選定を行った。高等教育レベルでは、大学教育のOSの現状を明らかにするための質問紙調査の設計を進めた。
日下田 岳史
no.102, pp.290-318, 2017-03-15
日下田 岳史
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.89, no.4, pp.603-615, 2022 (Released:2023-04-25)

苅谷 剛彦 安藤 理 有海 拓巳 井上 公人 高橋 渉 平木 耕平 漆山 綾香 中西 啓喜 日下田 岳史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.51-86, 2007

For academic high school students in local areas, it is necessary to make geographical transition from their home town to cities to go to ""good"" universities, while others may decide to remain their home countries to go to local colleges. What factors differentiate students into those two routes to have higher education? For what sake do some students decide to leave for large cities, and others to stay in their home town? This study pays attention to geographical mobility of students in top rank academic high schools in Japan. We administered a survey of 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their areas in 2006 and 2007. By analyzing the survey data, we will explore the following research questions: 1. What factors, including structural and socio-psychological, influences students'decision of mobility both at college entrance and future job entry? 2. What reasons lead them to pursue ""elite"" universities? Which goals either for self -realization or contribution to the society give rationale to apply for those universities? Are there any different mechanisms of this determination between high schools in large cities and rural areas? 3. What factors influence the formation of students'consciousness to contribute to the society? Do school experiences raise such consciousness? What school activities and cultures affect it? The data analyses shows that academic high schools in local communities have power to influence students'mobility and creating consciousness for devoting for the society.
篠田 雅人 日下田 岳史
国立大学法人 東京大学大学院教育学研究科 大学経営・政策コース
大学経営政策研究 (ISSN:21859701)
vol.4, pp.55-71, 2014 (Released:2022-04-28)

The curriculum in humanities departments is characterized by the belief that the overall integrity may be ensured by positioning the graduation thesis at the center of the curriculum, even though the curriculum is not seen to be “systematic.” At the same time, there are currently movements that are seeking to revamp the humanities curriculum. How do humanities departments at Japanese universities position the graduation thesis within their curriculum and what meaning do they give to the thesis from the perspective of educational outcomes? This study highlights the following two points in response these questions.First, the results of a survey conducted in November 2011 among humanities departments across Japan indicated that, although the graduation thesis plays an important role in the undergraduate curriculum, its significance has become ambiguous. Second, we conducted a questionnaire survey between January and February 2013 among graduates of the Faculty of Arts at Gakushuin University and used the instrumental variables method to estimate the subjective effects obtained from the experience of writing a graduation thesis. The results indicated that students who wrote a graduation thesis felt that the experience did not have an effect on improving their subjective assessment of their abilities, such as the skills related to their current job. However, specialized education in the Faculty of Arts as represented through the experience of writing a graduation thesis may have the effect of improving the subjective assessment of the richness of students’ emotion or spirit.The remaining tasks include explaining the changes in the status of the graduation thesis in the curriculum since the 1990s and responding to the question of whether the experience of writing a graduation thesis has the expected effect.
苅谷 剛彦 安藤 理 有海 拓巳 井上 公人 高橋 渉 平木 耕平 漆山 綾香 中西 啓喜 日下田 岳史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.51-86, 2008-03-10

For academic high school students in local areas, it is necessary to make geographical transition from their home town to cities to go to "good" universities, while others may decide to remain their home countries to go to local colleges. What factors differentiate students into those two routes to have higher education? For what sake do some students decide to leave for large cities, and others to stay in their home town? This study pays attention to geographical mobility of students in top rank academic high schools in Japan. We administered a survey of 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their areas in 2006 and 2007. By analyzing the survey data, we will explore the following research questions: 1. What factors, including structural and socio-psychological, influences students'decision of mobility both at college entrance and future job entry? 2. What reasons lead them to pursue "elite" universities? Which goals either for self -realization or contribution to the society give rationale to apply for those universities? Are there any different mechanisms of this determination between high schools in large cities and rural areas? 3. What factors influence the formation of students'consciousness to contribute to the society? Do school experiences raise such consciousness? What school activities and cultures affect it? The data analyses shows that academic high schools in local communities have power to influence students'mobility and creating consciousness for devoting for the society.
柳浦 猛 日下田 岳史 福島 真司 山地 弘起
独立行政法人 大学入試センター
大学入試研究ジャーナル (ISSN:13482629)
vol.34, pp.248-253, 2024 (Released:2024-03-31)

本稿は,2016 年度に施行された私立大学の定員管理厳格化政策が,志願者の大学進学にどのような影響をもたらした可能性があったのかを考察する。まず,教育経済学的視点から,当該政策と類似した性質を持つと考えられる海外の高等教育政策として,米国の大学選抜におけるアファーマティブアクションの廃止を取り上げ,両者の政策の類似点について論じる。次に,アファーマティブアクションの廃止がマイノリティ志願者に与えた影響に関する実証研究をもとに,定員管理厳格化政策が都市部に比べ地方部の志願者に対してアンダーマッチングのリスクをより高め,地方と都市部の経済格差の拡大のリスク要因を高めていた可能性を指摘する。
中村 高康 吉川 徹 三輪 哲 渡邊 勉 数土 直紀 小林 大祐 白波瀬 佐和子 有田 伸 平沢 和司 荒牧 草平 中澤 渉 吉田 崇 古田 和久 藤原 翔 多喜 弘文 日下田 岳史 須藤 康介 小川 和孝 野田 鈴子 元濱 奈穂子 胡中 孟徳

日下田 岳史
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.67-84, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
3 1

One premise of studies on the Japanese university participation rate is that there have been three stages: expansion, stagnation, and re-expansion. A second premise is the prefecture is used as the unit to determine whether students have moved upon entrance to university. However, the prefecture as a measurement unit does not always coincide with the zone from which students can attend university from home, or “the hometown.” Therefore, using data from the “Student Life Survey” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this study directly measures the ratio of members of the 18-yearold cohort who entered university from home, and the ratio of those living away from home (1968-1998). In this paper, the former is called the university participation rate from home, and the latter the university participation rate from away from home. The finding is that for girls, the university participation rate from home has risen fairly consistently. This is important knowledge for the first premise of studies on the university participation rate. It appears that the reason why preceding studies have not given a successful explanation of the university participation rate of girls based on economic variables, whereas that of boys has been successfully explained, is because the cost of movement has not been considered. Therefore, this study confirms the effect of the cost of movement, and clarifies the difference of the determining factors of the university participation rate from home according to gender or university location. Furthermore, this study confirms a difference between girls and boys for each economic variable effect including the movement cost effect aftercontrolling for factors peculiar to university location.The results are that the limiting conditions are more sensitive in large cities than in rural areas, and that girls are more sensitive to the limiting conditions than boys when controlling for the factor peculiar to the area. This suggests the reproduction of the composition where “girls remain in the local area, and boys move out.”
日下田 岳史 Takeshi HIGETA 東京大学大学院 Graduate School of Education The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.67-84, 2006-12-10

One premise of studies on the Japanese university participation rate is that there have been three stages: expansion, stagnation, and re-expansion. A second premise is the prefecture is used as the unit to determine whether students have moved upon entrance to university. However, the prefecture as a measurement unit does not always coincide with the zone from which students can attend university from home, or "the hometown." Therefore, using data from the "Student Life Survey" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this study directly measures the ratio of members of the 18-year-old cohort who entered university from home, and the ratio of those living away from home (1968-1998). In this paper, the former is called the university participation rate from home, and the latter the university participation rate from away from home. The finding is that for girls, the university participation rate from home has risen fairly consistently. This is important knowledge for the first premise of studies on the university participation rate. It appears that the reason why preceding studies have not given a successful explanation of the university participation rate of girls based on economic variables, whereas that of boys has been successfully explained, is because the cost of movement has not been considered. Therefore, this study confirms the effect of the cost of movement, and clarifies the difference of the determining factors of the university participation rate from home according to gender or university location. Furthermore, this study confirms a difference between girls and boys for each economic variable effect including the movement cost effect after controlling for factors peculiar to university location. The results are that the limiting conditions are more sensitive in large cities than in rural areas, and that girls are more sensitive to the limiting conditions than boys when controlling for the factor peculiar to the area. This suggests the reproduction of the composition where "girls remain in the local area, and boys move out."
日下田 岳史
