大塚 邦子 野村 靖幸 内田 直樹 安原 一 小林 真一
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.33, no.1, pp.21-29, 2014-06-10 (Released:2015-08-11)

Classification of food and pharmaceutical products are different. In the proper use of pharmaceutical products, it is essential for a medical consumer to receive the drug information about effectiveness, safety and quality of it. On the other hand, since legal classification between medicines and dietary supplements was based their cultures, the classification of each drug is different in each country. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland and used for improvement of the jet lag. We searched melatonin product information of Japan and the United States by using Internet search mainly and investigated the relationship between amount of product information and product classification. Melatonin is classified as a dietary supplement in the United States, the product information of efficacy and safety is displayed as “Supplement Facts” and the use of melatonin in children is not recommended. On the other hand, melatonin is classified as a pharmaceutical product in Japan, but is not produced in Japan. Therefore, it is difficult to have it for Japanese customers, and then they personally import using the Internet with their self-responsibility. However it is difficult to obtain its appropriate information for consumers, because of the regulation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. It has been reported that the poisoning accident by the excessive intake of melatonin already. It will increase the risk of the health problem to purchase melatonin through the Internet more. Therefore, we concluded that Internet purchase of Medicines had a high risk for Japanese customers since there was not sufficient drug information.
町野 英弥 肥田 典子 原田 努 柴田 佳太 三邉 武彦 龍 家圭 水上 拓也 山崎 太義 諸星 北人 村山 信浩 竹ノ下 祥子 内田 直樹 倉田 なおみ
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.11, pp.599-608, 2021-11-10 (Released:2022-11-10)

Patients with reduced swallowing function have difficulty taking tablets in their original form. In such cases, tablets are crushed (crushing method) and administered through feeding tubes, but this practice may affect efficacy. A simple suspension method (SSM) has been widely used to address issues of administering crushed tablets through feeding tubes. Most of all angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are ester prodrugs. When they are suspended with magnesium oxide, ester prodrugs are hydrolyzed, and the active metabolite increases before absorption. In this study, we investigated the effects of SSM and crushing methods on the pharmacokinetics of the ACE inhibitor using temocapril and magnesium oxide. A human clinical trial was conducted to compare the pharmacokinetics of temocapril and magnesium oxide in three groups in six healthy adult men (period 1, tablet group; period 2, SSM group; and period 3, crushing-and-mixed group). The pharmacokinetics of temocaprilat, which is the active metabolite, were examined. The AUC0-24 and Cmax of the SSM group were 89.3% and 86.1% compared with those of the tablet group, whereas those of the crushing-and-mixed group decreased to 73.0% and 78.9%, respectively. In the crushing-and-mixed group, the concentration of temocapril decreased during crushing and long-term storage. Findings in the present study suggest that the crushing method may decrease in AUC0-24 and Cmax and that the expected drug effect may not be achieved. For ester prodrugs, the use of SSM might be considered rather than the crushing method.
黒沢 顕三 内田 直樹 岩瀬 万里子 保田 国伸 江花 莉華 平嶋 勇人 石垣 征一郎 松田 和弘 矢野 怜 佐久間 大 安原 一
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.37, no.5, pp.283-290, 2006-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)
2 3

Drewell ® (diphenhydramine: DPH) is a histamine H1 receptor antagonist and the first OTC sleep aid in Japan. There are few studies which objectively evaluate the sedative effects in elderly subjects. The aim of present study was to evaluate the sedative effects of Drewell ® in healthy elderly and to compare the results with data from young subjects on which we reported previously.A placebo controlled, double-blind, crossover clinical pharmacological study was performed. Eight Japanese healthy elderly male volunteers received 2 tablets of Drewell ®, containing 50mg DPH, or matched placebo orally. Plasma levels of DPH after administration were measured hourly up to 4 hours and every 2 hours up to 8 hours. The sedative effects after the dose were measured by using the saccadic eye movement analyzing system for objective assessment and visual analogue scale (VAS) for subjective assessment.After Drewell ® administration the saccadic peak velocity (SPV) was decreased and saccade inaccuracy (IAC) was increased compared with placebo. There were no significant differences in saccade latency and VAS. The onset of significant decrease of SPV in elderly was delayed compared to young subjects (90 min in elderly vs 30 min in young) although pharmacokinetic parameters were similar in elderly and young subjects. However, the available data of both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic at the same time point until sedation onset was only 60 min. Therefore further investigation is necessary to precisely determine the differences of onset of the sedative effect up to 90 min after Drewell ® administration.
肥田 典子 手塚 美紀 熊坂 光香 三邉 武彦 鈴木 立紀 龍 家圭 山崎 太義 廣澤 槙子 田中 明彦 大田 進 相良 博典 小林 真一 内田 直樹
昭和学士会雑誌 (ISSN:2187719X)
vol.75, no.5, pp.542-550, 2015

気管支喘息 (喘息) は気道の慢性炎症,可逆性のある気流制限,気道過敏性亢進と繰り返し起こる咳,喘鳴,呼吸困難で特徴づけられる閉塞性呼吸器疾患である.喘息予防・管理ガイドライン2012では吸入ステロイドが長期管理薬の中心に位置づけられ,治療目標として健常人と変わらない日常生活が送れること,喘息発作が起こらないこと,非可逆的な気道リモデリングへの進展を防ぐこと等が掲げられており,ガイドライン導入後の喘息死は確実に減少している.しかし,アドヒアランス不良による喘息発作による救急外来受診は少なからず存在し,入院治療を要する例もある.これまでに長期間の喘息治療薬の休薬が呼吸機能検査に及ぼす影響を検討した報告は多くあるが,短期間休薬の影響については検討が不十分である.今回,症状安定期の喘息患者において喘息治療薬を短期間休薬し,休薬前後での呼吸機能の変化を検討したので報告する.健康成人15名および喘息患者20名についての呼吸機能検査 (forced vital capacity; FVC,forced expiratory volume in one second; FEV1.0,forced expiratory volume % in one second;FEV1.0%,percent predicted forced expiratory volume in one second; %FEV1.0,V25,V50,peak expiratory flow; PEF) 結果を,2014年4月から7月に昭和大学臨床薬理研究所にて実施した治験のデータより抜粋して解析を行った.喘息患者では吸入ステロイドのみ継続し,治療薬の種類によって中止期間を指示した.長時間作用性β2刺激薬は48時間前から,ロイコトリエン受容体拮抗薬は24時間前から,抗アレルギー薬は72時間前からの休薬とした.各呼吸機能検査値について比較検討した.健康成人では2回目来院時ではFEV1.0%,V50,V25値の有意な増加を認めた.一方喘息患者では2回目の来院時のPEFが有意に低下した.特に喘息治療薬として吸入ステロイド/長時間作用性β2刺激薬配合剤を使用している症例では休薬によるPEF低下率が大きかった.喘息患者では,短期間の治療薬休薬によって自覚症状の増悪がなくてもPEF低下がみられることが確認された.短期休薬によるPEF低下と長期休薬による喘息コントロールの悪化との関連について今後の検討が必要であり,喘息コントロール良好を維持するためには,アドヒアランス向上を目的とした患者教育が重要と考えられた.
内田 直樹 加我 由佳里 土田 哲平 室谷 好美
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.68, no.5, pp.252-257, 2018-05-01 (Released:2018-05-01)

加我 由佳里 内田 直樹 土田 哲平 室谷 好美
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム予稿集 第14回情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム
pp.13-19, 2017 (Released:2017-11-01)

技術的にコモディティ化した事業領域においては、技術によってもたらされる機能的価値以外の付加価値で勝負することが重要である。そして、自社製品の知財ステージがどの段階にあるかを評価した上で、知財戦略を立てることが肝要である旨提唱されている[1]。 本研究では、付加価値で勝負する戦略における、技術だけでは得られない付加価値としての「感性価値」に着目した。そして、「デザイン」の観点から「感性価値」を向上させることによって技術のコモディティ化が解消され得るか、という仮説に基づき、グッドデザイン賞の受賞歴に基づいて特定した家電製品の特許情報および口コミ情報を分析した。 その結果から、「感性価値」が高い製品が市場に与える影響について考察する。また、よい "デザイン" がなされているか否かを判断する「デザインのコモディティ度」を考慮し、感性価値が問われる時代における新たな事業戦略・知財戦略の1つの考え方を提案する。
内田 直樹 小林 秀行 戸嶋 洋和 三邉 武彦 小林 真一
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 = Japanese journal of clinical pharmacology (ISSN:03881601)
vol.43, no.2, pp.57-64, 2012-03-31

MSG203 was developed by Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. as a generic drug of paroxetine hydrochloride hydrate (Paxil<sup>®</sup> Tablets). Paroxetine is mainly metabolized by CYP2D6.Therefore, in addition to the evaluation of bioequivalence between MSG203 and Paxil<sup>®</sup>, the effects of CYP2D6 polymorphism on the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of plasma paroxetine were also investigated.<BR>Ninety-six Japanese healthy subjects aged 20-35 years participated in the study. The study was performed in 3 different groups: MSG5 group compared 2 tablets of MSG203 5 mg versus 1 tablet of Paxil<sup>®</sup> 10 mg; MSG10 group compared 1 tablet of MSG203 10 mg versus 1 tablet of Paxil<sup>®</sup> 10 mg; and MSG20 group compared 1 tablet of MSG203 20 mg versus 1 tablet of Paxil<sup>®</sup> 20 mg. Bioequivalence between MSG203 and Paxil<sup>®</sup> was confirmed in all three groups. The safety profiles of both drugs were also similar. The PK parameters after a single oral dose of MSG203 20 mg in subjects with different CYP2D6 phenotypes were as follows. Mean C<sub>max</sub> (ng/mL) of paroxetine was 0.78 in ultra-rapid metabolizers (UM; n=1), 5.82 in extensive metabolizers (EM; n=24), and, 18.60 in intermediate metabolizers (IM; n=4). Mean AUC <sub>t</sub> (ng•h/mL) was 7.93 in UM, 88.52 in EM, and 495.61 in IM. Similar PK profiles in these phenotypes were confirmed after a single oral dose of Paxil<sup>®</sup>.<BR>In this study, plasma concentrations of paroxetine were very low because of the high clearance profile in UM subjects. Generally, inadequate treatment would occur in patients with the UM phenotype of CYPs. However, information on the PK profiles in different CYP phenotypes is insufficient. Evaluation of the PK profiles of drugs in different CYP phenotypes provides valuable information for clinical use of drugs that are metabolized by polymorphic enzymes.
内田 直樹
Waseda University

制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲1989号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2005/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新3919